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1. What is MySQL?
2. Difference between CHAR and VARCHAR?
3. What is the primary key?
4. What is Foreign Key ?
5. Define Data base?
6. What is RDBMS?
7. What is difference between DDL and DML?
8. What is Sticky Keys? Name any three Sticky Keys
9. Define Serial Keys, Toggle Keys, Sound Sentry
10. What is peer-to-peer architecture?
11. Define ISP, LAN, WAN, Modem, 3G, Internet, WWW, DSL, WiMAX, Wifi6.
12. What is clipart? List any 5 website name that have clip arts?
13. Write uses of the following

1.Font face
2.Font size
3.Grow font
4.Shrink Font
6.Sub Script
7.Super Script
8.Clear Formatting
9.Text highlight color
11.Change Case
12.Sectence case
13.Lower Case
15.Capitalize each word

14.What do you mean by % and _ in the LIKE statement?

% corresponds to 0 or more characters, _ is exactly one character in the LIKE statement.
15.What are the column comparisons operators?
The =, <>, <=, <, >=, AND, OR, or LIKE operators are used in column comparisons in
SELECT statements.

16.What is BLOG? What are the uses of BLOG?

Ans: website names from where you can create a blog.(online blog )
17. List any three Offline blog editors?
Ans:Qumana,Windows Live Writer, Blog Desk
18What is Text wrapping? List any three word wrapping options available in word
processing software?
Ans: Go to Picture Format or Shape Format and select Arrange > Wrap Text. If the window
is wide enough, Word displays Wrap Text directly on the Picture Format tab. Choose
the wrapping options that you want to apply. For example,
In Line with Text, Top and Bottom, and Behind Text,Square,tight ,through
19. Define
a)Autosum: it is use for adding the values given in cells automatically without writing the
formula to perform operation.
b)Conditional Formatiing:
It allows you to change the formatting(font color,border colour, shading) of the cells based on
the values in it. On the basis of condition you can format the cells.
You can control the following formats
Number format
Font, font style, font colour (but not font size)
Fill colour and fill pattern
Border colour and border style (but not border thickness)
20: List any five conditions/formats/Items that can be used for conditional formatting
21.Write uses of the following options
a)Sort: it is used to arrange the selected data either in an ascending or descending order.
b) Filter: it is used for extracting particular data using conditions.
Q 20:Write uses of the following functions in Excel
a)=Average( )/Avg( )
It is used to fine average of particular row or column
b)Sum ( ) :
It is used to find Sum of particular row or column.
e.g. =Sum(B2:b8)
c) Count( ):
It is used to count the no of rows or columns in given range.
d)Max( ):
this is used to find maximum values of in a row or column
e.g: max (f2:10)
e)Min ( ):
It is used to find minimum values of in a row or column.
e.g. Min( h2:h10)
Q 21: What is Range in excel? How to use it in a spread sheet?
Q 22:What is the difference between Animation and Transition

1. Appointment
4.Recurring meeting
Q 24: Define
1. Database
4. Database servers
5. Record/rows/tuples
6. Primary key
7. Foreign key
8. Table
9. Columns/fields
10. Data

Q 25: List and Explain data type used to store data in database?
Q 26:What is DDL(Data Definition language)?
Q 27.What is DML?
Q 28.What is the extension for databases created using open office .Org Base?
Q 29.What are 2 types of DML
Q 30.What is the difference between Primary Kay and Foreign Key?

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