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esencial de Ciencias Contemplativas

Begley, Sharon. 2006. Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain. New York: Ballantine.
Calhoun, Adele Ahlberg. 2005. Spiritual Disciplines Handbook. Downers Grove, IL:
InterVarsity Press.
Cardeña, Etzel, Steven Jay Lynn, and Stanley Krippner, eds. 2000. Varieties of
Anomalous Experience: Examining the Scientific Evidences. Washington, D.C.: American
Psychological Association.
Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990) Flow: the Psychology of Optimal Experience. New York:
Harper & Row.
Ferrer, Jorge, and Jacob Sherman, eds. 2009. The Participatory Turn: Spirituality,
Mysticism, Religious Studies. Albany: State University of New York Press.
Hall, S. (2010) Wisdom: from Philosophy to Neuroscience. New York: Knopf.
Noë, Alva (2010) Fuera de la cabeza: por qué no somos el cerebro y otras lecciones de
biología de la consciencia. Barcelona: Kairós.
Richardson, Peter Tufts. 1996. Four Spiritualities: Expressions of Self, Expressions of
Spirit. Mountain View, CA: Davies-Black Publishing.
Thompson, E. (2007). Mind in life. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Tart, Charles, ed. 1969. Altered States of Consciousness. New York: John Wiley & Sons,
Varela, Francisco, and Jonathan Shear, eds. 1999. The View from Within: First-person
approaches to the study of consciousness. Bowling Green, Ohio: Imprint Academic.
Wallace, Alan (2006) The Attention Revolution. Boston: Wisdom Publications.
Wallace, Alan (2007) 2007. Contemplative Science: Where Buddhism and Neuroscience
Converge. New York: Columbia University Press
West, Michael. 1987. The Psychology of Meditation. Oxford: Clarendon Publications.
Wulff, David M. 1997. The Psychology of Religion: Classic and Contemporary. 2nd ed.
New York: Wiley.
Yandell, Keith E. 1994. The Epistemology of Religious Experience. Cambridge and New
York: Cambridge University Press.

Bibliografía complementaria
Barnhart, Bruno, and Joseph Wong, eds. 2001. Purity of Heart and Contemplation: A
Monastic Dialogue between Christian and Asian Traditions. New York and London:
Barabasi, A. (2003) Linked: How everywhing is connected to everything else and what it
means for business, science, and everyday life. Plume.
Cabezón, José, and Sheila Davaney, eds. 2004. Identity and the Politics of Scholarship in
the Study of Religion. London and New York: Routledge.
Damasio (2000) The feeling of what happens. New York: Harvest books.
Hamer, D. (2006). El gen de Dios. Madrid: Ed La Esfera de los Libros.
Johnson, Don Hanlon. 1995. Bone, Breath, and Gesture: Practices of Embodiment.
Berkeley: North Atlantic Books.
Johnson, S. (2002) Emergence. The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities and Software.
London: Penguin Books.
Lakoff, George, and Mark Johnson. 1980. Metaphors We Live By. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.
Noë, Alva (2004). Action in Perception. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
Rubia-Vila, J.F. (2003). La conexión divina. La experiencia mística y la neurobiología.
Barcelona: Ed Crítica.
Zaehner, R. C. (1961). Mysticism, sacred and profane: an inquiry into some varieties of
praeternatural experience. London: Ed Oxford University Press.

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