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by Arkalgud Ramaprasad
Southern Illinois University

The paper discusses the lack of a commonly accepted definition of the concept of
feedback in management theory, dealing with communications networks and decision
processes in living systems at the organization level. It proposes a general definition. It
deals with living systems at the organization level, including the total system and all
subsystems. Implications of the proposed definition to current conceptualizations of
feedback processes in management are explored.
KEY WORDS: organization, decision making, feedback, management theory.

INTRODUCTION the definitions used in cybernetics, general

systems theory, control theory, etc., knowl-
EEDB*CK Is a used in edge from these disciplines cannot be trans-
Fmanagement theory. It is used in m ~ n - lated into the context of management. This
agement decision making (Bogart, 1980; would be unfortunate given the interdisci-
Brehm Bryant, 1976; CantleY, 1981; Con- plinary nature of management theory.
nolly & Miklausich, 1978; Welford, 1972), On the other hand, there is no univer-Planned
organizational change (Cartmight, sallly accepted definition of feedback out-
1951; Chin, 1976; Katz & Kahn, 1966; Leav- side management theory either. Ashby itt,
1965; Mann, 196% management control (1956), for example, delineates the theor-(Ashton,
1976; Hackman, 1976; Hofstede, ists’ position on feedback as well as the
1968; Lawler, 1976; Miner, 1975), organiza- experimenters’ and practitioners’ position.
tion design (Haberstroh, 1965), and train- Buckley (1967) draws a distinction between
in% Performance appraisal, motivation feedback and pseudo-feedback; Wilden
(Herold & Greller, 1977; Hinrichs, 1976; (1972) draws a distinction between feed-
Kim & Schuler, 1979; Nemeroff dz Consen- back and weak feedback. Buckley’s defini-
tino, 1979 Sorensen & Franks, 1972). tion of pseudo-feedback and Wilden’s defi-
Despite wide usage of the concept of nition of weak feedback would still be called
feedback, there is little consensus among feedback in Ashby’s framework. In the fol-
management theorists on the definition O f lowing, based on implicit and explicit defin-
the concept. Furthermore, some of the def- tions used in management theory and out-
initions used by management theorists vary side, we propose a definition of feedback. In
considerably from the definitions used in explaining the definition we show the links
related fields like general systems theory, to other definitions, and we also explain
cybernetics, control theory, etc. why the proposed definition would clarify
The lack of an agreed upon definition of Some of the confusion.
the concept of feedback does not bode well
for the development of the concept in man- DEFINITION OF FEEDBACK
agement theory. Theoretically, each person Feedback is information about the gap
and each discipline can independently de- between the actual level and the reference
fine a concept as long as they adhere to the level of a system parameter which is used
respective definitions consistently. But to alter the gap in some way. For example,
such diversity of definitions hinders corn- information on overspending on travel by
munication and, more importantly, the a salesman used to cut his spending in the
transfer of knowledge across individuals future is feedback. The system parameter
and disciplines. Thus, as long as the defi- is the salesman’s travel expenditure. The
nition of the concept of feedback used by reference level of the system parameter is
management theorists is at variance with the budgeted expenditure; the actual level

