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Who's Got The Power?

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung | V/Min Yoongi | Suga, Kim
Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | Jin, Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Character: Kim Namjoon | RM, Park Jimin (BTS), Jeon Jungkook, Jung Hoseok |
J-Hope, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Min Yoongi | Suga, Kim Taehyung | V, Lee
Seokmin | DK, SEVENTEEN Ensemble, EXO Ensemble
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers, Angst, Romance,
Smut, Insecure Jeon Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook Is Bad at Feelings, Top
Jeon Jungkook, Bottom Park Jimin, Alternate Universe - High School,
Power Bottom Park Jimin, Dom Park Jimin, Kidnapping, Brainwashing,
Suicidal Thoughts, Self-Harm, Abuse, Child Abuse, Amnesia
Stats: Published: 2018-03-24 Updated: 2019-07-28 Chapters: 32/? Words:

Who's Got The Power?

by kimaasd


The Seoul Highschool for Talented Teens has been popular for kids who have superpowers
they need to learn how to train.

Through the years, people have come and gone after learning how to control their powers,
many going on to join the government to help keep people in check.

Jungkook gets forced to join after an incident where he pushed a bully so hard they went
crashing through a brick wall, leaving them in hospital.

He's scared of himself and tries to keep people away from fear of hurting him, but 6 boys
just dont seem to get the hint.


Trigger Warning
•Self Harm
•Suicidal Thoughts + Tendencies
•Possible Suicide Attempt
-all chapters with triggering content will have a warning at the beginning-
started : march 25th 2018
finished : ...


This is my first time writing a story on AO3, i've written on wattpad before though. let me
know if you enjoy. x

Hello everybody! I've been really wanting to write a superpower story for a while and i've finally
found a group that i'd like to write it for, which is BTS!
I got inspiration for some of their powers from this Amino post, props to them and full credit for
their amazing ideas.
I hope that you all enjoy this story as i'm greatly looking forwards to writing it.


This story will also be posted on my wattpad - K1mmaa

so feel free to read it on there if thats easier, plus the wattpad version will have pictures
Introduction 1. Jin

"Mum! Do we really need to drive to nanas today?" I ask her as she literally drags me to the car. It
was only a half hour drive but i'd spent the whole day feeling unwell and didn't want to rink getting
her sick.

"I know you aren't feeling well but she has a present for you." My mum replies in a gentle tone and
I stop fighting her, simply getting into the car.

I pull out my phone and text my brother who just so happened to be at a school camp.

To Big Bro : I really don't feel well.

From Big Bro : I know Jinnie, hopefully you'll feel better soon. i'll be back to take care of you

To Big Bro : I miss you, see you then.

He sends me a short reply and my mum starts the short drive to my nans house.

She manages to coax me into singing along to songs on the radio and in no time i've forgotten
about my killer headache and upset stomach.

We stop at a red light and i watch in amazement as a girls hair changes colour as she talks on the
phone, turning from a gentle green to a light pink that matches mine.

"How'd she do that?" I ask my mum as i point to the girl. My mum looks at her before replying,
"She has powers, there's some people in this world who just so happen to have superpowers. Like
in your favourite movies."

I give her a large smile and she turns to the road and starts driving when the light turns green.
"MUM WATCH OUT!" I shout as I notice a car speeding through the intersection through a red
light straight towards our car.

I throw my arm out to grab my mums arm and throw the other arm up to cover my face as the car
hits my door and flips our car over.

When our car finally stops moving i'm upside down and my headache is almost excruciatingly
painful. I can feel that the arm that I used to cover my face is broken and I hope that my mum is

I turn to face her and see her body unmoving, eyes closed.
"Mum?" I choke out and touch her with other arm. Touching her turns to rough shaking as I scream
and cry loudly for her to do something, anything.

"C'mon mum you can't leave me now." I cry as people crouch down to look into our car, phones
held to their ears.

"NO!" I scream loudly before the pain in my head gets worse and I scream at the painful feeling
rushing through my head as everything that just happened reverses.

The windows go back to being intact and the doors un-dent and the car flips in reverse until i'm
holding my head with both hands.
"-in your favourite movies." My mum says before starting to move the car forwards.

"MUM STOP!" I instantly scream out and she does, bewilderment on her face as she looks to my
tear streaked face.

Seconds later, the car speeds past in front of us where we would have been and she looks forward
in shock.
"W-we just.. we just crashed! We crashed and you died and then it all happened in reverse!" I cry
out as I reach out to grab my mum and pull her into a hug.

She wraps her arms around me and shushes me but I can feel the light shake her body is making.
"We need to go home. I'm gonna call your dad to go pick your brother up early and we're going to
talk about this." Mum tells me before pulling away and driving us home.

When we arrive, she sends me to the lounge where I wrap myself in a fluffy blanket as she goes to
call my dad.

I pull my knees to my chest and think about what had just happened. I'd just watched us crash and
my mum die, and then turned back time.
I just saved us.

An hour later, i've remained unmoving other than the tears tracking down my cheeks as my dad and
brother enter the room.

"Seokjin!" My brother shouts before running to me and pulling me into his arms.
"What happened? Are you okay?" He asks as he pulls away and looks at my body for injuries.

"Jinnie, you need to tell them what happened." My mum tells me as she sits beside my dad and
grips his hand tightly, much to his confusion.

"We-" I try to think of how im supposed to explain this to them.

"We got into a crash today. A car ran a red light and hit us, flipped our car." I say quietly and I play
with my fingers.

"What? How is that possible? We walked past the car and it was undamaged?" My dad asks as he
looks to my mum in true befuddlement.

"Mum died." I say slightly louder, hands moving into my hair.

"And then my head, it hurt so bad I thought I was dying." I say in distress as my brother rubs my
back soothingly.

"And then suddenly everything was reversing, the people looking into our car walked backwards,
the car flipped in reverse and suddenly I was listening to my mum talk about the same thing for the
second time."

The remain silent and I try to explain myself. My dad now holding my mum in his arms tightly as
he stares at me wide eyed.

"I.. I think I turned back time."


▪Time Manipulation
▪Temporal Healing & Inversion
▪Precognition & Retrocognition
▪Temporal Reload

Jin holds the ability to control time, turning it backwards and pausing it along with looking into
the future in order to help himself and others.
He most often uses his powers to save people who he believes should live and give people their
family back.
He only looks into the future when he gets the feeling something bad will happen, it helps him to
plan with Namjoon when he and his friends are in trouble.
Using his power causes him extreme pain and tires him out quickly so people don't like him using
Introduction 2. Suga

"Leave him alone Minyuk." I tell him as I approach the scene. Minyuk is holding a small boy with
a wicked glare off the ground and is threatening him.

"What are you gonna do Yoongi? Fight for him?" Minyuk asks is a condescending tone to which i
give him a bored glance.

"I don't need to. This kid could kick your ass if he actually tried, he just doesn't cause he knows
he'll win." I tell him as I point between them.

The boys eyes widen as he flicks his eyes towards me whilst Minyuk growls angrily. "Are you
kidding me? this kid couldn't punch to save his life."

"Alright then, if that's what you believe. Let him show you what he's got." I say in a tired tone, sick
of constantly knowing how weak this bully is whilst nobody strong enough would fight back.

"Do you want this kid to die?" He asks rudely and I roll my eyes.
"I'm not gonna waste my time on you. If you're too scared to fight him just say so, I want to take a
nap before class."

"Fine." Minyuk replies, dropping the kid back on his feet and taking a step back. The kid looks
towards me with a squinted expression and I wave a hand to Minyuk.

When Minyuk makes a move towards the kid, he stamps his foot harshly into the ground and it
cracks and rumbles beneath him like an earthquake.
Minyuk falls backwards onto the ground with wide eyes before scrambling away into the school.

I walk off towards the library when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and am faced with
the boy i'd just helped save from Minyuk.

"How did you know?" he asks bluntly. I shrug my shoulders lightly and reply, "You aren't the only
one with powers here."

"My names Kyungsoo, thank you." He tells me as I go to walk away again. I turn to him with a
slight smile, "Yoongi." before walking away.


