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​ First, sketch--you can literally do this as a drawing, or with words--two different settings for the
events taking place in your current piece. Think about place, about time, about sensory details,
about who is there. Second, discuss how you might use any of these details in the piece you'​re
currently working on.

1. Best Friends animal society is doing an adoption event in the park and they are
featuring muts, pit bulls, and other dog breeds that wouldn’t usually be adopted.
The people of Utah knew of this event because it was advertised nicely and
many people showed up to adopt the “unadoptable” breeds.
2. A healthy and young pitbull is supposed to be killed tomorrow but luckily a very
kind soul comes and adopts him so that he isn't killed. It was going to happen in
a dark cold room and there were going to be 2 killings after him. He wasn’t living
a good life, all he had was a blanket. Even though he was in perfect condition he
was going to be killed because of his breed. A nice young lady came in who is
known for saving animals that are about to be killed. He now lives a great life and
he is happy.
I could use it in my persuasive effect because these things happen everyday all over the
country. I could maybe use some pathos by talking about a specific dog and try to
convince the animal shelters to go “No Kill” so that Utah can be 100% in the “No Kill”

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