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R COLLOQUIAL MALAY Zaharah Othman and Sutanto Atmosumarto R Colo! Malay ny ou ard comply to Spec witen by experince chr for slaty orcas aa the cove Ofer you's sepbey Secon 10 wren and “poke My” No por Meige fhergge requ Wat makes Colloquia Malay your best choke in Devt gue een * leterative oc of exerci for regulate 1 Fenced we woabuy in promion + Epes incr newer ey and speci ‘rnc con By tend fis evading cours ou wil be ble husks corey and electra n May 2 Sad rang of every stan “Two dinate cases are sale co accompany otoqulal Malay. Recorded by mae Pay peter these setae en Be see ot ysis and ‘Splerrt h fok mee yu with proven Seige Unger CAP AE sew o-as-to-2 cers iil ent oete Der The Colloquia! Series “The following guages are available inthe Colloq seve: + Atbarian * Indonesian sAmbane Halaa sabi (Levante) Japanese Arabic of Eaypt * Misy "Arabic he Gulf and Seudi* Norwegian “Ania = Pana * Bulganan + Persian = Cambodian * Pott + Cononese Portugese = Chinese + Romanian *Gaesh Rosine “Danish + Serbo Croat * Daten + Spanish SEneh * Spanish of Lata America + Eonian * Swedish “French “Thai Turkish Greek Ukranian + Gujara Vietnamese + Hngaran Wek + Accompanying cssetes) avaiable Colloquial Malay A Complete Language Course Zaharah Othman and Sutanto Atmosumarto R London and New York Fa pai 95 ty Rouge TY New eer Lae Landon BCA AE Simatanconiy pbs inthe USA and Cade Bes 8 Seat New You NY 1am {©19SZatsh Oban nd Sno Atmos “yytin Tne Tenby sens Li, Stodeigh Devon Print an oun in Egan Clay Lape Ais served No pf hook maybe ited or eodacd {tc ayo yay seston mecha mens Sharknown rece ine cig pseng ond ero Xin any ermine ntl pom sah person ak Sgt he polar Br ibayCatosig i Publwion Dass Lita of Congres Ctoguing in Pbltion Date ‘Aeathgue er oth bok a en egos ISBN0-45-110122 (ook) ISBN 0-45-11013-0 nme) ISBN 0-15-1104 (bok nd casts oui) Contents Malay transcription and pronunciation 1. Nama saya John Stanton My name is Joba Stanton 2 Ini bukan anak Susan “This isnot Susans tld 3 Ada berapa murid dalam Darjah Satu? How many pups are sere in Standard One? 4 Dimana Tuga Negara? Where ise National Monument? 5 Bagaimana rumah anda yang baru? How's your aew house? 6 Anda suka berjalan? Do you lke walking? 7. Hari ini berapa haribulan? What i tday’s date? 8 Menunggu siapa? Who are you waiting or? 9 Kembali ke kolej Back college 10 Pembangunan di Malaysia Development in Malaysia 11 Surat saya sudah ditaip? Has my leer been ype? 12 Tolong ambilkan saya surat Please get me the laters 13 Mana yang lebih baik? ‘Which beter? 2 s 6 1m us re ny 182 168 114 Ramai orang mengerumuni kawasant rumah itu Many people gathered in the compound 15 Ayam terlepas keluar “The chickens have exaped 16 Bermaat-maafan di Hari Raya [Asking for forgiveness on the Day of id Grammar summary Key to the exercises Malay-English glossary 7 m BEB Malay transcription and pronunciation For speakers of European languages, Baasa Melayu (the Malay Tanguage) i perhaps amoag the easiest of erential languages (0 lear, mainly because’ Malay is writen in roman” characters, Moreover ailsylbie are pronounced almost equal and its not a tonal language "The bai intonation of Malay (the ‘music of the language’) ‘conventional that uses aig intonation fr Ye questions nda falling intonation for who, what le questions and sate mens, jus ike Enel ‘Pronunciation, however, canbe a problem, Tere are ve vowels in Malay and none of them has st exit equivalent in Engish. Of the twenty-four consonant, namely Ma Il a ‘an be pronounced roughly lhe same as Eahsh. Inthe flowing “ction, however, the Malay sounds are dexeribed in term ofthe ‘lenest English sound» The Enhsh referred ols Standard British English Word stress In Malaya word is segmented into sylales, all of which revive iss qual ses, egal (0 syle), mina (hee), perkah imam (our), te "A sequence of sees and nonstretes causes fuctuations in uerane. Ina stam of Engl speech, unstressed syllables ate Sued or pronounced almost Maudib whist the steed ones fave accned, bens retin a wave of contractions This not the ise with May speach. Because all syllables have to be pro nounced alos equally one By one, a sentence in Malay takes a Tonger time to reat of say compared with an English sentence fowever, Malay spskers have a way of cating oF doping 2 syllable or evens word which they find disposable in an uterane, ere ae some exams {alformal form shor fom feta but) pi Sandara hed ke mans? Nak ke mana? (CWhere do you want ogo) sma Ke dam il aco bik (Cro enter the oom’) luo the profi me attached to. verbs often partly eboppst ff (Only he ot ver is used. For example ia memukal gendang. Dia pa gendang. (He's beating the drm’) Sayahendak menus sural Sayama tulsa (Clan to waite alone) Dia mencor aj Dia ue hae. (She wating clothe") Intonation Jn normal speech one ean dating fur levels of pitch: very low (Gymbotized by 1: low which f the wal voce level atthe begin ing of an uterance (2); high (3) and very igh (4A varied com bination ofthese itch levels plus a pase, makes up the intonation ‘ta aerate. should not be ach of «problem fram English Speaker to ear bse Malay intonation because iis similiar that, FE agli ‘Statements (falling intonation) Saya mata, Vm eating reese ‘Orange minum sus, That person irinking milk Pee Dia dak mau dudak. He doesn't want fos 2332 2 23 Yes-No questions rising intonation) Orang ite! datang? ‘The man came? Pyeaes Datanghah’ omamgitu? Di she man come? Pres 12328 ‘Who’, ‘what’ ete, questions (falling intonation) Bila orang it peg’? When dd the man 30? paar asst ‘Ape kerja anda? Whats your jb? airtel Slaps menus sora 2122223 31 Saudaraimakan spa? What re you cating? Pys/22 we 2? Who wrote that eter? Reading and writing Lets note the definition of the linguistic word ‘phoneme’ A. ‘Phoneme is minimal dict sound unt, sulin to cin fubha word from one oherwis: sila For example ia ume and [in dime ate two distactive sound waits or phonemes. Silay {indeed and in did age two diferent vowel phonemes Englse prone tranerptin is very diferent rom the regular ‘wing =the former is for ngs andthe ater fr everybods. In English, words with the sae vowel sounds ca be wien 8 very slifrent was, for example the phoneme [iin the words make, ‘eight, pla al of which, though pronounced ina sma foson, resp qite differen “There isa more consent eationship between Malay phonemes sna their wetten forms. Normally, for one Malay phoneme there fone writen form, namely one ofthe eters inthe Latin alphabet ‘This apis to vowels a wel 351 consonants Ip Malay ts the onistency ofthe one-to-one relationship between sound and sym bo that makes the reading and wring of the language relatively "aightforward. There therefore no problem wil pling. In Maly, there are fv bse vowel phonemes: lf, and ‘i. Diphihong o des are made by combining ose with another. Vowels fal “The Malay as pronounced in two nay depending om its poston, When is in wordt potion (which normaly accented) oF wheat istetween two commas iis pronounced ike the ai the English word faker: aman garden matin