Behavioral Science, Volume 28, 1983


is the actual expenditure. The gap between output parameters alone unnecessarily re-
the reference level and the actual level is the stricts the generalizability and usefulness of
amount of overspending. Information on the the concept. In this sense our definition is in
gap when used to alter the gap (most line with the definitions used by Miller
probably to decrease the gap) becomes (1972, 1978), Miner (1976), and Ashby
feedback. If the information on the gap is (1956).
merely stored without being utilized to alter The system parameter which is the focus
the gap, it is not feedback. of feedback may itself be a function of other
The above definition of feedback empha- system parameters. The various financial
sizes three crucial points: ratios like current ratio, quick ratio, etc., are
examples of parameters which are func-tions
1. The focus of feedback may be any of more elementary parameters like current
system parameter: input, process, or out-put. assets, total assets, inventory, etc. In such
cases the process of feedback could be much
2. The necessary conditions for feedback more complex, because the alter-natives
are the existence of data on the reference level available for altering the gap be-tween the
of the parameter, data on the actual level of the reference level and actual level will be many
parameter, and a mechanism for comparing the more than would be available with simple,
two to generate infor-mation about the gap direct system parameters. Such and related
between the two levels. There cannot be any implications are discussed in detail in the
feedback if any one of the three (data on the section on altering the gap between reference
and actual levels.
reference level, data on the actual level,
The parameter may or may not be ame-
mechanism for comparing) is absent.
nable to quantitative measurement. At-tempts
3. The information on the gap between could be made to quantify the qual-itative
the actual level and the reference level is parameters, although it is often dif-ficult to
feedback only when it is used to alter the do so without trivializing the pa-rameter.
gap. If the information is stored in memory (For example, how can one quan-tify the
it is not feedback. elegance of a well written computer
program?) Consequently, with qualitative
In the following we will discuss the three parameters, subjective judgment needs to be
points in detail. exercised in measurement. Hence, there is
scope for wide individual differences in the
Focus of feedback assessment of qualitative parameters.
The first point, i.e., that the focus of Techniques like group discussion, Delphi
feedback can be any system parameter, in- (Martino, 1972), establishing specific crite-
dicates the generality of the suggested def- ria (which in a sense is like breaking down
inition. Most definitions of feedback focus the parameter into its components), etc., may
only on the output parameters (Bogart, 1980; be used to generate a consensus. But even
Cantley, 1981; Chin, 1976; DeGreene, 1970; then the scope for individual differ-ences
DiStefano, Stubberud, & Williams, 1967; complicates the feedback process.
Lawler, 1976; Miller, 1976; Van Gigch, The measurement of the parameter may be
1978) . There is no reason to restrict the focus on a rudimentary categorical scale (yes-no,
of feedback to output parameters only. Thus present-absent), on an ordinal scale (better-
feedback may be focused on the output of an worse, more -less), on an interval scale
employee, the amount of effort ($he is putting (temperature), or on a well developed ratio
on the job (input), work procedures (process),
scale (length, time). Categorical and ordinal
etc. (In Bogart’s, 1980, terminology, feedback
focused on process would be called scales would tend to be used with-more
feedwithin.) Simi-larly the focus may be the qualitative parameters, and interval and ratio
number of units produced by a department, raw scales with more quantitative pa-rameters.
materials supply, or the conversion process. Measurement using any of the above types of
Focus on scales would be sufficient for feedback.

Behavioral Science, Volume 28, 1983

Necessary conditions for feedback TABLE 1
The second point explains the necessary Quantitative Qualitative
conditions for feedback. There are three Explicit Budgets Code of Conduct
conditions: PERT

