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Docket No.








February 1,2005

UNPA Comments to FDA RE: ND& / Docket No. 2004N-0454, Febl, 2005

1075 Hollywood Avenue . Salt Lake City, Utah 84105

Phone: 801.474.2502 / Fax: 801.474.2571

February 1,2005

Dockets Management Branch (HFA-305)

Food and Drug Administration
5630 Fisher’s Lane, Room 1061
Rockville, MD 20852

RE: Docket No. 2004N-0454

Premarket Notification for New Dietary Ingredients

Dear Sir or Madam:

The Utah Natural Products Alliance (UNPA) is a dietary supplement
trade association founded in 1991 to address concerns and issues with respect to
the regulation of dietary supplements. Our membership is composed of dietary
supplement companies based in the State of Utah as well as other leading
companies engaged in the manufacture and sale of dietary supplements, dietary
ingredients and related products.
Since passageof the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of
1994 (DSHEA), UNPA has actively worked toward full and appropriate
implementation of DSHEA.

UNPA Comments to FDA FE NDIs / Docket No. 2004N-0454, Febl, 2005

In enacting DSHEA, Congress made clear that dietary supplements are a
class of foods that are safely consumed within a broad range of intake, and
safety problems with supplements are relatively rare (Section 2 Findings).
Congress also recognized that consumers, not the government, should
decide what they include within the scope of their diet for health, nutrition or
other reasons, The definition of ‘“dietary supplement” (2 1 USC.
32l(fi)(l)(A)through(F) was written to include products intended to supplement
the diet by increasing the total dietary intake of a [dietary supplement]
“product.” The only exclusion to this definition is tobacco. Thus, FDA should
not consider whether a substancefalls within a particular category of the
statutory definition of dietary supplement. Rather, FDA’s singular analysis
should be whether a substancefor any reason would be excluded from this
definition. Further, Congress envisioned a broad range of substances
(concentrates, metabolites, constituents, extracts or combinations of these
ingredients, including vitamins, minerals, herbs and amino acids) in recognition
of the extraordinarily broad and diverse usage of substancesfound in foods,
plants and other natural substancesas part of people’s diets.


Against the backdrop of this very broad definition, FDA asked the
question, “What changes in chemical composition to a dietary ingredient would
cause it to become a substancethat is not a dietary ingredient?’ Nowhere in
DSHEA does the term “chemical composition’+’appear. WA requests
clarification of the intent of this question and whether the agency intended to
use the term “chemical composition” as a term of art, and, if so, on what basis

UNPA Comments to FDA REZ:NDIs / Docket No. 2004N-0454, Febl, 2005 3

would the agency now propose to use this term as a working definition to define
a dietary ingredient?

An old dietary ingredient is a substancemarketed in the United States on
or before October 15, 1994. Such ‘cgrandfathere&’ingredients represent the
large majority of dietary supplements sold in the United Statestoday. The
agency asks what it should consider to determine whether a dietary ingredient
was marketed in the U.S. before October 15, 1994. UNPA believes the critical
term, “marketed,” means offered for sale by any means, including promotion,
marketing, advertising, listing for sale in a catalog or price sheet or physically
presented for sale at any point of purchase or by any other means.
This includes any marketing conducted in the United Statesby a foreign
entity or individual and does not require that the dietary ingredient be
physically in the U.S. before October 15, 1994, but rather that it was marketed
for sale before this date;
As there was no statutory definition of dietary ingredient or dietary
supplement prior to DSHEA, a substancethat meets the definition set out in
Section 3 of DSHEA would qualify as a grandfathered substance. We are
aware that prior to DSWA, the agency assertedthat a number of dietary
ingredients or supplement products were either new drugs, unapproved food
additives or otherwise unlawfully sold substances. It is UNPA’s strongly held
view that the sole criteria to determine whether a substancewas a dietary
ingredient/supplement is whether it meets the statutory definition of Section 3.

UNPA Comments to FDA RE: NDIs / Docket No. 2004N-0454, Febl, 2005

In question 4, the agency asks “what changes in chemical composition to

a dietary ingredient that was marketed in the U.S. before October 15, 1994
would lead to the dietary ingredient becoming an ND1 subject to notification
requirements of DSHEA?” In short, when and under what circumstanceswould
an ODI become an NDI? Again, the term “chemical composition” does not
appear in DSHEA and should not now enter the DSHEXAlexieon for purposes
of deciding when an ODI may become an NDI.
Chemical composition of many dietary ingredients change as a result of
standard variability within the manufacturing and growing process of natural
products. This is entirely normal and expected. WA believes the question is,
“At what point has an ODl[ been changed or modified such that it presents an
unreasonable risk of illness or injury under the conditions of use on the label or
labeling of the product?” The inherent variability in natural products is a matter
accounted for and managed within the good manufacturing process. Since the
passageof DSHEA over 10 years ago, many thousands of dietary supplement
ingredients have been modified as a result of improved manufacturing or
extraction methods, use of different substrate materials in the manufacturing
process, refmement and improvement in analytical capabilities and for many
other reasons. The drafters of DSHEA were fully aware of and discussed
precisely this issue and recognized that within the definition of Old Dietary
Ingredient, there would be an “evolutionary factor” of such ingredients. In
short, modified, upgraded or improved does not equal “new.77

FDA’s own regulations that ident@ substancesthat are GRAS for use
(2 1 CFR Part 182) open-endedly accepts the use of “essential oils, oleoresins

UNPA Comments to FDA RE: NDIs / Docket No. 2004N-0454, Febl, 2005 5
(solvent-free), and natural extractives (including distillates) of a very long list
of plants. (See attached copy of 21 CFR 182.20.)
UNPA believes that the same concept embodied in Se&ion 182 be
recognized with respect to old dietary ingredients, in that having established
that a substanceis an ODI, variations in concentration, extraction levels and
methods of manufacture are permitted and do not render such substances
unlawful. Rather than focus on a series of technical questions such as changes
in chemical composition, the agency should focus its.resou.rcesin identifying
when a dietary ingredient (old or new) presents an unreasonablerisk of illness
or injury or cannot reasonably be expected to be safe, respectively. The
resources required for the agency to try and sort out when old dietary
ingredients have become new would be enormous and misplaced. Our
membership deeply believes that the fundamental responsibifity of selling safe
dietary ingredients rests with the manufa&u.rer or marketer and that the
principles embodied in the ODI/NDI concept were designed to establish a
benchmark to help both the agency and the industry identify where and how to
affirm or assessthe safety of dietary ingredients.


Shortly after passageof DSHEA, the four dietary supplement trade
associations (American Herbal Products Association, Council for Responsible
Nutrition, National Nutritional Foods Association and the Utah Natural
Products Alliance) agreed that compiling a list of ODIs would be a useful
exercise to help provide guidance to industry to determine what was an ODI as
of October 15, 1994. It was recognized that over time memories and relevant
documents would fade, making the task of compiling an ODI list considerably
harder, if not impossible.

UNPA Comments to FDA RE: NDIs / Docket No. 2004%0454, Febl, 2005 6
Each association compiled an ODI list, which process was completed by
October 1995. In September, 1997, UNPA created a compilation of those lists,
which we now attach for FDA’s reference. (UNPA has previously provided
this list to FDAKFSAN staff but wishes to include this document in the public
record as well.)
These lists remain a useful reference tool, although unofficial. FDA asks
whether an authoritative list should be compiled. This same question was
debated among Congressional members during the negotiations of DSHEA. It
was decided to leave the decision to FDA and the.industry. WA was
involved in post-DSHEA discussions with senior FDA of&&& on this point.
In fact, FDA offered to publish an ODI list in the Code of Federal Regulations.
It was felt that an official or authoritative list would ultimately become
obsolete, inflexible and create an undue burden to add forgotten ODIs to the
UNPA believes this was and is the correct decision, If, however, FDA
and the industry jointly agree that a refreshed ODI list would be useful, UNPA
would be happy to participate in such an effort. Inclusion for criteria should
follow the clear language of DSHEA (see comments above on the term


The agency asks, “What changesto the conditions of use (e.g., serving
size, duration, frequency of use) recommended or suggestedin the labeling for
a dietary supplement that contains an NIX would trigger the need for a separate
ND1 notification?”
Development of an ND1 is largely a function of specialized
manufacturers who sell single ingredients to other manufacturers, who in turn

UNPA Comments to FDA RE: NDIs / Docket No. 2004N-0454, Febl, 2005 7
make finished dietary supplements, both as single and combination products.
Frequently, private label manufacturers will produce formulas to a customer’s
specification, drawing from a wide range of dietary ingredients, resulting in an
extremely broad range of finished product in both combinations and potencies
with widely varying labeling. These formulas can and often are revised to suit
various needs, including amendmentsto label text, instructions for use, dosage
recommendations, caution language, etc. A requirement to file NIX notification
within the historic environment of the dietary supplement industry would be
catastrophic to raw material manufacturers, private label manuEacturersand
marketers of dietary supplements. Unlike new drugs and food additives, the
dietary supplements are available to the general consumer, in responseto
consumer demand for variety in strength, potency, combinations as well as
products designed to meet the ever-changing dietary and nutritional needs of the
American public. There is little evidence to suggest that these trade practices
have resulted in harm or injury to consumers, and it is difficult to justify the
burden which would be placed on industry by creating a continuing requirement
to file ND1 notifications based on changesto conditions of use information.
UNPA believes that the agency would need to establish an underlying
rationale that there is a problem that needs to be solved by requiring the filing
of NIX notices for ordinary changes in conditions of use. It is the experience of
our membership that dietary supplements, including NDIs, have a broad safety
range, which is often not the casewith new prescription drugs,that are required
to seek amendmentsto dosing, labeling, etc. In addition, if this approach were
adopted, the labeling of dietary supplement products would essentially become
subject to FDA pre-approval - an unacceptable outcome.

UNPA Comments to FDA RE: NDIs / Docket No. 2004N-0454, Febl, 2005
FDA raises a series of questions with respect to the chemical
identification of NDIs, types of chemistry information, growing conditions, bio-
engineering methods, processing information, etc., that appear to blend the
regulatory concepts embodied in new drug review ,and approval, food additive
approval as well as GRAS affirmation. It is UNPA’s view that the agency
would be best served to view the NDI process as a parallel to the GRAS
affnmation process, insof= as the type and nature of the information required to
demonstrate that an NDI is reasonably expected to be safe. Both the agency
and the food/ supplement industries have significant experience with the
resources and type of information necessaryto demonstrate safety through the
GRAS affirmation process. In fact, this approach would be desirable in view of
a growing trend to develop NDIs for use as both a dietary ingredient and a
GRAS affirmed ingredient. By establishing a parallel mechanism, companies
could most efficiently marshal their resources to develop products that meet the
needs of both the supplement and conventional foods industry.
To that end, UNPA and its members would be pleased to cooperate
closely with FDA in development of an NDI/GRAS affirmation Guidance
designed to facilitate adequatereview of NDIs in a manner consistent with the
principles of GRAS affiation, which would encourage innovation in the
process of developing useful and beneficial dietary ingredients/GRAS affTimed
food ingredients.


UNPA has noted that on several occasions FDA has not permitted the
withdrawal of an ND1 submission. We respectfully disagree with this and
believe that any NDI submitter who, based on new information, determines that

UNPA Comments to FDA RE: NDIs / Docket No. 2004NdMf4, F&f, 2005 . 9*
an NDI was improperly filed, be granted the right to withdraw an ND1
submission without prejudice, either to re-file an amended NIX or to advise
FDA that it has determined that the substanceis in fact an old dietary

The members of UNPA have invested significant resources in
development of new and useful dietary ingredients, often after years of research
and development investment. The ND1 process, in addition to its function of
assessingthe safety of new ingredients, should also recognize that certain ND1
submissions are proprietary and unique, particularly with respect to botanical
extracts. There have been instances where dietary ingredient/dietary
supplement manufacturers and marketers have relied on a competitor’s ND1 as
the basis to assert their ingredient is also an NDI an may be sold without further
ND1 review. UNPA believes there should be a mechanism or provision for
equivalent or generic ND1 submissions to assureparity in the marketplace and
to protect the proprietary investments made in development of new dietary
ingredients by individual ND1 sponsors.

UNPA requests that FDA consider the advisability of creating a
“moratorium period” for the submission of NIX filings for products now on the
market. It is the understanding of industry that if FDA determines that a dietary
ingredient/ supplement currently offered for sale is in fact an ND& any
company or individual selling stlch ingredient or product would need to stop
sale, submit an ND1 filing and wait the statutory75day period before
commencing sale again. FDA should encourage industry to assessits portfolio

UNPA Comments to FDA RI? NDIs / Docket No. 2004N-0454, Febl, 2005 10
of products and ingredients to determine if in fact some ingredients should be
submitted as NDIs and to create an opportunity for companies to submit NDIs
without jeopardizing their commercial viability. Any company that fails to
submit an ND1 at the end of the moratorium period would do so at the risk of
FDA reaching the conclusion that such ingredients are not being lawfully

UNPA regards the discussion and development of an appropriate NM
policy as central to full implementation of DSHEA and affirms its willingness
to work closely with the agency to develop such a policy/guidance. Given the
significance of this issue, we believe FDA should;,as it has on other issues,hold
regional meetings in order to fully understand a&appreciate the complexities
and difficulties associatedwith development of a meaningful and effective NDI


w n Tsraelsen
Executive Director, UNPA

UNPA Combined Old Dietary Ingredient List
Copy of 2 1 CFR 182.20

UNPA Comments to FDA RE: NDIs / Docket No. 2004N-0454, Febi, 2005 11
§ 182.20 '21 CFRCh.i(4-i-01 EUiHon~
commonname I sotanlcalnameof Plantawm
Galanga(gatan@l).................................................. Alphla offkirmrum Hancs.
Geranium .................................................................I Pelamarium sgp.
Ginger ...................................................................... ZinglLr cdsdftkle .
Grains of pamdlse ................................................... Amomum melegueta Rose.
Horehound (hoarhound) ......................................... Marrublum vtdgare L.
Horswadlsh ..............................................................Armoracie lapetfdfollaGllib.
Hyssop .....................................................................Hyssopu5 ofii&alis .
Lavender ................................................................ Lavandula offlcinafis Chaii
Linden flowers ................................................... ...... TIlla SDp.
Mace ........................................................................k4ydstk fragrans HOUU
Marlgokl, pat .......................
‘ ................................... oalendula cdfblnalis L.
fdar)oram, pot .......................................................... MaJorarmMiites (L.) Senlh.
Mafjaam. sweet ...................................................... MaJoranahcitensla Moench.
Mustard, black or brown ......................................... Bra&a nlgra (LJ KCCh.
Mustard, brown ....................................................... Srassks Juncea (LJ Cuss.
Mvstard, white or ydknv ...................‘.,>.................. i3resskw hina Momtdl.
Nutmeg .................................................................... Myrlstk%ifrqrans Hoult.
Oiwsna toresanum. MaxIcan oregano, MedEan Lifwia eipp.
asp. ” r

Paprika ................................................................... Cap&mm annuum L.