Powerful Interaction
▪Steal others powers for a period of time
▪Sense others strength and weakness
▪Strengthen and weaken others

Yoongi has the ability to sense peoples strength and amplify it and sense their strength to amplify
If he wants to, he can borrow peoples powers for a differing period of time. The time in which he
has another persons power varies on how strong the power is.
For example, if he borrows Namjoons IQ it can last up to an hour but using Taehyungs morphing
only lasts up to 15 minutes.
When he becomes upset, his powers can become uncontrollable and can cause the powers of
people around him to strengthen or weaken.
Introduction 3. Jhope

"Mum." I say abruptly from behind my mother as she does her makeup. She jumps slightly in
surprise but turns to smile at me before continuing where she left off. "Yes dear?"

"Did you know Mr Kim is beating his wife?" I ask as i lay back on her bed, remembering when I
saw Mrs Kim that morning and saw the memories of a beating flash before her eyes.

"What?" My mum replies, turning to me with wide eyes. "How do you know about that?"

"I saw it this morning when Mrs Kim thought about it." I reply casually and think back to the
images I saw this morning. I tried to replace the images in her mind with those of puppies and the
small smile she sent to me showed she knew what id done.

"What do you mean you saw it?" My mum asks, coming to stand right beside my head so I look her
in the eyes.

"I mean I saw it, just like how I can feel when you're upset or I can see when dad is harassed at
work. Just like how I can see when Dawon is remember the boys who try to touch her at school." I
reply honestly.

She looks at me in surprise and asks, "Then what am I thinking now."

I look her directly in the eyes and see images of my dad sprouting little daisys in the centre of his

I tell her exactly what I see and see tears sprout in her eyes. "How long have you known that you
can do this? How much have you been seeing and changing?" She asks.

"Long enough." I tell her with a serious expression and she leans down to pull me into a hug.
"I don't know how to control it, I just see everything." I tell her with a distressed expression.

"Oh baby, tonight we can talk to your dad and figure out our options okay?" she tells me and I nod
in agreement, hugging her again.


Telepathic Abilities
▪Empathy & Emotion manipulation
▪Mental Hallucinations
▪Memory reading & manipulation

Hoseok has the ability to manipulate peoples thoughts and emotions and can read peoples minds.
He is able to plant false memories and thoughts into peoples minds whether it be for their benefit
or his.
When distressed, he can lose control of his power and emulate his emotions on all those who are
around him, which can be dangerous.
On the flip side, he can take on others emotions and give them other ones.
Introduction 4. RM

"C'mon Joon, you have your exams today." My younger sister Kyungmin says as she shakes me

"Yeah, yeah. Go get ready i'll be out in a few." I mumble out tiredly as I sit up and rub my eyes.
She leaves soon after and I get up and use the bathroom before getting dressed.

When I leave my room 20 minutes later, Kyungmin is waiting at the front door ready to go. I grab
my bag and we leave for the school.

"So tell me, how long will it take to get to school." Kyungmin asks me as we stop outside our
house. This is something we do everyday and she always sets a timer to see how right I am.

"Well, I by this time every morning there's traffic which means when we get to the crossing it'll be
a 3 minute wait. Taking in the 20% chance of a crash and 15% chance that we'll get stopped by
someone needing assistance, we should be there in 17 minutes and 36 seconds." I tell her.

She nods and we start to walk the exact second she starts the timer. Like every morning; i'm
perfectly right and Kyungmin is as impressed as always.

"How do you do it? It's a different tome every day and yet you're never wrong!" She says in
amazment and I shrug my shoulders.
"Lucky guess."

"Take the right entrance if you want to avoid Kwan." I tell her before walking in through the left
entrance and directly into Kwan.
I move around him and go to my locker quickly before going to my first exam.

"You ready?" My best friend Lena asks me as we line up outside the exam room. I nod to her and
we start moving in to find a desk.

"In front of you you should find an exam sheet for AP Mathmatics with your name typed in the top
left corner, please check for your name." The teachers says and everyone looks.

"You have 75 minutes to finish this exam, if you finish early; please bring your exam booklet to the
front and you may go."
"Time starts now."

I open my exam and move quickly through the first page. Is this supposed to be hard? I start on the
second page and finish the questions within seconds of reading them.

By the time i've finished my exam, I look around to see that all my peers are still working on the
first page. My eyes widen at this but I stand slowly and place my exam on the teachers desk, much
to his surprise.

"Done already? its only been 5 minutes." the teacher asks and I nod my head in confusion.

He looks at me in disapproval before going through my exam and checking over my answers.
"Please come with me to the principles office." He tells me and I do so quietly.

"Principle Lin, this is Kim Namjoon. He's supposed to be doing the year 10 AP mathematics exam
currently but he has finished. In 5 minutes." My teacher says as he drops the exam on the
principles desk.

Mr Lin raises an eyebrow at my teacher before looking through the exam booklet.
"What did you use to cheat Mr Joon." The principle asks me and my eyes widen.

"I didn't cheat, sir." I tell him in a distressed tone as I sit down in front of him.

"Is that so." He says and stays silent for a moment before pulling a new exam from behind his

"This is the year 12 AP Math exam, I want you to try this now and i'll be able to see whether or not
you cheated." Mr Lin tells me as he places the exam in front of me.

I pull out a pen and start the exam immediately, never looking away from the paper as I complete
equation after equation.

"Done." I tell him as I flip back to the first page, passing it across the table to Mr Lin who's looking
at me with wide eyes.

"It's only been 7 minutes." He tells me inquisitively before looking through my exam. As he reads
my answers he slowly gets wider eyes.

When he finished going through my answers he pulls out a fresh piece of paper and writes on it
before passing it over.

673 - 967 x (44 + 72) ÷ 40 =

"-2131.3" I tell him seconds later without having written anything down or used a calculator.

Mr Lin says nothing, just reaches for his phone and types in a number before holding the phone to
his ear.
"Bang Si-hyuk, I've got another one for you."


Hyper Intelligence
▪Accelerated probability, perception and thought processes
▪Enhanced memory & reading
▪Photographic deduction & tactical analysis

Namjoon has a genius level IQ and uses it to his advantage. He is top of all his classes and knows
thing he shouldn't as he has mind reading tendencies.
His power helps him to think of the best and safest way to do things whilst adding in the probability
of things going wrong within only a few seconds.
Introduction 5. Jimin

I hate water. After an incident where I almost drowned at age 7 i've been terrified of water, which
explains my current resentment towards my family who decided for our family holiday we'd go on
a cruise.

"Dad you know i'm scared of water, why would you guys make me do this." I ask, as I stand on the
bay crying as we wait to board.

"Jimin, you need to get over this fear of yours! You can't spend your whole life avoiding water
when it's all around you." My dad tells me in an exasperated tone as my 12 year old brother tries to
console me.

My dad refuses to say anything else to me as we wait to board, my mum quietly telling him off for
being so harsh.

"It's okay Jimin, i'll stay with you the whole time." My younger brother Jihyun tells me as he claps
our hands together.

When it's finally our turn to board I cry the whole time as my family pulls me onto the boat.
"I feel like i'm gonna be sick." I say as they place me at the edge of the boat, looking out over the

I place one hand over the edge of the railing and turn my palm up towards myself, and watch in
amazment as the water i'm watching rises into the air.

"oh my god." I say out loud and my family looks to where i'm looking and gasp in surprise.
The sound of Jihyun laughing makes me move my hand and drop the water again before I rush off
to try and find our room.

My family follows close behind and enter our room seconds after I do.
"This is my worst nightmare." I cry and I faceplant my pillow in sadness.

"Of course Jimin would be the one to get water, the one thing he's most afraid of in life." my
brothers laughs out and I whine in sadness.

I hear a light slapping sound and my brother groan before my mum speaks to me.
"Jimin? You knew there was a chance you'd get this power."

"I don't care if I knew, I don't want it. You can have it back." I say petulantly before burying
myself further in my pillow.

My dad huffs angrily buts says nothing as my mum sits beside me and attempts to soothe me.
The boat rocks wildly as i cry and although I can hear my family telling me to calm down before I
wreck the boat I just can't.

The rocking of the boat is just doubling my fear and making me more distressed.

I hate water.

Hydrokinesis & Telekinesis
▪Property manipulation- Hydrokinetic constructs & water walking
▪Lift/ move liquid forms telekinetically- water pressure generation
▪Breath underwater

Jimin holds the power of liquid and object minipulation. With this power he is able to freeze and
move water to his will and move objects from one place to another.
He most often uses his power when he's feeling lazy or needs to protect somebody.
When upset, his powers can become uncontrollable and can make things break at random and
water randomly move or freeze.
His powers become dangerous when he's angry and water can boil, including water inside the
human body.