1. Availability of data on the reference Irnolicit Norms on OUtDUt Dress Codes

level of the system parameter.
2. Availability of data on the actual level
of the system parameter.
3. Availability of a mechanism for com- plicit, qualitative or quantitative. Table 1
paring the data on the reference level with gives examples of each of the four types of
that on the actual level to generate infor- reference levels: (a) explicit-quantitative,
mation about the gap between the two levels. (b) explicit-qualitative, (c) implicit-quanti-
tative, and (d) implicit-qualitative. It is not
In the following we will discuss the above necessary, as Hofstede (1968) seems to im-
three conditions in detail. ply, that reference levels be quantifiable for
Reference level. Budgets, PERT charts, feedback mechanisms to operate.
production schedules, sales targets, etc., When reference levels are implicit and/ or
summarize reference levels of various pa- qualitative, comparison and consequent
rameters of an organization. Rarely do or- feedback is rendered difficult. Despite the
ganizations have separate, independent ref- above fact, implicit and qualitative refer-ence
erence levels for each activity. Reference levels are extremely important in man-
levels are interrelated in the form of a net- agement and cannot be ignored. The im-
work. The examples cited earlier in the portance of group norms (Lewin, 1947;
paragraph are all examples of reference level Hackman, 1976) and appropriate “ritual”
networks. Budgets summarize the ref-erence behavior (Kuhn, 1974; Kuhn, 1975) testify to
levels for the various interrelated revenues the importance of these types of refer-ence
and expenditures. levels. Of course, implicit reference levels
The concept of a network of reference can be explicated to make compari-son and
levels is very important in the context of consequent feedback easier. In fact, this is the
complex systems, particularly organiza-tions.
main thrust of Mann’s (1963) technique for
The importance of the network con-cept
stems from the fact that in a network changes organizational change. The purpose of
cannot be made in one component without management by objectives (MBO) (Drucker,
affecting the other components of the 1954) is also a similar one. On the other hand,
network. As a matter of fact, the so-called only some qualitative reference levels can be
unintended consequences of organi-zational quantified. Most cannot be, except by
change can be traced to the change agent’s trivialking the mean-ing of the parameters.
ignorance of the existence of such a network For example, it is very difficult to quantify
of relationships between the ref-erence the reference levels for interpersonal skills. In
levels. We will return to the notion of a fact, qual-itative parameters prove to be the
network of reference levels when we discuss most difficult for performance appraisal.
the role of feedback in changing Reference levels may be static, dynamic, or
organizations. static over short periods of time and dynamic
Reference levels may be set in a number over longer periods (a step func-tion of time).
of ways: (a) based on historical data, (b) In dynamic organizations it would be difficult
based on an over-all plan, (c) based on to find static reference levels. However, the
competitor’s actions, and (d) arbitrarily starting and closing times of an organization
(Pounds, 1969). Presently we are concerned are good examples (although the introduction
with the existence of the reference levels and of flexible hours would change this). The
not the origin. Hence, we shall not discuss dynamism of ref-erence levels may be due to
this aspect any further. a number of factors. First, the natural process
Reference levels may be explicit or im- of growth

Behavioral Science, Volume 28.1983


or decline of an organization may con- the periodicity of collection of data on ac-

stantly change the reference levels. Second, tual levels.
the reference levels may be influenced by
environmental factors. In other words, since Comparison of reference and actual
reference levels are interdependent, the levels
alteration in reference level of any one
parameter will affect the reference levels of A mechanism for comparing the refer-ence
other parameters. Given the dynamic en- level with the actual level of the sys-tem
vironment in which most organizations ex- parameter to generate information about the
ist, and the dynamic character of the ele- gap between the two levels is the third
ments of the organization itself, one would requirement for feedback. Organiza-tions
expect a constant change in the reference usually have a variety of mechanisms for
levels. Third, and last, the propensity of performing the comparison. The system
aspiration levels to shift upwards or down- which is the target of feedback may itself
wards, depending on their fulfillment or perform the comparison. For example, an
nonfulfillment, would also lead to a con-stant employee studying the Gantt chart can
change in reference levels (Eilon, 1971; Rao compare his own performance with the ref-
& Russell, 1960; Simon, 1961). erence level. The supervisor or manager of
Actual level. The data on the actual level the target system may do the comparison. A
of the system parameter is obtained by separate department, for example, the budget
measurement. The measurement may be control department, or the manage-ment
qualitative or quantitative depending on the control department, or the quality control
parameter. The measurement may use a department, may do the compari-son. Lastly,
rudimentary categorical scale, an ordinal the process of comparison may be automated
scale, an interval scale, or a well developed as in the case of automated inventory control
ratio scale. Unless there is some way of systems.
measuring the actual level, feedback is im- Irrespective of the unit performing the
possible. Usually organizations measure and comparison, a basic and obvious require-
record the actual levels of a number of ment is that the unit should have data on the
parameters almost constantly. Time clocks reference level and the actual level of the
are used to record the time employees come system parameter it is comparing. In the
in and leave, the accounting department absence of either comparison it is im-
keeps track of the actual receipts and ex- possible.
penditures, the store clerk keeps track of the When the reference and actual levels are
inventory levels of the various items, etc. quantified, comparison is easy. When the
Since it is costly to collect and store the data levels are qualitatively defined, there is scope
continuously, some parameters are measured for wide individual differences as ex-plained
only periodically. Thus a sales-man may be earlier. The same methods sug-gested earlier
asked to report the travel expenditure only on for generating consensus (group discussion,
a weekly basis. Delphi, establishing cri-teria, etc.) may be
In addition to the cost of collecting and used in this case also. However, it must be
storing data, a number of other factors in- noted that in assessing the gap, differences
fluence the periodicity of data collection. may be related to na-ture of the gap (the
The first factor is the definition of the ref- qualitative aspect) and/ or the magnitude of
erence level. If the travel budget for the the gap (even if roughly expressed as large or
salesman, for example, is allocated on a small). Thus, in as-sessing the reading skills
monthly basis, there is no point in collecting of a child, assess-ments may differ in terms
data on actual expenditure on a daily or of: (a) the num-ber of mistakes made (the
weekly basis. The second factor is the fre- quantitative as-
quency of feedback desired. As explained pect), and (b) the nature of mistakes-whether
later, too frequent or too infrequent feed- the errors are “large” because in -
back is dysfunctional. Therefore, the opti- appropriate words were substituted, or
mal frequency of feedback will determine whether the errors were “small” because

