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In my perspective this webinar was very interesting, as well helpful for me.

I learned
different strategies we can say, related to motivation. How we can maintain our students
feeling engaged in the courses. As you know, soon our first teaching practicum is
approaching and I will not deny you that I have been feeling worried and anxious
simultaneously, because of many reasons. For some of us, it would be the first time
teaching and there are always many doubts, but the most for me are on what am I going
to do to control my students’ misbehavior? Or How would I engage them in class flow?
Or Should I be a strict teacher to have my students under control? These and many
questions are on my mind, but I have clarified some of them, and found some possible
solutions with the application of the 3 Rs which stand to Rules, Routines and Rewards.
All these Rs lead to motivation, which I consider as a key factor on your students’
academic development. Having rules in your class will help on the organization of it,
but being careful of not being an ogre; so we have to keep in my mind we have to offer
students “choices with limits”. Having routines, are also helpful to smooth the transition
from activities on activities, allowing more time for learning. Finally, rewarding
students is a main factor of motivation. They can be tangible promoting extrinsic
motivation and intangible promoting intrinsic motivation. Is important to have into
account all these elements in order to create a good learning environment.

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