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More Method - Emotional Intelligence (Jen Groover) Friday, 28 February 2020 3:53PM Read people - emotionally connect with people Out performing with less effort. Physical fitness is same important as Emotional fitness. Emotional Intelligence: understanding how to forgive, be compassionate, to let go and practice them in daily life Ifall aspect, we become better of ourselves (professional as well as personal life), we are then maximizing our lives. Train the workforce to be better emotionally; this will improve the quality of the workforce Increase (value) Share your life with your people,, it will connect more to your people. | messed up, | made mistake ... newer generation expect a new way connectivity , how do you deeply connect with your people. Detox the drainer and increase the enhancer. Banyak yang mau dikerjakan dalam sehari, tapi kita lupa jaga makan kita, Misal seperti gula , begitu sugar level naik = terus naik drop ini buat hidup kita lebih berat menyelesaikan yang perlu diselesaikan Learn NLP - bring your game to another level bisa dipakai untuk proses hiring dsb nya. Perhatikan cara ngomong orang, kata2 yang dipakai, ini berpengaruh. Binual Beats Master yourself and you will master life = Jen Groover MORE method: Mindfulnes in everything you do Optimization of Body and Brain Responsive versus Reactive Lifestyle Excelling in every aspect of life Pasta = increases your blood sugar. Dont touch in the middle of the workday ‘ur choice to how we want to perform. If we are responsive, we are more responsible, Terkadang butuh PAUSE, double check ini noise atau signal? What do you want more of what? 1. more energy 2. better relationships (within family and professional) ~~ create quality connection, your doings needs to be constantly evaluate. 3. more clarity of mind Harus clear apa yang lu mau, dan gak mau... kita banyak handout banyak business card, tapi kita gak CONNECT dengan mereka, Your daily habits needs to be changed before you can reach your goal PAUSE — REFLECT -- REFRAME --- REENGAGE How can I see from another person perspective? Envision = What you want (what do they have that you dont have) Believe = you are worthy and capable of having it Remove = the block, beliefs and behavios that keep you from it, Intentionally = take action and create the life you desire Do you have IDEA Journal?? Distrupt yourself. ‘Apa yang mereka punya dan kamu gak punya? ‘Apa yang membuat kamu tidak bergerak? Do not complaint unless you back it up with a solution, You can complaint , but your head needs to find a solution. BELIEVE What are the beliefs that holding you back? It's non negotiable. Start with your outcome. What is our belief about money, about goals, around wellbeing, around your family, around relationships, around your goals If you believe every relationship fails, then your ego will make it happen. If you believe (in US) women are bad, you will make it happen. There isa different between belief system and intuation Do this exercise with your employee. = What your belief to get to the next level? - What your belief in getting success Change the mindset to WHY NOT ME instead of WHY ME? Be carefull for being too busy so we dont think to be INTENTION Why lam doing what | am doing? Inacall, what do you want to get out from that call? Ina meeting, what do you want to get out from that meeting? In our day, what do you want to get out from our day 7277 intention. UNLIMITED 000 = Lotter Cheffer (book) Absorber theory = google it. Think about what you want, and not what you dont want. Your energy will fcus on what you want. How to change people behaviour??? Create a GREATER VALUE for the new behaviors to replace the old behaviours Transformation trumps Motivation => it will change the behaiour. If you believe exercise will punish yourself, even if you have a better body = it will torture yourself I you believe exercise will give you more energy to become productive (new value}, you will always go to the gym and it won't torture you. Sugar addict: if you reward your kids with candy, it will subconstiously make your kids seeking candies if they are feeling bad about themselves. In any relationships, please express your expectation ... do not be a mind reader (this will set for failure). Begitu expectation sudah di express, then set the expecatation yang mana ok, yang mana pak... SLEEP is important... having a routine sleep. wash face, listen to music, blah, then bobok Detoxification Strategy on body to energise your body... Lemon can detoxify. Ph isin Alkaline state. Sitting is a new Smoking Faster way of getting oxygen into your brain (SMARTER), forced yawn. What you eat is hurting you or helping you? Protein stablized your blood sugar. Forgiveness = Freedom, You are angry at someone, you are drinking a cancer juice. The health of our relationships isin direct proportion to our success Healthy emotional intelligence people prioritize heathy relationships Conflict when approached to be resolved with a desire to have a better relationship, this is a number one to have a healthy relationship Mastery in all relationships begins when we stop needing to be right, but to seek better understanding of your partner What's your playbook? Sport has a playbook - where to run and nat running to each other. For example, ada yang orang minta sesuatu, tapi dengan cara tone nya persis kayak ayahnya ngomong waktu kecl. Jadi response nya ; kasih tau playbook kita =I know it got nothing with you, but ini trigger saya..jadi saya ga bisa kasih.. bisa tolong minta , tapi dengan cara yang lain? lam feeling based on my perception which is solely based on my past experiences, | could totally be wrogn so lwould love ifyou could show me Exceling in life Nothing in life is exclusive HEALTH, FINANCES, RELATIONSHIPS and Personal GROWTH

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