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Gender Inequality In India

Gender Inequality is the idea and situation that women and men are not equal.

It refers to unequal treatment or precdeptions of indivisuals wholly or partially

due to their gender. It arises from differences in (arguably socially constructed)
gender roles.
“SEX” is a biological category while “Gender”is a socio-cultural word,learned
characterstics,cultural expectations and behavioral pattern.

Discrimination against women starts wth birth,gender lives are drawn early,and
exclusions for women continue throghout adulthood . Female infenticide
,sexual harrasment and rapes ,unequal wages and pays , unequal
representation in every phase and aspect of life , curbs and restricted
time,having little to say in their own choice of clothing ,being blamed for the
harrasment and rape etc are only few of the crime and discrimination against

Same goes for the men too,but it is less discussed.Males also face many forms
of discrimination in their daily life. To begin with , men are always asked to be
“MANLY” and act in certain ways and meant to do certain jobs like ,they are not
be seen crying in public , not feel any pain, not only that, men dancing or
cooking is said to be womanly and also they don’t meant to ask for paternity

There are a total of 76 genders in world. People with intersex conditions have
anatomy that is not considered typically male or female . People who identified
as transgender are usually people who are born with typical male or female
anatomies but feel as though they’ve been born into “wrong” body.
People of these community are deprived of any form of social respect,
education,health care fecility , political equality etc.

The preamble of our constitution mendates justice, socio-economic and

political equality of status.Therefore the first and formont right to equality and
prohibition of discrimination. And the basic rights should be executed and

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