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eee tutes pile to re man forthe it tne fo often pe ee mace ad et pve oa vrial goods for this country and some of tt i ‘ord Esplin and domination of came, ray nl my The cy ae Roger pecs and eer emp canbe arate tne sy of Me cmt ce Black Man’s Land wing 6 paying, on only cone Population experts predict that by 1970 Afo-Americans will con- ‘rate the majority in Bly ofthe nations largest cities. tn Wash- ington, D.C., and Newark, NJ, Afto-Americans are already a naj. In Detroit, Baltimore, Cleveland, and St. Louis they wre one-third or more of the population and in a number of ‘there Chicago, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Oakland "they constitute well over one-fourth, There are more Afro: Amevicans in New York City than in the entire state of Misis- Sippl. Even where they are not yet « majority, as in Detroit ‘Tele school childeen are now well over 50 percent of the school population Ta accordance with the general philosophy of majority rule and the specie American tradition of ethnic groupings (Irish, Polish, Kalian) migrating en masse to the big cites and then taking over the leadership of municipal government, black Americans are nest. in line. Exch previous ethnic. grouping, achieved fstclass citizenship chilly becayse its Teaders became the cities Teaders, but racism is so deeply imbedded in the American psyehe from tap t0 bottom, and from Right to Left that i cannot even entertain the idea of black politcal power in the cites. The white power stucture, which includes or ‘tanned labor, resorts to every conceivable strategy to keep itself Ih power and the black man out: urban renewal or Negro re- moval, reorganization of local government ona metropolitan tea basis; population (birth) control. Meanwhile since éheir saaton without representation” Is so flagrant, safe Negroes are * Gonuihored with Grice Lee Boar Ey 40 Racin ond the Clas Struggle SRS Aan ne ars 0S lope al pba As ena ent Humphrey proclaims that the “biggest battl pect Be cal ae he weed se ou cities” But the war is not only in America’s cities; it ‘Shlte power whose first major battle was fought last August i i cts SOO le wf vl i ier stare baa she Se my lly nal fo det a etn oer ata eahiton te sly : If the black liberation movement had erupted in the ae ‘lone or considered beneath thete dignity by whites, the great {pint to administrative pots or handpicked to eon etre ofc. In Hitleroccpiod Europe seek ae ane oF the tv population wore alld clr or Qi these schemes may Indenitely delay or even possane txchide the black majonty from taking over the ne a government, There no avomatic guarumee tha ji Brevi. But those who invent or mpport such sions ma ae eee ble and thatthe cltyiuelf wil remain the dangeroessocoy 1 iocing lee of toning sees seme tumbers of black youth, rendered soil unnecesay yi tednolgal aiton of asraten ag eae by going cao amy hh hs Semi poe Ys oy mars cosa eee far the inert of the bsntee laos, mechs, ol Scans, nd adnistno, to whom’ the ay ee but who do ot bong nthe ey and whe tiene ot es Anca hes sey become the dager welty. The nl tonsa cir ae tm ples ane Te twotond ope oi Ber wince a Fopiiten tsgh mans maces et el tn svt oh te nas (Whe cr Farner or ths, aingh te ease ue Sob nab te ama fe of tesa that i laa fr fom me) eee the major cts by the black majority noblned fehand lene I scestnet tars estas ko Usamctoreof cy gortnets ad oe This th ema whl Nero rireee ver ne ay 19 when the Beegion a a tligham ls over 40 percent Bch) tntine oon ton Os Be Mars ek stage precipitated « long hot summer of demonstrations, followed by & long hot summer of ¥prisings in Harlem, Philadelphia, Rochester, New York, and New Jersey in 1964, The the 1965 cevoe in Watts MeCone Commission his warned hat may be only a curtainraser to future hic SES wer 42 Racism and the Class Struggle ‘The City Ie the Black Man’ Land 43 been in the Belds of education and socal and publics (teaching, hospitals, sanitation, transportation, publi. bel recreation, socal welfare). Tes preisly these aeas which the responsibilty of ety goverment, an itis als. prci these areas of activity which are soclly most neces tf cybercaltural er. But bec the American rat tran ‘mands the emaseulation of blacks not only on the econo sexaal but ao onthe politcal lee, the perspective of seltgovernmont nthe ccs canot be posed openly and rl 4a proesion and penpectve tard which black