eat anya Tanyimoch dapat as eply bayer pay star oot ‘The second way to pronounce a our in word-inalposion, in thick eas iti pronounced as aa the English word china In this postion ais usualy unaceented: ad twexisto have bahawa that " what funds San stra programme kate ord ‘Not: a can combine with or ut produce the diphthongs a(n ‘the English my andi) and au (sin the Enpsh cow and bow water as thirty oie watery smact death Tain ieret uot ea ait hook dan eat lel ‘The Malay fe has two slferent sounds. One is pronounced like the English ain ago and agin. The other sounds somewhere tetwosn the ein bed and thea ad, ein ago ‘between Bed and bad fms” gold eak cons Kevts paper ak avoid setback hem iter fenth——dontknow = lak ice Dens ce Siam peling wi “The Malay iis pronounced much like the Explsh vowel sound in et. meat a Be tw tat bat buy anh bert re ies count Sem ‘aiet ‘ie we ‘mand tate ile mad tinge stay ‘Note: The can combine with wor 01 produce dptitiongs i (a English equivalent) and io (asin the Engh kos). ‘inp ow ala viata a wile Toman (anistand) dom Kise tier saliva Jol “The Malay (oi flere from the English fo. Geacaly the English in an open slabe ng, being llowed by «at the end whereas the Malay a's shor the nearest to English being Fike the oi go and sa faa losed syllable the Malay J! is ery ‘much ike the woe! sound in more saw oF door ‘(an open slale has a vowel ending the syllable. A closed slate tas a consonant ending the slabl, fr example, in tdar (ose) the fist sylable is open andthe second lable da i sowed). sate soup kotor sin Kote cones bot bottle ar) Kovong ——empiy fenton toate Noe: there are two erin a wor, both shouldbe pronounced the Shas. ICin a word ore 0 im an open syllable and the ater in 3 ‘loved lal, thee in the ced syllable ss dominant So oth os ‘nach word inte right-hand column above are pronounced as the ‘vowel Sound it more sow and door fut ‘The Malay lin an open sae pronounced like the Eaglsh oo Intootk, boom or shoo. All win the two columas below ate pronounced the same, ok boo ta fist, fore sasuke suho temperature feu grandchilien dy sp Kok fingernail ‘ie towards In closed syllables pronounced mich ike the Malay shot hove This apis to the second syllable ofthe words below. The Tu’ in the fst syllable. however, pronounced Tong sia Yooh, ‘bom sad shoot shove. tumpal blunt mountain moth enemy public im to manage for fsidt corner mask tar “The w can combine with ato produce the diphthonr wa (0 Enelsh suivant: eat buat make ‘ah sere voce uaa ae hasband Consonants “Tere are twenty-four consonants in Malay. A ow technical terms fave toe aed to dese thei pronunciation pirated with a put fae Foicedvoiceles withwithout vibration ofthe vol cords in the Adis apple smrceasel no explosion in the production of 1, ip Ty, jem the inal positon It) and Jay Unite the English dhe Malay is nt aspirated when it occurs in syllabi pation (a pl of ai ike the English sound in dim. Asin Enis, the Maly ithe counterpart of oiged wheres is iets, Note the contrat of meaning when ‘ne replaces the lhe nthe oiowing pie of word Initia sition at ance act from than endure aan rane ton old ua wo tite ot ai tach alam ay ala ine Final position ‘ai usualy devoiced (voiceless) when it ecu atthe end of & ‘worylale, whereas is pronounced unreleased, tnd century cept quick fmurid pupil Tempat place ‘Abed Sunday sempit_——areow jad pact tap res Ipl and /b/ Both labial sounds as in English, ps voices and bis voiced. ‘Theman feature of Maly fps that ule the Eaglsh sound pi itis never aspirated. It also