Parhy ......................... .......................................... Petmdlnum crispurn (MUI,)Manef.
Pepjmr, b&k .......................................................... piper nlpm L.
Pepper, cayenne ,.................................................... Capgin fnitestetrs L. of -cum annwm L.
PepgeL red .............................................................
Pepper, whita .......................................................... PIper n&urn L.
Pqlpfmlnt .............................................................. Meatha plpedta L.
Porgy seed ............................................................. Papam somnlfemm .
Pot marlgold ............................................................ Cal@?dUlaoff!&alii L.
Pot marjoram ........................................................... Mafwana o&s (L-1Banth.
Rosemary ................_.............................................. Rosmatinu5 offldnalls L.
saffron ..................................................................... crocus satlvus L.
sage ..................................................................... sulvla dlldnalls L.
Saga. Qreek ............................................................ S&vie triloba L.
Savory. *ummer ...................................................... Sahx& hoden* L. (Satureja).
Savoiy, wfnter ......................................................... Saturda monfana L. 6atureja).
Sesame ............................................- ..................... Sesamum fndlann 1.
speaiminl ................................................................ Mentha f&ata L.
Star anise ................................................................ liliiium serum fiwk. 1.
Tamgon .................................................................. ArtemMa dmumculus L.
myme ..................................................................... mymus wlgais L.
Thyme, wRd or creeping .......................................... Thymus 8mpyllum L.
Turmerio .................................................................. tiraUna long61t
VanlIla ...................................................................... Vanilla pnifofii Andr. of VanUCtahitenais J. W. hbom.
zedoafy ................................................................... Curates zedarla Rcec.

[42 FR14640, I&w.15.197'7,wamendedat43FB 3705,Ja~~2'Ll978;44FR3963, J~n.I9,1%'9;

50 FR2l044,May22,193.%61FR14246, Apr.l,1996l

B182L%o Essential oils, elm kml- ing distillates) that am generally rec-
vent-free), and natural extmctiv~ ognized a8 safe for their intended use,
bhding distilia~). within the meaning of section 409 of
Essential oils, oleoresins (sa%mt- the Act, are as follows:
free), and natural extractives (includ-

Ajfalfa Medkagc s&a L

Allspice Pimenta offldi?alls Lindl.
Alrwnd, bitter (fme from prusslc add) ................... Prunes amygdalus Bat%& Prtws amwnfacz~L., M Prunus pwdca CL.)
Ambmtte (6eed) ...................................................... HiM&ws mowhatus Mow&
iwg.dky archfmgerca
A$@~ 2.. ........................................................................................
. L.
AngostumfousPadabarkI..................... ................. Qallinmoffldnatls Hancodt.
A& .......................................................................
Plmdndla unfsum L
Asafetida ................................................................. Fe&a asaa-foetida L and r&ted spp of Ferula.
Balm (lemon balm) .................................................. hblksa offldnalb L.
Bakam of Peru .......................................................
Basil .........................................................................
Food and Drug AdmirMathm, HHS

Bay leevm ............................................................... iaurus nabms L.

8ay (myfda cdl) ....................................................... Pimentaracemoss (MN.) J. W. f&me.
Bsrgemot (beigmd orange) .................................. Ckus aurantium L. subsp. bergamia Wright et Am.
Sifter almond (free ffcm prussb add) ................... Plwl&m~dalus Sat&l. Pnmus amlenkca L., or Prunus persica (L.)
Bois de rose ........................................................... eqgoyae.
cam0 .. .. .. . .. ... . . . . . . ., I, . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . . . . . . .
Camomile (chamomile) flowem, HungMan ... .. . . .. . . . Matrlmria dmnomilla L.
Camomib (&momlle) f!aws. Roman w English hnthamls nobw L.
cananga .................................................................. CanangaodwstaHoom*f.mIdlhoma
Camlcum ................................................................ Carsicum truiewxns L. and CaWlkum annuum L.
.................................................................. cam mwi L.
Cmdamom sead (mrdamon) .................................. EleUnrlacwdamomum Maton.
Cwch bean ............................................................ cemton~ smaua L
carrot ........._ ........................................................... Daucus cmti L.
cascarll$ bark ........................................................ Cmton eluterla Sam.
Cassla bark, Chinese .............................................. Cinnammnnn cassia Blume.
Cmsia bark, Padang or BatMa ............................. KWmmmmm bunwnni B&me.
Cassia bark, SatgDn ................................................ Cinnamomumloumldi Nms.
celery #ad ............................................................. kpium gmvedans L.
Cherry. wild, bark ................................................... P~nus semtim Ehrh.
Chervil ..................................................................... IQlthdsaw IXI&&W (L.) Hoffm.
chicory .................................................................... Ckhcdum intybw L.
Clnnamm . Cevkm .......................................... CinnamomumzaylenkumNma..
Cinnamon bark Chinese ........................................ GinnamomumcamI8 Blume.
Chl!amon bark, f2.&on .......................................... Ciianwmum loumid~Naes.
cinnamon leaf, cSykm ._......................................... Clnnemomumzeybmiwm Nws.
cinnamon kmf, Chll ,,<,<..................................... C&mammnumcwla Blume.
Ciinamm leaf, Sdgm ............................................ Cbmamomumloumirti &es.
Cltronda ................................................................. C$mrgon nanlus RandIe.
citrus peels .............................................................
ckq (daiy sage) .................................................... SaMa sclama L.
Cbver ...................................................................... Tdfdlum spp.
Coca (decocsintzed) .............................................. E8ythmxylumooc3LamandotiwspP.ofE@mxyfum.
coffee ...................................................................... coffm SPP.
Cola nut ................................................................... Cole acumlmta Sdmtt and Endl., and other spp. of Cola.
Coriander ................................................................. Coriandm sat&urn L.
Cumin (cummin) ..................................................... Cuminurn tymlnum L
Cummo mange peel (orange. bitter fxwl) ............ C&us aumntlum L.
cusmda balk .......................................................... Gallpea omalnalis Harooolc.
DaMfern .....................L.......................................... TaraXearm offidoah, Wetw and T. kevigetum DC.
Oandebn mot ......................................................... 00.
Dcg grass (quabgmss, tdtlcum) ............................ Agmpyron opens (L.) Beaux
Elder fkwws ........................................................... Gembuws mnadensis L. and S. n&m I.
lsagols (esdmgd, eadragon, tamgon) ............... Attemlsia dtaamculus L.
Estmgon (tmagon) ................................................. Lb.
Fennel. swset ......................................................... F~eniarl~m w&are Mm.
Fen”g&k .................................................._........... T@net!a foenumgraecum L.
Galanga @a&gal) .................................................. Alpinla 0fiIdnarum Hanca.
Geranium ................................................................. Pehwaoniummu.
Qerenlum, Easl Indian ............................................ Cymt;bpagcn &thd St@.
Gmanlum, ross ....................................................... Pelargonlumgweolens L’i-lef.
Ginger ...................................................................... Zlngibw ofIklnaIe Row.
Grapehub ......................................................... ..%.... citrus uamdlsi Mad.
Guava ...................................................................... Pskllum spp.
Hldmry bark ............................................................ -Ye SPP.
Horehound (hoarbound) .......................................... hfarmbium wIgem L.
Naps ........................................................................ Humulus lup&us L.
HarsemM ................................................................
tlywop .................................................................... Njasopuioffiolnaws L
ImmOlteRe................................... ........................... bieliduysum augustifoliumDC.
Jfismlne ................................................................... J@smlnumoffldnab L. and other spp. of Jasminum.
.&yr¶r&erIies) ....*........... .tl*,‘,*~< ............................ Junlperu8 oommunls L
................................................................... Cola ecumhlata Sdmtt and Endf.. and other spp. of Cc&.
Laumi btmbs .......................................................... tawm nobills L.
Laurtn Iewes ........................................................... Lawus spp.
Lavender ............................................................... tmmdula offk%alls Chak
Lavender, ?@I@....................................................... Lavandula latmlla vill.
Lavandln .................................................................. Hybrids bebwn Lavandula OfRcinaWs Chnll and Lmanduta latiblln VU.
Lemm ).................................................................... CWNSwmon (L.) Swn. f.
Lemon balm (see balm).
Lemon grass ........................................................... CymbDpQgon cltmtus DC. and CymbclxrBon leuucwus 8tapf.
Lemon peel ............................................................. C&us llmon (L.) Swm. f.
Lima ....................................................................... cwrus aurantlh3llsS~h.

21 CFR Ch I (4-l-01 EdItion)

Linden flowars ......................................................... Tilia spp.

Lo+ been ..................... ..................................... Ceratonia siliqua L,
Lupulin ..................................................................... Hum&s lupulus L.
Mew ....................................................................... Mydstiue ftegrena Ifant
Menderln ................................................................ Cltme raticuleta 3&r100.
MerJarem,sweet .............................I.. ..................... MaJorenshortensls Moendx
Math ........................................................................ llex pareguefiensls St. Hit
Mellsse (see balm).
Menthol .................................................................... Mentbe spp.
Menthyi m-awe ......................................................
Mola¶seSlextredl .,.......................”........................ SAm Mdnarum L
Mustard .............. ..................................................... Bras&a spp.
Narlngln ...................................................................I Ctrue pamdlsl Med.
Nerdi; bigareda ...................................................... C&us &ranthtm L.
Nutmeg .................................................................... h4yristbefiegrans ~outt.
onion ......................................................................I Asum moe L.
Orange, bittar, flowers. ............................................. Citru;~&ntium L.
Orenge, bltter, peel ............................ .....................
Orenge leaf ............................................................. fXrus irmeis (L.) Oebedt.
Orange, sweat ......................................................... Do.
orange, swaat, t!avem ........................................... Do.
Orange, sweet, peel ...........................................- ... 00.
Odganum ..............................._................................ Orlganum spp.
Pabneroee ............................................................... Cymkpqon martial Stapf.
Peprlke .................................................................. Capskwn ennuum L.
Persley ................................................................... Petmellnum uisourn hUlL1 Mend
Pepper, black .......................................................... PIpar nigmm L.
Pepper, white .......................................................... Do.
Peppermint ............................................................ Mentha pip&a L
Pemvlan belsarn ..................................................... Myroxylon perelrae Kbteti.
Petltwehl ................................................................./ citrus aurantkim L.
Petltgraln lemon ......................................................! clbus llmon (L.) Bwm. f.
Petltgrein mendwin or tengedm ................... ......... citrus mtlculete Blenco.
PImanta ................................................................... Pimanta dfidnalis Liadl.
Pimanta leaf ........................................................... Phwnte oflldnelis Lindl.
Plp&sewe baws ................................................... Chlmaphl!a umbdlata Nutt.
POrnegrenate......................................................... Punloe grenetm L.
Pdckly ash bark ....................................................... Xy~~~yn (of Zenthowlum~ Amedoanm MIW.or Xentboxylum deva-
Rosa absolute ........................................................ Rose elbe i.. Rosa ceMlfDlla L., Rosa damaamna %4+ll.,Rosa ga(llce L..
end vets. offhess epp.
Rose (otto of rows, ettar of roses) ......................... Do.
Rose buds ............................................................... 00.
Rose flowers ........................................................... 00.
ROW fruit (hips) ....................................................... Do.
Rose geranfum ....................................................... Pa&go&m graveolens C&r.
Rose lesvse ............................................................I Rose s a~.
Romnery ................................................................ ROsma&BOffi&agsL
saffron................................................................... Croats sativus L.
sage ........................................................................ Salvie &cblalis L.
Sage, Gresk ............................................................ selvie tritobe L.
Sage, Spanish ......................................................... Salvia lavanduleafoliaVahl.
St. John’s bread ...................................................... eretonie slnqua L.
samy. twnmer ...................................................... saturels hortentds L.
Sevory, winter ......................................................... Seturda montene L.
Schinus molle ......................................................... s&blus mdle L.
Sloe bevies (blackthorn be&s) ............................. Pmnus splnosa L.
spaermht ................................................................ Mentha splcete L.
Splite lavandar ........................................................ Levandula IatiMia Vi&
Tamarind ................................................................. Temarlndm indlca L
Tangarlne ................................................................ Cltwa mtfculate Slenco.
Tarragon .................................................................. AsterMa dmwnwlus 1.
Tee .......................................................................... Thee drlengls L.
Thyme .................................................................... fhymus wlgaris L and Thymus zygis var. gracUs Bdss.
Thymq whlta ........................................................... DO.
Thyme, wld or uwping .......................................... Thymes s8qJyliumL.
lritlritl~ae~ dog grass).
................................................................ j PolicmthashIbar% L.
Tummrlc .................................................................. curcume longa L.
Vanilla ...................................................................... Ve&lhdrgdL~ Andr. or VantIle tehitensls .J. W. Moore.
Violet RDwers ...........................................................
vkllet leaves ............................................................ DO.
vii!& laaws absdute .............................................
Wild cherry bark ...................................................... Prun~sarotlne Ehrh.

