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Na Honua Mauli Ola Standard 4

To meet aspects of, and to satisfy Na Honua Mauli Ola standard 4, I have collaborated

with other staff and professionals during data team and department meetings to modify teaching

strategies to benefit the learning of our students. Also, these meetings bring forth a pursuit of

quality teaching and leadership so that students may benefit from a desire of lifelong learning.

Additionally, our data team/department meetings act as small study groups where we can interact

as professionals and come up with ideas to increase motivation, discuss assessment strategies,

and implement instructional strategies that tailor to the needs of our students. Also, we have the

opportunity to share materials and resources such as online tools and platforms (Kahoot, Quizizz,

Google Classroom materials), Textbooks, and other course material to pursue satisfaction of core

standards and quality learning. In an attempt to engage learners in lifelong cultural opportunities,

I have encouraged my students to join on campus cultural clubs such Japanese club and

Hawaiian Culture Club. Additionally, allowing my students to participate in the Makahiki Games

provides them the opportunity to get involved in learning about the local Hawaiian culture.

Furthermore, it instills an appreciation for their own culture and the culture of others.

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