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How to Ask Questions of

the Oracle Cards


When working with Oracle Cards, what is the best way to frame a question? Is it as
simple as asking a yes or no type of question? In this mini-lesson, I’m talking about
the best way to frame a question.

People new to Oracle Cards are often unsure about the right way to ask questions,
many fall back on just asking yes or no questions.

Should I take this job?


Should I date that person?

Is this the right move?

Oracle Cards are not a magic eight ball! They aren’t meant to give simple, one-

dimensional answers. They are designed with depth to show you things you may
not see.

Yes or No questions will restrict the Universe and the Oracle from giving you
the fullest answer!!

The best type of question to ask your Oracle Cards is an open-ended question.
This type of question invites an answer with more depth, it gives space for the
Universe to speak to you. You will then decide to go forward or not based on the
information given.

My favorite type of open-ended question for any reading is:

What do I most need to know about ___________ for my highest good?
This will give you the opportunity to make the best decision.

Remember, Oracle Cards will work best for you if you give an open-ended
question, then you avoid restricting and limiting the capacity of the Universe to
speak to you and deck to serve you, which happens by asking yes or no questions.

Now it’s your turn:

Play around by asking the Oracle yes or no questions and follow up with open-
ended questions. Make a note of the difference in your answers.

**Important** You can only do readings for yourself or someone that gives
you permission! For now, just do it for you.

See you next time!! 1

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