Food and Drug AdmirWratM, HHS Q 182.60
“Snw 8otilnkal name Of plant (IOWCB

Wang-ylang . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. . . ... . . ... .. .. .. .. . .. . ... .. .. . .. . ... .. . .. Cenangs odorate Hook. f. snd lhonm.
Z&my ba& . ... . . ... .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . . ... ... . ... . . .. . ... .. . . . .. . ... . .. .. Curntma zedoaria Rose.

I42 FR 14640, Mar. 15, 197’7, &8 amended at 44 FR 3963,Jan. 1% 1979;47 FR 29963,July 9, 193%
46 FR 51613,Nav. 10.1933;50 FR WI43 and 21044,May 22,YW

cbl8Z.40 Natural e.xkra&ves b30lv~t- seasoning% and flavoripgs that are

coo) used in eonjunctfon with g8Ii8ti1JT recognized as safe for t&sir
spicea, seaso- and; tlmmags. intended *se, witliin the meaning of
Natural extktives (solvent-free) section 409 of the Act, are as follows:
used in conplnction with spices,
Common name Botaniil name of plant 8~lrw
Apricot kamel @#sic oil) x. .. ... . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. ... . . . PNnUS amniclca I..
Peach kernel &enic all) ,........................ ... .. .. . ... . .. . PNnus petsloa SM. e4 Zuco.
Peanut staadne __...,...............................,,....,,..........Amchls hypogaaa L.
Persic oil @aa apdcot kwnel and paach kamal).
Quince saad .. ... . .. .. . ... . .. . .. .. . . .. ..~........................
t. .. .. . Cyd~nia aMOngaMiller.

[42 FR 14640,Mar. l&1977,88 amended at 47 FR 47375.Oct. 26.199%

spicee, tracts that are general@ reoo@zed as

c%iizLl 0% safe for their intended us& within the
natural ertraots. meaning af section 409 of the Act, are
Certain other spioes, seasonings, es- as follows:
sentiaJ. oils, ol&oresins, and natural 8x-
thmmon name
Ambergris ,.,......,._.........,................................,.....,...Phyaetar axwx%phalaa L.
castoreum . .. . . . .. ... . .. . . .. .. .. . .. .. . . ... .. .. . . .. .. . * ,a,,,........*.... Castor fiber L. and C. sznadensis Kuhl.
Civet(dbath, rlbet, zibetum) ,......_......................,... C&ml cats, Viirra &?&a Scbrabar and Warm z&ad@ S&Ma?,
Cognac 08, white and graen . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. ... . .. . .. . ... . . .. . Ethyl caaanthate, so-caiied.
Musk(Tmquin musk) .,..,.,. ,...._..........,.,.......,..,...... Musk dear, Moschus moschlferus L.

3-MetbyI-3-phony1 glycidio add ethyl ester

(ethyl-metbyl-phenyl-glycidate, so-caIled
strawberry aldehyde, C-16aldebyde).
Synthetic flavoring substances and Ethyl vanillin.
adjuvants that ars generally recog- Geraniol <3,7-dimetbyl-3.6 and 3,6-octadlen-l-
niasd as safe for -their intended ~8, 01).
within the mewing of section 409 of Geranyl acetate fgeraniol acetate).
the Act, are a8 follows: Limonene (d-, I-, and dW.
Linalool (linalol, 3,7-dimethyI.l,Boctdie~-~
Acetaldehyde (ethasal). 01).
Acetoin (cacetyl metb?karbinol). Linalyl acetate (bergamol).
An&hole Qarapropeny1 anieole). Methyl A&hL’Alli~Att3 (methyl-%
Benzaldehyde (benzoio aldehyde). aminobenioate).
N-Butyric aoid (butanoio acid). Piperonal (3,4metllylenee~~ldehgde,
d- or Warvone (oarvol). heliotropin).
Oinnamaldehyde (oinnamio aldehyde). Vanillin.
Citral (2,6dimetfiyloctadien-2,6-aE-8, gem-
nial, neral). [42 FR 14646,Mwa 15, 1977,as amended at 43
Decanal (N-decylaldehyde, caprctldehyde, FR 47?24,Oat. 17, 1979; 44 FR 3963, Jan. 19,
caprio aldebydk caprinaldebyde, aldeklsdtt 1978: 44 FE& 2OiW, Apr. 6, 1978; 4-s FR 51967,
C-10). Nov. 16, IgsS;54 FR 749%Feb. 21, 38891
Ethyl acetate.
Ethyl butyrate.

1075HollywoodAvenue Salt Lake City, Utah 84105

Ph: (801) 47+2572 l Fax: (801) 474-2571 l e-mail: *

This list of dietary ingredients is a compilation of old dietary ingredient lists developed&y the American
Herbal Products Association (AHPA), CounciIfor ResponsibleNutrition (CM), Natiomd Nutritional
Foods Association (NNFA) and the Utah Natural Products Alliance (UNFA).

This list was compiIed shortly ajier passage of the Dietary SupplementHeahh and&&atton Act of 1994
(DSHEA). This list is not recognized by the Food and Drug Administration as either o@cial or binding but
only as a reference tool. Aqv person proposing to offer a dietary ingredient for sale ung&r the provisions of
DSHEA Is advised to seek competent counsel to confirm whether sueh,an ingredient is an old or new
dietary ingredient. This list should not be rehed uponas the sole basis to determine UEWNDA status of any
dietary ingredient.


Section8 (413)(c) of the Dietary SupplementHealth and EducationAct (DSHEA)
defmesthe term “new dietary ingredient”to meana dietary ingredientthat was not marketed
in the United Statesbefore October 15, 1994. Any dietary ingredientsold prior to this date is
regardedas “grandfathered”or, more correctly,an old dietary ingredient.

Shortly after passageof DSHEA, the four princ+ipaltradeassociatiensof the dietary

supplementindustry, i.e., AmericanHerbal ProductsAssociation(AHPA), Council for
ResponsibleNutrition (CRN), National Nutritional FoodsAssociation(NNFA) and the Utah
Natural ProductsAlliance (UNPA), eachcompiled a list of dietary ingrectientssold in or as a
dietary supplementprior to October 15, 1994. Theselists provide a use&l guidancetool for
industry to determinewhether or not a substancerequiresan ND1 submission.In 1997,
WA took thesefour separatelists and createda single masterOld Dietary Ingredient list.
Each dietary ingrediententry includesan icon noting which trade associationincluded the
dietary ingredientin their respectivelists.

Loren Israelsen
Utah Natural ProductsAlliance

#O Red Opaque Conisnap capsule # Afmmomum melegueta (Roscoe) K. gchmnann + Aloe ferox Mill. +
200 Bloom GM 1 gelatin # agar agar - Aloe litmalis *
Abehnoschus esculentus + Agastache rugosa (Fisch. et Mey.) 0. Ktxe. $ Aloe spicata +
Abelmoschus moschatus (Medik.) + Agathosma betulina + Aloe Vera CL.) H.L. I3unxl. f
Abies webbiana + Agathosma crenulata + Aloe vera gel # -
Abrus precatorius + Agati grandiflora + Aloysia triphylla (L’Har) Britton +
Abutilon indicum + Agave americana + Alpha ketogiutarates # -
acacia (arabic gum) - Agkistrodon acutus + Alpha Linalenic acid (ALA) # -
Acacia (arabic gum) (arabia gum) if Aglaia roxburghiana, Miq. + Alpha-Ketoglutaric acid # -
Acacia arabica, Linn. + Agrimonia eupatoria L. f Alpirda chinensis +
Acacia catechu Willd. f Agrimonia gryposepala + Alpinia galanga (L.) WiRd. +
Acacia conchma DC. + Agrimonia pilosa + Alpinia katsumadai +
Acacia farnesiana Willd. -t Agropyron repens + Alpinia officinarum Hame +
Acacia leucophlaea Willd. + Ailanthus altissima f Alpinia oxyphylla +
acacia powder, NF - Ailantlms excelsa+ Alstonia boonei i-
Acacia Senegal+ Akebia quinata Deane. + Alstonia scholaris R. i3r. *
Acacia seyai + Akebia trifoliata + Alstomia constricta +
Acacia Vera + Akoxyglycerol #I Althaea ofXi&alis L. +
Acalypha indica + akoxyglycerol- althasa officinGs -
Acanthopauax gracilistylus + Alanate330# - Amaranthus spinosus +
Acanthopanax sessiliflorus + Alan&m decapetalum+ Amaryllis belladona Lhm f
Acanthospermum hispidium + Alanine# - Ambrosia arternisiifalia +
Acanthus virilis + alaria margmata - American Centmuy herb # -
Ac-di-sol # - Albizzia juiiirissm Duraxz. + American Centamy powder # -
Acer spicatum + Albizzia lebbek Benth. f americaa ginseng -
acerola - Alcea rusea L. + Alllericau ginseng (Panax quinquefolium) w
acerola concentrate - Alchemiila vulgaris aud. non L. f Amino acid chelates # -
acerola extract - Alchemilla xanthochlora Rothm. + Ammo e&u101 phosphates # -
acerola pulp powder - Alchornea rugosa +- aminobenzoic acid -
Acetaminophen # Alchornea villosa + amiaobenzoic acid, D.C. -
Achilles millefohum L. + AlcohoL (ethyl) # - AmmiMajusfc -
Achyramhes bidentata Bl. + Aletris farmosa L. f Ammi visnaga +
Achyranttms asperaLinn. + alfalfa concentrate - ammo&urn alginates -
Aconitum carmichaelii Debx. + Alfalfa leaf powder # - Amomim cardamommu +
Aconitum columbian~ + Alfalfa seed;juice cont. t: - Amomum krervanh +
Acomtum ferox Wall. + alginates - Amomum melegueta Ruscoe +
Aoonitum heterophyllum Wall. + alginic acid - Amomnm aubulatum +
Aconitum nepellus L. + Alginic acid, alginates # Amomum tsao-ko Crew. et Lem. -t
Aconitum plamatum + Alhagi camelomm Fisch. + Amomum villosum +
Acorns calamus L. + Alisma orientale (Sam.) Juzepczuk + Amomum xanthioides +
Acorns gramineus Soland. f Alisma plantago-aquatica L. var. + Amorphophallus campanulatus +
Adenophora tetraphyLla (Thunb.) Fisch. + Alkanua tinctoria (L.) Tausch + Amorphophallus konjac +
Adenophorus stricta Miq. + Allicin # - Amyda sinensis +
Adhatoda vasica + Ailium ascalonicum + Amygdtius communis +
Adiantum capillus I veneris L. + Allium cepa Lhm. i- Amygdalus per&a +
Adiantum hmulatum + Allium sativum L. + Amylases ff -’
Adianumr pedatum L. f Allium schoenoprasumI... + Anacardium occidentale *
adipic add - Alhum -tuberown + Al1acyclus pyrethrum i-
Adonis vernalis + almond - Anagalhs arvensis f
Adrenal# - almond meal - Ananas comosus +
Adz&i sprouts # - Aloe# - Anaphalis margaritacea (L.) Benth. & J.D. Hook +
Aesculus hippocastanum L. + Aloe barbadensisMill. f Andrographis pan&data +

0 Utah Natural Produels Alliance (UNPA), 1999 1 AHPA+ CRN - NNFA# UNFA*

Andropogon aciculatus + Arctostaphyios uva-nrsi (L.) Spreng. f ascorbyl pahnitate -

Andropogon citratus + Areca catechu Linn. + Ashwagandha # -
Andropogon gayanus Kunth. + Argemone Mexicana Linn. i- AspaIathus Linearis+
Andropogon jwarancusa f Axginates# - Asparagus adsoendensf
Andropogon muricatus + Arginine# - Asparagus cochinchinensis +
Anemarrhena asphodeloidesBge. + arginine pyroglutamate - Asparagus offtcinalis L. +
Anemone hepatica + Argyreia speciosa Sweet. + Asparagus racemosus,Willd. f
Anemone pratensis + Arisaema consanguinenm * Asparagusroot# -
Anemone pulsatilla + Arisaema japonicum Blume + Asparagus root powder # -
Anemopsis caliiornica (Nutt.)Hook &Am. + Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Torr. + aspartame-
Anethum graveolens L. + Ariseama wallichianum + Aspartates At -
Angelica actiloba Kitagawa * Aristolochia clematitis L. + aspartic acid -
Angelica archangelica L. + Aristolochia contorta Bge. + Aspergitlns oryxae enzyme # -
Angelica atropurpurea L. + Aristolochia cymbifera Mart. & Zucc. + Aspernla odorata L. t
Angelica dahurica (Fischerex Ho&n.) Fran&. et Sav.+ Aristolochia debilis Sieh. et Zucc. + Aspidinm filix-mas +
Angelica glauca, Edgw. + Aristolochia fang&i + Aspidosperma quebracho bianco i-
Angelica polymorpha Maxim. + Aristofochia indica + Aster tatarieus +
Angelica pubescensMaxim. + Aristolochia manshurjensis + Astemcantha iongifolia Nees. +
Angelica root # - Aristolochia serpentaria L. + Astragahls # -
angelica sinensis - Armmacia lapathifoha Gilib. + Astragahu comphinatus +
Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Dies + Armoracia rusticana P. Gaertn., B. Mey. & astragalusextract -
angustafolia - JScherbius f Astragahrs membranaceusBunge +
anise oil - Arnica latifotia Bong. + Astragalus mongholicrusBunge +
anise seed powder - Amica montana L. + Astraguius gummifer t
Amlatto# - Artemisia abrotanum L. f Atactyiades chinensis +
Anthemis cotula + Artemisia absinthium L. -C Atractyiis ovata +
Anthemis nobilis + Artemisia amma L. + Atractylodes lancea (Thunb.) DC +
Anthriscus cerefolium (L.) Hoffm. + Artemisia anomala + Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz. +
Apmm graveoiens L. + Artemisia apiacea + Atropa acuminata Royle ex Lindley. +
apium graveolins - Artemisia argyi f Atropa belladonna L. +
Apocyn~ androsaemifolium L. + Artemisia califomica Less. + autolyzed yeast -
Apocynum caunabmum L. + Artemisia capilhuis Thunb. -t autolyzed yeast extract -
Apocynum fiutescens + Artemisia douglasiana Bess. + Avena fatua L. +
Apondanthera smilacifolia + Artemisia dracunculus L. ‘Sativa’+ Avena eativa L. +
Apple cider # - Artemisia lactitlom Wall. ex DC. + Averrhea carambola +
Apple cider vinegar, dry # - Artemisia maritima Linn + Avicel PH- 102 # -
apple tiber - Artemisia tridentata + Azardirachta Indica +
apple fiber flakes - Artemisia vulgaris L. + Baccharis genistelloides, Triptera +
Apple pectin # - Artichoke leaf (Cynam scolymus) # - Bacopa Mumrieri L. +
apple pectin extract - AtWdddOlMX+ Bahmites aegyptiaca +
apple powder - arvense equisetum - Bakerties roxbnrghi +
apples, evaporated - Asamm canadenseL. + Baliospermum axillare +
Aquilaria agallocha + Asarum europaeum L. + Baliospermum montamm Muell. - Arg. +
Aquilaria smensis+ Asamm heterotropoides Fr. Schmidt f Ballota-nigra L. +
Arachidonic acid ## - Asarum sieboldii + Balsamodendron mukul, Hook f
Arachis hypogaea + Asclepias asperula (Dcne.) Woodson + Bambusa arun&maceaWilld +
Aralia californica Wats. + Asclepias cwassavica, Linn. + Bambusa vuigaris +
Aralia hispida + Asclepias incarnata + banana flakes -
Aralia nudicaulis L. + Asclepias tnberosa + Baphia n&ha +
An&a racemosa L. + Ascorbates # - Baptisia tinctoria (L,) R. Br. ex Ait. +
Amtium lappa L. + ascorbic acid - Barberry root bark (Berbedis vulgaris) jY -
An&m minus + ascorbyt esters - Barleria prior&is Linn. +