Behavioral Science, Volume 28,1983

synonyms or meaningful words were sub- the delay the information may be archived.
stituted. However, if no decision is ever made about
the gap and the information about the gap is
Using information about the gap to merely archived ad infiniturn,the
alter the gap infor-mation is redundant. No systemic
purpose will have been served by obtaining
The information about the gap, by itself, is infor-mation about the gap. An unnecessary
not feedback. The information can be called ex-pense (of collecting data on actual level
feedback only if, and when, the in-formation and reference level and converting them into
is used to alter the gap. information about the gap) will have been
The distinction between information about incurred. Thus, the distinction between
the gap and feedback is important. To ensure feedback and information about the gap
the essential circularity inherent in the highlights the purposive character of feed-
concept of feedback (Ashby, 1956; back.
DiStefano, 1967), the information about the The distinction has practical significance
gap must be used to alter the gap; only then too. Management information systems, es-
is the loop complete. Thus, the manager’s pecially after widespread use of computers,
awareness of the shortfall in an employee’s generate volumes of report on variance (the
performance is not feedback. Only when the gap between the actual and reference levels)
awareness is translated into action (en- of many parameters at considerable expense.
couragement, reprimand, punishment) does Often the reports are merely stored, without
the information about the shortfall become specific decisions. Part of the reason for
feedback. Even if the accounting depart- this misplaced effort and expenditure is the
ment has information on a salesman’s ov- false belief that deter-mination of the gap or
erexpenditure, it is not feedback unless it is variance by itself is sufficient, when in fact it
utilized to alter the salesman’s expenditure in is not. It is impor-tant to stress the necessity
some way. of making a decision about the gap to make
Sometimes a decision may be made not to the cost and effort for obtaining information
alter the gap. In such a situation too the about the gap worthwhile. Hence, the
information about the gap would be called emphasis on using the criterion of conscious
feedback because a conscious decision is decision about the gap, or lack of such a
made to take no action. The information decision to distinguish feedback and
about the gap would not be considered feed- information about
back if the decision to take no action is by the gap.
default, because the information about the Depending on the parameter (which is the
gap is archived without conscious consid- focus of feedback), and the system con-
eration. figuration, there may be one or more ways of
Some may question the necessity of dis- altering the gap. Usually (but not al-ways),
tinguishing information about the gap from with increasing complexity of the parameter
feedback. It may be argued that the infor- and the system, more alterna-tives will be
mation about the gap, by itself, is feed-back- available. Thus, the room tem-perature, given
that there is a gap. And when action is taken a simple heating system, can only be
based on this information, it is control. increased by turning on the heater. On the
Proponents of this view are cer-tainly other hand, inventory turn-over can be altered
entitled to their own definition. But we beg by altering the inven-tory or the sales-and
to differ, with reason. each of these com-ponents, in turn, can be
Feedback serves a purpose in organiza- altered in a number of ways. The fact that in
tion; it may be stabilization, control, growth, complex systems there may be more than one
or change (Ramaprasad, 1979) . To serve any way of altering the gap between the reference
purpose, a conscious decision has to be level and the actual level of the system
made about the gap between the actual level parameter, is one source of equifinalilty and
and reference level of a param-eter. The multifinality in such systems. Equifinality
decision may not be made im-mediately, it results because there are a number of
may be delayed, and during alternative actions,

