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Advertising Classified ads: small advertisements in magazine or newspaper

categorised by subject.
Ad: abbr. advertisement - advert abbr. Classified ads are used to employ staff
Advertisement: item of publicity for a product or service, in Commercial: paid advertisement on radio or TV.
magazine, on TV etc.
The commercials are used by companies with good economic
Logistics companies will use the media to offer their services. solvency.

Advertising Agency: company specialising in producing and Coupon: part of a printed advertisement used for ordering
placing advertisements for Clients. goods, samples etc.
The coupons are used to promote producer.
Companies specialized in making companies visible
Double-Page Spread: advertisement printed across 2 pages in
AIDA: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action - the objective of a magazine or newspaper
most advertisements
Information that is reflected in more than 2 pages.
Benefit: Advantage of a product or service, usually derived Eye-catcher: something that especially attracts one’s attention
from its features
- eye-catching.
Companies multiple benefits to their customers to have their Multinationals are very eye-catchers for professionals looking
loyalty. for stability.
Billboard: signboard, usually outdoors, for advertising posters; Features: special characteristics of a product, usually leading
hoarding to certain benefits.
The billboard can be used to capture information. The features of a product are those that can stand out from
Circulation: Average number of copies of a magazine sold in a others.
particular period Hoarding: signboard, usually outdoors, for advertising posters;
Conveyors use the main routes for the circulation of goods. billboard.
Large surface companies monopolize international markets
Poster: large sheet of paper, usually illustrated, used as Banking
we ask all posters to respect the forum rules. Balance: the difference between credits and debits in an
Prime Time: hours on radio & TV with largest audience, esp.
the evening hours Colombia needs Balance its international relations.

Commercials are more expensive in prime time. Bank Charges: money paid to a bank for the bank’s services
Promote: to (try to) increase sales of a product by publicising
and advertising it.
bank charges or interests that must be paid to financial
Colombia looks for ways to promote the country's exports. institutions.

Slot: specific time in a broadcasting schedule, when a Branch: local office or bureau of a bank
commercial may be shown.
Business place where multiple Branch are installed.
When transporting merchandise, you should take full advantage
of the slots that are available. Checkbook: book containing detachable checks; chequebook.

Target: objective; what one is aiming at - target audience Checkbooks are used to not carry large amounts of money

One of Colombia's objectives is to increase exports over Check: written order to a bank to pay the stated sum from
imports. one’s account; cheque.

U.S.P.: Unique Selling Proposition; what makes a product Checks are routinely used in workers' settlements.
different from others.
Credit: money in a bank a/c; sum added to a bank a/c; money
Having added values about the product captures customer lent by a bank.
Credit is used by small companies to increase production.
When a loan is acquired, interest must be paid either revolving
Credit Card: (plastic) card from a bank authorising the or fixed.
purchasing of goods on credit.
Loan: money lent by a bank etc and that must be repaid with
Currently, citizens prefer to pay their purchases with a credit interest.
Loans are usually used to undertake some type of business.
Current Account: bank from which money may be drawn at
any time; checking account. Overdraft: Deficit in a bank account caused by withdrawing
more money than is paid in.
The current account is the option you have to have the money
protected and which can be available at any time. When you spend more than you have it is assumed as overdraft.

Debit: a sum deducted from a bank account, as for a cheque. Pay In: to deposit or put money in to a bank account.

Debit are the deductions that the company has with a financial I went to the bank to deposit a check to a business account.
Payee: person to whom money is paid.
Deposit Account: bank on which interest is paid; savings
account. Remember to write the name of the payee on your cheque.

Savings for a certain time where a percentage of interest is Paying-in slip: small document recording money that you pay
paid. in to a bank account.

Fill In: to add written information to a document to make it When you have planned to make a transfer of goods you must
complete; to fill out. have the paying-in slip.

If you don´t fill in every answer on the form, cannot continue Standing order: an instruction to a bank to make regular
Interest: money paid for the use of money lent.
The bank agreed she could pay by standing order.
Statement: a record of transactions in a bank account.
Companies require a president, who will be responsible for the
¿Do I have to make my income statement every year? proper functioning of it.

Withdraw: to take money out of a bank account. Director: a member of the board of directors.

The bank was forced to withdraw after suffering heavy The director is above the advisor and the leader of the
casualties. company.

Company Structure Executive Officer: person who manages the affairs of a

corporation – chief executive officer.