youths ‘spite and for which they should begin preparing. hemes from childhood. Instead, at every juncture) even sehen cons sions ar being male, white Ameri mak clear thatthe po to make concessions remains in white hands, The rst i ering opel ad desnation nthe par Hask yo evidenced in the ring rte of school dropouts, dape adit ad indiscriminate violence, Born into the age of alandancs technological miracles, these youths have lithe respect fr th Drenis who continue to save for "the man” and none fr social worker, teaches, and ofcals who harangue them abo cheating themselves for antediavan jobs The fundamental problem of the ransfornaton of humal Activity in advanced Americ is deeply rot as the pra Of lan eon cots wich eon hep oe Of snderdevlopment by colonia. Like the celred. people of the underdeveloped (ie, auperexploited) tountiel Aas Americans have been kept ins sate of neremploymet, dng tasks which are lead) technalogally outmata. But where 15 to 60 percent of the population in « country lke Chinn oy Vietnam lives In the countysie, a compersble proportion of Afio-Americans now les inthe ctysde- And whctengcontres, lke Cina or Vietam still hae to make the inden rool tion (ie, mechanizeagrcltre a industy), North Amer tas already completed ths revlon and sn th eve of the exbercultal revolution. Soily newasy actu fr the se forty in an underdeveloped counry enemy Indostel Ihbor education forthe jority is toeatna elteation Te essary has tobe eluted Yo the nee to abandon ood ning meio’, pepe Hal for tcc change, end se anbiized to work to provide the necesary exp ‘opr moder machinery. 1 can be educate and abled Te eae change only hough is own government. In an fo eke the United States, om the other andthe iitak population, concentrated in the ities, has to be educated ini nablzed to abandon outmoded methods of labor and pres 2a ac a er A uoeally panaumy”sctiiues oF pola mg ror i tat, eal servos, eats sal hs re ima reoe batven sen tod an. At fom of aig el con ths canbe ahi a a tal eesp. Hea he hy of i ‘ier on Poverty program, which is essentially a program to keep He Encl trem where th conling deo pcr nds te which ae fast be ra advanced North Aner ning wha Sere al: A, ad Lat Ame form oe tml” Casey qeted poll apparatus and propose a a ili fer tere he pre fe Word th Ac eG wer 446 Raciom and the Class Struggle and small businesses. Also, asso often happens with thove ‘enemy. As a rests whe 1863, he did not take the offensive which, consciously 90 percent Muslims ‘Negro Grassroots Leadership Conference ated before he cold organize = palit ideas, bt in ono hs esto mane Ais conviction tat “Harlan Iution” would be accomplished if Ametican Negroes oul hose black smilitants who. were ‘American way of life Back mutants: had oat rat hop ak tb ge, ut iat men have to take and the taking of po velopnent of rvlaonary organs ‘gram for the reorganization of society, ay be the conquest of power. ‘ eal as Avge 108, atthe Marg on Ws ide of Black Powt deen ett a fe threatening to crete another sous fp rouncement ofthe formation of liam Worthy: In 1984 the Freedoms the allot the state of ichigo advanced county; h ‘country hence his concentration on land owners campaign Sressng vty did Pats of independent black polite power msde the Nort auld powerful org orgaizaton, he bese reocapal with protection ofthe organization from destradion by dete the Northern movement erupted freed ‘consciously, large numbers of non-Muslim blacks (the so-call famous spech to the Newt 10 198 n which tye he Dac en ot luiring conquest of power in the tradition a Revoation an the Rustin Revelation Males ean tse he a i "mde ver cea i ows! al the Hares we Te wat in 65 chat Back mltants Began to dace le ual opportunities to gt obs, housing. and eden thet oe rofeundly opposed to the Aeron vay of ie dtd ama et of ta ad cil rights strugle: What, up unt 1905, fog mppled Wit i the fact that foe and poser i someting we ris he de ands revolutionary shington, the John Lewis speech, power, and in the an 1 Freedom Now Party by: Wil Now Party won a place on and conducted a state-wide ‘The City Te the Black Man's Land 45 rnming candidates for every state-wide office and the need for independent black political action. The ‘ot win many votes, but it contributed to establishing mm movement, In carly 1965 a Federation for Tnde- ret Political Action was created in New York by sitnt Pie eaders from all over the country who went back into