ueleased when it ocurin the final poston ina word, Asin Englsh, in Malay Ps the counter Part of pl The hs voised whereas ps wocelesx Note the con trast of meaning in the folowing pats of word when is epaced by or ce versa: pag oming bah Peas hot Deda parang lage knife barang Pale ten bela Pang ros alan {nthe final poston in «word, both ip and i are pronounced un reese. fetap constant ——bladab rae Jengap complete sebab because slap" sttude” Bab shaper akap enough dembab— damp lowe Amb Aa Ik1 and fol When the Malay ki oer initial i afferent fom the English ‘Ain that cis no aspirated In a final postion A is pronounced unreleased, mating i into a gla stop. As in English, the Malay Ig the counterpart ol kth i voted wheres viele. Th initial postion the pronunciation of Maly very mac ike the Engl in ome Not the coteast of meaning inthe fllow Ing pas of word whens subttuted by oF vce vers elas lass els lass akak sinter fnk row ‘al Getented fash pole ‘arang compose farang ere ‘0 in sylable final poston pronounced uneeased or exves a 8 otal stop. anak child trowk ——conen ‘dk younger sibling mogok fo strke Sei favesigate = polok tree J) dos nt occu in sylble- final poston Jel and fit Malay cs pronounced mich ike the English hin cai, cheat cheese. The Malays pronounced much ike the English in Jock ‘ordi The dference between tt that voiced where! voiceless. Cnever occur in he final positon. Note the contrast of ‘meaning nthe following pas of words when fireplace by or an fn ins finger fur cake ier honest ser pike ‘iar teach mer ‘The Malay hs pronounced very much like the Engh in hen, home or hay. It found in inal medial and final positon Attention aceds to be dawn tothe fact tht inthe ial potion the th ust stil Be pronounced ais, oderwise the meaning hangs: pu tcacher’— gu thunder burw ——tohunt rah tour isin dies toad wmode young fmudah—eany Kem nnkey eal to mati’ ton ols ‘ah od fortune Jn the mel position, flanked by two diferent vowel, the is optionally ube writen spoken meaning ‘ah to {o know ahi ait biter rahe a towant ahi i forehead When hs flanked on both sides by the same vowel, the 1 is stearly pronounced ihe witcorat—— moon request Ieher neck ‘tana trance Ing! “These two eters represent one sound. Is pronounced much ke he English ng in ring sing. The ng in Se inital and medial ‘ost i difcul fr foreign learner. nial postion ‘medal position ger eae fangan hand fngatak sleepy bangs flower ‘memga—toopen the mouth wide dengan — with {inal posion tecbang 1) pulang to ret Darang hing Niaeg — tolowe stang to come shang big tether © Combined /ng/ and /a/ The three etereanbintion mg should be pronounced very much lke the English ng in anf, comres und tango, angge —todisturh——tamggn to wait Panggseg, cinema banger tote proad of Singgah to stop over Joyt The two eters my represent one phonemic unit Its pronounced such ie the Epis ny incanyon and Keny yamyl sing mosauito tye tae ful tenyek many aie i The Malay its similar to the Enpish in, lhough i shou be rele very slightly when in slabe-tal position, initial posion —sylableclster syle fina! ra ik ‘tee rma ao fama hater tw The Malay itfes from the Enlish wi that itis progouneed ‘th al es rounding of Ie pe va obligatory warma colour vranta women” wayang_—_— in show wrakte time ‘alpen event ranks eter arian heritage Iie) The two leters th ae represented by one phonemic unit AN. Ie 15 pronounced lke chin the Sottsh lock Mess a both the bplaning and the endo asytble, Many of the folowing words are ‘onpaally om Arabic init final hawt worried arth te