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DRAMATISTS, PLAY SERVICE INC. Mark Blum, Brooke Adams and Ben Master in a scene from the WPA ‘Theatre production of "Key Exchange.” Contumes by Robert Wodjewodski; setting by Terry Asano. KEY EXCHANGE Copyright © 1982, Kevin Wade Copyright © 1981, Kevin Wade 2&6 an unpublished dramatic composition the copyright lave ofthe United States of America, and ofall coustce cansed oy the Intemational Copyright Union Gncing the Dominion of Conads aol a ‘cx ofthe Brish Commonwealth), and of all counties covered by the Pare ‘pecan Copyright Convention, the Univeral Copyright Convention, te Bcc Proce ato, keurng able reading rio broadcasting erin, video or sound recording all ther forms of mechanical or clecronc production veh w CD-ROM, CD, DD, information storage and ratierd systems cod Photocopying and the righs of mandation ino forcgn languages re tcdy ‘served Particular emphasis placed upon the matter ef reading pesminion iy which muse be secured from the Authors gens in wating TRatities concerning ul other right shouldbe addresed to Paradigm, 500 Fifth ‘Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10110. An: Willam Cove, SPECIAL NOTE Sayers reeivng permision to produce KEY EXCHANGE is required o ge reir the Author as sole and exclusive Author ofthe Play on there page of ll programs distibuced in connection with performances of the Play dt in all incincs in which the ide of the Pay appear for purposs of sdveriing publciing or otherwise exploiting the Play and/or production there? The fame of the Author must sppear on 2 separate line, in which no atker nave appeats immediately beneath the vile and in size of type equal to 50% af the cg Gf hs legs, mose prominent lets used for the vide ofthe Py: No person, br ‘oF entity may receive ced larger or more prominent than that acconded he Rethon SPECIAL NOTE ON SONGS AND RECORDINGS For performances of copyighsd songs, arrangements or recordings mentioned ia this Pay the persion ofthe copyright owneds) must be aad Other ong, tangements ot recordings may be substituted provided permision few hg Sepright owner(s) of such songs, arrangements ‘or recordings is obtained; oe songs, arrangements or rcovdings inthe public domain may be rabstituncd, KEY EXCHANGE was first presented by the WPA Theatre, in New York City, in June, 1981. It was directed by Barnet Kellman; the setting was by Terry Ariano; the lighting was by Frances Aronson; and the costumes by Robert Wojewodsh, ‘The Production Stage Manager was Bill McComb, The cast, in oder of appearance, was as follows: MICHAEL. Mark Blum. PHILIP « -Ben Masters Lisa Brooke Adams ‘The WPA Theatre (Kyle Renick, Producing Director) produc- tion uf KEY EXCHANGE was subsequently transiorred to fic Orpheum Theatre, in New York City, by Frank Gero, Mark Gero, Mitchell Maxwell, Alan J. Schuster and Frederick Zollo for an extended run. THE CHARACTERS: MICHAEL, a man in his late twenties. PHILIP, aman, about thirty. LISA, a woman in her late twenties. ‘The play takes place on a small rise off the west Park Drive in New York's Central Park. It is set on consecutive weekends, summer, present. KEY EXCHANGE Scent Ove Sunpav, June 20: Aaron Copland’s “Fanfare For The Com- mon Man’ is laying asthe house lights go down, * Lights yp on Mickel, U. . He is siting erssegged withthe font whet af his acc in hs lap. He is just fishing changing te tv, and is working th new ire nto the rim. He is dressed in play

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