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Oo From Your Digest What can | do to be a great full stack programmer in 2 months? * Osman Goni Nahid, Software Engineer (2015-present) o Updated Oct 16, 2017 As I'm working as a Full Stack Engineer last 2 years, Firstly | want say about Meaning of Full Stack Engineer May be you know that, The meaning is Able to Develop A-Z (bottom-top) af a system/application, deployment. Frontend, Backend, DevOps { at least those things are need to deploy your built application) So There is three part ( I'm saying about web application). Being a Full-Stack Engineer/Programmer doesn’t mean that you have necessarily mastered everything required to werk with the front-end or back-end, but it means that you are able to work on both sides and understand what is going on when. building an application. Front-end : HTML/CSS : Almost every single program, whether online or in-person, that is teaching you how to be a web developer will start with HTML and CSS because they are the building blocks of the web, Simply put, HTML allows you to add content to a website and CSS is what allows you to style your content. The following topics related to HTML/CSS come up often in interviews and on the actual job when you're working © Semantic HTML © Be able to explain the CS§ Box Model”. * Benefits of CSS preprocessors © (you don't necessarily need to understand how to use one on a deep level, but you should to understand what they are for and how they help with development. ° CSS Media Queries © to target different devices and write responsive CSS. © Bootstrap © (a framework for helping design and layout content on a page and while many online programs or schools focus heavily on teaching Bootstrap, in reality it's more important to have a deep knowledge of fundamental CSS than specific Bootstrap features and methods). Javascript : e¢ DOM © Manipulation. Also know what JSON © is and how to manipulate it. © Important language features @ such as functional composition @, protetypal inheritance, closures, event delegation, scope, higher-order functions, * Asynchronous control flow @, promises /, and callbacks « Learn how to properly structure your code and modularize \ parts of it, things like webpack ©, browserify @, or build tools like gulp “ will definitely be helpful to know, * Know hew to use atleast one popular framework © (many programs will focus heavily on teaching you a library or framework like React © or AngularJS ©, butin reality it's much more important to have a deep understanding of the JavaScript language and not focus so much on framework-specific features. Once you have a good understanding of JavaScript, picking up a framework that sits on top of it won't be too hard anyway). * Although some may argue “ that you should be using this less or that it’s slowly dying, jQuery & code still exists in most applications and a solid understanding of itwill be helpful © Some knowledge on testing frameworks and why they‘re important (some may even claim that this topic should be optional), + Learn about some important new E56 features” {optional Back-End : choose and learn any one of them for backend / api © Nodejs: This is a great option because Nodejs is itself just a JavaScript environment which means you don't need to learn a new language. This is a big reason why a lot of online programs and bootcamps choose to teach Nodejs. The most popular framework you'd most likely learn to aid you in developing web applications is Express Ruby: Some popular frameworks for developing in Ruby are Rails and Sinatra, Plenty of programs teach Ruby as a first back-end language. * Python: Some popular frameworks for developing in Python are Django and Flask, © Java: The Java language isn’t taught so much these days when it comes to Full-Stack Web Development, but some companies do use Java as their back-end and itis still a very in-demand language (see image above) * PHP: PHP is rarely taught in programs these days, butjust like with Java, it is still very in-demand and itis a cornerstone of the web today. Database : e Understand the benefits of relational data “, e.g. SQL © Learn aboutNoSQl © databases, e.g. MongoDB Understand which would be better in certain situations * Know how to connect a database with your chosen back-end language (e.g. Node,js + MongoDB). Understand the benefits of in-memory data stores like Redis @ or memcached * Web storage © to store sessions, cookies, and cached data in the browser, * Scaling & databases, ACID, and ORM © (all optional} HTTP/Networking : HTTP is a stateless application protocol on the Internet—it’s what allows clients to communicate with servers . Some important topics you should learn about are listed below: © What is & REST and whyisit important © in regards to the HTTP protocol and web applications, Best practices @ for designing @ a RESTful API. POST/GET @ requests. Learning how to use Chrome DevTools / can be extremely helpful. © What are SSL Certificates « HTTP/2 & SPDY © foptional). © WebSoackets @, Web Workers, and Service Workers © (all optional). DevOps : © Must have to familiar with “unix environment Operating system fundamental, must have to clear concept on file system and O§ Layers * learn about common platforms as a service @, e.g, Heroku &, azure and AWS ©. Heroku allows you to easily upload your code and have an application up and running with very little configuration or server maintenance and AWS offers dozens of products and services to help with storage, video processing, load balancing, and much more. * Performance |? optimization / for applications and modern browsers. * Some opinions on what a web application architecture should include. Designing Web Applications & by Microsoft, © Most importantly though you should try to werk on projects with people, look at codebases of popular projects on GitHub, and learn © as much as you can from senior developers DockerfJenkins Continuous Integration * nginx, apache, IIS vcs: For managing code you must have to be good at any one of VCS 1,.GIT 2. SVN 3, Marcurial Note: 2 month is not enough 14,1k views « View Upvoters - View Sharers

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