Jen), Int, Ni Ish, fyb, If, Ivf and fy The emai consonants mm. 1,8s¥.f,¥ andy are phonemicaly similiar to thee counterpart in Ela though never gute the asin English Malay examples my ther ‘akan, nna, on, marsh mo ‘mans ada, la nombor Nip ‘eps ak tp, a way sya, ipa, asap, tas, Spt fy he Suu. Srp, yar yaa fu {sal fash tar isi eeson telesisgen Bye ya, aya, saya Bahasa baku “There isan offal move fo standardise Malay prenunciation. This “tsoarddslct isknown as Bahasa ak Te Bahasa bak for ‘example, ain final positon i pronounced es the ain sar, rather than the in china. However, please note that everyday Malay Prominciaton has heen ted throughost this book and the aco Panying casos 1 Nama saya John Stanton My name is John Stanton tn his lesson you wil ean about: + Personal and possesive pons (my, youyou’ ee) + comound rons + Simpl question sing apa (what) and slapa who) {The pvaes maa pe khaber Nama saya John Stanton [1 John Stanton isa a Malaysian function, where he finds himself ‘oul sranger. He gets Mime a drink and decides get 0 ow fou people 4s Apn Khabar? Nama saya Joha Stanton. Saya orang Inger ‘Saya pegawal bank ‘Kalra, teins kash Say Sit dan saa eis 1 Masfkan sya, nama anda sap? ‘So: Saya Ahmad Saya penguras hed pkalan, iS Danii ser anda? ‘o:_‘Ya.lalistetsaya, Aish. Dia bekerj i pejaat pos. tu anak els saya, AbUoL Dia bekerja dengan says. AU ini John Stanton ps Apaihabie, Abul? Vocabulary - wat it, fiend Speer (lu) What es? me ame iabarbalk (i) Sood nes aae peoplpeson pepe lier er se tne Youyouryous amb eA Son pny wo. Engin eas Shop oo shims re pest Pehbat ——ote ‘opm wh Cites towork aiinn ——Sothevhog pangs mana a te inte seretry ‘My name is John Stanton 1s: Hom are you? My name Joh Stanton Iam Engl. Fam a dank oficer Fine, thank yo, Fam Sand am a secretary. Js Exe me, what your name? ‘he: Tam Ahmad. Farm a manage of clothe shop. IS And his ois your wife? ‘aes Yer thsi my wife Athal, She works at epost of. That ts my som Abdul. He works wih me. Abdul thi i Sohn vs How are you, Abdul? Language points Personal and possessive pronouns In Malay, the same form i ed for both personal ("You") sind possesve (ea “a Your) pronouns sya Ime, my ‘ada you, your ia ei, his she, her ami tre our (exuding the person yoken to) sia tne our (nls the ern spoke 0) fmereka they their them u—__. Examples Saya setiastha, 1am a secretary Dia bekera dengan saye, He works with me Inked saya. ‘This sy shop. ‘Anda venga. You area manager {hiker and, ‘This is your eae. For wore on personal ponauns see Lesion 3, ‘bject noun predicate — subject noun predic ni bat Theis ‘Ahot Dia penguras Hew manager tue isa That is Athan ‘As you can se fom the examples abo, colli Mala some- Times dpeass with the wie of the verb to be" and te artes (Gearon) a eed inthe English language This wil be seused further in Lesion Compound nouns A noun ean be qualified by another noun or nouns to produce a ‘ompound noun, In English the qualifiers came before the noun ‘hey modify but in Malay it the fevers. The ule the English word orders, 2.3, den the sentence in Malay is 3,2, my name (3,23 nama saya (2.1) my wie (1,2) ‘ser says 2.1) tank offer (1,2) pega bank (2,1) clots shop minager (1.2.3) pengurs keds akan (3, 2,1) Ponto lerk (23) Keraa pejbat pos (3, 2,9) ‘This ele often apples to verbs and adjectives which serve a the quar (forthe noun): ows verb own — adjective tmejaathan dining able bey merah red bag imesin tuip Spewster rama path white howe wk fae beioom ‘ck cofee ‘mang dadek lounge over ile ‘mab rehat rest Howse Sweet tea ‘Simple