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15 (QUICK) FIXES TO IMPROVE YOUR TENNIS ‘There's never been a better time to start improving your tennis with no money and as qucikly as possible. And this eBook - available for free fora limited time- will show you how. continue by Cosmin Miholca Founder of é intro| rT SOIR web "The conscious mind teaches the subconscious mind... then the subconscious mind takes over." {As | grew up playing tennis and not having proper coaching resources | had to rely on figuring many technical errors by myself. When my forehands would end-up into the net | had ‘to question myself: why? and how can fix it? Is it my grip? OK. ll change it to see what happens... oR ‘Am loff balance because I do not bend the knees enough? OK, ldo that and see what happens. Ismy serve slower than it should be because. All these questions, as well as the numerous trial-and-error experiences made me realize that sometimes all we need isa litte tip that can fix huge struggles. They can make the difference from being a player with a 70 miles per hour serve into one that cranks 100 miles per hour on a regular basis. In this book, Ihave gathered some of the best solutions that | have used to improve my tennis as well the game of my tennis students during my many years of teaching tennis to amateur players and aspiring pros as well, Use them and see how tennis can be more fun and you will enjoy it longer with less mental stress and money wasted for tennis lessons. earae web Guide HOWTO USE THIS EBOOK This eBook has been created so that you can have the best experience while reading and enjoying it. To enhance your experience, we've set up a few features that you can use: When opening the ebook you might have been greeted by the image shown to the ‘ight. This option offers you the possibilty to read the ebook on Full Screen. We recommend you accepting this feature by clicking the Yes buttons NAVIGATION & USER TIPS Move around this ebook by using your keyboard arrow keys or lick on the right arrow (4) for the next page and the left arrow («). To send this by email, just click on [=] KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS PC MAC Zoom in (Larger view) CCTRLI[+] CS[+] Zoom out CCTRLI[ -] (3il-1 Full screen/Normal screen view (oTRLIE LI Le] [L] GOTO SHARING Home/First Page [BB Facebook [BJ Pinterest Info Page Petterson Google Pius FEY hwivter Now let’s get started! Next Page — Ca Oe ea7ae é web me , a 1 | The "Waiter's Tray” Error on the Serve ‘A very commen technical error the players make on their serve is to open up the racquet face too soon before the contact (see picture below). This i called “waiters tray serve because it resembles the way a waiter carries a tray (palm facing up, above the dominant shoulder). 3" Os or 1 ‘The "Waiter’s Tray” Error on the Serve 3" Os web This issue results in impossibility of tuning the arm and racquet into the contact. And that lack of torquing is the reason for a slow serve. During the "waiters tray" service motion the arm, before the contact, is extended (or not) upward with the butt cap pointing to the net and the strings are facing to the sky. The correct way would be an extended arm (before contact) and racquet on edge (the side of the racquet facing the sky) - see picture below. web Quick 1 How to fix this Fix ‘The "Waiter's Tray” Error on the Serve This process will involve two parts: = the initial backswing (the way the player takes the racquet back) - the upswing to contact (the way the player swings up before contact with the ball). The Initial Racquet Backswing Often players make the mistake to take the racquet back and supinating the dominant forearm (turning or rotating the hand so that the palm faces up or forward). That results in an open racquet face from the beginning, (see picture below) zy Ls Ca Oe ea7ae web . The quick fix for this problem is to take the racquet back (separate it from the ball) while Quick having the hand knuckles facing up and dominant palm pointing down. (see picture below) Fix ‘The "Waiter's Tray" Error on the Serve Pa EMCO Quick The Upswing to Contact rat The racquet's upward path to the ball should be done leading with it's edge so that just before contact it should be tumed from the forearm and hand (pronating). This twisting ‘The "Waiter’s Tray" motion will add more power and/or spin to the serve. Error on the Serve In order to achieve this result a player should practice the following exercise while standing close to a fence (preferably one that has a windscreen for racquet's protection The player stands about a foot from a fence (see figure below), sideways as in the serve ready position. Ca Moe 4 Quick 4 Fix - The “Waiters Tay” Error on the Serve racquet up to tap the fence (as high as he can) with the edge of the racquet pointing up (butt cap forward, racquet edge up) - see pictures below. ‘The player should contact the fence with the racquet edge. Repeat this exercise about 10 times. | He takes the racquet back having the hand knuckles facing up, slowly, then