0 Utah Natwal Pmducls Alliance (UNPA). 1999 2 AHPA+ CRN- NNFA# UNPA*

Barley# - Bifidus adolescentis# Boschniadia glabra -f

barley bran - Bignonia chica + Boswellia carteri Birdwood +
Barley grass # - Bignonia tlava + Boswellia serrata Roxb. +
barley malt extrati - Bignonia quinquefolia + BosweRin# -
Barosma serratifolia (Curtis) WiUd. + Biguonia tecomoides + Botanical protein # -
Barringtonia acutangula (L&m.) Gaertn. + Bignonia unguis + Bovine cartilage # -
BaseUarubra + bilberry fruit extract - # Bovine tissue extract # -
Bassia Latifolia + Bioilavonoids ## - Brain!? -
Bauhinia forficata Link + Biota orientalis + Brassica alba Rabenh., non L. +
Bauhinia racemosa + Biota orientalis (L.) Endl. + Bras&a campestris Lii. +
Bauhinia racemosa Lam. f biotin - Brassieajuncea (L.) Czeniak varj +
Bauhinia Variegata, Linn. + bisglycinate - Brassica nigra CL.) W. Koch +
beche de mer - Bissy nut # - Brassica ufficinalis f
bee pollen - Bixa orellana L. + Brassica oteracea f
bee pollen powder - Black cohosh root powder # - Bra&a rapa +
bee propolis - black currant extract - Brazil wax# -
beef peptone - Black currant powder # - brewer’s yeast ,*
bees wax - Black currant seed oil # - brewer’s yeast, debittered - #
beet fber - Black radish # - Brideiia micra&a +
Beet juice powder t - Bladderwrack # - Broccoli # -
Beet leaves powder # - Blepharis edulis Pers. + broccoli powder -
beet powder - Blessed Thistle (herb) # - Bromelain # -
Beet root (Beta vulgaris rubra) # - Bletilla striata + Bromeha ananas+
Belamcanda chinensis + blue cheesepowder - Bromeha pyramidalis alba +
Bellis perennis + Blue Co&h (root) # - Broussonetia papyrifera +
Benincasa cerifera + Blue tim coat cont. C&KT7338L # brown rice syrup -
Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn. f Blue green algae # - Brucea javtica f
Bentonite # - blue malva flower powder - Brunflsia hopeana +
Berberine# _ Blue vervain # - Bnksselssprouts # -
Berberis aquifolium Pursh + Blumea balsamifers + Bryonia alba +
Berberis aristata i- Blumea densiflora j. &yonia diOica +
Berberis vulgaris L. f - Bhrmea lacera + Bryonia epigaea +
Bergenia lingulata. f Boerhaavia diffusa Linn. + Scyonia ttmbellata +
Berginia crassifoha 4 Boerhavia hirsuta + Buchanania lanzan f
Bertholletia excelsa + Boldo # - Buchanania latifolia Roxb. +
beta carotene - Bombax malabaricum + Bu&u# -
Beta glucan # - Bone marrow # - buckthorn bark powder -
Beta maritima + bonemeal - # Buckthorn powder (Rhmus fmguia) # -
Beta vulgaris L. var. rapa + bone phosphate - buckwkat -
beta vulgaris rubra - Borage oil # - Buddleja officinalis +
be&e anhydrous - Borage oil powder t - bulgaricus -
betahe HCI - Borago officinahs L. + Bungams muhicinctus +
Beta-sitosterol # - Borassusflabcllifer + Bupleumm chinense DC. +
Betonica ofISnalis + boric acid - Bupleurum falcatum L. +
Betula alba L. + Boron# - Buplemum scorzoneraefolium +
Betula lenta L. + Boron (sodium borate) # burdock root -
Bet& pendula Roth. + Boron aspartate # - Butcher’s Broom (Ruscus Aculeatus) # -
Betula pubescensEhrh. + Boron chelate if - Butea frondos +
Betula verrucosa Ehrh. + Boron citrate # - Buthus martensi +
Bifidobacterium bitidum # - Boron gluconate # - Butternut (bark) # -
Bifidobacterium infantis # - Boron glycinate # - Buxus sempervirens L. +
Bifidobacterium longum # - Boron proteinate # - Cabbage # -

Q Utah NaturalProductsAlliance(WA), 1999 3 AHPA+ CRN- NNFA# UNPA”


Cabbage powder # - Cananga odorata (Lam.) J.D.Hook & T.Thomp. + Cas&~uoI # ‘”

Cab-O&l M5 # Canarium album &our.) Raeush. + Cascara sagmda (bark) # -
Cactus grandiflorns L., + Candex # - Gas&# -
Caesalpiuia bonducella Flem. + Cannabis sativa Lima. + Cassia absus Lhm. +
Caesalpinia crista + canola oil - Car&a acutifolia +
Caesalpinia digyna + Canscora Decussata,Roem. etc. Sch. + Cassia alata +
Caesalpinia sappam, Lima. + cantella leaf - cassia angustifolia ,-
Caffeine # - canthium snbcordatum f Cassia angustifoha Vahl +
Cajanus cajan (Linn.) Millsp. + Canthlum glabrifoiium f Cassia anriculata +
Calcium # - Capparis aphytia -t cassiafist&~ -
Calcium (hydroxyapatite) # Capparis spinosa f Cassia fistulosa Linu. f
Calcium acetate # - Capparis tomentosa + Cassia foe& +
calcium alginates - Capparis trifoliata + Cassia hmceolata +
calcium amino acid chelate - Caprylic acid # - Cassia kavigeta, Wiild. f
Calcium ascorbate # - Capsella bursa-pastoris(L.) Medik. + Cassia obovata +
Calcium aspartate # - Capsicum anmmm L. ammum + Cassia obtusifoiia L. f
calcium caprylate - cap&cum fatigiatnm - Cassia Tom, Linn. +
Calcium carbonate # - Capsicnm GNtescensL. + Cassia tones +
Caicium cast&ate # - Caps&m powder # - Castaneadent&a (Marsh.) Borkh. f
Calcium chloride # - Capsule, Red Opaque Canisnap - Castanea sativa Mill. f
Calcium citrate # - Caratonia siliqua + Castoroil# -
Calcium citrate malate # - Caraway seeds# - Catalasc# -
Calcium tbmarate # - Carbomer# - Catechiusii -
Calcium glucouate # - Carbonates# - Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don +
Calcium glycerophosphate # - Carbonyl iron (ferronyl) # - catnip -
Calcium hydroxide # - Carbowax 3350 # - Cat% Ctaw # -
Calcium iodate # - carboxylmethy1 starch - callliflower H -
Calcium lactate # - Carica papaya L. + Caulophyllum thalictroides Michx. f
Calcium lysinate # - Carlina acaulis + Cayaponia tayuya +
Calcium malate # - carmine dye - cayenne -
calcium malate glycine - Carmine dye #09350 # Cayenne (Capsicum fatigiaturn) #
Calcium malate lactate # - carnaubawax# - cayenne extract -
calcium pautothenate - Camauba Wax Powder, NF # - Ceanotbns americanusL. +
Calcium phosphate # - Camitine# ,- Cedrus deodara (Roxb.) Loud. +
calcium polyascorbate - Carnitine WC1t - Celandine root # +.
Calcium pyruvate # - Cam&e L-Tar&ate # - Celastms panicutams Wilid +
Calchnn scrine phosphate # - Camosine# - Celery# -
Calcium sodium caseinate # - Carob Extract (St. Sobn’sbread) # - Celery leaf powder (Apium graveolins) # -
Calcium s&irate # - carob powder - Cellutase # -
Calcium succinatc # - Carotenoids# - celhrlose acytatc -
Calcium sulfate # - Carrageenan# - celhdo.seacetate phthaiate -
Calcium undecylenate # - Carrageenan agar # - Cduiose Gum +I -
Cakndula officiualis L. + cartotkt - cellulose gum, modified -
Calbcarpa macrophylla Vahi. f carmt flakes - cellulosa, ba&rial-
Calluna vuLgaris (L.) Hull + Carrot oil # - cellutose, fermentation derived -
Calotropis gigantea + carrot pulp powder _ Cellulose, microc2ystalhne cellulose #
Calotropis procera (Ait) RBr. + Carthamus tinctorius L. + Celosia argentea +
Camellia sinensis (L.) Knntze + CanUnCtiL.+ Centanrea aspera L. f
camellia thea leaf powder - Camm copticum + Centaurea benedicta +
Campesterol # - carum petroseliiom - Centaurea cyanus L. +
Camphora officianalis + Carmu roxbnrghianum + Centaur&m erythraea Raf. +
Canadine# - Caryophyilus aromaticus + centamy herb *I

Q Utah Nahml Pmducts Allmncc (UNPA), lY99 AHPA+ CRN- NNFA# UNPA*

centaury powder - Chromium (chromate) # Citmhus colocynthis +

Centella asiatica (L.) Urban + Chromium (picolinate) # cimus lanams +
Centratherum anthelminticum (Wind.) + Chromium aspartate # - Citrullus vuigaris S&ad. +
Cephaelis ipecacuanha (Brot.) Tussac+ Chromium chelate # - Citrus aurantifoiia (Christm.) Swingle f
Cephalotaxus harringtonia + Chromium chloride # - citrw ?nlr~tittm L. f
Ceratonia siliqua L. i- Chromium dinicotinate ## - Citrus bergamia Risso & Poit. f
Cetraria islandica (L.) Achar. + Chramium GTF # - Citrus bioflavonoids # -
Cetyl Alcohol # - Chromium hydrolyzed protein # - Citrus erythrocarpa +
Chaenomeles speciosai (Sweet) Nakai + chromium nicotinate - citrus fiber -
Chamaebatiaria millefolium + Chromium nitrate # - Ckus Iimon (L.) N. L. Burm. +
Chamaelirium luteum (L.) A. Gray + chromium picolmale - Citrus limonia Osbeck +
Chamaemelum nobile (L.) All. + Chromium poiynicorinate # - Citrus medica IAm. f
Chamomile (flowers) # - Chromium protein chelate # - Citms pectin powder # -
chamomiie flower powder, gennan - Chromium proteinate # - Citrus reticulata Blanc0 f
Chamomilla suaveolens (Pmsh) Rydb. + chromium yeast - Citms rind extract *
Changium smyrnoides Wolff + Chromium yeast GTF # - Citrus sacodactylis +
Chaparral # - Chromium yeast-&e GTF # - cilru sinensis L. +
Charcoal carbon # - Chrysanthemum indicum f Citrus tifohata *
cheddar cheesepowder - Chrysanthemum morifolinm Ramat. + Citrus uncbiu Markavich +
Chelidonium majus L. f Chrysanthemum parthenium (L.) Berhn. + Citrus wilsonii +
Chelone glabra L. + Chrysanthemum sinense + Clausena anisum-olens +
Chenopodium ambrosioides + Chrysanthemum vulgare (L.) Be&n. + Cfematis armandii f
Chenopodium anthehninticum + Chrysanthemum x morifolium + Clematis chinensis Osbeck f
Chickory root # - Chymotrypsin # - Cleome fetiia +
Chickweedlt - Cibotimn barometz (L.) J. Sm. + Cierodendrum indicum f
Chili peppers # - Cicer arietinum + Clerodendmm informnatum f
Chimaphila maculata f Cichorium intybus L. + Clerodendrnm phlomidii +
Chimaphila umbellata (L.) W. Barton + Cider vinegar # - Clerodendmm serramm Spreng. +
Chimaphila umbellata CisatlantiL;?{Blake) H&en + Cider vinegar powder # - Clerodendmm trichotomum +
Chinese Bong Quai tf - Cimicfuga heracleifolia + Clitorea ternatea +
Chinese Ephedra (Ma Huang) # - Cimicitiga foetida L. + Cnestis p&la +
Chionanthus virginicus L. f Cimicifuga racemosa (L.) Nutt. + Cnicus benedictus L. f
chitin - Cinchona calisay Wedd. + Cnidimn monnieri (L.) Cuss. +
chitin oligosaccharides - Cinchona ledgemna Moens & Trimen + Cnidium ofticinale +
Chitosan# - Cinchona offtcinalis L. + cobalamin concentrate -
chitosan oligosaccharides - Cinchona pubescensVahl + Cobah# -
Chioreila # - Cimnunomum aromaticum + cobalt snlfate -
Chlorella growth factor # - Cimramomum camphora (L.) J. Presl + cobalt sulfate crystals -
chlorella powder - Cinnamomum cassia J. Presl f Coceinia cordifoiiaa f
Chlorophyll # - Cimuunomum Loureirii 5 Cocculoba ilhensis +
Chlorophyll, oil soluble, 8% # CimzamomumTamala Nees f Cocoa# -
Chlorophyllin # - Ciiamomum verum J. Presl. + cocoa, lecithmated -
Chlorophytum arundinaceum Baker. + Cinnamomum Zeylani~um Blumos. f Cocoa, natural powder # -
Chlorpheniramine MaleateUSP # - cinnamon _ cocoa, unlecitbinated -
Choenomeles lagenaria (Loisel,) Koidxumi + Cissampelospareim, Li. + coconut Rakes -
cholecalc5ferol- Cissus quandmngularis + cocoiluf oil # -
Choline bitartrate # - Cistanche Deserticola + Cocas nucifera +
Choline dihydrogen citrate # - Cistanche salsa (C. A. Mey.) Beck + Cod liver oil # -
Chondroitin sulfate # - citrate - Codonupsis phosula (Franch.) Nannfeldt +
Chondrus crispus + Citrates # Codonopsis tangshen Oliver +
chromate - Citric acid# - Coenzyme QIO (ubiquinone) # -
Chromium# - citrulline - Coflea arabica f

