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NAME: ___________________________________ DATE: __________CLASSROOM: ______

A. Listen to a conversation between two friends, Matt and Kate, about the environment. For
each question, decide who says each statement. You can choose either Matt, Kate or 'nobody' if
you think nobody says the statement. (_____/7)

0. We don't have enough statistics to be sure.

a) Kate b) Matt c)Nobody

1. Changing how we live would be premature until we are sure.

a) Kate b) Matt c)Nobody
2. The loss of the Amazon rain forest could cause problems.
a) Kate b) Matt c)Nobody
3. People only go to zoos to see the very rare, endangered animals that are there.
a) Kate b) Matt c)Nobody
4. Man needs to do more to find other sources of energy.
a) Kate b) Matt c)Nobody
5. There's no reason to be so pessimistic about the environment.
a) Kate b) Matt c)Nobody
6. Not using oil anymore will cost a lot of people their jobs.
a) Kate b) Matt c)Nobody
7. Mankind has already shown that solutions to difficult problems can be found.
a) Kate b) Matt c)Nobody


B. Circle the correct words. (_____/6)

0. Whoever knows the answer to the question, please rise / raise your hand.
8. The people in the neighbourhood were disturbed / interrupted by the news of the little girl’s
9. We are doing a research / survey on radio stations. Have you got a minute to answer some questions?
10. My great-grandfather became rich when he discovered oil / petrol on his land.
11. Mice are easy prey / predator for cats.
12. How many litres / inches of milk should we buy to make the cake?
13. Luckily, we were not seriously injured in the accident but the car was completely damaged /

C. Choose a, b or c. (_____/5)
0. I was really when I failed my driving test for the second time.
a. confused b. encountered c. frustrated
14 The two men were to death for killing two girls a year ago.
a. ordered b. sentenced c. murdered
15 What a(n) ! Our children were born on the same day at the same hospital.
a. coincidence b. clue c. astonishment
16 Minerva is a doctor with a good .
a. legend b. reputation c. identification
17 He was as there was not enough evidence against him.
a. reminded b. released c. hypnotised
18 When Jessica walked into her house, she was shocked to see everything on the floor.
a. vanished b. scattered c. encountered

D. Complete the following sentences with a suitable phrasal verb from the box. Make any
necessary changes. (_______/5)
0) run out of a) show off b) cool off c) pick up d) turn into e) give in f) take up
1. We have run out of milk. I should go out and get some.

19. I’ve got to___________________ George from the train station in half an hour.
20. I kept asking my parents for a new bike until they finally and
bought me one which is quite beautiful.
21. Let your soup a bit before you eat it. It’s too hot.
22. If you want to keep fit, it would be a good idea for you to ____________________ a sport.
23. She always wears designer labels as she likes to to other

F. Complete the following sentences with a suitable preposition. (______/3)

24. According scientists, the Earth’s temperature will keep rising in the future.
25. I am not favour of my team´s decision of missing the class tomorrow.
26. I am not sure Yolanda is aware the seriousness of the situation she is going
27. The researchers are in search a cure for the coronavirus disease.

G. Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets. (______/5)
0.If I had a licence, I could (drive) my father’s car.

28. When the sun rises, plants (grow).

29. You should go to the doctor if your backache (not get) any better.
30. You (not pass) your final test unless you study hard.
31. If you go to the supermarket, (you/ buy) me some bottles of coffee, please?
32. What would you do if you (see) a burglar entering your house?

H. Complete the following sentences with the words in the box. There are two extra ones which you
do not need to use. (_____/7)

a) some b) a lot of c) any d) no e) much f) many g) a few h) few i) a little 0)little

1. We’ve got very little time left! Unless we hurry, we’ll miss our flight.
33. I’m afraid we have tea. Would you like 34. coffee
35. A: How money did you spend on that coat?
B: I didn’t spend money at all. It was a gift from my wife for my birthday.
36. No wonder she has so friends. She is such a rude and arrogant person!
37. A: How people were at Dorian’s birthday party?
38. B: There were quite actually. We had a nice time.

