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Nombre: Sebastian Felipe Saavedra Maldonado

Fecha: 25/03/2020

Ficha: 1836326

Programa formativo: Diseño de productos industriales



1. What´s the orator name?

John McWhorter

2. What is the main idea in the tedtalk?

raising awareness that speaking multiple languages will improve the ease of learning about
cultures and is healthy

3. What is he talking about?

on the importance of learning different languages

4. How many universities teach all in english in China?


5. What do the english speakers have in common?

are people or populations that speak English

6. What is the meaning of the imbibe? And créate a sentence where you include that Word!

imbibe culture helps to get to know these people better to see what they make them eat they
dance what gods have among other things

Francisco wanted to imbibe of the Mayan culture to see how they were in the war.

7. How many reasons are there in the video? And which ones?

There are four reasons, the first is to understand other people from different countries

The second is that speaking two languages helps us to develop multiple areas.

The third is that languages offer fun.

The fourth is that with technological help it is more comfortable to learn languages

8. What does he recommended?

recommends that you speak other languages as it is the best time to do it

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