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Teachers’ beliefs is one of the important thing that we need to look for improving educational

processes in our country. As the teachers, they shape their students’ learning environment and
give a big influence in student motivation and achievement. From the other side, curriculum plan
is a plan about how the student learning process in their daily routine in schools.

In my opinion, I very agree with the statement of the mismatch between teacher’s beliefs
and curriculum are giving an impact to the communication skills in English among students. The
reason why I agree with that statement because teacher cannot practice the activity that
involving speaking skills. Futhermore, the teachers only can teach the lesson in curriculum plan
only. This is because of in curriculum grammar was being focused for examination. So we can
see that the English communication skills of their student cannot be improve.

Besides that, the biggest problem is when the confuse thinking of a student are occur.
During the teaching session in the class, teacher teachs their student to speak in English
fluently while on the same time in the curriculum they have been set for the student to read and
write. So, this situation will make the students to face dificulity in their lesson then assume
English. From this problem, the interesting and moral of the student to the English language
also be down.

Not only that, for me it also will down the students’ confident level to speak English in the
class. Because of school curriculum that emphasizing writing and reading they did not learn how
to communicate with people. This problem will effect their future as when they end their study,
they will going to the working environment. At that time, most of them will face a difficulty to get
a job because of their unfluent communication with other people.

In a conclusion, the mismatch between of teacher’s belief and curriculum were really
gave a negative impact to all the students as the poor communicational skills in English among
students will happened. So, clearly we know the lesson that the students get in a class must be
same with the curriculum plan in the school. So that, student will not face a big problem to
improve their communication skills.

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