8 Utah NW Products Alliance (UNPA), 1999 5 AHPA+ CRN- NNFA# UNPA*


GXX lacryma-jobi L. + corn bran - cMlinunlcyminum

L. +
Cola acuminata (P.Beauv.)Schott & Endk. + corn oil shortening, dehydrated - Cuphea balsamona Cham.& Scblechtend. +
Cola nitida Schott. & En&. + corn oil, winterized, USP - Cuphe ingrat8 +
C&&cum autumnale f Comsilk# - Cupressus sempervirens+
Colchicum luteum Baker. + Corn solids, hydrolyzed # - cupric acetate -
Coleus amboinicus Lour. + Comstarch# - cupric oxide -
Coleus forskohlii Benth. + corn syrup - cupric oxide powder -
Collins&a canadensisL. + corn syrup solids - Cupric sulfate iy -
Colloidal alkaline ash mineral cont. # - Corn, winterized, USP # Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. +
Colocasia antiquorum + Comus officinalis Sieb. & Zucc. + Curcuma amada, Roxb (C. matico) f
colostNm# - Corydalis ambigua + Curcuma aromatica SaIisbmy +
Corn bran # Corydalis bulbosa + Curcuma domestica Valet. +
Combretodendron macrocarpum f Corydalis turtschaninovii Bess. F. Yanhusuo Y.H. Curcuma longa L. + -
Combreturn apicutatum + Chou et C.C.Hus + Curcuma zedoaria (Berg.) Roscoe *
Commeliua salicifolia f Coqdalis yanhusuo W.T. Wang. + Curcuniin pod (curcuma longa) # -
Commiphora abyssinica + Coryl~ avellana L. + CUs~,ut chine&s Lam. +
Commiphora aticana + Corylus comuta Marsh. + Cuscuta curopaea +
Commiphora erythracea + Corynanthe pachyceras + Cuscuta japonica Choisy +
Commiphora hildebrandtii + Costus spicarus f Cuscuta reflexa +
Commiphora madagascariensisJacq. + Couch grass # - Cyamopsis psoralioides +
Commiphora molmot Engl. ex Tschirch + Coutarea latifolia + Cyamopsis tetxagonolobus (L.) Taubert +
Commiphora mukul (Hook. ex Stocks) Engl. + Cranbeny fiuit powder # - cyanocobalamin -
Commiphora myrrha + Cranberry juice concentrate # - Cyathula capitata +
Commiphora opobalsamum + Crataegus cunueata i- Cyathub officinalis &an. f
Commiphora schimperi + Crataegus laevigata (Pair.) DC. + Cyclanthera pedata +
Consolida orientalis + Crataegus monogyna Jacq. -i- Cyclma sinensis -I-
Convallaria majalis L. + Crataegus oxyacantha + Cydouia Vulgaris +
Convoltius arvensis + Crataegus pinnatifida Bge. f Cymbopogon citratus ( DC. ex Nees) Stapf +
Convolvulus bat&s + Crataeva nawaia i- Cymbopogon jwarancnsa Schult. +
Convolvulua operculatus + Crataeva religiosa f Cymbopogon schoenanthusi-
Conyza canadensis(L.) Cronq. f cream extract - Cynauchum stratum Bge. +
Conyza cinera + Creatine monohydrate # - Cynanclmm stauntonii +
Copper # - Creatine phosphate # - cylmra scolymus L. + -
Copper (cupric oxide) # Crocus sativus L. + Cynodan dactylon (Linn.) Pers. +
Copper (lysinate) # crosearmellosesodium - Cynomo&m songariLvm Rupr. +
Copper amino acid chelate # - Crospovidone, NF (PVPP) # - Cypems rohmdus L. f
copper carbonate - Crotalaria juncea Lii. + cypelus scariosus +
Copper citrate # - Crotalaria vermcosa f Cypripedium acaule +
Copper gluconate # - Croton lechleri + Cypripedium calceolus L. +
copper glycinates - Croton phili f Cypripdium pubescens+
copper iysinate - Cryptolepis buchanani Roem. & Schult. + cysteiae # -
Copper protein chelate # - Cryptolepis sanguinolenta + CystiIle# -
Copper sulfate # - Cryptotympaua strata + Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link +
copper yeast - Cucumber ext (cucumis sativae) # - DH.EA*
Coptis chinensis Frauch. + Cucumis melo Linn. + D, L-Methionine #
Coptis goenland~ca (Oed.) Fem. + cucumis sativae - D, L-Phenylanine #
Coptis teeta, Wall. + Cucumio sativus Linn. + D. salina algae ## -
Corallacarpus epigaeus + cucMlis utilis.sumus+ DaemonQropsdraco Blume i-
Cordia salicifolia Cham. f Cucurbita pepo + Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. +
Cordyceps sinensis f Cullen curylifolia (L.) Medicus + d-alpha tocopherol -
CordyMax Cs-4 - Culvers root # - d-alpha tocopherol concentrate -
Cori8ndmm sativum L. + Culvers root powder # - d-alpha tocophe@ acetate -



d-alpha tocopheryl linoleate - Dioscorea bulbifbra Linn. + Echinacea pa&da @Wt.) Nutt. +
d-alpha tocopheryl succinate - Dioscorea oppositifolia Thunb. + Echiiacea purpurea (I..) Moench +
Dam&a (leaves) @mera apbrodisiaca) # Dioscorea villosa W - echinacea purpurea herb powder -
damiaua leaves - Dioscorea villosa L. f Echinocereus granditIorus +
dandelion - Diosgenin # - Echinodotus macrophyllus M. Mich +
Dandelion (Taraxicum dams-leonis) # Diosmin * Echinops echimatus+
date powder - Diospyros virginiana + Eclipta alba Hassk. f
Datura alba Nees. + Dipac DC Tableting Sugar Gran. # - Eciipta prostrata (L.) L. +
Datura Stramonium Linn + Dipotassium phosphate fl - EFA (unrefuredvegetablelipids) essential fatty acids #
Daucus carota Linn. var. sativa D.C. + Dipsacus asper Waliich + Egg Albumin+! -
Davilla rugosa + Dipsacus japonicus Miq. + Egg protein isolate # -
d-beta tocopherol- Dipteryx odorata (Aubl.) Wild. + Egg shell powder t: -
d-delta tocopherols - Dipteryx oppositifolia WiUd. + Elaephorbia drupifem f
Deer antler * disodium phosphate - Elettaria cardamomnm (L.) Maton +
Deer Antler Velvet * Ditab Unmill DCP Dihydrate USP # Eleutherococcus senticosus+ -
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)* dl methionine - Elk Antler *
Delphininum staphisagria + dl phenylalanine - Elk Ant%erVelvet *
Delphinium consolida + DNA# - Elsholtsia ci1ial.a+
Delphinium zalil + Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) # - Elsholtzia haichowensis +
Dendranthea x morifolium (Ramat) Tzelev f Docusate sodium # - Elsholtxia splendens +
Dendranthema x morifolium + Dolichandrone falcata f Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski +
Dendrobium nobile Lindl. + Dolichos aibus + Embeba Glandulifera +
Dendrobium offtcinale + Dolichos biflorus + Embeha Indica f
Deodorized garlic powder # - Dolichos catiang + Embelia Ribes, Burnt. f
Desiccated liver # - Dolichos lablab f Embeha tsjetiam-cottam +
Desiccated liver granulation # - Dolomite # - Emblica ofEcinalis L. +
Desmodium adscendens+ Dong Quai [Angelica sinensis) # - Embryopteris glutinosa +
Desmodium diureticum f Dorstenia bmsiliensis + Emcosoy# -
Desmodium gangeticum D.C. + d-panthenoi - Enicostema littorale +
Desmodium styracifolium (Osbeck) Merr. + Dracocephahtm moldvica + enterococcusfaecium -
Desmostachyabipinnata + Dracontium foetidum L. + EPA (EI.ccsapentaenoicacid) #
devils claw - Dracontium polyphylhtm + Ephedra distachya L. +-
dextran chelate - dried yeast - Ephedra equisetina Bunge +
Dextromethorphan # - Dri-Klear# - ephedra extract -
dextrose - Drosera lanatum + Ephedra gerardiana Wall. ex Smpf +
dextrose mega tab - Drosera longifolia * ephedra herb -
dextrose, D.C. - Drosera rotundifolia L. + Ephedra herb & extract #
d-gamma tocopherol- Drynaria fortunei (Kze.) J. Sm. + Ephedra intermedia Schrenk et C.A. Meyer +
Dianthus superbus + Dryobalanops aromatica Gaertn. + Ephedra nevadensis S. Wats. +
Diastase# - Dryobalanops camhora f Ephedra sir&a Stapf +
Dicalcium phosphate # - Dryopteris crassirhizomat Ephedra vulgaris sensu Brandis f
Dictamnus dasycatpus + Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott + Ephedrine HCl 1:
Didymocarpus pedicellata + dulse - Epigaea repens L. +
Digitalis putpurea L. + Duke (sea vegetable) # Epilobium angustifolium L. +
Diiilylmethane (DIM) * DuodenaI substance(bovine source) # Epilobium parvitlorum Schreb. +
Dillweed oil # - dusting powder, Dry Flo - Epimedium alpinum +
Dimethyl glycine (DMG) # - echinacea - Epimedium gcandiflorum C. Mom f
Dimethylaminoethanol # - Bchmacea (Angustifolia) # Epimedium macranthum Mom & Dcne. +
Dimocatpus longan Lour. i- Echinacea (Purpurea) # ECquisemUmarven52 L. +
Dionaea muscipula + Echinacea angustifolia DC. + EkPrisetumhyentale L. +
Dioscorea alata + echinacea angustifolia root powder - Equisetum telmateia Ehrh. +
Dioscorea batatas Dcne. + echinaceapa&da - Eragrastis cynosuroides, Beauv. f