Behavioral Science, Volume 28, 1983


when a gap is observed, which can drive the tionship is not entirely predictable. Thus,
system to the same end state. At the same with a reactive salesman, rebuke may result
time, because when a gap is observed in a in increased sales, hence, magnification of
system parameter, a number of alternative the gap, as a consequence of which the
actions can be taken, each of which could feedback would be deemed to be positive.
drive the system in a different direction, we Unpredictability of the action -consequence
have multifinality. relationship not only makes the study of
Just as important as the distinction be- feedback difficult, but also emphasizes the
tween information about the gap and feed- need to distinguish between positive and
back, is the distinction between feedback negative feedback based on the conse-
and the action taken to alter the gap. The quence, and not the action.
same feedback may trigger a variety of For another example, let us consider the
actions depending upon the system. Some obverse of the above. Information about a
actions may widen the gap, others may salesman lagging in sales may trigger re-
narrow the gap. It is not important, insofar as buke or encouragement. The rebuke, in turn,
labeling the information about the gap as may demoralize the salesman, result-ing in
feedback, what the consequences of the even lower sales. In this case the feedback is
action (triggered by the feedback) are. positive. If rebuke through fear increases
However, the consequences of the action are sales, the feedback would be neg-ative. If
important to categorize the feedback as encouragement increases sales, then, too, the
positive feedback or negative feedback. In feedback would be negative.
the following we will discuss the above dis- The above distinction is contrary to some
tinction. commonly held beliefs about positive and
negative feedback. In common parlance, and
POSITIVE FEEDBACK AND NEGATIVE some scientific literature (Herold & Greller,
FEEDBACK 1977; Ilgen, Fisher & Taylor, 1979), the
distinction is based on the emotional
If the action triggered by feedback widens connotation, to the recipient, of the action
the gap between the reference and actual levels triggered by feedback. If the action has
of the system parameter, the feedback is called positive emotional connotation (makes the
positive feedback. On the other hand, if the recipient happy, etc.), it is called positive
action reduces the gap between the two levels, feedback. If the action has negative emo-
the feedback is called negative feedback tional connotation (makes the recipient un-
(Kuhn, 1975; Laszlo, 1972; Miller, 1976; Rose, happy, etc.), it is called negative feedback
1974; Wat-zlawick, Beavin, & Jackson, 1967; (Herold & Greller, 1977; Kuhn, 1975; Wat-
zlawick, Bevin, & Jackson, 1967).
Wilden, 1972).
It must be noted that negative feedback as
For example, if information about a sales- per the latter definition could be positive or
man exceeding his quota is used to affect his negative feedback under the former def-inition.
future sales (and consequently alter the quota- For example: Herold and Greller (1977), using
sales gap), then the information is feedback. the latter definition, term re-ceiving a formal
The information may be used to curtail future report of poor performance as negative
sales (because of lack of sup-plies), in which feedback. (Presumably the pur-pose of
case the feedback would be negative. The delivering the report is to alter the employee’s
information may be used to increase the sales performance-otherwise the re-port, by itself,
even more, in which case the feedback would cannot be called feedback.) Using the former
be positive. In the for-mer case the feedback definition, if the report of poor performance
may be delivered with a rebuke, in the latter improves the perform-ance, thus reducing the
with encourage-ment. It must be noted that performance gap, only then can it be called
rebuke and encouragement are not, by negative feedback. On the other hand, with a
themselves, feedback; they are actions reactive em-ployee, the report may, in fact,
triggered by feedback. It must also be noted result in poorer performance, thus enhancing
that in some cases the action-consequence rela- the gap, in which case the report of poor per-