questions using ‘what’ and ‘who’ A statement cn hanged in ution By the se of ape (Coat) and sapa who) in place ofthe subject being queried “There are various ways of foraing 2 question, as lstated below However note that avin Ens apa sued oly when eterno object and apa For people (statement) tba That is book. (question) tn apa? (4) Tra wha Cternitve) Apa ta? What isha? fnover buku, ‘Thats book, (atement) Hu buka Inger. Thats an English book (quesion) | Mubuku ape? liz) Thats has book? Stover Yebub Inggeris. That san Engh book (atemet) Inimeja akan, Thisis a dining tbl question) Iniapat (lig) Ti wha (alterstive) Ape a Watts? fsrover Tnlmejamatan, This isa dining abe (atemest) Tris is dining abe ‘quecion) (ie) This what abe? srswer ‘isis dining abe (statement) “This is Alta {aueston) (ie) This who? (aerative) Who isis? fnswer This Aisha, (statemen) “ThisisAishab's ci. {aueston) Gis) This who? (ateratve) Wh is? {Guerative) {ui} Tis hid is wheter? sewer ‘This is Aishah’s child Interrupting and apologizing ‘When interopting and polopizng use the word maa Ma iter. ally means forgive. The phrase maaan saya (Trsive me) sao ‘commonly used. Both of thes phrases ae equivalent 10 excuse me and sor’ Asin English they are normally sed a the beginning ofthe sen Magfnamaandasiapa? Excuse me, whats your name? Magfkensaya,andaiapa? Excise me, who are you? ‘Maa, sckarung pot erapa? Excuse me, what the ime 00%? Maafhan says, sayamest rm sony, ust go ow sorry, orp Sony. can pas rough? forgot Selamat pagi OO John Suntom meets an old fend, Ahmad, while he is doing his shopping He tops for cht and ask afer Ahmad’ fay 3 Selamat pag, And, Apa Khabar’? ‘omens: Selamat pap John. Khabar bak dan anda gaiman? se Sayajuga shat eia Kah, Anak daa ter shat? ‘swans Ya, tek semis shat. Tima kai Merk di una Bagaimana kerja di pejabat? as Buk Ohymaat saya mest prgsearang. Selamat ings ‘wan: Baki, elma jalan! Vocabulary selmat (ste rok owethme Slimetpai foodmeming harm t joe Hoo ‘Selamat ingzal_godbye hat eliceskty allah al pay ‘elma jalan Sf oureytevell peg oe ‘apnimann bow wets they Good morning 28 Good morning, Ana. How are you? sswwat: Good montng John. fine and how are you? Ss Tall to, thankyou. Thecidren and wife are well? sim Yes they are wel. Thankyou. They are a home, How's work a ihe ofc? ” 1s: Fine. Oh, sory, Imus 0 now. Goodbye ‘nao: Alright Safe foun Language points Selamat Selamat ts own means “safe Used ina phrase, it conveys a messi of godil,whatever the occasion. Here ae afew com mmonexamples ‘Selamat poy, Abad Selamat emg har, Good moenng, Ahmad Good afternoon, AbGuL. (from 12 "Abe ino 02 pe) Selamat petang, Ahab, Goodatternoon, Asta, rom 2pm ‘oopm) Selamat mlm Joba, Good night, Jobn, [Note that selamat malam is never use to rest someone in the evening. Avi English, tis used to wis someone 9 good nights $leep oo accompany godly a ight. Selamat tingeal,AKL Goodbye, A ‘Selamat nga is normally se by the person leaving. Selamat stn. Safe journey, forewe Selamat alan is normally use by the person le ching Selamat datng. Welcome! ‘Selamat akan Enjoy your foot. Selamat berjay. Good ick Exercises Exercise 1 Read and ty to anderstand the following sentences. Refer tothe word lst bel for help with any unfamiliar words, Wherever posuble, toner the meaning fom the contest, 1 SayoJack Smith, Saya orang Amerika, 2 Nama saya Ali. Saya pela. 3 Ini Samad. Dia kana sya, 4 ty Honey. Diadawan da ejb 5 Ini Tuan dan Puan Smith, Mercka goa bahasa Inger 6 Kami peguwai bank. Nara kami John dan Jane. 7 Anda peljar tohasa” Malaysia. Saya