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the same in a productive manner, so as to achieve economic, psychological and social

satisfaction (Keith Davis "Human Relations at Work").

While the purpose of human rights itself is to utilize knowledge about social and
psychological factors in human adjustment so that harmony and harmony occur, with minimal
conflict. In addition, it can meet the needs of individuals with one another, acquire new
knowledge and information, foster an attitude of cooperation, eliminate the attitude of selfish /
most correct, avoiding the stagnant attitude because "humans are creatures of homo socius"
change the attitudes and behavior of oneself and others as well as provide assistance.

 The Purpose of Human Relations

The purpose of human relations is to achieve a harmonious life in which each person
cooperates with each other by adjusting to one another, and utilizing knowledge about social and
psychological factors. In human adjustment so that this adjustment occurs in harmony and
harmony, with the least tension and opposition possible.

This is because in the community / social environment, everyone has different interests and
expectations or competes with each other. The success of human relations as a result of not
ignoring courtesy, hospitality, respectful respect for and respect for others and ethical factors.
Good human relations will overcome communication barriers, prevent misunderstanding and
develop constructive aspects of human nature that are influenced by nature and the environment.

The other objectives of Human Relations are:

1. Utilizing knowledge about social and psychological factors in human adjustment so that
harmony and harmony occur, with minimal conflict.
2. Meet the needs of one individual with another.
3. Acquire new knowledge and information.
4. Foster an attitude of cooperation.
5. Eliminating the selfish attitude / truest.
6. Avoiding stagnation because "humans are homo socius creatures"; change the attitudes
and behavior of yourself and others and provide assistance.
2.2 Methods of Human Relations
Human relations in their activities there are techniques to help overcome or solve
problems that occur in a person. The success of a consultation will be achieved if the counselor
truly understands the counselee's Frame of Reference which includes experience, knowledge,
religion, and outlook on life because it is filled with aspects of feelings.
Human relations can be done to eliminate communication barriers, eliminate
misunderstandings, and develop constructive aspects of human nature (RF Mailer). In human
relationships seen from the approach (approach) counseling can be divided into two types,
namely Directive Counseling (direct directed counseling) and Non Directive Counseling
(directed directed counseling).
a. Directive Counseling / Counselor Centered Approach is counseling whose approach
is centered on the counselor, where the main activity lies with the counselor.
 The steps are :
1. Establish close relationships with counselees so that trust grows. A close
relationship can we start at the beginning of the meeting, we greet clients, we
introduce ourselves, be open, and eliminate super attitude.
2. Looking for information on problems faced by the counselee with questions.
Questions asked should be open questions, so the counselee will explore
feelings or problems.
3. Analyzing information, the data we get from our counselee analyzes, especially
the main and non-disclosures, information honesty, etc.
4. Understand the problem faced by the counselee and diagnose it.
5. Interpret information.
6. Give advice and segesti
b. Non-Directive Counseling (indirect directed counseling) Is an approach that is
centered on the counselee, can be used by counselors who are not very
knowledgeable about psychology. In this counseling the main activity on the
counselee, so that the counselor only helps so that the counselee can lead himself and
feel free to express his heart without coercion.
 Matters that must be considered by counselors in conducting Non-Directive Counseling:
1. Getting rid of super attitude or feeling more.
2. Counselors should not feel themselves smarter than counseling
3. Problems are reviewed from the counselee's basis.
4. Problems faced must be seen from the perspective of the counselee, the counselor may
not give advice or advice, but help the counselee solve the problem. Think as if in the
client's position.
5. Be apathetic about the counselee's problem. Provide a more active counselee, the
counselor becomes a good listener, and must be more passive, let the counselee tell and
express the problem and finally the counselor is just directing.
 There are several methods found in human relations, namely:
1. Social actions
According to Max Weber, social action is the action of an individual that can affect other
individuals in society.
Social actions can be divided into:
a. Rational instrumental actions
Actions that take into account the appropriateness of means and objectives or between
efficiency and effectiveness
b. Rational actions achieve value
Actions related to basic values in society
c. Traditional action
Actions taken by a person or group are based on feelings or emotions.
2. Social contact
Social contact is a relationship between one party and another party which is the initial
occurrence of social interaction. Social contact can also be divided into two:
a. The way the party communicates: both directly and indirectly.
b. How primary and secondary contacts occur
3. Social communication
The communication process occurs during social contact. Communication is literally a
relationship or association with other people.
4. The theory of human relations
Humans are social creatures, meaning that humans will only be what and who depends on
who they associate with. Man cannot live alone, because if he is alone he does not
"become" human. In the association of life, humans occupy various functions. On the one
hand he became a subordinate, but on the other hand he was a leader. On the one hand he
is a father or mother, but on the other hand he is a child. On the one hand he is a sister,
but on the other hand he is a younger brother.

