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Nowadays, EFL teachers face a great challenge in terms of teaching. It is worth

mentioning that teaching a second language not only involves giving theory or grammar rules to

the students, but it must take into account the real needs they have. As we know, every class

group and every student are totally different, that is why, teachers should reshape their teaching

methods according to the context.

In this respect, teaching a second language implies generating motivation and

participation in students, this must be generated through practice. Most of the curriculums focus

on those two aspects, but if teachers do not adapt it to their context, probably it will cause loss

of motivation on students for learning a second language. Taking into account the post- method

pedagogy proposed by Kumaravadivelu in 1994, is relevant to mention that it reinforces the

teachers’ practices in the educational scope generating reflection on teachers about their teaching

methods and experiences as educators.

As stated Kumaravadivelu (2003, p 33) the post-method is not a method is a pedagogy,

which includes the parameter of practicality, it refers to the relation between theory and practice

and the practice of classroom teaching.


Kumaravadivelu, B. (2003). Beyond Methods: Macrostrategies for Language Teaching. [M] New Haven
and London: Yale University Press.

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