Jimin has secondary powers that he is unaware of and will develop further in the story. They will
be harder to control than his current water powers.
Introduction 6. V

"Look at all his stretch marks, I thought they were for girls?" I hear a boy say after i've stripped my
shirt off to change into my sports clothes.

I don't know why my body is covered in stretch marks. I didn't have a quick growth spurt and am
currently only a skinny guy leaving no reason to have tiger stripes running across my body.

"Maybe he is a girl." Woosung, my main bully says as he approaches my prone form. I pull my
shirt over my head ungracefully before rushing out of the locker room, shoes in my hands.

"Hello Taehyung, ready for sport today?" Mr Sobong asks as he sees me approaching the edge of
the soccer field.

"Depends on what we're doing today." I reply before sitting down to put my shoes on. He laughs
gently and ticks my name off on the roll before pointing to the bag if soccer balls sat at his feet.

I sit patiently as my classmates slowly file onto the soccer field until Mr Sobong is finally
explaining todays activities.

"Alright everyone, today Ms Songs year 9 class will be joining us for soccer. We'll have two
leaders picking their team, you can pick people from either year level." Mr Sobong explains as Ms
Song leads a group of year 9's to our spot on the field.

Mrs Song smiles at us before turning to her class. "Yoongi, you can be captain 1." she says with a
smile and a short, brooding boy walks to the front, his dyed black hair making his complexion look
more pale.

"Woosung, you can be captain 2. Yoongi, you get first pick." Mr Sobong announces.
I shuffle slightly on the spot as prepare to be the last person picked.

"I want him." Yoongi says vaguely and when I look up due to Woosung's laughing I see he's
pointing at me.
"Really?" I ask quietly before walking to his side at his nod of approval.
I grin happily as I come to stand beside the slightly shorter boy, even though all my muscles and
joints are aching.

Yoongi gives me a sideways glance before continuing the back and forth in picking players. When
everyone has been placed on a team, the teachers tell us to learn our team mates names before we
start playing.

"Yo Yoongs, why'd you pick the kid before all of us!" A tall boy with bright red hair and wide eyes
asks when the teachers walk away, arm wrapped around the shoulders of a slightly shorter boy with
blonde hair.

"That'd be because he's cuter, and way more powerful than all of you combined." he says with a
gummy grin.
Chanyeol lifts his pointer finger up and it holds a small flame that he soots in Yoongi's direction
but puts out before it can do damage.

"Uhh, sorry. My names Taehyung and I can tell you right now I am definitely not powerful." I say
in a small voice when they all turn my way.
The small blonde boy whom I don't know the name of coos before wrapping his arms around me.
"My son is so adorable!"

"You don't have to lie kid, all of us are like you." Yoongi tells me, but before I can explain that I
really have no idea what he's talking about, the teachers are telling us to move to our sides and i'm
getting a rushed explanation of names.

The whistle blows and the game starts and for a while I just stand around as the balls is played on
the opposite side of the field.

I turn to look at the game again and suddenly the ball is hitting me in the head, Woosung's laughter
echoing around the field and I lay on the ground in pain and anger.

I turn onto my hands and knees, panting as the anger builds along with the pain in my body, turning
from an ache to a stabbing pain.

"Tae, you need to calm down." Chanyeol the big friendly giant tells me as he places a hand on my

I growl at him ad turn to look at him and his eyes widen in shock before suddenly an outrageous
pain overtakes me and magically the growling that was echoing through my chest turns to snarling
as chanyeol backs away and I turn towards Woosung who looks as though he's seen a ghost.

"Taehyung." Yoongi's gruff voice says as said boy stamps towards me and the growling eases off

"You need to change back." He whispers and he places a hand on the back of my neck and grips
I tilt my head slightly in confusion and look down to what should be my hands but instead are
orange paws connected to orange, black and white striped arms.

I whine in panic and try to back away but Yoongi just grips me tighter.
"Calm down Tae." he repeats until I lay with my head and paws in his lap.

I feel the anger slowly seep out of me through the spot where Yoongi has his hand until the pain is
back and i'm suddenly myself again, but completely naked.

"Tiger stripes match well." Yoongi tells me but doesn't mean it in a rude or condescending way,
running a finger across one until Chanyeol flings his jumper at us, it being the only piece of
clothing that'd cover up all my nakedness at the given time.

" I told you, you were powerful."


Auto - Leptokinesis
▪Shape shifting- Body manipulation
▪Molecular Teleportation

Taehyung has the ability to morph his body without limit, becoming animals, people and other
Along with body morphing, he can change his molecular structure and make parts of his body
other things, for example turning his arms into metal.
When distressed, his body may randomly morph or change form in order to protect him.
Introduction 7. Jungkook

"Look who it is guys! It's Seokmin and his girlfriend Jungkook!" Jiho, the one guy who bullies me
at school the most, shouts as my best friend and I enter the cafeteria.

I look down and Seokmin makes my shadow dance for me, bringing a smile to my face as we head
to our table at the far side of the room.

"I can't deal with him anymore. I just want him to leave us alone." I whine childishly as we sit
down together.
Seokmin chuckles at me but nods in agreement.
"We'll get back at him someday."

"That is if he doesn't kill me first." I grumble before placing my head on my table.

"Jungkook I need to talk to you about something." Seokmin tells me in a serious tone that has me
lifting my head from the table to look at him.

"My mum saw me making shadow puppets for my baby cousin the other day and she called up that
school. Yknow the one is Seoul? Big Hit? and she's transferring me there at the end of this year."
Seokmin tells me before placing a hand on top of mine.

"You're leaving me here alone?" I whisper out, eyes tearing up as I look at my best friend.
"I don't want to! My mum is making me. I managed to talk her into letting me have one more year
with you since she wanted to move me immediately."

I look back down at the table as my tears start to fall, realising that i'd be alone yet again.

The moment is broken by the sound of hands landing harshly on the table, and when I look up, I
see Jiho.

"Whatcha crying about Jeon? Is Seokmin finally dumping you for someone else?" Jiho taunts
relentlessly until I'm pushing myself up from my seat and trying to leave.

Jiho grabs my wrist and by pure instict I twist his arm around and push. One minute Jiho is
standing infront of me and the next minute there's a large hole in the brick wall in front of me and
Jiho is laying unconscious on top of all the bricks.

"Oh my god." I whisper out before i'm running, running as hard and as fast as I can away from all
the people staring at me in the cafeteria.

In the time it usually takes me to run from one side of the cafeteria to the other, i'm standing in
front of my house; not even panting.

What had I just gotten myself into,


Enhanced Strength & Speed
▪Enhanced durability, endurance and stamina
▪Earthquake & shockwave generation
▪Strength concentration
▪Super speed
▪Other peoples powers don't work on him

Jungkook has enhanced speed and strength that allow him fast movements and enhanced reaction
Jungkook has trouble controlling his power due to what it is and fears physical contact as he's
afraid he'll injure someone.

Before today i'd never traveled to Seoul before, now im going to be living here for who knows how
After the incident with Jiho, i'd instantly been expelled and my principle had called Bang Si-hyuk;
the principle and creator of the Seoul Highschool for Talented Teens.

It's now Sunday, and today i'll be moving into my dorm and meeting my roommate for the first
time and honestly i'm scared.

Since the incident, i've refused physical contact with anyone in fear that i'll somehow hurt them.
I'm not afraid to say that I wish someone would hug me right now, i'm also not afraid to say i'm
scared for whats to come.

Had the incident occurred at a later time I may have been able to move with Seokmin but he wont
be able to get a dorm for another few weeks since his case isn't urgent like mine.

So either way i'm alone again in a school full on people with superpowers they're learning to
control. God knows if any are as dangerous as me. It's still unknown in Jiho will survive.

"We're here." My mum says as she pulls the car to a stop outside a large brick building, instantly
my heart is in my throat.

I step out of the car and grab several boxes of my things, knowing now that I had the strength to. I
switch everything to one hand as I check the piece of paper for a room number. Room 330.