Behavioral Science, Volume 28, 19H3

formance would be positive feedback. Sim- ment theory. The argument for adoption will
ilarly, positive feedback in the latter frame- be further strengthened if it can be shown
work may be positive or negative feedback that the unifying principles, in turn, will
in the former framework. provide novel, useful insights for the
There are two reasons for our recom- management theorist.
mending the adoption of the former defi- In the following we derive some general
nition in management theory. First, it is more systemic propositions from the proposed
in tune with the definition of positive and definition of feedback. We then relate the
negative feedback in disciplines related to general propositions to specific propositions
management theory like general systems in management theory. We thus hope to
theory, cybernetics, control theory, etc. illustrate how the proposed definition could
Second, it distinguishes between the two facilitate intra- and interdisciplinary com-
types of feedback based on the effect on the munication, help develop unifying princi-
system parameter which is the focus of ples on feedback, and generate further in-
feedback, and not based on the effect on an sights in management theory.
element of the loop (for example: the For example, consider the three neces-sary
worker). In terms of the thermostat (a com- conditions for feedback described ear-lier.
monly used analogy to explain the concept Briefly, the conditions are:
of feedback), feedback cannot be catego-
rized as positive or negative based on (a) There should be data on the refer-ence
whether it turns on or turns off the heater level of the focal system parameter,
(although Berrien (1968, 1976) defines it as (b) There should be data on the actual
such). The categorization has to be based on level of the same parameter, and
whether departures from the desired (c) There should be a mechanism for
temperatures are magnified (positive feed- comparing the two data.
back) or dampened (negative feedback). By definition, absence of any one or more
There is often another source of confu- of the above three conditions will render the
sion about the distinction between positive feedback process ineffective. If the role of
and negative feedback. The terms are con- the (negative) feedback process is to
fused with positive and negative reinforce- maintain the focal parameter at the refer-ence
ment (Skinner, 1969). We will not discuss level, the process would be ineffective if the
this in detail; suffice it to say that both reference level is unavailable or if data on the
positive and negative reinforcements are actual level is unavailable.
negative feedback mechanisms, because they The above discussion can be translated into
try to minimize deviations from the the managerial context as follows. Let an
reference level (desired behavior). employee’s performance be the focal
parameter. The role of the feedback process
CONCLUSION would be to maintain the performance of the
Given the existing profusion of defini- employee at a desired value called the goal.
tions of feedback, is another definition such This may be done by providing the employee
as the one proposed in this paper needed? It data on the goal as well as on his actual
has been stated at the beginning of the paper performance. The employee can then correct
that many prevailing definitions and the for any discrepancy between the goal and
attendant confusion hinder communi-cation actual performance. Clearly, if the employee
and transfer of knowledge between lacks data on the goal or on his actual
subdisciplines in management theory, as well performance, the feedback proc-ess would be
as between management theory and other ineffective. This is in essence the basis of
related disciplines. Adoption of the proposed Ivancevich and McMahon’s (1982, p. 361)
definition will be justified if it will enhance proposition: “. . . goal setting when
the intra- and interdisciplinary combined with feedback would en-hance
communication and transfer of knowledge, performance, job satisfaction, and
and consequently will help develop unifying organizational commitment more than would
principles regarding feedback in manage- providing feedback alone.” Note that