Accounts Dept.: department responsible for administering a The executive officer is considered the person of the highest
company’s financial affairs. level of responsibility and authority.

The Accounts Dept corresponds to the segment of the company Headquarters: a company’s principal or main office or centre
where the accounting is kept. of control.

A.G.M.: Annual General Meeting of a company’s Every organization requires a headquarters from where they
shareholders. can operate and provide their services.

Group of shareholders who meet every year to validate the Manager: person responsible for day-to-day running of a dept.;
earnings of investments known as the Annual General Meeting. executive
Board of directors: a group of people chosen to establish
policy for and direct or control a company. Managers are usually responsible for each headquarters that a
company has.
The board of director sets out the guidelines of how the
company should function in the short, medium and long term. Managing Director: senior director after the chairman
responsible for day-to-day direction.
Chairman: person who heads a Board of Directors; head of a
company chairperson
The managing directors are those who are pending that the
production is carried out correctly. Area assigned for the transformation of the raw material.

Marketing Dept.: dept. responsible for putting goods on Purchasing Dept.: department responsible for finding and
market, inc. packaging, buying everything needed by a company.
advertising etc.
Department assigned to study and make the purchase of raw
The dept marketing is responsible for making all references to materials.
the salesforce, implementation plans for increased sales, among
others. R & D Department: department responsible for Research and
Development of (new) products.
Organisation Chart: a table or plan showing a company’s
structure graphically. They are given the responsibility of creating new products and
assign added value to existing ones.
Graphical representation of the structure of a company or an
institution. Reception: the place where visitors and clients report on
arrival at a company.
Personnel Dept.: department responsible for recruitment and
welfare of staff or They are women in charge of the attention to the public and the
Employees. requests of the internal personnel of the company.

The Personnel Dept is the one that is in charge of selecting the Sales Department: department responsible for finding
personnel more according to the offers that the company has. customers and making sales.

President: the highest executive officer of a company; head of They are buyers responsible for having direct contact with
a company. customers.

The president is considered as the main image of the company Shareholder: person who holds or owns shares in or a part of a
before the national or international market. company or
Production Dept.: department responsible for physical
creation of producto.
The shareholder is the person who makes investments in Article: a particular statement or stipulation in a contract etc;
projects that generate good profitability. clause

Vice President: any of several executive officers, each In international business contracts it is important to leave an
responsible for a separate article expressing what type of INCOTERMS will be used.
Clause: a particular statement or stipulation in a contract etc;
The vice president is the one who replaces the president in article.
commitments that cannot participate by agenda.
When a breach of the negotiation terms is generated, it will be

Contracts necessary to apply the corresponding clause.

Condition: anything necessary before the performance of

Agreement: an arrangement between two or more people, something else.
countries etc; contract.
Before concluding any type of negotiation, opportunities in put
Contract or agreement are used in the concretion of an export on conditions for the conclusion of contracts.
or import
Force Majeure: superior, power; unforeseeable event excusing
Appendix: additional or supplementary material at end of one party from fulfilling contract.
contract, book etc.
It is considered that natural disasters prevent compliance with
You can place appendix on contracts as value added between the delivery of goods coming from abroad and is considered as
negotiators. forced majeure.

Arbitration: settlement of a dispute by a person chosen by Fulfil: to satisfy a condition; to complete the required task; to
both parties. fulfill.

Arbitration is usually used in divorces where they fight for If we want customers to be faithful to the company, it is
child custody. necessary to complete the promise.

Herein: in here; in this (document etc)

On the one hand we have this proposal where prices are low
Herein this contract will be all compliance clauses and on the other hand the product quality is higher.

Hereinafter: in the following part (of this document etc) Party: the person or persons forming one side of an agreement.

By complying with the contract conditions from now on, we Stipulate: to specify as an essential condition – stipulation.
will buy with you.
The primary conditions must be well stipulated in the export
Hereto: to this (document etc) [eg: attached hereto] contract.

We allow you to attach hereto the company documentation. Terms: conditions or stipulations.

Heretofore: up until now; until the present; before this. The terms by which the contract was signed must be fulfilled
within 6 months.
In the international markets of Colombia heretofore will see a
small growth. Warrant: to give formal assurance; to guarantee.

In behalf of: in the interests of (person etc); for (person etc); In order to have greater safety on the roads, the warrants of the
on behalf of. traffic police must be followed.

On behalf of the company we want to thank you for the Whereas: it being the case that; in view of the fact that [in
delivery in each of its functions. introduction to contracts].