I move quickly through the halls, my family close behind helping to carry things until I reach the
outside of my room where I put my things down and decide to say goodbye to my family; unsure if
his roommate would be as dangerous as him.

"Ill miss you all." I say in a tearful voice but flinch away when they try to come near.
"Ill come home when i'm safe to be around." I promise and they give me sad smiles before leaving
with i love yous.

When I know they're safely around the corner I knock on my dorm room door and wait hoping that
my roommate is inside.

Moments later, a slightly taller boy with dyed blonde hair opens the door. "Can I help you?" he
asks politely and I point to my things before saying, "I'm your new roommate.

His face moves from confusion to happiness, a big boxy grin overtaking his face as he steps
forwards to attempt to pull me into a hug that I shy away from. He smiles none the less and
introduces himself.

"My names Taehyung but most people either tall me Tae or V, what's your name?"

"Jungkook." I reply shyly before he moves out of the doorway and points to the empty side of the
room, explaining that it was mine and I could dress it up however i'd like.

"Just know, my boyfriend comes to nap in here alot so don't get startled if you see him in here. He's
short, black hair. face moves between looking bored and looking like he wants to kill you but I
promise he's harmless." He explains chattily as he helps bring my things inside to set up.
"That's fine." I tell him quietly as I pull out photo frames from boxes and put them on my bedside

I place one of Seokmin and I hugging down and Taehyung asks, "Is that your boyfriend?"
I shake my head at him. "No, my best friend. He's transferring here in a few weeks."

"Oh cool! what can he do?" He asks next and I turn my head to him.
"He controls shadows, darkness generally." I tell him with a shy grin and he gives one in return.

"I was about to go meet up with my friends for food, do you want to come?" Taehyung asks as he
picks up his key, phone and wallet.

I look down at my open palms before replying, "Sure." and moving to grab my phone and wallet.

When we leave the dorms, we walk for about 5 minutes until we're stood outside what looks to be
a school café.

He pulls the door open and walks though, myself following close behind until we're approaching a
set of tables with 5 boys already sat down.

"Guys! This is my new roommate Jungkook! Introduce yourselves." Taehyung announces and he
sits down beside who I assume is his boyfriend.

I carefully sot down beside a beautiful boy who's hair is dyed a dark silver.
"My names Jimin, it's nice to meet you." the boy says politely with a beautiful grin at me.

"Hello, i'm Seokjin but you can just call me Jin." The boy sat beside Jimin says. His hair is a light
pink and he's holding hands with the boy beside him.

"Im Namjoon, welcome to the school." The next boy, Namjoon says.

The next person to speak is sat on the other side of the table, hair dyed bright red and a massive
smile on his face.
"Im Hoseok, nice to meet you."

Last of all is Taehyungs boyfriend, whose been looking at me with a weird expression as everyone
introduced themselves.

"Yoongi." The boy bluntly says before speaking again, "You're different."

I look at him in confusion, what could he be talking about. "Yeah I know what you mean, I see
nothing." Hoseok says next with an equally confused look.

His statement only works to make me more confused until Jimin speaks up, "Guys he doesn't know
your powers, you're just confusing him."

"I can move things." Jimin says as he turns to me, lifting a hand and causing the coffee sat before
him to move out of the cup in a bubble shape and into his mouth.

I give him a matching grin before Tae speaks, "I can shape shift and change my molecular

Namjoon then speaks up, "I have a genius level IQ, smarter than any person could even imagine."
Lifting up a napkin placed in front of him with intricate math problems written and solved on it.

"I can manipulate time." Jin says in short, seeming as though he doesn't want to speak much about
his power.

"I sense peoples strength and weakness, can manipulate it in my favour and even borrow their
power for a period of time." Yoongi tells me next before pointing at Hoseok.

"He can read minds and emotions, manipulate you into seeing what he wants you to." he says next
before pointing at me.
"But we both see nothing, so what are you."

I look around the table with wide eyes, fists clenched tightly in my lap as I try to think of what to
"Hey it's okay, you don't have to tell us now." Jimin says as he makes a move to place his hand on
my arm but I flinch away and fall out of my seat.

Before anyone can make a move to apologise or help me up I spring to my feet and leave as
quickly as I can without showing my power.

I walk back to the door building and sit on a bench outside before ordering myself a pizza, having
not eaten anything since before I left my house this morning.

After the pizza place hangs up with the information of a 20 minute wait, I call Seokmin.

"Kook! How're you settling in? Is your roommate nice?" Seokmin asks as soon as he picks up the

"Yeah he's fine. I wish you were here, I can't do this by myself." I tell him in a choked tone.

"I wish I could be there too. Just a few weeks Kook and i'll be there to help you feel better." He
tells me and I pull my feet onto the bench i'm sat on.

"I'm scared." I say quietly into the phone.

I hear Seokmin sigh softly into the phone before replying, "It wasn't your fault Kook, it's been a
week and you haven't let anyone put even a finger on you."

"You arent dangerous. Just because one person got hurt when you didn't know your strength
doesn't mean you're dangerous." He tells me for the hundredth time since the incident.

"Seok, if Jiho doesn't survive that's on me. I can't risk hurting another person just because i'm
selfish." I argue back and I can basically feel his frustration through the phone.

"If Jiho doesn't survive that's on him. He tortured you every day and if he hadn't have put his hands
on you, he wouldn't be hurt." Seokmin argues in return.

"It doesn't matter how much of an asshole he was, he doesn't deserve to live the rest of his life
permanently damaged if he even lives in the first place."

"Look Kook, i'm not gonna keep having this argument with you. I need to go to work now but I
trust that you'll go back to your dorm." Seokmin says.
"Remember to eat, don't forget to sleep and keep in mind that i'll be there soon. I love you."

"I'll remember. I love you too, bye." I reply before hanging up the phone.

I take the time between me hanging up and my pizza arriving to think of what i'll do if Jiho doesn't
Can they arrest me if he dies? Technically it's my fault and i'd be no better than a murderer. But if
they did arrest me, would they send me to the super prison? or juvie?

When the pizza guy arrives, I quickly pay him before heading up to my dorm to eat.
Maybe I should request a dorm change, Taehyung seems like a nice guy and I definitely don't want
to risk hurting him.

The door to our room opens about a half hour after I first arrived with my food, bringing Taehyung
and Jimin into the room.

"Hey Jungkook, i'm sorry about earlier. After you left Tae told me that you probably don't like
being touched." Jimin says as he enters the room.

"It's fine, you don't need to worry about it. I think i'm gonna request a dorm change." I say into the

"What? Why?" Taehyung asks, sounding slightly hurt that I don't want to stay with him.

I shrug at him, fingers twitching in my lap before I reply, "You seem like a nice guy. You shouldn't
be around me."

I know Taehyung must be confused, a new kid appears at his door saying their his room mate and
now they suddenly want to leave BECAUSE he's nice.

"How about you stay until the end of this week and then decide." Jimin says after the silence spans
for a few minutes.
"In that time you can come hang out with us and learn about each other."

I look up into his eyes, kindness running through them as he looks at me.


1.8k words

Jimins idea to wait a week before making my decision turned out to be a good one. As the days
passed I found myself talking to Taehyung more and more and occasionally hung out with him and
the rest of his group.

"Jungkook get up, we have class." I hear Taehyung say from the bathroom as I drowsily pull my
head off my pillow.

"What class?" I shout back and wait patiently for his reply as I sit up.

"Today is our first power class! Its the lesson where everyone learns to control their powers."
Taehyung shouts back and I freeze up.

"I can't go!" I shout back and lay back on my bed. I hear Taehyung thump back into the room and
throw clothes at my bed.

"Yes you can. I know you've been avoiding showing us all your powers but you're here to learn
control." Taehyung says before turning to go back to the bathroom.

I sit up again and look down at my hands before standing up and getting dressed.When i try to pull
my shirt on, my arms get stuck in the holes and refuse to budge.

"Uhh, Tae?" I call out and get a short 'yes' in reply. "Do you happen to have a shirt i can wear?"

He walks out of the bathroom and takes one look at me before cracking up laughing at my
uncomfortable position.
"Help me please." I whine and fling my arms in his direction.

He manoeuvres carefully to make sure he doesn't touch me as he gets me out of the shirt before
passing one of his over sized button ups.

"Please don't rip this, its one of my favourites." he says in a teasing tone before moving to pick up
his things.