Q Utah Narural Pmduds Allianoe (UNPA), 1999 AHPA+ CRN- NNFA# UNPA*

ergocalciferol- Evemia pruuastri (L.) Achar. -t Food Glazefi -

Erigeron canadensisL. + Evodia rutaecarpa (Juss.) Be& + Forsythia suspeusa(Thunb.) V&l+
Erigeran heteraphyllum f Evolvuhts alsinoides f Fo-ti (Polygonurn multiflomm) # -
Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindley + Evolvuhts hirsustus + Fouquieria splendensEngehn. +
Eriadictyon califarnicum (Hook. 8.rAm.) Tom + Eye# - Frac# -
Eriadictyan glutinasum Benth f Eyebright # - Fragaria vesca L. +
Eriadictyan tamentasum Ben& + eynara scolymus - Fragaria virginiana Duchesne +
Eriadictyon trichocalyx + Fagara xauthoxyloides + Franguls alnus Mill. +
Eryngium maritimum L. + Fagonia arabica + Frangula purshii (DC.) Cooper +
Eryulrina mdica L. f Fagopyrum esculentum Maench + Fmxinus americana L. +
Erythrina mulungu + Fennel# - Fraxim~sexcelsior L. +
Erythrina stricta Raxb. + fennet seed powder - Fraxinus ornus +
Erythrina variegata + Fenugreek (seeds)# - Diindolylmethane (DIM) *
Erythroxyhm~ catuaba + Feronia liionia (Linn.) Swingle. f Fritillaria cirrhosa D. Don. +, -
Eschschohzia califomica * Ferric ammonium citrate # - Fritillaria tbunbergii Miq. +
esters of propylene glycai - Ferric glycerophasphate # - FmctooJigasaccharides@OS) # -
Ethocel(l0 cps) # - ferric peptonate - fi-lwtose -
ethyl cellulose - Ferrochel iron bisgiycinate # - thu&w, food grade -
Eucalyptus globulus Labill. + ferronyl- Fucus vesiculosus L. +
eucalyptus leaf extract - ferrous chelate - Fumarates# -I
eucalyptus oil - ferrous fimlarate - Fumaria indica +
Eu&ptus piperita + Ferrous fumarate (coated) # - Fumaris olcinalis L. f
Eucommia ulmoides Oliver + ferrous g&mate - Fumaria parviflora Lam. +
Eugenia aramatica + Ferrous lactate # y GABA -
Eugenia aromatica (L.) Baill. + ferrous sulfate - Galactomatman# -
Eugenia caryophyllata Thunb. + Ferula assa-foetida L. + Galaetosidsse# -
Eugenia jambolana + Ferula foetida (Buuge) Regel + Galega afticinalis i
Eugenia jambolana Lam. + Ferula galbaniflua + Galeopsis oohroleuca Lam. +
Eugenia pimenta f Ferula narthex i- Galium aparine L. +
Euodia mtaecarpa J.D. Hook. ex Benth. + Femlic acid 1 - Galrmmvemm L. +
Euonymus atropurpureu Jacq. + Fever few (Tanacetum parthenium) # Galium odoratum (L.) Stop. +
Eupatirium cannabinum + - Ficin # gamma aminobutyric acid -
Eupatorium fortunei 4 Ficus arnattiana f Gamma Aminobutyric acid (GABA) #
Eupatorium perfoliatum L. + Ficus asperrima Roxb. + Gamma Lmolenic acid (GLA) # -
Eupatorium purpureum + - Ficus benghalensis Linn. + Gamma Oryxanol # -
Eupatorium purpureum L. + Ficvs carica Linn. + Ganoderma applanatum (Pers.) Pat. +
Euphorbia brasiliensis + Ficus microcaxpa+ Ganodenna lucidum ( Leyss,ex F) P.Karst. +
Euphorbia entheurodoxa + Ficus racemosa Linn. + Ganoderma oregonense +
Eupharbia hirta L. + Ficus religiasa L&L + Ganadexmasineme +
Eupharbia ipecacuauhaeL. + fig powder - Ganoderma tsugae +
Euphorbia kansui f Filipenduta ulmaria (L.) Maxim. + Garcinia atroviridis +
Euphorbia lingularia + fioin - Gaminis cambogia Desr. +
Euphorbia neriifaha, Linn. + fish body oil (EPADHA) - # Garcinia cambogia extract # -
Eupharbia pilulifera L. + Fish liver oil # - Gamini& cowa Roxb. f
Eupharbia msinifera Berg. + fish oils - Garcinia hanbmyi +
Euphorbia ruyleana Baiss. + Flacourtia sapida + G&ma indica Chois. +
Eupharbia tirucalli Linu. + Flax oiI# * Garktia mangostana f
Euphoria longan &our.) Steud. + Flaxseed meal # - Garcinib pedtmculata +
Euphrasia offrcinabs L. + Fluorine # - Gardenia jasminaides Ellis +
Euryale ferox Salib. + Foam Blast IO Sihcone compound if - Gardenia lucida +
Evening primrose ail # - Foeniculum vulgare Mill. + garhc extract powder, aged -
Evemia tinfuracea ( L.) W. Mann + folic acid - Garlic extract, aged (extract, powder) #



Garlic macerate # - Glucosidase i: - guaifenesm -

garlic powder, granulated - glutamic acid - Guar gum# -’
Garhc sprouts # - glutamic acid NC1 - # Guaranat -
Garlic, oil # - Glutamine # - guava powder, spray dried -
Gas&in mucin powder # - Glutathione # - gngulipid -
Gastrodia efata Bl. + Glutatbione peroxidase # gum arabic -
Gauhheria procumbens L. f Glutathione peroxidase E # - gum ghatti -
gelatin B, U.S. edible - Glycerin # - Gum guggul, gugulipid # -
Gelatin bone 150 bloom # - gIycer@ USP - gum karaya -
Gelatin 200 Bloom GMJ - Glycerol Guaiacolate (Guaifenesin) # - gum preblend w/ Vitamin C -
gelatin, hydrolyzed gelatin, bone - # Glycerophosphates# - Gymnema sylvestre +
gelatin, SPG - Glycinates # - Halloysitum rubrum +
Gelidiella acerosa(Forssk.) Feldm. + Glycine# - Hamamelis virginiia L. f
Geiidium amansii J. V. Lamour. + Glycine max Men. + Harpagophytum procvmben DC. ex Meisu c
Gelidhtm crinale (Turn.) J. VLamour i Glycyrrhetinic acid # - Hawthorn berries # -
Gdidium pacificum Okam. + GlycyrrhiZi echinata i Hearts -
Gelidimn vagum Okam. + Glycyrrhiza glabra L. + # - Nedeoma pulegioides (L.) Pers. +
Gelidium cartilagineum (L.) Gaill. + glycymhixa uraiensis - Hedera helix +
Geiidium divaricahun G. Martens + Glycyrrhixa nratensis Fisch. ex DC. + Hedycbium spicatum Ham +
geltan gum - Gmehna arborea Lii. + Heimia sahcifoha +
Gelsemium sempervirens + l?naphahurn obtusifolium L. + Heisteria pariflom +
Genista tinctoria L. + Gold # Helianthns anmms L. +
Gentianroot # - Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis)# - Helicteres isora +
Gentiana kurroo Royle. + Gonolubus cundumngo + Helonias diocia +
Gentiana longdancao + Gossypium arboreum + Hemerocalhs fulva +
Gentiana lutea L. + Gossypium herbaceum L. f Hemidesmus indicus (L.) Schult. +
Gentiana macrophylla Bge. + Gossypium hiiutum L. + Hemp Agrimony(Eupatorium canabinum) # -
Gentiana manschmica Kitag f Gotu KoJa (Hydrcotyle asiatica) # - Hemiaria glabra +
Gentiana olivieri Griseb. + gotu kola extract - Herpestis mom&a +
Gentiana scabra Bge. + grape powder, artificial - hesperidin complex -
Gentiana triflora + Grape seed extract if - Hesperidm complex; hesperidin methyl chalcone #
Geranium maculatum L. + Grape skin extract tt - hesperidm methyl chalcone -
Germanium # - grapefruit oil - Hexacosanol # -
Germanium (sesquioxide) # grapefruit powder - Hibiscus rosa-sinensisLima. f
Geum urbanum + Grapefruit seed extract # - Hibrscus sabdariffa L. +
Ghattigum# - Grape&lit, whale, powder # Hiemcinm pilosella +
Gigartina Mamillosa + Gravel root (Eupatorium purpureum) # - high fructose cmll SYNP -
Ginger (root) # - Greater Celandine extract # - Hijiki seaweed tf -
ginkgo biloba extract - Green bell peppers # - HiUeris latifolia +
Ginkgo biloba L + # Green hped sea muse1ext.@ema canalicuhts) # Hippopbae rhamnoides Linn. +
ginseng, american - Green onions # - Hippopbae rhomnoidea +
ginseng, Siberia- Green pepper # - Histidinates # -
Glechoma hederacea T Green pepper concentrate If - Hi&dine # -
Gleditsia sinensis + Green tea, extract, powder # - Hularrhena antidysenterica Wall. f
Glebnia littorahs Fr. Schmidt ex Miq. + Grewia asiatica Linn. + honey 1
Gloriosa superba Li. + Grifola frondosa, (Dicks. ex Fr.) + honey, clover -’
glucomammn - Grifola umbellata + honey, DC -
Glucomannan (Konjac root) # Grindelia robusta Nutt. + Hops ~4 -
Gluconates # - Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dunal + Hordeum tigare L. +
Glucosamine HCl # - Grindelia stricta DC. + horehound extract -
Gfucosamine sulfate # - ground limestone - Horseradish # -
glucose syrup, hydrogenated - Guaiacum ufficinale + Horsetail rush d

$0 Utah Natural Pducfs Alliance (UNPA). 1999 9 AHPA+ CRN- NNFA# UNPA*

Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. + oieic acid - Paeonia suffmticosa A&r. +

Nepeta cataria L. + Oleic acid (Omega-9) # Paeonia veitchii +
Nepeta glechoma + Olive oil # - pagodabuds(Japan)-
Nepeta hederacea+ Omega 3 (Spray dried fish oil) # Pagodabuds,Japan, P W Rutin #
Nepeta hmdostana + omega-3 - PAK -
Nereocystis luetkeana (Mert.) Postels & Rupr. + omega-6 - palm kamel oil -
Nerium mdicum Mill. + omega-9 - Palmcnl- #
Nerium odorum, Soland. + onion - palm&e acid -
Nerium oleander + onion powder - P&tic acid if
Nettle powder # - Onosma bracteatum + Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer -t -
niacin - Onosma echioides Lit. + Panax notoginseng (Burk.) F.H. Chen +
niacin complex - Operculina turpethum (Linn.) + Panax pseudoginseng var. notogmseng f
niacin, NF - Ophiopogon japonicus (L. fit.) der - Gawk + Pamx quinquefoium + -
niacinamide - Oplopanax horridus (Sm.) Miq. + Panax quinquefolills L. f
Nickel # - Oplopanax japonicus + Pamx schiieng Nees +
Nickel sulfate # - Gpuntia ficus-indica, Mill. + Pancreas# -
Nicotiana rustica + Orange (peel, pulp, oil) # pancreatin 4NF -
Nicotiana tobacum Lirrn. + orange oil - Panereati 4X, pancreatin 4NF #
nicotinamide-ascorbic acid CompIex - Orange oil 2 li2 fold # Pancrehpase# -
Nigella damascena+ orange peel - Pandanps odoratissimus +
Nigella sativa Limr. + Orange powder # - Pandanus tectorius Soiand. ex Pad&son. f
Noncitrus bioflavonoids # - orange pulp - pantothenic acid -
nonfat dry milk - orchk# - Papain1 -
Nothapodytes foetida Miens. + Or&is latifolia + Papaver rhoeas L. f
Notopterygium irmisum Tmg ex H.T. Chang + Or&is masculata Limr. + Papaver somniferum L. +
Nymphaea alba Limt. -t Origanum majorana L. + Papaya enzymes # -
Nymphaea edulis f Origanm vulgare L. subsp. Hirttmr (Link) Papaya fruit powder # *
Nymphaea lotus, Linn. + ietswaart+ ’ papaya oit -
Nymphaea neltmrbo + Omithme# - papaya powder -
Nymphaea nouchali + Ornithine Alpha-Ketoglutarate (OKG) # - Para-amino benzoic acid @ ‘ABA) # -
Nymphaea odorata + Gmithme monohydrochloride # - Pa&aria di&sa Next. & W. Koch +
Nymphaea ntbra + orotates# - Parietaria ofiicinalis L. +
Nymphoea steflata + Oroxylum indi~um, Vent. + Paris poiyphylla +
oat bran - Orthosiphon stamineus + Parmelii perlata Ach. +
Oat bran fiber # - Oryza sat&a Limt. + Parnassiapalustris +
Oat bran flour # - Osmunda regalis + Parotid# -
oat bran, high protein - Gttonia at&sum+ porsiey -
oat flakes - Ox bile extract # - Parsley (Carum petroselinum) seed oil # -
Oat flour# - Oxahs corniculata, Linn. + parsley concentrate -
Oat grass powder # - Oyster extract powder # - Parsley leaf powder # -
Oat straw powder # - Oyster shell powder # * parsley, dehydrated -
oats, rolled, toasted - P.E.G. E-3350 - Pa&e&m integrifohum L. +
Ocimum album + PABA - part&&y defatted peanut flour -
Ocimum ballatnm + Pachypodanthmm staudtii + passitlora -
Ocimum basilicum L. + Pacific Nori # - Pass&m caerulea +
Ocimutn canum + Pacifica alaria (Alaria marginata) # - Passi&ua edulis +
Ocimum sanctum + Paecilomyceshepinli Chen mycelia - PassifToraincarnata L. +
Ocimum viride + Paederia f&da Linn. + Passiflora laurifolia I,. +
Octacosanol # - Paeonia albiflora Pall. + Pa&flora qnadrangularis +
Oenothera biemris L. + Paeonia lactiflora Pall. + passion flower - #
Oldenlandia (hedyotidis) diffusa + Paeonia obovata f passion flower extract -
Olea europaea L. + Paeonia 0Sicinalis L. f pastetsia palmaeformis -