In human relations, there are three theories that can help explain the model and quality of
human relations:
1. Transaction theory (social exchange model)
Human rights take place following the transactional principle, which is whether each
feels gain in the transaction or even losers. If you feel you are benefiting, then the relationship
will be smooth, but if you feel a loss then the relationship will be disrupted, broken, or even
turned into hostility.
2. Role theory
Social intercourse already has scenarios prepared by the community that regulate what
and how the role of each person in the association. In that scenario, it is already written that a
President must do what, a governor must do, a teacher must do, students must do. Likewise, what
role should the husband, wife, father, mother, son-in-law, mother-in-law, and so on have done.
According to this theory, if someone obeys the scenario, then his life will be in harmony,
but if it violates the scenario, then he will be ridiculed by the audience and reprimanded by the
director. And in this case the community is both the audience and the director of life.

3. Game theory
Classification of humans is divided into three, namely children, adults and parents, each
individual has unique characteristics. The children are spoiled, do not understand the
responsibility. As for adults, he is straightforward and aware of his responsibilities. As for
parents, he is better able to understand and understand the mistakes of others. No one feels it
strange to see a child crying while rolling when an ice cream is not filled, but one will be
surprised if there are parents who are still childish.
The atmosphere of the household is also determined by how the suitability of adults and
parents with the attitudes and behaviors that should be shown. If not, the atmosphere must be
harsh. Likewise, the relationship between the center and the regions, between superiors and
subordinates. Government officials must be mature, the President and Chair of the MPR must be

2.3 Kinds - Kinds of Professional Organizations

The organization is a human union between two or more people in which there is an
arrangement and rules as well as a system of work activities to achieve common goals.
Furthermore, namely regarding the profession can be interpreted as a job carried out as the main
activity to produce a living and rely on an expertise.
The characteristics of the profession include relying on a particular skill or expertise,
carried out as a main job or activity (full time), carried out as the main source of living and
carried out with deep personal involvement.
From the various descriptions above, it can be concluded that a professional organization
is an organization established by two or more people who have the same profession to achieve a
common goal. Whereas Merton defines that professional organizations are organizations of
practitioners who judge / consider someone or others have professional competence and have a
joint bond to carry out social functions which cannot be carried out separately as individuals.
The more jobs that are recognized as a profession the more professional organizations.
With more and more easily people gather in one profession so easily people form new
professional organizations. But the government has accommodated it by officially forming
professional organizations for each profession that will receive assistance or direct instructions
from the government.
The role of professional organizations can protect workers. In order to get protection
from professional organizations, workers must be able to fulfill their obligations as a profession.
Thus workers will get rights as workers. Where obligations and rights have been regulated by the
government in clear regulations.
• Professional organizations have 2 main concerns namely,
1. Legal needs to protect the public from members of the profession that are not well
prepared and,
2. Lack of standards in the profession they are living in.

Professional organizations provide a vehicle for their members to face current and future
challenges and work in a positive direction towards professional changes in accordance with
social change.
In everyday life we know many professional organizations that are deliberately
established by its members in accordance with their respective fields for example in the world of
health, among others:
1. Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI)
2. Indonesian Dentist Association (IDGI)
3. Indonesian Midwives Association (IBI)
4. Indonesian Nutritionists Association (PERSAGI)
5. Indonesian Pharmacy Expert Association (PAFI)
6. Indonesian Anesthesia Nursing Association (IPAI)

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