I pull the shirt over my head before wandering over to the bathroom to brush my teeth and use the
When I put my hand on the door handle to open it and leave, I overestimate how much pressure I
needed and when the door opens the door knob gets crushed.

"Kook what was that noise?" Taehyung asks as he walks towards the doorway.
"I just accidentally kicked something, nothing to worry about." I reply in a stressed tone before
rushing to get my things.

"Ready to go?" I ask before walking out the door into the hallway.
"Jungkook!" I hear a voice call from behind me and when I turn, I see Jimin walking towards me
with a happy grin.

He's wearing an oversized brown jumper that gives him sweater paws and his hair is parted down
the side.

"Hi Jimin." I answer politely with a shy smile.

"I wonder what we're doing for class today, they make sure to change the program every week."
Jimin says as he comes to a stop in front of me.

"Last week they had us testing our powers against different solid objects if we were able to, the
ones with mental powers worked with each other in a seperate room." Jimin says next.

"I wonder." I agree and he gives me a shy smile. "Cute." I whisper to myself but he seems to have
heard it as his cheeks flush red.

We leave for class soon after and within a few minutes we're stood outside the class waiting for the
instructor to come.

We meet up with Yoongi, Jin and Hoseok, them having brought us breakfast from the cafe. Yoongi
held his coffee tightly and walked straight to Taehyung, wrapping his boyfriends arms around his
body as he rests the back of his head against Taes chest.

"Alright everyone, lets get this lesson started." Namjoon says as he approaches our group, check
list in hand.

"Is Namjoon a teacher?" I whisper to Jimin who's stood beside me and he nods his head.
"Joon graduated for this place 2 weeks after he started. Works for the government now. He teaches
this lesson because he's building a team to help the government alongside himself when they learn
control. All of us are part of his group, he's just looking for one more person."

I slowly nod to show I understand what he's said and before long we're walking into the class
which is set up like a gym.

One side of the room has a boxing ring set up and the other has various workout machines along
with a sparring space.

"Oh no." I whisper to myself as I look around the room.

"Alright everyone, i'm going to put you into groups of two and then direct you to the areas you'll be
working at."

"Jin and Tao, Lay and Jeonghan, Chanyeol and Hoshi, Hoseok and Vernon, Jungkook and Kris,
Junmyeon and Jimin, Seungkwan and Kyungsoo, Kai and Jihoon, Sehun and Joshua, Tae and Jun,
Yoongi and Mingyu, Chen and Seungcheol, Chan and Baekhyun, Xiumin and Luhan, Wonwoo
and Minghao."

I look over to the tall guy I know to be Kris, he has his arms wrapped around his boyfriend
Junmyeon. I don't know what powers Kris has but i'm still scared to hurt him, even if he looks to be
a head taller than me.

"-gkook and Kris will all be sparring, anyone I didn't name will be working at the gym equipment."
Namjoon says and my eyes feel as though they'll pop out of my head.

"Joon, I don't think-" I try to warm him that this is a bad idea but he shush's me and directs Kris
and I into the boxing ring.

Kris walk into his corner and faces the outside, pulling his shirt over his head to reveal a set of
black wings tattooed on his back. I hear a wolf whistle from my left and see Junmyeon hanging
over the edge of the ring with Jimin stood beside him.

Kris turns to face me after smiling in Junmyeon's direction. Within a few seconds of him facing
me, a large set of deep black wings are sprouting from behind him and he starts smirking at my
gaping mouth.

My hands twitch into fists and I look to Namjoon again. "Joon I really don't think this is a good
idea." I tell him in a panicked tone.

He lifts an eyebrow when he sees the panic written on my face but shakes his head. "You can do
this Kook."

I flit my eyes back to Kris and see him shaking out his shoulders. That's not what i'm worried

"Are you ready?" Namjoon asks and we both nod, mine slightly unsure.

Kris takes a few steps towards me and I step backwards at the same pace. I see confusion flit over
Kris' face before he launches forwards towards me and I grab his arm and shove him to the side
lightly as I step around him.

"Good Kook, why don't you try going for him." Joon sats and I shake my head rapidly, continuing
to step as far away from Kris as possible.

"Can we please not do this." I say as I avoid Kris again, much to his confusion and frustration.
"Calm down Kookie, you can do this." I hear Jimin say from beside me.

I look down at him with fearful eyes and reply, "That's what i'm afraid of."

He gives me a confused look and Kris barrels towards me again, wings now back to being tattoos.

"Just stop!" I yell before shoving Kris' body without thinking of the consequences. The moment my
hands make contact with Kris' body he goes flying into the wall behind him, hitting the brick and
cracking it upon impact.

All eyes turn in our direction as I stand frozen, staring at Kris' limp body. "Yifan!" Junmyeon
shouts as he runs towards Kris' body, holding his neck as Lay and Jeonghan move over to them.

Whispers sprout up all around me as Jimin moves into the ring and comes towards me. When I see
him approaching, the tears i'd been holding back start to fall and I run out of the room in .1 of a

I run to the entrance of the school and run into the streets in the direction of Bukhansan National
Park. I only stop running when i'm in the thick of the forest where i'm sure nobody will find me.

I fall to my knees in the leaves and let myself cry. Time escapes me as I sit and cry, feeling as
though i'll never stop.

I pull out my phone and bring it to my ear after dialling Seokmin.

"Kook? you know I have class now, what's wrong?" Seokmin says quietly into the phone and I cant
help but start crying again.

"I-it happened a-again!" I cry out and I try to level my breathing, failing miserably.

I hear him whisper out a 'shit before a chair screeches and the teacher starts calling out his name.
"I'm coming, right now i'm coming to Seoul and i'm staying with you for the weekend."

"Seok I can't go ba-ack. E-everyones gonna be sc-cared of me." I continue crying into the phone,
disappointment and sadness seeping through my voice as I continue to cry.

"Kook, you need to breath. I'm getting in the car now and driving out there okay? please don't
choke to death before I can get there." Seokmin tells me, I assume that he's trying to lift the mood
but it's not helping.

"I need to go now Kook, I need to drive. I'll see you as soon as I can." he says next and i reply, "I'll
be waiting. bye."

As I put my phone back down on the ground, I look down to the leaves i'm sitting on. Sitting on
one of the leaves is a little ladybug that I pick up and hold carefully on my hand.

How is it that I can hold such a small creature with enough care to not crush it yet I cant touch
anything else.
How am I supposed to get through life if I risk breaking everything at every touch.

1.6k words.
Don't Leave Me
Chapter Notes

Hello everyone! I'm currently looking for someone to beta read my stories for me and
change anything that doesn't make sense because I don't have the time to always check
before hand. If you're interested in helping out, comment or message me on Amino.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Enjoy the chapter either way.
-Kim x

After an hour of kneeling in the leaves hyperventilating, I shift so i'm sat against the trunk of a tree.
I had to turn my phone off over 20minutes ago after it flooded with messages from my new friends.

I stare out into the forest as the silence surrounds me. Occasionally there's a bird chirp and crushing
of leaves that catches my attention. Rarely, I hear the light chatter of human voices; but the
faintness leads me to believe it's in the far distance.

As time passes I wrap my arms around myself, the winds picks up and I shiver as the cool breeze
moves through my thin shirt.

Sitting alone in the forest gives me time to think about what i'm going to do. Everytime I make any
kind of contact with someone they get hurt meaning I can't touch anything. But the door knob
proved that if i'm distracted for even a second I can crush whatever's in my grip. Meaning I
basically can't touch anything.

Time goes on as I stare into the distance and think. Before I know it, i'm surrounded by darkness
and can hear Seokmins almost in audible voice calling me."Jungkook? Kook are you here?" I hear
faint shouts coming from my left and my eyes tear up again as I get to my feet and walk in the
direction of his voice.

I step put from behind a tree and my best friend comes into view, panicked look on his face as he
calls my name out. The tears that had since stopped falling start to build up again as I stumble in
his direction.

I fall into his body and his arms wrap around me as sobs spring from my body and leave me
shaking wildly."Kook, it's gonna be okay." He whispers into my hair before pulling my body with
him as he starts walking towards the exit of the forest.

"I ca-an't go ba-a-ack." I choke out before coughing. He shushes me and runs his fingers through
my hair.