thelr ve nites to. Hnk the idea of black power with conerete struggles. On. My Power was formed in Detroit 1, 1965, «national Organization for Black "Tne fst task which the Organization for Black Power se itself soar to establish seentie basis for the perspective of Black Polieal Power in the historical development of the United States Thus the following statement was adopted atthe found- sng conference: "At his jonctre in history the system tel cannot, wil ot, reitve the problems that have been created by centuries of ex lott of black people. It remains for the Negro struggle not Ey to change the system but fo usve atthe Kind of soca system {tng to our tine and i ein o the development of this county TIAL Negroes constitute this tevoasonary socal force, imbued with thee sues and grievances that goto the heart ofthe sytem, Shot by seedent bute ret of the Way in which Ameria devel: (ped The Negwoes tay play the role thatthe agricultural workers ‘piped in beiging abt social reform in agucultre and the ole thatthe workers played inthe 1990% i bringing about vocal reform in industry, “Today the Negro muses inthe city are outside of the politcal cconomy and aol strate, bot they constitite arg force fide the city and particule) concentrated in the black ghettos The wy elf camat resolve the problems ofthe ghetto and/or the probleme ofthe ey. The traditional historical process by which ther ene grompingy were asimlated into the economic and po Tea stactare has terminated with the arival of the Negroes en tmase (1) because ofthe trdonal racism of this country which cues” Negrues from taking. municipal power as ater ethnic {gouping have done; and (2) because of the tecnologia! reel fiona has aow made the waked bor ofthe Negroes soil tunecesry. The ei rights inoverent which orig the South cannot address self to. these problems of the Northem 46 Raciom and the Class Struggle ghetto which are based not vpon lg (de fre) conta but up stot (de fac) craton oi fore forthe movement he North to ey Un let enemy n fact, toad the stem rater tha ute Sard new iat, ‘A this conference we aed at the recon that hs ; at he he fre, tht heap the system going fhe pole whieh expt force of sbentee Inde mera, pins, snag ated nthe, and paral he Bc Be egies ste the major source of the pay tat goes to poh jndges, mayors, common councllinen, and all ety governmett Does, tated though tai lonesome eet Imapr cy Nees bave Milo no ieprseation iy go sent, WE PAY FOR THESE OFFICIALS. WE SHOULD RU The cy i the base which we must enganize asthe factor se erg the 150 We must sn, rm the cena workers srg to sont and gover the ‘tories of the 1930s. sf m ae To do this we mst be dea that power mean + progam come fo power by all he mins thwgh which new sek fy have ame to power inthe pat 1. We must engi cade who wil fonction fn the hic he Ihr rns ofthe 1990s fancied and od 2. We mut chose our own ter around which to mobil ha ‘mass and immobilize the enemy. 4 3 We must prepare asses to be ready for what the mas thames do spontancly ar thy ple aga the wos in most cases the pole-and be ready to tke pla’ poset herve posable ayaa 4. We must nl a way to mance our nvement ourselves Since the founding conference, and particularly since. the Wilts revolt an the deepening cris from the US, occupation ‘of Vietnam, black revolutionaries all over the country, have bbeen working out the theory and practice of building black revolutionary’ organization, 1. They are clarifying what black political power would ‘The City Is the Black Man's Land 7 rms, that 5 to say, the program which black mere in the cies would institute. Thus, for example, speernttjel Power would fnstte a crash program to wiz Black Fol Soced teclogy te people fom al forms of the me ur, Te wold alo take rmetite steps to transfor manmncept of welfare to one of human dignity or of well-faring {i comtrbcing The Men of people faring well off the fut of ard weal technology ad the Tors of past generations without adnaesay to work for a living most Become as normal as the Mt ognized abr fas become There stud Beno ion wae hs cae accomplished without expropriating those now that entrain our eomomy. Tel nt there be arene simply on a cliyowide basis ie. withont defeating ihe national power structure. However, by establishing beach ‘Made in one\or-more major cites, black revolutionary gover vests woul be in the most strategie postion to contend with Td eventually defeat thls national