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One of the bases to be able to form a society, are the physical pillars of structures that help the

human being to form his future, so these structures have to be strong and moldable to existing
needs; But what characteristics should these structures have? Most structures in constructions,
use steel as a central axis, for stability, rigidity, safety, and trust, classifying these structures into
different types, such as: supports by load walls, reticulars, ends of the beams , beams or light
armor, and other structures.

In addition, structures such as buildings have had an exponential evolution thanks to steel,
reinforced concrete and supports that prevent deformation and tension; Roland Stulz,in his book
"Proper Building Materials" (page 188), talks about the importance of steel as a building material,
thanks to its strength and easy handling, provided that the minimum safety requirements are met
implemented in the country, to avoid dangerous failures in the structure when this structure
receives some load;that is why universities train engineers in different fields of education,
including structural analysis; where it is analyze the different parameters involved in the formation
of fractures, deformations, deflections and breakages of structures, as well as the tools and
processes that can be performed to be able to greatly minimize these factors that affect

Therefore, civil engineers have a great responsibility to society, as they must be trained as integral,
trained and morally committed to common progress, which is why every day, civil engineers are in
the process of continuous knowledge, which includes knowing the behavior of steel and metal
structures ingeneral. An example is the western bridge, this structure located in the Western
Antioqueño is a suspension bridge in Santa fe de Antioquia, built in 1895. Consisting of four
reinforced concrete pyramids, which supports four cables of which are suspended the pendolas,
which hold the bridge board, these cables are anchored to structures in brick masonry located on
each side of the the banks of the Cauca River.

Finally, civil works changed and formed the world, and the main part of that transformation, was
thanks to the civil engineers, who used the foundations they obtained in their trainings as
students, applying that knowledge to make structures, stronger and more resilient, that meet the
needs and tastes of all people, meeting the requirements of safety, economy, and aesthetics.

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