We eventually reach the exit and he pulls me to his car before pushing me into the passenger seat
and buckling me in.
I take deep breaths as he moves around to the drivers seat and gets in, starting the car and pulling
out of the parking lot.

The drive is silent, radio off and nobody speaking other than my occasional sniffle. The car pulls to
a stop and I look out the window to see the school."Seok! No you can't take me back in there!" I
say in a panic. I try to open my door and escape but Seokmin is already stood outside it ready to
grab me if I try to run.

"We're going to go up into your room and cuddle okay? I have a meeting with the guy who runs
the school tomorrow so I need to stay here." he tells me and I look at him with an unhappy

I let him unbuckle my seatbelt and pull me out of the car and towards the school. He keeps an arm
around my waist the entire way until we get to my door.

We stop outside my room and I stare up at the metal '130' on the door. After a few moments I
shove my hand into my back pocket and pull out my keys, passing them to Seokmin when he puts a
hand out for them.

I look down at my feet and listen as the keys jingle in the lock before the door it swings open.
Seokmin pulls me into the silent room and asks, "So do you have a roomie?"

I nod my head at him and pull at my sleeves, "This is his shirt." "Ahhh, I thought i'd never seen that
shirt before." he replies in a chuckle before going to the cupboard on my side and pulling out a
baggy sleep shirt.

He passes it to me and I strip off Taehyungs shirt, putting my own on after. I slide my jeans off
next before climbing under the covers of my bed. Seokmin changes into one of my shirts and strips
off his pants before climbing in after me.

I turn to face him and tuck my head into his chest as he wraps his arms around my back. It doesn't
take long for me to fall asleep, exhaustion overtaking me after the stressful day.

"Jungkook!" A shout of my name jolts me awake and I sit up in a panic before I see Taehyung,
Jimin, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon filing into the room.

I keep quiet as they take in the scene of Seokmin and I sharing a bed, none of them knowing who
he is. Other than Taehyung.

"Kook, lay down i'm tryna sleep." Seokmin mumbles drowsily as he tries to tug me back into a
laying position. I slap his shoulder a few times until he complains and sits up too.

I make eye contact with Jimin and his expression is blank. In saying that, I can see the water from a
vase on Taehyungs side of the room beginning to boil.

"Oh! You must be Seokmin!" Taehyung says whilst pointing between him and the photo on my
bedside table.

"Yeah, and you are?" Seokmin replies as he looks over all the boys staring in confusion between
Jungkook and himself.
"Im Taehyung, Jungkooks roommate." Taehyung explains with a boxy grin and Seokmin slides out
of my bed to greet him properly.

My attention goes back to Jimin where he's frowning at Seokmins half naked figure. Oh no.

"Um, guys this is Seokmin. He's my best friend from back home." I blurt out and get everyones
attention, eyes quickly leaving Jimin who calms greatly.

They all introduce themselves to one another and I sit silently, not knowing what to say or do.
"Jungkook where have you been? We were looking for hours." Jin says as he turns his attention
back to me.

I divert my eyes to my hands and pick impishly at my blanket, not knowing what to say. "We
always escaped to forests when we were younger. It became out place of escepe when something
bad happens." Seokmin informs them.

"I found him in the middle of Bukhansan National Park."

"Kook, you didn't need to run away. Things like that happen all the time." Namjoon tells me as
they all squeeze onto my bed, being wary not to touch me against my wishes.

I look up and dart my eyes to all their faces. "Is Kris okay?" I ask quietly and Namjoon is quick to
assure me that he's had worse. I know it's meant to be reasurring but I don't exactly feel better.

"What do you mean by 'he's had worse'?" I question and he tells me a shortened story about how a
now graduated student (an ex roomate to Kris) had once accidentally pushed him out a window
whilst he was drunk and had no control of his flight abilities.

"Why didn't you just tell us why you were scared? " Hoseok asks and I shrug my shoulders. "I was
scared. I didn't want you guys to be scared of me and I didn't want to hurt you by accident."

"You wouldn't hurt us Kook, even by accident." Yoongi announces and I look back down at my
hands. "Wouldn't be the first time." I mumble out and feel Seokmins arm wrap around my
shoulders and pull me into his side.

"Kook was sent here because he put a guy from our school in hospital. To be fair he kinda
deserved it, was a real asshole. But we still aren't sure if he'll make it, didnt have powers."
Seokmin informs them as I shut my eyes to avoid my tears from falling.

"Oh Kookie, you could've told us. We'd still love you the same." Jimin tells me as he grabs one of
my hands and holds it between his.

I almost laugh at the feel of his small hands gripping mine, the size difference noticeable. I flit my
eyes up to his and see him staring at me with an expression I can't quite decipher.

His eyes widen a bit and his grip loosens as if realising he just grabbed my hand but I tighten my
grip. It's nice to have human contact again. Baby steps.

I stay quiet for a few moments before thanking them and allowing them to pull me into a hug.
"Alright, I declare a movie night. Everyone go put on some comfy clothes and we'll order some
pizza." Taehyung announces when they pull away and everyone agrees loudly.

One by one people file out of the room to go to their own and change until only Jimin and Yoongi
remain. Yoongi moves over to Taehyungs cupboard and pulls out one of his shirts before moving
to the bathroom.
When he goes to shut the door I hear huffs of laughter. "Kook, got a little rough with the door knob
huh?" I hear Yoongi's rough voice say and it reminds me of the recently crushed doorknob from
this morning.

"Uhhh." I groan out quietly before Taehyung moves to look. "Is this what that sound was this
morning?" He asks and I agree in a sheepish tone.

"Hey Kookie?" I hear Jimin question from my left as he tugs lightly on my hand and I look to him
with an eyebrow raised.

"Can I borrow one of your shirts? My dorm is on the other side of campus and I don't want to go all
the way there on my own." Jimin asks and I give him a smile, god he's adorable.

"Yeah sure, Minnie." I reply and his face lights up. I pull him off the bed with me and open my
closet before passing over an oversized olive green hoodie.

I sit down on the bed as he hides himself from Tae behind my closet door and strips off his shirt. I
flit my eyes down and see surprising chiseled abs that make my cheeks turn pink.

I flick my eyes away and make eye contact with Seokmin who's smirking at me widely. I reach
over and smack him with an embarrassed whine and he laughs loudly.

Everyone slowly files back into our room and makes themselves comfortable on Taehyung and I's
beds, which we pushed together to make a mega bed.

Hoseok moves the TV cabinet to where the front door is everyone enters. It beng perfectly centered
to the beds.

Yoongi is leant against the back board with Tae between his thighs, head resting on his chest.
Namjoon is sitting beside Yoongi with his legs crossed, Jin sat comfortably in his lap.

I sit down beside him and let Seokmin get comfortable with his head on my thigh before Jimin sits
beside me.

Hoseok jumps onto the end of the bed and gets comfortable with one of our pillows before hitting
play on the remote.

I feel Jimin move around and when I turn to him I see that he's shuffling onto his side. His position
would mirror Seokmins but doesn't look particularly comfortable. I look him up and down before
pulling up my arm and moving it around his shoulders before pulling him against my body.

He startles slightly and looks at me with wide eyes but I look at the screen. I look at him from my
peripheral and see him smile giddily before he snuggles into me.All I can think of is how adorable
he looks. What's going on with me?

1.8k words.

As days blur into weeks I find myself spending more and more time with Jimin. Whether it be
during class or at the cafe during breaks or at our dorms when classes are over.

We spend weekends going to various different places for food or just to generally hand out and as
more time passes I can't help but form a crush on him.

"Kookie! You promised we could go get lunch together!" Jimin whines childishly at me when he
finds out I need to stay behind with Namjoon and do some physical testing i'd missed due to
entering the school at a later date.

"I know Minnie but I need to do these tests. If you want you can stay and watch and we can get
food after? Or you could even go get food and bring it back here to eat." I suggest as our classmates
slowly file out of the room, some chuckling at the silly argument we're having.

"But Kook!" He whines and I grab his face between my hands.

"Min, I need to do these tests so make a decision. I need to talk to Joon so if you're gonna stay go
sit down." I tell him before kissing his forehead and walking away.

As I walk closer to Namjoons desk I realise what I just did. My steps falter slightly and I nearly
faceplant the ground, I'd just kissed Jimins forehead.