Null and void: invalid; without legal force; not binding. Whereas everything stipulated in the contract is fulfilled does
not open any problem between the parties.
The accusations they did not make were nulls and voids before
the courts.
On the one hand: on one side - on the other hand on the other
side. Bonus: additional pay given to employee as incentive or
Company employees have the right to receive a bonus for Maternity leave: period of absence from work (for a woman)
meeting the goals. when having a baby.

Curriculum vitae: short account of one’s education, career Temps often provide cover while a full-time employee i son
etc; CV. maternity leave.

Letter of introduction of a professional before a company. Notice: advance warning of intention to resign - to give or
tender one’s notice.
Dismiss: to remove or discharge from employment.
Pablo realized that he needed to take his employer´s notice
Due to the high number of job vacancies, companies discard concerning his por behavior seriously.
those who do not meet the full profile
Perk: perquisite; something additional to regular salary.
Employer: person or firm who employs people.
My salary isn´t very high but his job comes with great perks
Working for a big employer can be Good, as there are often like health insurance and a staff discount.
oppotunities for promotion within the company.
Personnel: the people who work for a firm.
Fire: to dismiss.
We need to send a memo to all personnel to advise them of
They fired him for being late each mornig changes within the company

Interview: an oral examination of an applicant for a job. Personnel officer: manager responsible for recruitment,
training and welfare of personnel.
The person in charge of selecting the best CVs is known as
interview.. The personnel officer is responsible for responding to the work
of an area of the company.
Make redundant: to dismiss because of not being needed.
Promotion: advancement in rank or position.
It make redundant because it did not meet the goals required
by the sales department.
Andres got a promotion last week, she is manager of her
deparment now. Taking on the directorship was his first mistake.

Prospects: opportunity for success, promotion etc.

This course offers the prospet of spending a year in Paris.
Bill of lading: list of goods and shipping instructions; waybill.
Recruit: to look for and employ personnel.
Specified in detail what is sent.
At corporate fairs, personnel are recruited for different
vacancies. c.&f.: cost & freight: includes shipping to named port but not
Resign: to give up a job.
It is used only in cases of maritime transport
Andrea didn´t like her job, so she resigned.
C.I.F.: cost, insurance & freight: includes insurance and
Retire: to leave employment, esp. because of age. shipping to named port.

George retired from the Navy three years ago. obliges the seller to take out insurance during transport.

Salary: a fixed, regular payment, usually monthly, made by Cargo: goods or products that are being transported or shipped.
employer to employee.
The ship´s cargo Will be inspected when it docks in a foreign
In Colombia, a large part of the population has a minimum country.
Certificate of origin: a document that shows where goods
Staff: the people who work for a firm or a particular come from.
department; employees.
Document issued and / or approved by the chambers of
The company is planning to hire new staff son. commerce or other competent bodies of the exporting country
Container: huge box to hold goods for transport.
take on: to employ; to hire.
Irrevocable: that cannot be undone; unalterable - irrevocable
To transport merchandise to other continents it is necessary to letter of credit.
have a container.
Customs: 1 government tax or duty on imported goods 2 the The online business claimed an irrevocable commitment to
people who collect this tax. quality.

You may have to pay customs on imported godos. Letter of credit: a letter from a bank authorising a person to
draw money from another bank
Declare: to make a statement of taxable goods - customs
declaration form. means of payment issued by a solvent entity.
Merchandise: things bought and sold; commodities; wares.
Acts by which the consignee and / or importer of the
merchandise expresses his desire to give him a customs The Merchandise takes more than a month because they go by
destination through the declare. boat.

F.A.S.: free alongside ship [includes delivery to quayside but Packing list: a document that is sent with goods to show that
not loading] they have been checked.

refers to the Incoterm that forces the seller to take the The packing list is reflected that so much merchandise will be
merchandise to the side of the ship. transported.

F.O.B.: free on board: includes loading onto ship. Pro forma invoice: an invoice or request for payment sent in
advance of goods supplied.
The Incoterm FOB commits the seller to unload the
merchandise on board the vessel that has been agreed with the A proforma invoice is a document that contains the details that
buyer. the final invoice will later include.