brings the ec ‘The "Waiter’s Tray” Error on the Serve rey SORT é Quick ‘The "Waiter’s Tray” Error on the Serve rT web Next sequence follows the previous drill adding to it turning inward (pronating) the forearm, right after the contact between the racquet edge and fence. (see picture below) So the whole sequence is: 1. take the racquet back with the knuckles up, 2.swing up on edge, 3. contact the fence with racquet edge, 4,turn the wrist inward to put the strings flat against the fence. Repeat in slow motion until it feels comfortable. Then go to the service line and practice this motion (slowly) followed by tossing balls and tapping them gently focusing on the previous steps. Note: As every new skill (of fix) we have to consciously train the muscles which will become: unconscious movement after many repetitions. (see the video presentation of this fix at ix 44 | Racquet Too Open During Forehand Backswing The taking the racquet back with an open face (see picture below) can be flat shots that often sail deep or even slicing the balls when the intention would be topspin. This happens usually to beginning tennis players or children web Quick ; ) How to fix this Fix Racquet Too Open There are two easy ways to fix this problem: During Forehand Backswing 1. The player should practice taking the racquet back (shadowing a forehand stroke) concentrating on having the hand knuckles pointing to the sky. Do this in slow motion and. ‘without hitting any balls, (see below) Practice this a few times until you get a good feeling of the motion. Then do drop and hit forehands where you take a ball and let it bounce in front before hitting it. Again, the ‘emphasize should be on having the hand knuckles up as you take the racquet back. CJ Pa EMCO @o web Quick Fix Racquet Too Open vy During Forehand Backswing elbow as the racquet goes back (see picture below). When elbow is elevated the racquet face 2 | 2. Practice hitting forehands (without balls) while concentrating on elevating the dominant closes. Repeat this exercise a few times until it feels comfortable then have somebody toss balls to you while you practice forehands focusing on raising the elbow away from your body on the backswing. (see the video presentation ofthis fx at Cri Oe @o web Quick 3 . . . Fix Serving with a Forehand Grip (Eastern) The reason why some players use a forehand grip when serving is because it gives them a feeling of control and itis just easier to send the ball where you want. But that is not the kind of serve that provides power and spin at more intermediate or advanced levels. The forehand, grip serve is mostly used by beginning players to get basic control on their serves. (see pictures below) Ca Oe J Sect) ick This is obviously not the way to continue serving and the transition to a continental grip (see Quicl picture below) on the serve is necessary due to the fact that it allows forearm and wrist to Fix rotate in order to create more power and spin when necessary. Serving with a Forehand Grip (Eastern) Ca Moe web Quick | How to fix this Fix Serving witha {tall depends on the player to understand the “pronation” (the inward rotation of the hand Forehand Grip (Eastern) and forearm) which is key to serving with a continental grip. 1. Face a fence. Hold the dominant hand above the shoulder and palm facing the ear (right if you are a right-handed player); the edge of the hand is facing up - see picture below. Reach up and give the fence a "high five" placing the palm flat against it This was possible by turning the hand and forearm inward - the “pronation’: Images ‘On the next page Oe Quick 7 | Fix a serving witha Forehand Grip (Eastern) Do this exercise a few times to get the feeling of turning the hand and forearm inward. Bal web ick 2.Still atthe fence, hold a racquet by the grip, above the dominant shoulder, continental Quic grip, edge of the racquet facing up. Reach up to the fence and tap it with the edge of the Fix racquet (see pictures below). Serving with a Forehand Grip (Eastern) Ca Moe WP | 3 Dothe same exercise as (2) but this time, instead of tapping the fence with the racquet, >} | edae, just before contact turn the forearm and hand inward so that the contact of the rac- Fi quet against fence is with the strings. (see image below) Serving with a Forehand Grip (Eastern) ee 4. Repeat the exercise from step no. 3 except that this time you will be at the service line, facing the net. Do the drill without the ball a few times then grab a ball, tossit and tap it gently in the same way you tapped the fence at step no. 3. (see pictures below) Serving with a Forehand Grip (Eastern) Do this exercise until you get a g00d feel of the pronating effect. <2 eas web ick 5. Continue by serving slowly, from the service line, adding a full swing. Hold the racquet Quic! with a continental grip and focus on pronating the forearm and hand just before contact. Fix ‘Avoid thinking at the serve placement -just pay attention to your hand turing (pronating) Serving with a D2fore contact. Forehand Grip (Eastern) 