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HW 2

1- Read the case titled: The New GPA at the end of the motivation concept chapter and
answer all the questions at the end.

2- Many scholars researched different types of leadership styles such as: Charismatic
leadership, authentic leadership, and transactional.

Write no less than three pages describing these styles and show how would they deal
with politics, power and other factors that can lead to employee dissatisfaction at the
work place.

3- Some leaders believe we do not need to read and understand most OB theories in order
to be successful. Instead, it is enough to
a- Be good communicator and good listener
b- Master Empathy
c- Be sincere in helping others
d- Be filled with positivity
e- Be a decent, moral human being.

Write no less than half a page to discuss the above statements and clearly show your
agreement or disagreement.

Due in classroom on December 28th or 29th 2019

Good Luck

Abdallah Abdallah, PhD, PMP, CSSMBB

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