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Mi película favorita es el padrino, es una película

de la mafia. De un gángster llamado Don Corleone

Vito, de Italia, él está a cargo de una banda
criminal y sus hijos son sus predecesores, uno
muere en el intento de ser el líder, Michael
Corleone accede al poder, matando a todos sus
rivales, incluido su hermano que lo traicionó
Michael Corleone fue el líder de la mafia durante
varios años, era una persona seria e inteligente,
nunca pudieron matarlo porque tenía a toda la
mafia bajo control.

My favorite movie is the godfather, it's a

mafia movie. From a gangster named
Don Corleone Vito, from Italy, he is in
charge of a criminal gang and his
children are his predecessors, one dies in
the attempt to be the leader, Michael
Corleone accedes to power, killing all his
rivals, including his brother who betrayed
him Michael Corleone was the leader of
the mafia for several years, he was a
serious and intelligent person, they could
never kill him because he had the entire
mafia under control.

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