juga pelgjar bahasa “Mala Kita peljarbahasa Malaysia tae student at from Kevan trend bah laninge ere ves Exercise 2 Introduce these people to «newcomer at your local lu. The new: comer Aziz from Singapore. you have any problems wih new ‘vor, ero th it Bom 1 John Stanton, a bank manager 2 Sita secretary ata bank 3 Mary Jones, an English language teacher 4 Gopal a restaurant manager SS Tan acest ata post office 6 John Smith and his wae, Jane, who are both English teaches, ‘They are Ameria (it: American persons) 7 Anne Jonason, a tourist from England 4 Yourhusbandiwite 9 Susan, Johns daughter tout lancome htand Sm ouphter aaah pore Exercise 3 Below ar answers what were the questions that prompted them? 1 Saya Susan 2 Mugum saya 3 Dia stan John Stanton, 4 ninja mata 5 Nama ds Say 1 Namasaya Sony: 2 uit ir 8 lnvster Bakar, 9 Mereka pela Amerika, Exercise 4 ‘Transit these sentenes ino Maly, Refer tothe ist of words below i you are ie ay teu 1 Excuse me, whats your name? 2 My mame & Hassan Tam ASiah’s hasan, 5 We aresudents here 44 Thin a Malaysian restaurant 5 Hirt a doctor at ha ie {6 Whos the manager of his bank? 1 Good afternoon. Lam Wong. the manager of this Roe {8 Biss post ole clerk and Mary iva fesher, 9 Good maoming lam Suse's ind 10 Waatix your husband's name? sfc oi decor dette hate ont Exercise 5 Use the approprnte phrases forthe following oeasons 1 when fiend ares at your home 2 when youre leaving party 5 hen your wifeurbond slaving ona long jurney 4 sehen you meet your tend Anthony i the morning 5 when everyone sabout to eat 6 he Your cid isting for an examination Exercise 6 A colleague is busy working on his computer You would like to ingerrupt him to ask a ew questions How would You approach him tos the following 1 the name of hi manager 2 the name of hi manage’ wife 3 where he live 4 ete the manager eames fom a 5 who the manager's secretary is te ‘inal Exercise 7 Make apologies forthe following: 1 You have toleavea party 2 You do not know about smething tits being asked. 3 Youre te. 4 You forgot someone's name tow the forge tae Mata tia, a (short orm) Conversations “The folowing ar «few comvesations i colloguial Malay. Stay them for understandings hen tea them 1 Siapa nama ayah Abdul? © Nama di Bak. 1: Diatbekera di mana? * Diatbekera i ak Selamat pag, Tommy. Selamat pag, Hasan. Tukereta onda? Ya tu heel say, ‘Apa kab, Aisah? ‘at Bal, Susan. Anda juga shat? ‘Yasha. Teima ksh In sap? nee Terma kash laser anda? ‘Oh, ya, maa. In ter, ‘Apa Khabar? a: Maat saya sap nara anda? 1 Nama sya Abidin ‘ini Kel tnd? 1 Ya, in eda saya, Sy jul bok, 6: Slap pengurus and? to Fengurs saya Bock Bakar Supa stiautba pengurs anda? Sioa enc Bakar ial Susan a: Maat ih siapa? fe Rabi tame ‘Shp tr anda? (Taam sa, Francis dari England, c i kop mani. 1: Arla imam Kop mans? Yasaka kop mans Sa tidak suka Kop mani 19 a: Asma bekera di mina? 1 Asma bekera a pojaat pos ‘Aman betes dengan Ata? {Yau Asma dan Atan Poker i pba ps ‘: Ok, mereka pokerjapjabat pos! 10 Karim koran i bank ‘Inter Karim spa? ste Karim, Sofa, Soi ekeja di mana? Soi juga Bekera ci bank int toss apt cole eke crpoyetorter mais set ad) Ken or finn toh tate ook avs toe time ust 2 Ini bukan anak Susan This is not Susan's child ‘inthis lesson you wiles about + Negabe sarees ih Bukan o iektak 1 ete arenes 5 unsone win yer-o anewers 1 The pnens asan teh {Thee oft uli a ator at) Ini bukan anak Susan EX Susan i elebrating a homecoming for one of her frends, Annie, ‘who hasbeen abroad for depart ety years She has ited sme ‘oftheir