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Richard Vicieux

Born a Peasant.

Starting Saves

starting wealth 7d
Traits Vicious
Perfect Memory

First Career Beggar 3 terms

Ageing effect -1 Agility(40)
Endurance +3 +8 +5 (51)
Perception +6 +3 +4 (53)
Persuasion+4 +6 +1 (56)
Discretionary Attack+8(54) +Agility+10(50) + Missile+7 (47)
Skills: Survival-3, Local Knowledge-3
cash 2 5 4 (18)
Equipment Dagger
Events Travel You have a bad winter and almost starve to death. Lose 2 Endurance(49) and gain 3
You become lame due to constant walking. Lose 1 Speed.(39).
You are declared a heretic by a local priest for your cheerful demeanour on a Sunday
-Rather then be a straight up Beggar. Richard grew up with Devoted Cathars who lived a very
meagre and simple life. He was shunned from the cathar community for his attitude to life.

Change Career-Rogue
Attack Skill +9(63)
Endurance +2(51)
Speed +8(47)
Discretionary Missile+5(52)
Skills: Intimidation, Local Knowledge
Equipment: 19 coins(37), Dagger
You are trained in the militia and gain Missile Skill +5(57) + 6 Defence Skill(49).
-Richard became tired of the simple lifestyle. He joined a local gang. During this time he trained
with the militia and grew to like it.

Career Change: Outlaw 2 terms

Endurance +7, +3 (61)
Speed +2, +7(56)
Attack Skill +6, +4 (73)
Discretionary Defence+9(58), Missile+4(61)
Skills: Survival-2, Stealth-2
Equipment: 2, 3 cash(42). Hunting Bow and arrows.
Physical You are badly kicked by a horse and suffer facial damage. Lose 1 Persuasion(55) due to
your damaged jaw.
You impress all you work with and may choose any one of the career progressions from the table
instead of rolling
-Richard climbed the gangs of the gang and became a feared thug. Eventually his gang was broken
up and he had to flee into the surrounding countryside.
From here the survivors prayed on lone travellers and small poorly armed groups.
Eventually a local Captain was dispatched to deal with the problem. During the fight Richard was
trampled by his war horse whilst trying to save one of his comrades. The Captain impressed by his
bravery decided to give the young man a chance. He took him on as a servant.

Career Change: Servant x4

Perception+8 +4 +7 +5(77)
Will+10 +4 +8 +5 (65)
Endurance +3 +1 +6 +4 (75)
Discretionary Defence+9(67), Agility+2(52), Persuasion +10(65), Agility+7(59)
Equipment: cash 9 2 4 7, 10 (74)
Events:By eating well and exercising, you gain +1 in all physical attributes(add at end).
You witness a murder. Gain 2 Imbalance.
You meet a superlative teacher who is willing to teach you in several subjects. Add 2D6 points to
Knowledge+9(49) and Will+5(70)
Your work upsets a local notable who will hinder you in your later career if possible.
-Richard spends the better part of the decade as the captains servant. After witnessing his attempted
murder and the death of several of his men. Richard helps repel the attackers and is brought closer
to his master. The Captain begins to personally instruct him. He begins to change. Learning how
to become a better and more pious man.
Richard and the Captain anger a local Noble.

Career Change: Archer

Endurance+5 (80)
Discretionary Knowledge+9(58)
Skills: Strong draw, Crafting(Fletching)
Equipment: Crossbow, Mail Shirt,cash 20 (94)
Military event loose left eye
-When the captain ends his 10 years contract ends due to political reasons, Richard leaves with him
on campaign. Enlisting as an archer. He is badly injured in a battle, during this time. In particular
loosing his left eye.
The captain sends him to man his local Garrison to recover.

Ageing effects

Final stats (Attribute limits in brackets)

Skills: Survival-5, Local Knowledge-4, Intimidation-2, Intrigue-2, Ride-1, Stealth-2, Service-4,
Gossip-4, Strong draw-1, Crafting(Fletching)-1, Combat training-2.

Looking at skills I have an extra six. I have a fairly nice spread already so I add to his combat skills
and intimidation to focus the character. Combat Training-2, Ride-1, Intimidation-1, Intrigue-2.

Equipment: Dagger, War Bow and arrows, Crossbow and Quarrels, Mail Shirt.
Purchased, Shield(2s) (Club(1d), Mace(10d), Leather Helmet(1s), Cloth Jack(2s) =71
Clothes Boots(3d), Shirt(4d), Wool Tunic(5d), Wool Cloak(5d), Wool Hose (4d), Tallow candles
Dozen. Total remaining cash=2d 3f Would love a sword but cannot afford one.

Richard is currently working in the local garrison close to wear he grew up. He has been here for
nearly a year. He is reasonably popular and manages to keep the local trouble makers in line with a
reputation for occasionally looking the other way but also of coming down hard on anyone who
crosses the line.

Over the years Richard has gradually embraced more of his parents Cathar beliefs. He is however
no were near as dedicated to them as they are. For this reason he is still considered somewhat of a
black sheep by his immediate family. Amongst the extended family however he is respected as the
servant of a respected (and sympathetic) lord and and example of gods mercy.

He usually dresses modestly, but not so much to demean his master. He has a slight limp and a
deep scar across his right cheek. Sometimes speaking with a lisp when excited. His left eye is still
intact although perpetually bloodshot and fails to track anyone looking at him.

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