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Getting to Know

Your Deck

This mini-lesson is about how to get to know your deck.

Why is it important to take the time to get to know your deck? Your Oracle

deck is a communication device. It is a tool you can use to communicate directly

with the Conscious Universe, the Divine, Spirit, or whatever you call your Higher
Power. You will really want to get familiar with how each deck speaks, especially
since all Oracle decks are different.

— The first thing to do when you get your new deck is to thank it. Just hold it
in your hands and thank the deck in advance for being a supportive partner to you.
By doing this, you are acknowledging that the deck is alive, that it is in service to
you, and that it allows communication with the Divine.
*Always approach your deck with a sense of gratitude and curiosity!

— Next, one by one, look at every card. Just go through the deck and get a feel
for it. Look at the artwork. Notice how you feel.

— Read the introduction in the guidebook! This will tell you more about
your deck.

Why it was written

What the author wants you to know

What the author’s intention is for the user. The intention of the author is
important to how you receive what’s in the deck. You want to know why the
author created the deck.

In my Spirit Animal Oracle guidebook, I tell you why I wrote it, what I intended
for you, and the purpose of the deck. My guidebooks are thick because I want
you to learn what the deck means and what all the cards mean according to how I
created them.

Once you ask a question and choose a card, first, just look at the card. Take in
the artwork. How does it make you feel? What do you think it’s saying to you? The
art is chosen by the author as a pictorial meaning of the card.

Now read the card’s message in the guidebook. Learn what the Universe is
saying to you. This is how you get familiar with the deck and the language that it
speaks. You’ll always want to go back to the guidebook!

**Remember, You are in partnership with the Divine and you’ve chosen this deck
as your means of communication. It’s an important conversation and you don’t

want to miss any of the messages that are meant for you.

After you read your message in the guidebook, sit with it. Notice what comes
up. Write your impressions in your journal, this helps you learn the deck even

So, the bottom line is: Take the time to get to know your deck, the more you
know about your deck, the better it can serve you!

Now it’s your turn!


When I get a new deck the first question I like to ask is,
“How will you serve me?”
Try it, and see what comes up for you!
*Don’t have a physical deck? You can go to my website and use a deck there! And,

yes, you can ask the same question!!

See you next time!!



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