very close frends from school mho were delighted 1 meet ‘Anni agai. and ber four children. Iwas w very enjoyable moment for Susan an her frend a they watched their harem ploy ith ach oe. us a Bey had shnselver played vgeer more ha Ieny yes ag ‘Sosah hendakpereay. Kita semua sah ada anak! Yang aka baju mera anak Sanka? Iku Suhana. Dia bakam anak sya. Dis anak Ramla, Anak petempuan say, Zaina tak da ds. Dia. erg he uma dtuknya Dia aka bali 30k Ramah ada anak Ila? ‘Ad, api ia Duan Dada ig: Dia skarang sud ker ‘Ani aad ak lai? Tak Anak saya semoa perempuas Anak-anakperempusn ABsie maka (sk macim Amie ‘ute "Naka nga macam emabeyst 2 [Nast ak juga anakeanak aye Mak gemuk macar say ul, Mere tk maka banyak macam say, Wu anak bongsu Marykak?™ ‘Bulan, ia bakaw anak bongs Mary. Dia anak Mary yang eau Note: when addressing & person in Malay, the person's name is tse Saying You a "yours’ ealsost always avoided Vocabulary yang tha nich emma sug soak fale tree nk ‘tan notnot (nfoarof Gama gracparent ur) ak faint fontof date vers oradecves) gem at sone rm ofa Redan second rmstcommenly palsl Wear oe feth ad sal sauehty Banya uch mon ke fk tome ‘This is not Susan's child es hand o believe. We've al got chleret! The on inthe ed dress Sun’ chl? ‘That's Sabana. She's mot my child, She's Rama's ch My doughten, Zana is nt here. She's gone ther grandparent hose She will come back tomoro™. Has Ramla any sont? She has bu hei no longer @ hl He is now working. ‘Anni nay sont? [Nov Allmy cdrom are it ‘Are your children as nag You were? ‘They ar naught oo, te ter moter Ws Sorat that my chiro ae no as fat as Twas before They don't eta mach Tai Iethat Mary's younges chi? Nov Sh'smot ary youngest (hi) She's he second chil 2 Language points Negation OX The Engl does nots notwas nt’ ete have two equivalents ‘in Mal ak and bakan’The Tormer ed to negate aver OF an adjective, the later sto negite noun. Nove tha ak is ore ‘ommonly aed in ple of ak. ‘Negating nouns Saye guru sola ‘Saya an guru sekolah. {ama schoolteacher She my brother's ei ‘She st my brother hil “Thai Manor ca “Tha isnot Man's ca. Negating verbs Swanberjslankepeabat. Soci walks othe ofc ‘Sosan dak beralan ke pefabat, Susan does nor walk tothe ofc. Merekamkan deesoran, They ae athe resturant ‘Mereka vidal akan diretoran. They did ot ca at the Negating adjectives Anak it alas The child i ty. ‘Anak its dak mas. Tho child enor ay. Kereta mahal The car sexpensve Kereta it dak maa, The cats no expensive Verbs Unlike Eaglsh in spoken Malay the vee doesnot change its form according othe time refered 10. Saya maton i restoran, I carat the restaarant ‘Saya dah monn dl restoran, have cute athe estan, Saya sedang makin d restora. I eating tthe restarant, Es ‘Saya akan makon di estorn. wl ca! tthe restaurant Note that sudah for past tense, sedang for coninoous tense and ‘kan or future tens can easily be dropped when theres indication ‘of time elsewhere in the semen: Saya makin direstoran Ile a the restaurant yesterday elmer Saya makan i restoranesok, I wil be eating a the restaurant Diapulangbulandepan, He comestack next month ‘Compare he English andthe Malay versions: ‘Amanat llth te This Amram mskansetap mas, Pgh Tmorsingheatesome bead. tal dia makan u- Seharang Helsnoweatingsome ice Samahan nan dan da man tandhewillbecaingthe pudding petamg nant. pudding later inthe ate. Yes-no questions EX 'A yer-no question isthe kind of question that demands the answer ‘orn In Malay, a sentence can be tered into this ype of

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