power stuctre Th elaborating its program, the black revolutionary organza sin, Conseis that the preset Constitution was writen nearly two conten ago In an agicalexa when the states had the tron rights beeuse they had the most power, also aims to mse 4 ew Coston which tables 2 new reli: Ship of government to people and to propery, ax well as new Felltgnshipe betwen the tonal government, the states, and the ites, and new relationships between ationstates. uch a Conattation canbe the basi or the cal toa Constitutional Con- Seaton ae al serve to mobilise national and world support forthe black government or goveraments i the ites where they ‘Stalsh beaded and where they will have to defend them, Sthves against the counter rvalutonary forces of the national ower srt 2 They are concentrating on the devlopent of paramilitary codes ray to defend Black mints ad the black community from coutertevoltianary sttads, The power which thes cadres develop for defense of the community cam i tar bring Bacal support from the community as wells sanctuary, when reded, nthe comm $8 Raciem and the Class Struggle STienSe Veet oe a IEG Gr pected se Se ick cae doe aie ca EE eee eer Soin rns ‘The City Is the Black Mav's Land 48 sce qnown, ten though the paiamentry proces ll Sone sated fore at ts disposal At that point, he at pecme tal cons of ocean’ fore rvolioy Most immediate as well as profound tue affecting ‘nt hue Mnck cmmuny and pati Dlck youth te 2 The ack evoltnary organization wl wake rary and racic thatthe Vikcog andthe Blak 1 ea ent inthe Und States are part oft sme worl owe: mow Taation agin he sume enemy and ha, hs ie ete cba ts self In the strugle of the colored’ peoples of the world for power o govern themselves the mantng of man stake Deople of some races exit toe exploited and manila ‘ters? Or ae all men equal reganlss of aco? White po tras bull on de ba of explating the eared aes of the wad for tho benefit ofthe white races At the heart of ths expla vas the conviction that people of calor werent men buts human, not selegovering ttizens but “atvs” White p not only expat alred peoples economical it ought matically 0 destoy the elture and ther personalities anything else which would compel white people to fat the that colsred peoples ar alo en, When Western powers fo tech ater, they fought as men Bat whon they fought tl eoples, they ke them ss natives and as lve. That Weck Batre dain Venom tly. Now All people ate clamoring for mason. Thereby hey ae det ing fe th te which whe pr Bs bl el some men (shies) ae more el or more capable af sl agmverament (etzemhip) than others (clred). Black Power: A Scientific Concept Whose Time Has Come seer, Dlack Power: Ths is what is bring writen about a tout ial seta of the popelaton of the United aa apatea Not see the speetor of Commanism Sst ee Gham Europe over one hundred years ago Basan idea vee aad Dy sew people fighter many 0 30 shart a por tal and radel, Nego il sighs leaders and po res Reporter and editor yen is amazing to what Rory TY ic ae fasted and appalled by Blick Power ‘Theta that hese words were rst shouted nt bythe Ite ss te Re an he by Saket Cama io cow lacks ding march to Jackson, Missi inthe peng o Siete hegdcacl teson ocd the phi. For tare the year the Student Nom Vielent Coordinating Com- ites (SOC), which Carmine heads and of whi Hicks i cn ogane, hed oud a publi taterment on Arerean foreign onc conan Uh warn Vitor ss rat war and ct etng the bls movement in this country with the ant inperalist movement in Asa That sme exod, SNCC had voto aly sle white bral and rails could play inte movement, apy eharaterrng tas one of sspporting ‘ther than decontmaking, Coming after these tater’ he Sry af Black Power was se by most people ax deepening te fh between te prostogrationsts and the nationalists, Whether Shot Cancel had intended this annot really be determined since the pane ha sear Het is ps before the ress and chery tcdispeesnan for the movement were making the ov treaties tir own pejules oF Progra. ‘When Msn X was assinated in February 1965, very st es Ame we he ple scat 1 the perspective of euloony power to dey rach. fave Saing the word “luc at a pala! designation to cer ot on ‘rrAmercas but to people of ctor who ave enue In ela strug nthe Uae Stier a all es the wor. shuld ot Be to mean the domination of Ao-Amercns othe elon ete pe af er fom back Yevutinay wget | i i th Asc eS

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