I turn my head to look in his direction and catch sigh of Jimin. He's stood with his hand touching
his forehead, cheeks flushed red and a little smile on his face.

"Jungkook! I need you to take your shirt off so I can put some electrodes on your chest." Namjoon
says loudly and I comply easily, ripping the shirt over my head.

I see Namjoon try to hold back laughter as he places the electrodes on and I let myself push away
the confusion to step on a treadmill.

I see movement from beside me and suddenly Jimin comes into my line of sight, stopping beside
Namjoon and flitting his eyes from my face to my body.
Namjoon pulls out a clipboard and turns on the machine and continues turning up the speed until it
can't go up any higher. I keep perfect pace, knowing myself that I could go even faster and
mentioning such to him as he writes notes.

After a few minutes he turns the machine off and asks me to step over to a set of weights. He takes
off the electrodes and flips the page on his clipboard before asking me to go along the weight sets
and seeing if I can lift them.

I go along the line picking up weight after weight until I reach the final one, barely feeling even a
slight strain as I lift it.

"Good job Kook. That's all for today, lets go eat." Namjoon says as he picks up my forgotten shirt
and passes it over.

"Yaay!" Jimin cheers and we quickly leave for the campus cafe. When we enter, we see all our
friends already sat down, including Seokmin who had recently joined the school.

"Hey guys." I say as we sit down with our friends. They all say their own greeting and in no time
we're eating happily.

Every few minutes the bell for the door jingles and for the most part its ignored.

"Oi, Jungkook." I hear my name called seconds after the bell jingles and when I turn I see Jiho's
older brother Minyu.

I carefully slide out of my seat, ignoring Seokmin frantically saying my name, much to the
confusion of the others. I take a few steps towards him, his anger resonating from him freely.

"Minyu, is Jiho okay?" I ask feebley and his anger seems to double.

"No Jungkook. No he isn't. They took him off life support yesterday, he's dead. My little brother is
dead and it's all your fault." He shouts angrily, shoving me back as he does.

My whole body freezes when the words leave his mouth. Dead. I killed someone. My eyes water as
I look at him but it makes no difference.

"You killed my baby brother." He mutters again. "Blood for blood." He says before he pulls a
knife out from behind him and pushes it forwards, plunging it into my gut.

I hear screams and shouts from all around me and suddenly theres a large commotion. I feel my
body drop to the floor and watch as Minyu stumbles backwards, a tiger launching from behind me
and pinning him to the floor; closely followed by Yoongi who is shouting manically.

Arms grip my shoulders and waist as I get leant back against someones chest. I look down at where
there's pain resonating in my stomach and see blood seeping through my shirt and dripping onto the

"Jungkook! Hey Jungkook look at me, don't look down look at me." I hear Jimins voice say and I
follow it up to his face, my hand moving to put pressure where i'm bleeding.

"M-minnie." I stutter out as I watch tears roll down his face. He shouldn't cry, why is he crying?

"Don't cry Minnie." I tell him as I bring a hand to his face. He nuzzles into it and I notice vaguely
that items around the room are starting to levitate and the coffee machine and fridge are going

"You're gonna be okay Kookie, everything will be alright." He cries out as he comes closer, putting
pressure himself when my eyes start to blink closed and my arm drops from his face.

"Open your eyes Kook, look at me." I hear a new voice say before Seokmin comes into view, Jin
by his side.

"It's okay Seok, it doesn't hurt." I tell him with a smile, eyes getting more droopy by the second.

I let my eyes shut and listen to my friends calling my name, crying and begging for me to open my
eyes but I don't feel any more pain.

"Minyu, is Jiho okay?" I ask feebley and his anger seems to double. He goes to reply when
suddenly shrill screams echoe from behind me.

I turn around and see Jin is no longer in his chair, knelt on the ground with his head in his hands
and he screams.

Namjoon moves to rub his back, asking what he needs to stop before launching to his feet and
grabbing me roughly and pulling me in their direction.

"You need to leave, don't do anything stupid just because you're hurting." Namjoon says strongly
to Minyu, taking the boy by surprise.

Minyu says nothing, simply leaving the cafe which surprises me greatly. I turn back to Jin and see
everyone but Seokmin is now gathered around him on the floor.

Jimin is holding a water bottle whilst Yoongi holds out a handful of painkillers.

"What happened Namjoon? He was fine a minute ago." I ask Namjoon when he comes to stand
beside me again.

Namjoon sighs quietly before speaking, "You know that Jin has time control powers. Using his
powers causes him excruciating pain alongside living with the pain of being the only one who
remembers what's changed."

"He just turned back time. What just happened, didn't happen the first time around and must have
ended badly because the only reason he will use his powers is if something goes horribly wrong.
We'll take him back to the dorms and he'll tell us about what happened." Namjoon continues before
moving to pull his boyfriend into a hug as Jin sobs harshly.

I look over to Jimin who has a sad expression on his face.

We all slowly make our way back to the dorm building and go to Jin and Namjoons dorm thats
actually like a small apartment.
It has a miniature kitchen off the left side, same as the bathroom and the main bedroom is spacious
and houses a King sized bed and a couch.

Namjoon pulls Jin over to the bed and lays him down before laying beside him and pulling his
body into his chest. Yoongi and Taehyung sit on the bed behind them and Hoseok sits on the floor
beside Jin.

Jimin, Seokmin and I all move to the couch and sit down facing the bed.

"Jinnie, are you gonna tell us what happened." Namjoon asks when Jins crying turns to sniffles.

"That boy.. he was Jiho's brother." Jin murmurs out quietly and I nod silently.

"He was there, because.." Jins words die in his throat before he sits up and moves off the bed
before kneeling before me with his hands in my lap.

"He was there because his family made the decision to take him off life support and he passed
away last night." Jin tells me and I feel like all the air has been punched from my chest.

Tears immediately spring to my eyes and I feel both Jimin and Seokmins hands come to rest on my
body. Seokmins on my back and Jimins in my hand.

"He.. Minyu came to get revenge." Jin tells me as he places his head on his hands, body starting to
shake again.

Everyone slowly migrates to where we're sat and the tree of us on the couch slide down to the

"Jungkook got st-tabbed.. he died" Jin finally gets out and the room goes completely silent.

Almost everyones breath hitches before sobs burst out of us one by one. Seokmin and Jimin are
first, latching onto my body as I sit motionless whilst tears slide silently down my face.

By the time everyone tries to grab hold of me, we're basically a puppy pile of crying teens on the
floor. If anyone were to randomly enter the room at this moment they'd think we're insane.
I'm laid face to face with Jimin who has an arm over my shoulder and his forehead pressed to mine.
"I don't want to lose you." Jimin whispers to me and my eyes flutter open to look at him.

I look over his face, tear streaked but still beautiful but all I can think is that he should never cry.

Before my mind catches up with my movement I tilt my head forwards slightly and kiss him. It's
soft, gentle and not at all rushed; making a slight smile creep onto my face when he does pull away
of push me off.

When we part, we look into each others eyes and give one another a smile before he moves an arm
under his head and wiggles into my chest.

We all fall asleep on the floor, cuddled together tightly and wishing that all would be good in the


1.7k words.
Am I Wrong?

Time seems to pass more slowly now, after the other night we've all been more aware of one
another but whilst it's been great; it's also caused harm.

After the short kiss Jimin and I shared i've been avoiding him as much as possible. Not for a lack
of feelings on my part but for a fear of injury to him.

I know that they don't care about my power and know what i'm capable of but I can't help but be
wary. Just the other night I accidentally broke a lamp attempting to switch it off, an experience I
never wanted to experience.

"Don't you have class?" Yoongi mumbles to me in his half asleep state as I sit staring blankly at the
wall. I check the time on my phone and see that i'm nearly late to my first lesson in photography
which i'd just changed into after being recommended.

"Shit." I mutter as I launch off my bed and get changed, grabbing my phone and keys before
leaving in a sprint; a quick shout of goodbye in my wake.

It takes me two minutes and a quick stop for directions before i'm opening a door and walking into
an already full classroom.

"May I help you?" the lady at the front asks and I explain that i'm a new student who was slightly
lost. She lets me off with a warning before telling me to sit beside a boy with a handsome face and
bright red hair.

The lesson passes smoothly, myself talking quietly to the red head boy as well as the white blonde
boy beside him that he secretly held hands with the entire class.