I. Complete the following sentences using a, an, the or -. (_____/10)

39. Himalayas are 40. highest mountain range in 41. world.
42. _________ Susana’s children were so tired they went straight to 43. bed.
44. police officers usually wear 45. uniforms.
46. I want to learn how to play 47. the guitar. I need it.
48. Cozumel is 49. beautiful island in 50. Caribbean Sea.

J. Complete the sentences with the Past Perfect Simple, Past Perfect Progressive or Past Simple of
the verbs in brackets. (_____/9)

51.We _____________________ (wait) for half an hour when the train finally
53.By the time the children ___________________(come) home, I 54._________________already
55.________________(prepare) dinner.
56. After they__________________(drive) for two hours, they 57.______________(realise) they were
going the wrong way.
58. We__________________(go) out only after it 59._________________ (stop) raining.

K. Rewrite the following statements in Reported Speech. (_____/5)

60.‘We went to a fun party last night,’ Jimmy said.

Jimmy said _____________________________________________________________________
61.‘I am going jogging tomorrow,’ Christian said.
Christian said ___________________________________________________________________
62.‘I will send you a message when I get home,’ Richard told me.
Richard told me _________________________________________________________________
63.‘I have seen this movie before,’ Jindy said.
Jindy said _______________________________________________________________________
64.‘We may go to the cinema tonight,’ Carlos told Maggie.
Carlos told Maggie________________________________________________________________

L. Rewrite the following questions in Reported Speech. (_____/5)

65.‘Do you want to play soccer with me and my brothers?’ Peter asked me.
Peter asked me __________________________________________________________________
66.‘Why didn’t you come to work on time this morning?’ my boss asked me.
My boss asked me________________________________________________________________
67.‘Have you read the book I lent you?’ Jonathan wondered.
Jonathan wondered _______________________________________________________________
68.‘When are you leaving for Madrid?’ Fernanda wanted to know.
Fernanda wanted to know_________________________________________________________
69.‘Can you show me how to turn on this machine?’ Betty asked Lucas.
Betty asked Lucas _______________________________________________________________

M. Rewrite the following orders or requests into Reported Speech. (_____/5)

70. ‘Open your books on page 123 and read the text,’ the teacher told us.
The teacher told us________________________________________________________________
71. ‘Please, let me travel with my friends,’ the boy begged his mum.
The boy begged his mum ___________________________________________________________
72. ‘Don’t make noise because I am trying to study,’ Martha asked me.
Martha asked me _________________________________________________________________
73. ‘Don’t go to the park,’ Henry told me.
Harry told me ___________________________________________________________________
74. ‘Give me a glass of water, please,’ my grandmother asked me.
My grandmother asked me __________________________________________________________


N. Five sentences have been removed from the text. Choose from the sentences A-F the one
which best fits each gap (1-5). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

These days people are very concerned about how they can help the environment. Agritourism is a
great way to give back to the environment, and have fun at the same time. (75) _______ Its main goal
is for the tourist to become part of the land and local culture without damaging it. Popular venues for
Agritourism are farms or ranches. (76) _______ Few tourists destinations offer an eco-friendly option
for visitors. This makes Agritourism a popular option for people who want to make a change to the

People who choose farms or vineyards for their vacation destination get to relax in the natural
splendour of the area, but also do work that is meaningful and rewarding. (77) _________ In fact, on
many farms , you can also take some fruit and vegetables home with you. Or, if you do arts and crafts,
such as carving a wooden statue, you get to keep it. (78) _________

When choosing a ranch, tourists get to learn a lot about how to take care of animals, like cows or
horses. Many ranch owners love having Agri-tourists. (79) _______ last but not least, Agri-tourists
become more health conscious and have the opportunity to find out where the food they consume
comes from.

Agritourism helps promote local economies and boost tourism, but the main factor is that it is a very
“green” way of vacation that does little harm to the environment.

A. It gives them a chance to show people what they do on their ranches, as well as having them help
out with the tasks they have to do.
B. This way, people are able to experience nature and farm animals first-hand.
C. Sometimes tourists also organize exhibitions with some of the things they make during their
D. Some of the activities include planting flowers and vegetables, landscaping, picking fruit from trees
and doing arts and crafts.
E. Agritourism is a branch of ecotourism where people go on vacation while respecting the
F. Other common activities include trying local food and recipes, going hiking and horse riding, as
well as learning about local environmental issues.

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