Freight: goods being transported; cargo Quay: a solid, artificial landing place for (un)loading ships;
You have to do the freight of the merchandise in the truck.
The quay´s always full of boats in summertime.
Ship: to send or transport by land, sea or air.
Their claim was that they had been cheated.
The ship leaves in twenty-four hours for Canada.
Comprehensive: [of an insurance policy] all-inclusive;
Shipping agent: a person acting for or representing a ship or providing complete protection.
ships at a port.
The final exam Will be comprehensive of everything we´ve
The shipping agent is responsible for transporting the goods studied this semester.
from port to port.
Consequential loss: a loss that happens as a consequence of or
Waybill: list of goods and shipping instructions; bill of lading. as a result of another.

They waybill contains statements regarding the weight and The consequential loss is considered when merchandise is lost
packing of the goods. in customs for not complying with the necessary requirements.

Insurance Cover: the protection given by an insurance policy.

This plan provides you with cover in case of hurricanes.

Actuary: a person who calculates risks for insurance
companies. Employer’s liability: liability or responsibility of a firm for
damage caused to one of its employees.
The actuary is responsible for calculating the insurance of the
merchandise to be imported or exported. It is considered employer’s liability when the employee suffers
an accident during their work.
Assessor: a person who calculates the value of something [eg:
a building, car etc]. Goods in transit: property, merchandise or any goods in the
process of being transported
Every company needs to assign value to the merchandise
according to the standards for that they have their respective Insurance bróker: agent who arranges insurance; middleman
assessor. between insurer & policyholder.

Claim: an application for payment under an insurance policy.

natural or legal persons, independent of the Insurance The Policyholder is the only person who can communicate to
Companies. claim it.

Liability: 1 the state of being liable 2 anything for which a Premium: a payment, usually monthly, yearly etc, for an
person is liable. insurance policy.

Every sane person has legal liability for his or her own actions. Insurance payment must be made for each merchandise sent
Liable: legally obliged to pay for damage, injury etc;
responsable. Product liability: liability or responsibility of a firm for
damage caused by one of its products.
I´m happy to install the update on your competer, but if
anything goes wrong, i won´t be liable. The seller assumes the product liability when the damage
occurs within the responsibilities of the incoterm.
Loss: death, injury, damage etc that is the basis for a claim.
Public liability: responsibility of a firm for damage caused to a
Juan´s son died recently it was a terrible los for the whole member of the public.
The public liability will be applied when the company performs
Loss adjuster: a person who assesses the amount of work that affects the integrity of the town or country.
compensation arising from a claim.
Reinsurance: the insuring of a risk by one insurance company
The loss adjuster is responsible for making changes to last- with another.
minute merchandise.
When the merchandise presents a higher damage than was
Policy: a contract of insurance [eg: a product liability policy]. thought of must reinsurance.

We need a new car insurance policy. Risk: 1 chance or possibility of injury, loss etc 2 person or
thing causing risk.
Policyholder: the person to whom an insurance policy is issued
I risked bankruptcy with that last deal.
Law Evidence: information presented to a court to prove or
Attorney: a person appointed to act for or represent support a point in question.
For any legal problem that an organization has, always open a There is some evidence that he stole the money
Guilty: responsible for wrong; culpable
Barrister: a lawyer who pleads before a superior court.
The detectiveinspector questioned the suspect to ascertain
Barristers wear wigs in court, just like judges whether she was guilty

Brief: 1 instructions to a barrister - also v. 2 written Judge: public official with authority to hear and decide cases
statement of facts for a court. in a court of law

The chief briefed his agents on the recent developments of the Yhe case was judged by justice
Jury: a group of people chosen to hear the evidence of a case
Case: statement of the facts in a trial, esp. the argument of and give a decisión
one side.
The jury found the defendant guilty
This is a clear case of political interference
Lawsuit: a trial at court between two private parties.
Contract: a formal agreement, usually in writing, between
two or more parties. The company launched a lawsuit against their competitor for
patent violations
He contracted with the company to provide services
Lawyer: a person trained in law and who advises or
Court of law: the place where law cases are heard and represents others.
decided; court.
She fired her court-appointed lawyer and hired a private firm
The court of law it is a public body whose main
purpose is to exercise jurisdiction.
Plead: 1 to defend a law case 2 to declare oneself to be
guilty or not guilty. Without prejudice: without detriment or damage to a
legal right or claim.
Martha´s lawyer pleaded her case
This case is dismissed without prejudice
Sentence: 1 decision of a court, esp. as to the punishment
2 the punishment. Marketing
The judge sentenced the convicted to thirty years in prison Brand: a particular make of producto.

