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Nama : Yosep Wahyu T

Jurusan : Psikologi Semester 1


Part Of Speech

1. Noun : person, place, think

Kata benda

2. Verb : Action

Kata Kerja

3. Adjective : Describes Noun

Kata Sifat

4. Adverb : Describes Verb, Describes Adjective

Kata Keterangan


Rita is A Smart Girl

- Rita -> Noun

- Smart -> Adjactive

- girl -> Noun ---> Smart mendiskripsikan kata benda (girl)

Rita Thinks Smartly

- Rita -> noun

- thinks -> verb

- Smartly -> Adverb--> menjelaskan verb (thinks)

Rita is an extremely Smart Girl

-Rita -> noun

- extremely -> adverb

- smart -> adjective

Adjective vs adverb (adj+ly)


1. Concrete Noun ( secara fisik)

2. Abstract Noun (non fisik bisa dirasa)

- contoh : love, wisdom

-hasil bentukan dari verb

Misal : inform-> information

Explain -> explaination

- Hasil bentukan adjective

Contoh : sad -> sadness

Happy -> happyness

- Hasil bentukan Noun

Contoh : Child -> chilhood

Friend -> friendship

Countable vs UnCountable Noun

1. Countable Noun (kata benda dapat dihitung)

- single Noun (benda tunggal) di hub. a (dilihat sekilas), an, the (pasti)

I see a book -> the book is english book

a (untuk kata yang di awali konsonan), an ( di awali dengan vokal)

- plurel noun (benda jumlah dari satu) di akhiri dengan e,ies,s

Uncountable Noun (tidak dapat dihitung)

- liquid (cair)

- solid (padat)

- gas

-particle ( salt,sand,papper)

- abstract noun ( love, information, explaination)

Collective noun (food, furniture) bersifat umum

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