6, Repeat, repeat and repeat some more until your serve becomes comfortable while using the continental grip. (see the video presentation of this fix at ra MON Quick Fix Pa EMCO web Grip Switch During Serve Swing This is a quite common problem that even advanced players have, It goes like this: the player begins the service preparation holding the racquet with a continental grip (palm against bevel 1 - the one that extends the edge of the racquet face); but as the ball is being tossed. and racquet is taken behind the player the grip slips and turns into the palm so that at contact the racquet faces the ball being held with an eastern forehand grip (hand on bevel number 3 of the grip). This limits the pronation which is essential for creating power and spin. How to fix it Thisis rather simple... Many coaches are tempted to tape the players’ hand to the racquet during the serve practice so that it does not slip; but this isa silly way to do it. An easier way would be to have the player begin the service motion with an eastern backhand grip (palm on the 8th bevel of the racquet the one that is one side to the left of the continental / bevel 1). In this way, even if the hand turns to the right during the serve motion, it should still end up with the hand on bevel 1 or 2 which is ideal for a good wrist snap at contact. ‘As with any new skill, practice it slowly in the beginning, with no balls, then progress to serving at regular speed allowing yourself to feel uncomfortable in the beginning, See reac web Quick Fix Inconsistent Serve This can happen because of a few reasons. All you have to dos go through the following check list and see which one applies to you 1. You might be looking where you want the ball to land, too early... The Fix: Try keeping your head frozen for a fraction of a second right after making contact with the ball. Resist the urge to look where your ball is heading. Jerking the head at contacts also a problem for many players because it affects balance and eye contact with the ball Try to keep the head up and still al the way through the contact. 2. Inconsistent toss can ruin your serve consistency too. Practice it before you practice your serve. Many times just improving your toss can make a huge difference in one’s serve ‘consistency. (90 to for Serve Toss quick fixes - videos) your dominant arm too tense? Then think about loosening it like it was a whip. 4.Mental aspect - are you afraid to miss your serve? That can put pressure on your body and mind. Try clearing your mind of any negative thoughts. Visualize your serve going in before you toss the ball. Ca Oe ef7a0 Quick Fix 6 Weak Serve Return When we are slow at returning serve It could be because we wait flat-footed as the ball comes our way. The Fix 1. As the server tosses the ball up, transfer the weight forward and add a small split step followed by tiny litle steps to get the body going forward, Physics teach us that we move to the ball alot faster if we are already in motion as it comes. So get the feet moving as your opponent tosses the ball. 2.Make it a goal to always move forward on the ball (avoid backing up). By doing this you close the angles and put the body weight into your shot. This helps with controlling the heavy spin and when returning fast serves. oBy Quick Fix a Late Contact on Volleys Hitting the ball too close to the body can result in weak or pop-up volleys. The Fix 1. Often player's ready position at the net is When at the net, wait for the ball with the with the racquet held very low which racquet in front of you chest-neck-chin (above increases the time to get set for the ball the net level) Voley Bad Ready Position Voley Good Ready Position Ca Moe ick 2. A,good trick that you might want to try is not supporting the racquet in the non-dominant Quic hand during the point. This can make the side to side transition a lot quicker (as long as you Fix have a continental grip for volleys). Volleys I'm Too Late Ca Moe 4 Quick Fix Volleys I'm Too Late Ca Moe web 3. Heres a very good drill to teach you how to contact the ball out in front and not wait for it to come to you: Stand with your back against the fence and have a partner (who's at least 15 feet from you) toss/feed balls to you. Having the fence behind you will force you to not take any backswing and also to only move forward. Quick Fix Volleys I'm Too Late ick Se Ele 8 1 Can't Hit Half-Volleys ‘The half-volleys require a good hand-eye coordination and controlled body balance when executing them. The half-volleys are key to a proper net approach and for doubles play. The Fix 1. Make sure that you get very low to the ground - setting the racquet face behind the ball bounce will require a low center of gravity for improved balance and control. You must bend the knees a lot for proper half-volleys. 