Behavioral Science. Volume 28. 1983


in their terminology feedback connotes data TABLE 3

on actual performance, data on the gap INTERACTIONOF GOALAND FEEDBACKSPECIFICITY.
between the goal and actual perform-ance, or Goals
both. SDecitic General
Even if data are available on the refer-ence Specific Feedback is easily un- Performance evalua-
level and the actual level of the focal derstood and ap- tion is difficult
plied to future per-
parameter, feedback would be ineffective if formance
either or both data are inaccurate. Four General Feedback is inter- Feedback is difficult
possible contingencies based on whether data preted in t e r n of to interpret and
the performer’s apply
on the two levels are accurate or in-accurate frame of reference
are shown in Table 2. Ideally both data Source: Ilgen, Fisher. and Taylor, 1979, p. 365
should be accurate. When both data are
innacurate the feedback process would be
meaningless. The other two contingen-cies, “goals” in their terminology is synonymous
wherein one of the two data are inac-curate, with “reference levels” in ours, and simi-
are managerially significant. For ex-ample, a larly “feedback” is synonymous with “actual
firm may have a specific market share as its level.” Also their dichotomy of “specific-
goal (reference level), but may not be able to general’’ is synonymous with our dichotomy
measure its market share (actual level)
accurately. Or a firm may have an accurate of “accurate-innacurate.” It must also be
count of each employee’s production (actual noted that Ilgen, Fisher, and Taylor assume
level), but may not have clear performance that the performer is the comparator.
goals (reference level). Interestingly, we can also see that Ilgen
In both situations when data on only one and his co-workers’ summary of proposi-
of the two levels are inaccurate: tions is incomplete. Performance evalua-tion
is difficult, and the performer’s frame of
(a) the effectiveness of the feedback reference is introduced both when “goals”
process will be reduced, and are general and “feedback” is spe-cific and
(b) the biases of the comparator will af- vice-versa.
fect the measurement of the gap between the The general propositions on the effects of
actual and reference levels. inaccurate reference and actual levels on the
The above propositions are similar to feedback process are also applicable to an
propositions formulated by Ilgen, Fisher, and individual learning clinical diagnosis. In
Taylor (1979) regarding individual be-havior diagnosis the true state of the focal param-
eter has to be inferred from data on other
in organizations. Their propositions are related parameters. One way learning oc-curs
summarized in Table 3. Note that is when the inference is confirmed or rejected
TABLE 2 by subsequent direct measurement (as in an
INTERACTION OF ACCURACYOF REFERENCELEVEL autopsy) of the focal parameter. The
AND OF ACTUALLEVEL. diagnostician’s inference is what (s)he
Reference Level believes to be the actual level of the focal
Actual Level
Accurate Inaccurate
parameter. The subsequent direct measure-
Acccurate * Effective feedback

Ineffective feedback
ment is the reference level of the same
pr0Cm process parameter. The diagnostician compares the
inference with the direct measurement and
Determination of
the gap influenced determines the gap between the two. (S)he
by biases of the tries to minimize the gap in future diag-noses.

Inaccurate Ineffective feedback Feedback is mean. Learning will be maximum when the in-
Determination of the
ingles ference is clearly stated and the subsequent
gap influenced by measurement of the true state is accurate.
biaEs of the com- Learning will not be possible when both the
statement of inference and subsequent

Behavioral Science, Volume 28,1983

measurement of the true state are fuzzy. If level is inferred by the diagnostician) and
one of the two-inference or measurement of acts as the comparator.
the true state-is fuzzy, learning will be less The above are only a few examples of the
than maximally effective, and it will also be utility of the proposed definition of feed-
a function of the diagnostician. back. Adopting separate definitions of feed-
In the above framework it is easy to back in each discipline and subdiscipline
understand Connolly and Miklausich’s may be philosophically justified. But, a sin-
(1978) findings. In their terminology gle definition would probably be better jus-
“feedback error” refers to error in measur- tified for advancing knowledge in the dis-
ing the true state (reference level). From an ciplines. Management theory is interdisci-
experiment they arrive at the following con- plinary and in its infancy. It can ill afford a
clusions: babel of definitions of an important concept
such as feedback.
(a) . . feedback error has an important
‘ I .

impact on performance in diagnostic infer- REFERENCES

ence tasks.” Ashby, W. R. An introduction to cybernetics. New
(b) “. . . increasing feedback error ap- York: Wiley, 1956.
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