Solicitor: 1 lawyer advising clients & briefing barristers 2 ¿What Brand of shoes do you buy?
law officer for a city Etc.
Consumer: the person who buys and uses a product or
When he was arredted for armed robbery, bell refused tos ay service.
anything to the pólice witout his solicitor being present
Consumers are spending more on automóviles this year
Sue: to start legal action against someone in a court of law.
Cost: to estimate the price of making a producto.
Senastian sued his employers after his accident a work
I´ll do the ordering and you can cost.
Sum up: to summarise & review the evidence of a case
Develop: to create a new product or improve an existing
The speaker was coming to the end of her talk and began one.
summing up.
The developed the computer programme to the leve lof
Trial: a formal examination of a case in a court of law. sophistication it has today

The prosecutor presented evidence at the trial Distribution: the delivering of products to end-users, inc.
advertising, storing etc.
Verdict: the formal decision or finding of a judge or jury.
the logistics center delivers the shipments for distribution
The jury are ready to announce their verdict
End-user: the person, customer etc who is the ultimate (and Packaging: the wrapping or container for a producto.
so real) user of a producto
When you buy something on the internet it´s important that que
The end user´s point of view is too often not taken on board by company uses Good packaging
producto designers.
Point of sale: the place where a product is actually sold to
the public.
Image: the concept or perception of a firm or product held Retailers are playing increasing attention to their point of sale
by the general public displays

that image is not the most appropriate for the product Product: something made to be sold; merchandise.

Label: small piece of paper, metal etc on a product giving When it´s finished, the producto is packged and sent to shops to
information about it be sold

The laber says this food contains peanuts. Public relations: creation and maintenance of a good
public image.
Launch: to introduce a new product, with publicity etc
the public relations department is in charge of the permanent
Tha company Will launch its new producto on wednesday product in the market

Mail order: the selling of goods by post. Registered: registered or officially recorded as a
Mail order catalogs have seen stiff competition from online
merchants in the internet age We can sue the brand that copied our product because we
already have it registered as a patent
Market research: study of consumers’ needs &
preferences, often for a particular product Sponsor: firm supporting an organisation in return for
advertising space.
Recent market research uncovered a consumer need for lower
prices This company is the sponsor of the national rugby team
S.W.O.T.: Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats.
Apologies: item on agenda announcing people who are
the DOFA matrix has the financing to determine strength, absent; apologies for absence
weaknesses, opportunities, threats.
Please accept my apologies for any distress i may have caused
Total producto: the whole product, inc. name, packaging,
instructions, reliability, after-sales etc Ballot: a type of vote, usually in writing and usually secret.

the technical sheet must contain all the product information The officers of the club are alected by ballot

Trademark: special symbol, design, word etc used to Casting vote: a deciding vote (usually by the chairman)
represent a product or firm. when the votes are otherwise equal

Big companies are very protective of their trademarks When the voting is equal, the option of the defaulting casting

Meetings Chairman: the person who leads or presides at a meeting;

A.G.M.: Annual General Meeting. chairperson; chair.

Cooperatives hold the annual general meeting to validate the The chairman of the planning comminttee requested an
status of this emergency meeting

A.O.B.: Any Other Business [usually the last item on an Conference: formal meeting for discussion, esp. a regular
agenda] one held by an organisation
Absent: not here; not at the meeting; not present.
The anual conference society is soon
If you feel unwell, simply absent yourself from the table
Conference call: telephone call between three or more
Agenda: a written programme or schedule for a meeting. people in different locations

so that I don't forget my commitments, I write them down in an The advantage of a conference cal lis that people from all over
agenda the world can take part
Consensus: general agreement Videoconference: conference of people in different
Decision: a conclusion or resolution to do something locations linked by satellite, TV etc.

The jury´s decisión is expected soon The head of the department arranged a video conference with
the tokyo office
Item: a separate point for discussion [as listed on an agenda]
Vote: to express opinion in a group by voice or hand etc.
The billing address was a separate ítem on the form
Matters arising: item on agenda for discussion of what I am going to vote tomorrow
has happened as a result of last meeting
During the board meeting, open Matters arising

Minutes: a written record of everything said at a meeting A.T.M.: Automated Teller Machine; cash dispenser

The secretary keeps the minutes of the meeting use ATM to withdraw money

Proxy vote: a vote cast by one person for or in place of Banknote: a piece of paper money.
The taller counted out the banknotes and handed them to me
the definition of proxy vote explains itself
Bill: a banknote; a piece of paper money.
Show of hands: raised hands to express an opinion in a
vote. I have three twenty dollar bills

show of hands can be used in meetings to approve Black market: illegal traffic in officially controlled
project, in order to save time commodities such as foreign currency