2. Keep the racquet head in front of your hips ~ avoid taking the racquet back. You need to look at the half-volley as a push instead of a swing, 3" Os web Quick 9 I Lack Topspin on my Fix #| Forehand Ground-Strokes If your shots are too flat or you hit the balls deep, often, then you definitely need more topspin on the ball. Here is how to do it: 1.Check your backswing - sometimes we take the racquet back opening the strings too much; as a result you hit the ball too flat. The Fix: As your racquet goes back in preparation for the ball, make sure your strings are facing down of your dominant hand knuckles are pointing to the sky. This will give you a more closed racquet face and help with squaring the racquet at contact. Oe web 2. Get more under the incoming ball and brush up on it- imagine the ball having the face of a Quick clock on it; your swing should be like racquet moving from 6 to 12 (it goes straight ahead), 5 Fix 1011 (for cross-court) or 7 to 1 [inside-out swing). Lack Topspin on my Forehand Ground-Strokes croms-court FOREHAND GROUNDSTROKE 3.Visualize your racquet rolling abit over the top of the ball just as it makes contact. This will help you subconsciously create more spin on the ball Ca Moe 4 Quick Fix 10 web I Lack Power on my Two-Handed Backhand Ground-Stroke This can happen when the two hands don't workin sync - one can be pulling/pushing the other one. ‘To make the two hands work together do some exercises using a light medicine ball - begin by holding it in front of your chest with both hands grabbing the ball a if they face each other. Go through the backhand ground-stroke motion and throw the ball out in front against, a wall. Pick it up and do it again. Another simple exercise to get the two hands work together is by doing shadow backhand, swings focusing on having relaxed hands and shoulders throughout the whole motion. eB ick oT 1] My One-Handed Backhand is Inconsistent The Fix 1. One of the common mistakes people do when hitting one-handed backhand is to open up. the upper body too soon. (see picture below) 7 Cat MD) Try staying sideways through the contact and let the arm momentum carry your upper body through the finish. (see below) ‘My One-Handed Backhand is Inconsistent 1 3) 2. Put the dominant shoulder in front of the incoming ball as you prepare for it. By the time the ball bounces on your side of the court you should have the upper body loaded (looking at the ball over the dominant shoulder). My One-Handed Backhand is Inconsistent web ick 3. Resist the temptation to look up to where the ball is heading. Keep the head frozen through Quic! the contact. Fix My One-Handed Backhand is Inconsistent : Ca Moe ick 4. Make sure you use a proper grip, one that allows your racquet to be square to the ball at Quicl contact. An eastern backhand grip should doit -palm on bevel 8 (counting bevels clockwise Fix with bevel 1 being the one extending the edge of the racquet). My One-Handed Backhand is Inconsistent Ca Moe web ick 5. or a good balance during your one-handed backhand swing "spread your wings" hands Quic! ‘move in opposite directions during the contact and follow-through, Fix My One-Handed Backhand is Inconsistent Pa EMCO web 7 k 6. And the last (but not least)... exercise your forearm muscles! Your one-handed backhand Quic depends on racquet control that you get from having the forearm muscles work together at Fix the contact point. ‘My One-Handed Backhand Use exercises that open and close the palm as well as the ones that spread the fingers to Is Inconsistent increase stability in your wrist and forearm. ra MON web ick ae 1 2 | Inconsistent Overhead ‘Why many players don't like to move up to the net? Because they don't like hitting overheads. And why they don't like hitting overheads? Because... itis a hard stroke to execute: the timing, tracking the ball while moving backwards looking up... are hard tasks to do. | don't blame them, But here is a quick fix for you to get a better feeling of the timing and contact with the down-coming ball: Step 1, Have somebody feed you lobs while you are at the net. For beginning, just catch the ball with your non-dominant hand then tossit in the air followed by a serve (from the same. spot). Step 2. Instead of catching the ball ry tapping it with your racquet when it gets to a point ‘where you can reach with your arm and racquet extended, Tapping the ball can be great exercise to feel the height of where the ball should be contacted. Step 3. Repeat step 2 except that this time you will swing through the contact instead of tapping the ball This exercise sequence should give you more confidence in executing a consistent and powerful overhead stroke. Of course, repetition is key like in any other stroke. Ca Moe Want web Quick 1 3 | Hitting the Ball Off Center / Timing Eis (on Ground-Strokes) Heres a question for you: Are you actually watching the ball? “Of course, | am!" - you might say. But think about it... During a match, as you are just about to strike the ball you are so tempted to see what the ‘opponent is doing (where he stands - is he staying back on the baseline or moving up?), if you have an opening to send the ball to... etc... and the eyes shift away from the incoming ball. ‘The result? hitting off center or