0 Utah Nirtud Products Allmncc WNI’A), 1999 AHPA+ CRN- NNFA# UNPA*
Pau D’Arco - Phomdendron leucarpum (Xaf.) Reveal & M.C. Piper c*beba L. fil. +
pau dam0 extract - Johnston + Piper Longum L. 6
Paullinia cupana Humb., Bonpl. & Kunth. f Phoradendron villosum + Piper methysticum G. Forster f
Pauliinia pimtata + Phosphatase# - Piper nigrum L. f
Paulhnia sorb& + Phosphates# - Piper officiuarum +
Pausinystaha yohimbe Pierre ex Beille + Phosphatidic acid it - Piper subela f
Pavonia odorata + Phosphatidyicholine # - Pi&&a erytbrina +
Pea fiber# - Phosphatidyletbanolamine # - Piscidiapiscipula f
pea powder - Phosphorus (hydroxyapatite) # Pistacia integerrims Stew. cx Brandis. +
Pea Protein # - Phosphorus protein chelate # - Pisum s&urn +
peanut butter - phosphorus protein chelate - Pituitary# -
peamm, diced roasted - Phragmites communis + Plantago arenaria Waldst. & Kit. f
peanuts, part defatted - Phycocyanin # - Plantago asiatica L. f
Pedalirmamurex Lirm. + Phycoesythrin fi - Plantago ispagula +
Pedi~vlaris bracteosa + Phyllantil~ amaFt@ &hum. Thonn f Plantago lauceolata L. +
Pegamtm hannala + Phylhmtbus emblica L. + Pbmtago major L. f
Pekugouium graveolens L’HAr. ex Aiton + Phyllanthus hi + Plamago media I,. +
pema,canahculus - Phyllauthus nirmi, Lina + Plantago ovata Forssk. +
Pennyroyal # - Phyhantbus urinaria + Plamago psylmJm +
Peppermim# - Phyllautiais emoiica + Plantain baf # -
peppermint extract - phylloquinone - Platinum #
peppermint leaf extract - Phyllostacbys nigra var henionis + Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franc0 +
Peppermint oil # - Phytolacca Americana L. i Platycodon gmmiiflorum (Jacq.) A. DC +
Pepsin enzymes # - Phytolacca decandra L. f Pleurisy root # -
peptonate - phytonadione - Pluches lanceolata Qliver & Hiem. f
Pericampylus incatms (Colebr.) Miers. + Phytosterols kt -. Plumbago zeyhmica Lirm +
Perilla fkutescens + Picolinates # - Plumeria laucifoliata *
pema c3nauculus - Picrasma excelsa @warts) Plan&. + Podophyllum emodi Wallich ex Hook. f. & Thomson+
Peroxidase # - Picrorhiia kurrooa Benth. + Podophyllum hexandmm Royle. +
Petasites offrcinahs, P. Hybrids + Pilocarpus jaboraudi Holmes + Podophyllum peltatum L. +
Petesites frigidus + Pilocarpus microphyllus Stapf + Pogostemon c&in (Bhmco) Be&. +
Petesites hybrids + Pilocarpus pemratifolius Lem. + polydextrose -
Petligera canina + Pimenta dioica (L.) Merr. + Polyethylene glycol # -
Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) Nym. ex A.W. Hill + Pimenta o@icinalis Lii. + polyethylene glycol, 400 -
Petroselinum sativum Hoffm. + Pimpiiella anisum L. t Poiygala senega L. +
Peucedauum graveolens + Pimpmella magna + Polygala sibirka L. +
Peucedmum praemptorum Koch. + Pimpinelia saxifiaga + Polygala tenuifolia W&d. +
Peumus boldus Molina + Pine Bark extract # - Polygonatum bit?omm (Walter) Ehiott +
Pfaffta paniculata (Mart.) Kuntze + pineapple powder - PolygaYlatumcirrhifohum +
Phaeophycea+ Pineliia ternata (Thunb.) Briet. + Polygonatum commutatmn +
Phalaris canariensis L. + Pinelliae tematae + Poiygonatum odommm (Mill.) Druce 4
pharmaceutical glaze - Pinguicula vulgaris + Polygon3tum 0fiicinaleAU f
Pharmaceutical glaze # Piuus deodara f Polygonatum sibiricum Red. +
Phaseolusradiatus Liun. + Pimts langifoiia + Polygomuri aviculare +
Phaseohts trilobus + Pmus roxbmgbii Sargent. + Polygmmm bistorta L. +
Phaseolus vulgaris L. + Pinus strobus L. + Polygonurn chmense +
Phellodendron amurense Rupr. + pimus succinifera + polygormm multiflomm -
Phellodendron chiuense Scbneid. + Pinus sylvestris L. + Polygouum muMlorum Thunb. +
Pbenylatmine # - Piper a&mum + Polygormm viviparum +
Phenyltoloxamine citrate # - Piper aurantiacmu Wall. + Polypbenoh # -
Phoenix dactylifera L. + Piper betle + Polypodium calaguala +
Phoradendron tlavescens Nutt. ex Engeim. f Piper chaba, Hunter, Scindapsus + Poiypodium californica +

OUtahNatunl Products Allmcc (UNPA). 1999 14 AHPA+ CRN- lWFA# UNPA*


Polypodium iepidopteris + Primula veris L. + Puda tuberosa +

Polypodium vulgare + Prinsepia uniflom Batahn + puffed brown rice -
Polyporus umbellatus + Pristimera indica + puffed oat groafs -
Polysaccharides# - proanthocyanidin - Pulmonaria off~cinahs L. i
Polysorbate 80 # - Procyanadins kt - Ptdsatilla chinensis f
Poncirus trifoliata + Proline# - Putsatitla patens +
Pongamia glabra Vent. + Prooticarb-MGl # - Pulsatith vtdgaris +
Pongamia pinnata + propolis - Pumpkin seed meal # -
Poplar bud extract # - propylene glycol- Pumpkin seed oil # -
Populus balsamifera L. var. + propylene glycol alginate - Punica granatum L. +
Pop&s tremuloides Michx. + Propylene glycol; esters of propylene glycol # purified col!lulose,granular -
Popuhrs trichocarpa + Prostate # - Purvmella rapa+-
Populus x jackii Sarg. + prosweet powder, natural - P W RutEn -
Poria cocos (Schw.) Wolf + Protease# - Pycnogenol (proanthocyanidin,pine bark extract)# -
Porophylhrm ruderale + Proteinates# - Pygeurnaticaunm # - +
Portulaca grandiflora + pmne - pyridoxal -’
Portulaca oleracea L. + Prune powder-dried (Prunus aractus) # - pyridoxal-5-phosphate -
Postogemon patchouli + Prunella vulgaris L. + pyridoxamiue -
Potassium# - Prunus africiana + pyridoxine HCL -
potassium alginates - prunus aractus - Pyridoxine ketoglutarate # *
Potassium amino acid chelate # Prunus armeniaca L. + Pyridoxme-alpha ketoglutarate (PAR) # -
potassium ascorbate - Prunus avium + Pyrola rotundifolia +
Potassium aspartate # - Prnnus cerasus+ pyrophosphate, sodium acid -
Potassium benzoate # - Pnmus communis + Pyrostegia ignea +
Potassium bicarbonate # - Prumu domestica + - Pylus malus +
potassium borate - Prunus dulcis (Milt.) D.A. Webb. var. amara (DC.) Pyruvat.e# -
potassium caprylate - HE. Moore f Quassia amara L. +
Potassium caseinate# - Prunus ilicifolia + Quei-c&n# -
Potassium chloride # - Prunes insititia + Quercus alba L. +
Potassium citrate # - Prmius japonica + Qttercus infector& Oliv. t-
Potassium gluconate # - Prumts mume (Sieb.) Sieb. et Zucc. + Quercus robur L. +
Potassium glycerophosphate # Prunus padus f Quillaja saponaria Molina +
Potassiumiodide # - Prunus paranaensis+ Qtlinoa# -
Potassiumphosphate # - Pmnus per&a (L.) Batsch + Quiqralis indica L. f
Potassiumprotein &elate # - Pmmrs puddum + raisin paste -
Potassium sorbate # - Prmms serotina Ebrh. + raisins -
Potassium succinate # - Prunus spinosa L + Raphanus sativus Limt. f
Potassium sulfate # - Prunus virginiana + Rauvolfia serpentma Bet&. ex Kurx. +
Potassium tartrate # - PseudoephedrineHCl # reclainmd netting -
Potatostarch# - Pseudotellaria heterophylla Mi4. + Reclaii netting-0989 & 1109 #
Potentilla erecta (L.) Raeusch. f P&hum pomiferum + Red Clover tops (Tilfolium pratense) # -
Potentilla reptans + Psidium pyrifermn + red jujube date extract -
Potentilla tormentilla Stokes + Psoraleaecorylifoliae + Red Raspberry (leaves) # -
Potbos 0fScinaIis + Psyllium (husks, seed) # - red root -
Povidone# - Ptelea trifotiata + Red root/Jersey tea #
Pregel, starch NF starch 1500 # Pterocarpusbengalensis f red wheat flakes bran -
Premna herbacea + Pterocarpusmarsupmm f red yeast rice -
Premna integrifolia Linn. + Pterocatpus santahnus L. fii. f Rehmanniaff -
Premna mucronata + Ptychopetatum olacoides Benth + Rehmannia glutinosa Libos&itz *
Prickly Ash (bark) # - Ptychopetahtm uncinatum Ansehnino + Rehmannia glutinosa Steud. +
FVimex- Pueraria lobata (Willd.) Ohwi + Reishi mu&rooms # -
Primrose# - Pueraria thomsonii Ben& f Rennet# -

&-IUtah Natwd Products Ailiancc (UNPA), 1999 15 AHPA+ CRN- NNFAI UNPA*

retinol - Roscoea procers + Salvia mihiorrhiza Bunge +

retinyl esters- Rose hips (powder) # - Salvia ot%,nalis L. f -
Rhamnose # - Rosemary (leaves, extract) # - Salvia pfebeia RBr. f
rhamnus - Rosemary oil # - Salvia s&ares L +
Rhamnus califomicus + Rosmarinus officinalis + Samahnu album +
Rhamnus cathartica f Rottlem tinctoria + Sambucusaustmlis .t
Rhamnus frangula L. + royal jelly - Sambucus canadensisL. +
Rhamnus purshiana D.C. f Rubia cordifolia, Linn. + Sambums nigra L. +
Rheum acumiuamm + Rubia tinctoria + Sanguin,ari&canadensisL. +
Rhem emodi, Wall., + Rubus fhuieosus L. + Sanguis4nbsofficinalis +
Rheum officinale Baill. + Rubus idaeus L. + Sanimta europaea L. +
Rheum palmatum L. + Rubus laciniatus + Sansevieriaroxburghiana +
Rheum tanguticum Maxim. ex. Balf + Rubus strigosus Miehx. + Santalum album L. +
Rhizopus enzyme # - Rubus suavissimusS. Lee + Saracaasica Rohb. +
Rhodiola rosea + Rubus villosus f saraca indica L. +
Rhodomyrtus tomemosus + Rubus waliichii f Sardine oii, # I-
Rhodymenia pslrnetta (J.F. Lamour.) Grev. + Rudbeckia purpurea + Sargassumfusiforme +
Rhubarb juice powder # - Rumex acetosella L. + Sarsaparilta (root) (Smilax officinalis) # -
Rhubarb root powder ff - Rumex alpinus L. + Sassafrasalbidum (Nutt) Nees +
Rhus acuminata + Rumex crispus Limt. + - Sassafrasofficinale T. Nees & C. H. Ebermaier +
Rhus aromatica + Rumex hymenosepalusTom + Satureja douglasiana I-
Rhus coriaria L. + Rumex obtusifolius L. + Satureja hortensis L. +
Rhus glabra L. + Rumex vesicarius, Lii + Saturejzrmontana L. +
Rhus succedanea,Lii -t Ruscus aculeatus L. + - Saussureafappa (Dcne.) C. B. Clarke f
Ribes grossularia + Ruta graveolens L. + Saussureaobvahata, Wall. +
Ribes nigrum L. + Rutintf - Saw pahnetto (serenoa serrulata) # -
riboflavin - ryeflour- Saxifagsraga ligulata +
riboflavin-phosphate sodium - Rye grass powder # - Saxifraga hgulata, Wall. +
Rice btan powder # - Sacamoneaf%eiii f Schiius molle f
rice crisp, extruded - Saccharamycesboulardii # - Schinus terebiifoha Raddi +
rice flour - Sacchantm arundinaceum f Schisandra chmensis (Turcz.) Baill. f
Rice protein # - Saccharum crudum + Schiaaadra (berries) # -
Rice protein concentrate # - Sac&rum lactis f schizaudra berry extract -
rice syrup - Saccharummunja + Schizonepeta tenuifolia +
Rice syrup solids # - Saccharumofficinamm Liun. + Scilla maritima .!-
rice wafer - Sacchamm granomm + scindapsus 0fficinaIis s&Ott. +
Ricinus communis, Linn. + safflower - Scoiopendra subspinipes+
Ricimls dicoccus + %&lower oil # - Scopolia camioiica Jacq. +
Ricrorrhiza kmroa +- Safflower/Mexican Saffron # Scrophularia cahfornica +
Ritchiea reflexa + Sage (Salvia 0fEcmalis) # - Scrophularia mar&ndica L. +
RNA# - Salisbex Nutt. + Scrophularia mngpoensis +
rolled oats * Salisburia adiantifolia + Scrophularia nodosa L. f
Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum (L.) Hayek + Salix alba L. + Scullcap herb powder # -
Rosa alba L. + Salix nigra + ScuteRatiabaicalensis Georgi +
Rosa canina L. + Salmaha malabarica + Scutellaria califdca +
Rosa centifolia L. +- Salmon oil # - ScuteUarialateriflora L. +
Rosa dahurica + Salt, sea # sea cucmnber ‘4
Rosa damascenaL. + Salvadora persica, Linn. + Sea cueumber (Beche-de-mer) #
Rosa gallica L. + Salvia apiana + sea kelp powder -
Rosa iudica + Salvia columbariae Benth. + sea pahn -
Rosa laevigata + Saivia hispanma L. + Sea palm (Pasteisiapalmaeformis) #
Rosa rugosa L. + Salvia mellifera Greene + sea salt -

