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The area of discipline that I have chosen for my design thinking challenge is,

‘Availability of first aid services in rural areas'. In my video, I have very

well explained in detail that what led me to choose this topic. I have spoken
about the difficulties the people living there have to face, lack of proper first aid
services near to them and nearest hospital being 1 hour away from their locality.

I want to first focus on providing basic first aid services and basic medication
facilities like opening up of chemists and pharmacy in rural areas of the country
because if a person has to travel from his or her village too far away
government hospital for the treatment and that too situated in the city, money is
wasted for conveyance and a lot of time as well.

In my video I have targeted on the following 3 how might we questions-

1. How might we make first aid services available in rural areas?

2. How might we make the same accessible?
3. How might we make this service available at the best affordable price
i.e., affordability?

(The explanation part for each question is given in my video in detail)

Coming onto the feedbacks I have received positive feedback from my

instructor Ms Diane Martonis. She appreciated each of my how might we
question and said that it carries helpful ideas for solving problems.

Other classmates also appreciated the video.

Thank you!

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