losing control of the ball placement. The Fix ‘As the ball bounces on your side of the court say (either whisper or in your mind) "bounce" and when you're just about to hit it continue saying "hit’ These two simple words can improve your timing as well as your focus on the ball. ra MON Quick Fix é rT SOIR web 1 4 | Timing the Serve Has it happen to you (many times) to hit the ball too early (with the ‘edge of the racquet) or too late? Ithappens mostly when we are tense (match situation or just feeling nervous for certain ‘easons) or we just don't have the patience to keep the eyes on the ball and want to look to the court too early, Or we are not loose enough yet (needing more warm-up). Or we haven't served in along time and muscles are not listening to us that day... The reasons for off timing, the serve can be many; but there is a cure for that too. The Fix Count! Yes, counting helps tremendously with timing, Use the 1-2-3 method, That means as you toss the ball up in the air, say to yourself "1"; when the ball reaches its toss peak say "2":as it begins to drop and you're swinging the racquet up. to meet the ball you say °3". You might want to say all these numbers to yourself in your head, otherwise it can be a distraction for the other players that are present. Use counting and not only will it improve the timing but it will clear your mind from negative distractions too, Jest) web ick once] 5 | Ground-Strokes Inconsistency Most of the tennis shots that we hit in a match are obviously the ground-strokes (forehand and backhand). And we also know that the most consistent player usually wins. So why do you miss your ground-strokes and how can that be fixed? 1. If you hit too deep often, fix the problem by either adding more topspin to your strokes or change your grip slightly by moving the hand on the grip clockwise (if you area right-handed) -into a semi-western grip (see pictures below). Ca Moe web 2. If your shots go into the net often, you can fixit by either getting more under the ball (bending the knees more - see picture below) or visualizing the ball leaving the racquet and going over the net in a high arch Inconsistency Also if you have an extreme grip (e.g. western) you might move the hand an the grip a bit more counter-clockwise. That will open up the racquet face and reduce the topspin amount. Pa EMCO a ee recap Quick Fix 1. The "Waiter's Tray" Error on the Serve 2. Racquet Too Open During Forehand Backswing 3. Serving with a Forehand Grip (Eastern) 4, Grip Switch During Serve Swing 5. Inconsistent Serve 6. Weak Serve Return 7. Late Contact on Volleys 8.1 Can't Hit Half-Volleys 9.1 Lack Topspin on my Forehand Ground-Strokes 10. | Lack Power on my Two-Handed Backhand Ground-Stroke 11. My One-Handed Backhand is Inconsistent 12. Inconsistent Overhead 13. Hitting the Ball Off Center / Timing (on Ground-Strokes) 14, Timing the Serve 15, Ground-Strokes Inconsistency Ca Moe witb Hi, im Cosmin! Ym a father and ch! meena ABOUT THE AUTHOR a tennis co Name: Cosmin Alin Miholca Introduction: | am a certified professional tennis coach who traveled the world over the last 10 years teaching amateurs and aspiring pros alike. My coaching abilities are built on 25 years of playing experience and teaching over 13,000 hours of tennis lessons. Asa result of my passion for the game and willingness to offer my students an enjoyable way tolearn tennis, I founded WebTennis?4,com and, two very well-known ‘tennis instructional sites. Life: I was born in Romania on March 18, 1976.1 am happily married to my wife Ii whom | proudly raise two beautiful daughters - Cezara and Bianca. I began playing tennis when | was 11 years old. Tennis came to me easier due to my previous ‘soccer experience but | was always technically challenged. Not being a natural talented player | had to figure out a lot of the technical and movement attributes necessary for satisfying my tennis competitiveness. Jalways loved teaching others therefore at the age of 14 | was already the proud “tennis coach’ of some of my school mates who were competing along side with me at local tennis competitions. Later on after | graduated the best college of Kinesiology from Romania | emigrated to California {in 2000) where | became a certified tennis coach and eventually began teaching tennis for a living. | lived there from the year 2000 until the 2012 when | decided to go back to my roots. Ifyou have questions or feedback, do not hesitate to visit our websites and WebTennisDrill: or write us at with, info web WHAT YOU CAN DO. You are given the unlimited right to print this eBook and to distribute it electronically (via email your website, or any other means). You can print out pages and put them on your favorite wall at home or office. You may not alter this eBook in any way, though, and you may not charge for it. NAVIGATION & USER TIPS Move around this eBook by using your keyboard arrow keys or click on the right arrow (+) for, the next page and the left arrow (+). 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