8 UtahNatural Products Alliance (UNPA), 1999 16 AHPA+ CRN- NNFA# UNPA*


sea vegetable - Silver # Solanum xanthocarpum, Schrad & We&l+

Se&e cereale f Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. + - Solidaga canadensis+
Sedum mrmemosum + Simarouba excelsa + Solidago virgaurea L. *
Seguiera alliacea + Simplocus racemosa+ Sonchus oteraceus f
Seguiera americana + Sinapis alba L. + Sophors flavescensAit. +
Seknicereus grandiflorus(L.)Britton&Rose -t Siraitia grosvenorii (SwingJe) C. Jeff. + Sophorajaponica +
Selenium # - Sisymbrium nasturtium-aquaticurn + Sorbitan # -
Selenium (L-Selenomethionine, selenocysteine, Skiiia hum&a, Hook + Sorb&m A # -
selenocystine) # Skip Jack liver oil ft - Sorbitol# -
Selenium (sodium selenate) # Slippev Elm (bark) # - Sorbus amureusis +
Selenium ammo acid chelate # - Smilax china + Sorbus aucuparia +
Selenium ascorbate # - S&lax febrifuga Kunth + soy-
Selenium chelate # - Smilax glabra + soy brau -
Selenium Cysteine # - Smilax glauca Walter + soy concetmate -
Selemum Cystine # - Smilax Japicanga + Soyfiber# -.
Selenium hydrolyxed protein # - Smilax medica Schlechtend. L Cham. + soy flour -
Selenium protein &elate # - smilax of5cinalis - SoyLecithin# -
Selenium selenite # - Smilax omata Lem. + soy lee&in, hydroxyhued -
Selenium yeast concentrate # - Smilax regelii Killip & Morton f Soy potysaccharide # -
seienocysteine- Snakeroot# - soy pratein -
selenocystine - SOD - soy protein hydrosylate - #
Seline# - sodium algiaates - soy protein isolate - #
Semecaxpusanacardium Lii. + sodium ascorbate - Soybeauoil# -
Senegaextract # - sodium borate - Soymida febrifuga +
Senna alexandrina Mill. + Sodium Caprylate # - Sparganium simplex +
Sermaobtusifolia (L) Jrwin & Barneby + sodium caprylates - Spargauium stoloniferum +
Semta tora (L) Roxb. + Sodium carbonate # - Spartium scoparium L. f
Se--leaves (cassia angustifolia) # - Sodium carboxmethylcellulose # - Spatholobus snberectus +
Serenoarepens (W. Bartram) Small + sodium chloride - spearmmt # ^.
screnoa serrulata - Sodium chlorite # - Spearmint oil, natural # -
Serenoa serrulata (Michx.) G. Nichols. + sodium citrate - Spelt grass powder # -
Serine# - sodium citrate, hydrous - Sphaemmhusindi~us Linn +
sesameoil - Sodium copper chlorophyllin # - Spheranthnshirtus -t
Sesamumindicum f Sodium lauryl sulfate t: - Spigelia anthelmia +
Sesamm orientale L. + sodium meta vanadate - Spigelia marilamlica L. f
sesqu~oxide- sodium metasilicate - Spilanthes acmeha I.. ex J. A. Murray +
Shark cartilage # - sodium molybdate - Spinacea oleracea f
shave grass - Sodium molybdate powder # - Spinach 1
Shiitake mushroom extract # - sodium phosphate, diiydrate - Spinach powder # -
Shorea robusta, Gaertn. + sodium selenate - Spiraea ulmaria f
Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus)# Sodium starch glycolate NF # - Spiropetalum heterophy&tm f
siberian ginseng extract - Sodium sulfate # - spiNiina?I -
Sida cordifolia L. + Solarium dnlcamara f Spleen # -
Sida rhombifolia + SoIanum imerturn + Spongia otfrcinalis +
Sida rhombifolia Lii + Solauum indicum Lhm. -I- Squalene k! -
Sida veronicaefolia Lann + Solanum jackquiuii + Squaw vine # -
Siler divaricatum Bentb. & J. D. Hook + SolanU jilo + St. Johu’s bread -
silica - Solarium lycopemicum + St. Jommwort herb extract 3V -
Silicon (silica) (sodium metasilicate) # SoIamb nigtum Linu. f Stachys uf%zinaiis (L.) Tervis. +
Silicon dioxide # - Solamun panicuiatum f stamous chloride -
Silicon protein complex # - Sokmum rubrum + Snuch# -
silicone - Solarium tuberosum + Stearic acid # -

8 Utah Natural Produck Alliance (UNPA), I ‘W 17 AHPA+ CRN- NNFAX E’JPA*


steak acid, vegetable powder - Syzygium jambolana DC., + Thymus# -

Stellaria media (L.) Vill. + Syzygium jambolana Lam. + Thymes serpylhrm +
Stemona sessilifolia + Syzygium jambos + Thymes vuigaris L. +
Stephania tetrandra S. Moore + T dioxide/glycerin disper # - Thymes xcitriodotus (Pets.) Schreb. f
Stercuha acuminata + Tabebuia avellanedae auct. + Thyroid #
Sterculia a~uminata powder # - Tabebuia heptaphylla (Veil.) + Tilia platyphyltos Stop +
StereospermumsuaveolensD.C. + Tabebuia impetiginosa (Mart. ex DC.) St&l. + Tilia x europaea L. f
Sterol complete premix # - Tacca aspem Roxb. f Tillandsia usneoides +
Sterotex K vegetable stearin # - Tagates erecta + - Timida Tsen et Lee +
Stevia ivaefoha f Tagates lucida + tin-
stevia rebaudiana - # Tamarindus iudica f Tin (stamoas chloride) #
Stevia rebaudmna (Bertoni) Hemsl. + Tamarix gal&a + Tinospora cordiolia .t
Sticta pulmonaria + tanacetnm parthenium - Tinospora sinensis +
Stillingia sylvatica Garden ex L. + Tanaietum partheaium (L.) Schultz-Sip. + titanium dioxide -
Stomach # - Tanacetnm vu&are L. + Toledo +
Strawberry concentrate # - Tangerine extract # - Tornla yeast # -
strawberry powder - Taraxacm densiconis + TR ultra mega 11i/o iron mix # -
Streptococcusfaeclum (Enterococcus faecium) # Taraxacum mongolicmm + Trachyspermum ammi +
Streptococcussaliva&s # Taraxacurn officinale G.H.Weber ex Wigg. + Trademmtia diuretica +
strept.ococcusthermophihls # taraxicum deins-leonis - Trametes vemicolor +
Strychnos nux-vomica, L. + tartaric acid - Transfer-98 TM # -
stlychos potatorum + Taurine# - Tremells mciformis +
Styrax benzoin Dryander + Taxus baccata, Lhm. + Tri Boron complex ## -
Styrax parallelone- Perkins + Tea polyphenols # - Triacontanol # -
Styrax tonkiiensis (Piene)Craib.Et Hartw. + Tecoma undulata + Ti%nospema tayuya Mart. +
Succinates# - Tectona grandis + Tribuhu aey +
Sucrase# - Teinshigins~l# - Triitdlus lenuginosus +
sucrose ester - Tephrosia pm-puma(Linn.) Pm. + Tribnlus terrestris, Lii. +
sugar, brown - Tephrosia villosa f Tricalcium phosphate # -
sugar, powdered, food grade - Terminalia arjuna Bedd. + Trichilha barraenais+
Sulfated Castor oil # - Termiaalia bellerica (Gaertn.) Roxb. f Trichosantbis Kirilowii f
Sulfates # - Term&ha chebula (Gaertn.) Retz. + Trifoliunl prateuse L + -
Sulphur# - Ternstroemia pringkei (Rose) + Trifolium repens +
Suma# - Tetracosanol# - TrigoneEa foenum-graecurn L. +
Suma root powder # - Tetroseff - Trillium erecturn L. +
Sunflower oil # - Teucrium chamaedrysL. + Trihm ovatmn +
sunflower oil with tocopherol- Teucrium scorodonia L. + Tripterygium wiltordii f
sunflower oil, hydrogenated - Thea sinensis+ Tritkam3 aestivtnn L. +
Sunflower seed meal # - Theiesperman trifidum + Tropaeolutu minus +
Superex S3027,2nd # - Theobroma cacao L. + Trypsin# -
Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) # thiamine HCI - Trypto&a# -I
Sweet dairy whey powder # - thiamine HCI, USP - tumera aphrodiasiaca -
Swertia cbirayita + thiamine mononitrate - Turmeric # -
Swertia radiata + Thonningla sanquinea + Turnera aphrodisiaca (Ward)Urban +
Symphytmn officinale L. + threonie acid - # ?hmerd difha Will& ex Schuh. f
Symphytmn x uphmdicum Nyman f threonicsalts- # Turnera orpifera f
Symplocarpus foetidus (L.) + Threonine# - Tussilago farfara L. +
Symplocos racemosa,Roxb. + Thuja occidentalis L. + Tytophora asthmatica +
Symplocos theaefolia + Thuja orientalis L., f ,rymaIIthus eiegans f
Syringia vulgaris + Thuja plicata f Tyrosine # -
Syzygium aromaticum (L.M.) err. & L.M. Perry f thyme extract - ubiquinone -
Syzygium cumini Skeels + thyme powder - Uhus ftdva Michx. +

8 UtiNaWmi l’wduds Alhancc (“MA), 1999 18 AHPA+ CRN - NNFA# UNPA *


Ulmus rnbra Muhl. + Veronia cinerea C Watercress# -

Uncaria gambir (Hunter) Roxb. + Veronica officinalis L. + watercressconcentrate -
Uncaria rhyncholphylla + Veronicastrum virgin&urn (L.) Farwell + watercress, dehydrated -
Undecylenic acid # - Vetivmia dzaniodes (L.) Nash + Wheat bran powder # -
Unicana tomentosa (Willd.) DC. + Viburnum opulus L. + Wheat gem extract # -
Unidex 2034 # - Viburnum prunifolium L. + wheat germ flour -
unrefined vegetable lipids (EFA) - Vinca major + Wheat germ oil # -
Urea# - Vmca minor L. + Wheat 5em oil 50% powder # -
Urtica califarnica + Vinca rosea + Wheat germ toasted fine powder It -
Urtica dioica L. + Viola cucullata f wheat grass -
Urtiga urens + Viola odorata L. + Wheat grassjuice powder #
Usnea barbata (L.) Wigg. + Wola papilionacea Pursh pro parte + wheat jttice powder -
Usnea califomica + Viola sororia Willd. i- Wheat sprout cont. (enzyme active) #
Usnea longissima sch. + Viola tricolor L. f wheat sprout concentrate -
Usnea subfloridiana + Viigin orange bioflavonoid complex # - Whey #
Uterus+/ - Viscum album L. + Whey protein concentrate # -
UvaUrsi # - Viscum flavescens + whey protein isolate -
Uva Ursi extract # - Vit A (redmol,retiayl esters,fish oils, beta csmtene)# White film coating concentrate # -
Vaccaria segetahs + Vit Bl (ThiamiaeMonorutrate,ThiamineHCl, yeast)# White oak (bark) # -
Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton + Vit B2 (Riboflavin) # White pondlily (Lilium tigrinum) # -
Vaccinium corymbosum L. + Vlt B3(Niacin, niacinamide, niacin complex) # White wiilaw bark # -
Vaccinium myrttllus L. + Vit B6 (Pyridoxine HCI, Pyridoxal-S-phosphate, Whole brown rice powder # -
Vaccinium pallidum Aiton + Pyridoxal, Pyridoxamine) # Wild yam (root) # -
vaccinum oxycoccos f Vit C (ascorbic acid, mineral ascorbates,ascorbyl Withania somnifera Dunal. +
Valerian (root) # - esters)# Woltiporia cocos (Schwein.) Ryv, & Gilbn. +
Valeriana edulis Nutt. ex Tom &A. Gray + Vit C (calcium polyascorbate) # wood betony # -
Valerlana edulis procera (Kunth)F.G.Meyer + Vit D (ergocalciferol, cholecalciferol, fish oils) # xantban gum -
Valeriana offrcinalis L. + Vlt E (D-alpha tocopberyl acetate, linoleate, yucci- X8nthiyn sibiricum f
Vale&ma sitchensisBong. + nate, and d, l-forms) # Xamhuphyll # -
Valeriana wall&ii DC. + Vtt E (d-beta, d-gamma, d-dehs tocopherois) # Xanthorhiza simplicissima Marshal +
Valine # - Vit K1 (Phylloquinone, Phytonadione) # Xyhirla nigripes +
Vanadium# - vitacel- xylitol, D.C. -
Vanadium amino acid chelate # vitamin A - xylonic acid - #
Vanadium protein complex # - vitamin A acetate - xylonic salts - #
Vanadium sulfate # - vitamin A acetate & DZ - Xylopln sethiopica +
vandadium amino acid &elate - vitaminA acetate & D3 - Yafrow# -
Vanilla planifolia Andr. + vitamin A palmitate, dry - Yeast powder, primary grown if -
Vanilla tahilensis J. W. Moore + vitamin B12 - yeast, bakon -
Vascularis 1ufEae+ vitamin B12 on resin - yeast, basic, 6OMKF -
Vegetable extracts # - vitmii D2, beadlets - yeast, chromium -
Vegetable magnesium stearate # - vitamin D3, beadlets - yeast, debittcred brewers, NF -
vegetable oil, hydrogenated - Vitamin E acetate - yeast, molybdenum -
Vegetable rennet # - vitamin E, dl-a-tocopherol acetate - yeast, scle&m -
Vegetable shortening # - vitamin E, mixed tocopherols - yeast, standardized -
Vegetable sqnalene # - vitaminK- Yellow dock (root ext) (Rumex crispus) # -
Vegetable stearic acid # - vitamin Kl - Ye&a mate # -
Velvet Antler * Vitex agnus-castusL. + - # Yucca i: -
Veratrum vhide Aiton + Vitex negundo Linn. + Yucca aloifolia L. f
Verbascum thapsus L. + Vitis rohmdifoiia + Yucca baccata +
Verbena hastata L. + Vitis trifolia + Yucca brevifolia Engehu. in Wats. +
Verbena leucostachys + vitis vinifera + Yucca glauca Nutt. +
Verbena officinalis L. + walnuts, diced - Yucca wbipplei Tom in Emory +

0 Utah Nntural hoduets Alliance (UNPA), 1999 19 AHPA+ Cl@?- NNFA# UNPA’

Zanthoxylum alatum. Roxb. +

Zanthoxylum americanum Mill. +
Zanthoxyhnn clava-herculis L. +
Zanthoxylum rhetsa, Linn. +
Zanthoxyhm simulaus Hance +
Zea mays L. f
Zeathanthine/Zeaxanthin #
zeaxanthin -
Zeyheria montaua +
zinc -
Zinc (ammo acid chelate) # -
Zinc (glycinate chelate) #
Zinc ascorbate# -
Ziic aspartate# -
Zinc citrate # -
Zinc gluconate # -
zmc glycinate chelate -
Zinc lysinate # -
Zinc monomethionine # -
Zinc oxide # -
Zinc piculinate # -
zinc protein &elate -
Zinc succinate # -
Ziic sulfate # -
zinc yeast -
Zingiber officinale Roscoe +
Ziziphus joazeiro +
Ziziphus jujuba Mill. +
Ziziphus jujuba var. spinosa Hu +
Ziziphus spinosa Hu +
Ziziphus vulgaris, Lhtn. +

0 Utah Natural Pdu% Alliance (UiWA). 1999 20 AHPA + CRbl - NNPA & UNPA*

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