Unanimous: in complete agreement; united in opinión. Although it´s ilegal, many people buy merchandise on the
black market.
The judges were unanimous in their decisión to award the prize
Bureau de change: establishment where currencies of Debt can cause a loto f stress if you have difficulty paying it
different countries may be exchanged back

You Will find a bureau de chage at large airports Exchange rate: the rate at which one currency can be
exchanged for another
Cash: 1 coins or bank notes (not heques); 2 actual money
paid as opposed to credit. The current Exchange rate makes it expensive for Americans to
travel in Europe
I was short of ready money so i cashed in my shares Foreign Exchange: the currency of other countries
Cash dispenser: automatic machine from which clients
of a bank may withdraw money ATM Hard currency: currency that will probably not fall in
value and is readily accepted.
every bank has several Cash dispensers for withdrawing money
We accept only hard currency, no checks or credit cards
Cashier: person dealing with cash transactions in a bank,
store etc Invest: to put money for profit into business, land etc.

Mauricio worked as a cashier part time during high school It looked like a Good deal, so ben invested his life savings

Coin: a piece of metal money. Legal tender: currency that cannot legally be refused in
payment of a debt
I put too many coins in my wallet and could not clase it
I loto f people mistakenly believe that scottish banknotes aren´t
Currency: the money in general use or circulation in any legal tender in England
Petty cash: a cash fund for small, everyday expenses
Plastic banknotes have gained currency in over 30 countries in
recent years We keep the Petty cash in a small metal box a lock

Debt: money etc owed by one person to another Soft currency: currency that will probably fall in value
and is not readily accepted.
Handout: anything (report, sample etc) handed or given to
Speculate: (risky) buying of foreign currency, land etc for people at a presentation
rapid gain

In conclusión: Typical phrase used to signal the summing

Transaction: a (usually commercial) exchange; a deal. up or final part of a presentation

Presentations Ladies & gentlemen: Polite phrase often used to

address an audience of men and women

Audience rapport: relationship of presenter with

audience, esp. when Good Marker: whiteboard marker a pen with a broad, felt tip
for writing on whiteboards

Body language: non-verbal communication through

facial expressions, body movements etc. Microphone: electrical instrument that one speaks into for
amplification of the voice etc

Finally: Typical word used to signal the last of several points O.H.T.: overhead transparency; sheet of film with
or subjects image for overhead projector

Flip chart: a pad of large paper sheets on a stand for Overhead projector: device that projects an o.h.t. onto
presenting information a screen - O.H.P.

For example: Typical phrase used to signal an illustration Pointer: device (rod or electric torch etc) for indicating
or sample of a particular point things on a map, screen etc
Screen: large, flat, reflective white surface on which films,
slides etc are projected

Signal: to help the audience understand where one is in a After-sales service: service that continues after a
presentation. product has been sold [eg: repairs etc]

Slide: small (usually 35mm) photographic transparency - Buyer: 1 any person who buys anything 2 a person
slide projector employed by a firm to buy

To start with: Typical phrase used to signal the beginning Client: a person who buys services from a lawyer, architect
of a particular subject or topic. or other professionals

Turning now to: Typical phrase used to signal a change Close: to finalise a deal or sale; to make a sale
from one subject or topic to another

Cold call: to telephone a prospect without previous contact

Visual aids: things that one can look at in a presentation
[eg: films, maps, charts etc]
Customer: a person who buys goods or services from a
shop or business

Whiteboard: large, flat, white surface or board on which

to write or draw with markers Deal: a business transaction

Discount: a reduction in the price; a deduction [usually

Selling expressed as a percentage (%)]
Representative: sales representative person
Follow up: to continue to follow persistently; to maintain who represents & sells for a firm; salesperson

Retail: to sell in small quantities (as in a shop to the public) -

Guarantee: a promise that a product will be repaired or also n. see wholesale
replaced etc if faulty

Service: work done usually in return for payment - to

In bulk: in large quantity, usually at a lower Price serve v. see producto.

Lead: useful indication of a possible customer to be followed Wholesale: to sell in bulk (as to a shop for resale to the
up public) - also n. see retail

Objection: a reason given by a prospect for not buying - to

object v. see overcome

Overcome: [-came, -come] to overcome an

objection to show an objection is invalid

Product: something made and usually for sale - to

produce v. see service

Prospect: a possible or probable customer; prospective


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