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5. In order to continue developing the diagnosis to understand

the situation in Colombian enterprises of digital
transformation, it is important to write a justification for the

a) Individually, each student search on internet, newspapers or other

reliable sources to find an article that evidences the problem of
digital transformation in Colombian enterprises

b) Read, analyze the article and complete the following chart:

Analysis of the Article Chart

Student name Claudia Yaneth Guamanga Valderrama
Article Tittle Teleworking: companies are not ready

Article Image
References Semana. (21 de 03 de 2020). Obtenido de

Relation of the Due to the problems we are experiencing

article with the at present, companies have had to resort
problem of to teleworking with most of their workers
digital without any training or preparation of this.
in Colombian It is an organizational culture that should
enterprises be taken into account by all companies
and even more so at this time; normally
the study of the job is carried out with the
help of the LRA in which it has the
necessary conditions and implements for
the execution of the tasks.

But home networks are not enough for

this type of tasks since they are networks
of lesser capacity and are affecting the
performance of people's processes on a
daily basis.

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