"Your first assignment of this class is to partner up into groups of two or more and take photos of
one another in different locations that show off your powers. If this is not possible for you to do for
one reason on another please come and speak to me and i'll give you a different assignment." my
teacher says and I sit silently for a few seconds wondering if I should ask for the different

"Excuse me?" A voice says from my left and when I turn to look I see a boy with white blonde hair
and a pretty grin. When we catch eyes the boy continues, "Would you like to work with us?"
gesturing between himself and the redhead.

I nod my head with a slight smile and we leave the class to head for the cafe, deciding we should
have lunch together and learn about one another to decide how our assignment should be

We order our food and buy drinks before heading to a grassy area under a tree to sit and eat.

"So first off, my names Mark and this is my boyfriend BamBam." The redhead informs me and I
tell them my name in reply.

"Alright, so who is going to take whose photo?" BamBam asks and we talk for a few minutes
before deciding on the order of;
BamBam -> Mark
Mark -> Me
Me -> BamBam
"So seeing as how this whole assignment is about powers, what are yours?" I ask them before
taking a bite of my ham and cheese toasty.

"You know the movie incredibles?" BamBam asks and I nod my head in reply.
"I have the same powers as Violet, can turn invisible and make forcefields." He tells me and I nod
my head with an impressed expression.

"My power, in simple terms, is phasing." Mark explains before giving an example by putting his
hand through the ground and pulling it back out again.
"What about you?"

"I have enhanced senses in addition to super strength and super speed." I inform them and Mark
points at me before asking,
"Are you the one who had the 'incident' with Kris?"

I nod my head sheepishly but they don't seem to care about the fact im potentially dangerous.

We chat idly as we eat, them telling me the story of how they became a couple. Turns out that a
pencil case that was supposed to hit Mark, hit BamBam after phasing through him. I in turn tell
them about how I am eternally single which causes them to look at me with raised brows.

"You're joking right? Have you seen yourself?" BamBam asks, causing me to blush lightly and
chuckle lightheartedly.

"Obviously I have." I reply causing him to poke his tongue out at me.

"Cmon Kook there's gotta be someone in your life." Mark says and I look down to my hands, the
perfect picture of Jimin entering my mind.

"Well.." I start but am interrupted by BamBam shouting 'I knew it.'

"So who is it?" He asks without stopping a beat and I look down to the floor with a shrug.
"We aren't really anything, I really like him though." I reply and Mark gives me an 'are you kidding
me' look.

"Why haven't you told him then?" Mark asks and I look back up to them.

"Because i'm scared. We only met a few weeks ago and up until a few days ago I wouldn't even let
him or our friends touch me. I was so scared of my own power that I pushed them away so I'm
scared that even if I told him he wouldn't feel the same." I explain to them and they listen intently,
nodding along as I speak.

When I finish speaking, Mark reaches his hand out and places it lightly on my arm; a reassuring
smile on his face.
"How will you know until you ask."

The question sits with me long after we've planned our photo days and said our goodbyes. It sits
with me whilst I sit in the student lounge, alone after Tae asks me to leave so he can have alone
time with Yoongi.

How will I know until I ask? I question myself as I stare at the bland white walls, occasionally
watching people who pass through my sight.

"Jungkook?" The sound of my name makes me jolt slightly in place before I search for who said it,
eyes landing on Jimin.
"What are you doing down here by yourself?" he asks as he comes to stand in front of me. I slide
my eyes carefully up and down his body before stopping at his eyes.

"Tae and Yoongi kicked me out for a few hours." I reply plainly, mind still distracted.

Jimin shuffles in front of me and twitches his fingers, "Jungkook can we please talk?" He finally

I shrug my shoulders and he huffs before plopping down beside me on the couch.
"You've been avoiding me ever since that night when we.." He begins angrily but his voice fades
as he speaks.

"If you regret what happened you could just tell me instead of making me run around looking
desperate." He begins speaking again but avoids eye contact with me in favour of picking at his
already short nails. A nervous tick.

I know I need to speak to him but the words wont come out. I open my mouth and eventually
manage to say, "I don't regret it."

His head flicks up at lightening speed and connects our eyes. "Then why all the running? If you
don't regret it, then why do you keep hiding? You pretend like it didn't happen and you make me
so confused! Why can't you just make a decision!" He cries out, anger bubbling as tears form in his

Pictures hung on the wall fall and break, a set of flower vases sat on tables and counters start to
boil and the kettle starts whistling.

"Jimin." I say his name quietly but he shakes his head at me and moves off the couch, slamming
the doors as he leaves.

The silence that follows is deafening. Anger and frustration spreads through my body and I stand
up and start pacing the room.

The more I allow my feelings to blossom the less control I have of my body. I move to a cabinet
and pick up the microwave and throw it, it flying across the room and hitting the wall across from

I take a few steps back and when my knees hit the couch i turn and flip it, it turning upside down
with a loud 'bang'.

I move again to a table pressed against the wall covered in photographs in frames. I lightly run my
finger along the edge of a picture of Jimin and I before tears bubble up and I throw it to the ground,
effectively smashing it.

I punch the closest wall to me, over and over throwing my fist at it until i break through to the
other side.

A growl of emotion bursts out of my chest and I drop to my knees with my forehead against the
wall, sadness winning and spilling hot tears over my cheeks.

I hear feet thunder down the hallway outside and the door to he room slam open, but i don't move.
Aggressive sobs rack my body as I slowly droop further into the wall.

I hear alot of whispering, people saying my name and questioning what set me off when I was so
careful to not even touch doorknobs if I could avoid it.
"Jungkook!" I hear Taehyungs voice call from across the room before he's kneeling beside me and
pulling me into his chest.
I grip his shirt in my fist as he shushes me, my face pressed into his chest.

"Oh Jungkook," Yoongi's saddened voice says before I feel a hand come down on my shoulder and
grip it.
"Lets get you back to your room."

It takes the combined strength of Taehyung and Yoongi to lift me up and keep me on my feet as I
can't stand on my own.
"What's got you like this buddy." I hear Taehyung whisper to himself and see vague blobs through
my tears.

I can make out that we walk past BamBam and Mark who are stood beside a slightly taller boy
with a mop of black hair.

We pass a vague tall shape with silver hair wrapped around a short figure with a head of pink hair
that I know to be Mingyu and Woozi, two boys i've become good friends with in my time here.

I see vague figures of boys and girls before my sobbing worsens again and I can't see. I hear many
surprised gasps as we pass, some people even saying my name but never approaching.

All my anger and sadness from the past few months that had been building had finally burst out. I
feel slight embarrassment at the fact it was set off by a boy I like way too much for the short time
i've known him but I can't concentrate on it at this time.

We get back to the room slowly but steadily and when we enter the room Seokmin is already sat
on my bed and immediately lays down with me when Tae passes me off.

Drifting off is easy after that, the pain fades along with my consciousness and before a minute has
passed i'm asleep.

Meaning I miss Jimin coming to our room and talking to Tae, asking to see me before he tells him
to leave until he can talk to me about what I want.

It means I miss the guilty look on Jimins face when he realises i'd cracked under the pressure of life
with help from him.

God, the things you can miss.

1.9k words.
What Am I To You?

"Jungkook are you awake?" Taehyung asks for the third time. It's been one week and three days
since I broke, one week and three days since i've left the dorm, one week and three days since i've
let people touch me.

"I know you're hurting but you need to get up. We should talk about it." he continues and I turn
over to face him.

His eyes widen slightly when he gets a look at me, and i'm not surprised. Although i've barely left
my bed all week I have deep circles under my eyes, and my cheeks are sunken in from a lack of

"What do you want to talk about." I question in a tired voice, knowing that i'd avoided this
conversation for long enough.

"What happened? I know it has something to do with Jimin because he keeps coming around and
apologising," Tae states and I huff a sigh.
I knew Jimin had been coming around but neither Tae, Seokmin or Yoongi would let him inside.

"Jimin is my best friend kook, I need to know what happened." Tae finishes and I look up into his
eyes. His eyes are filled with desperation and hope that i'll finally answer the big question.

I sigh before pulling myself into a sitting position, crossing my legs and turning so i'm leant against
the wall.

"You remember that night when we all fell asleep on the floor because of what Jin told us?" I ask
him and he thinks for a second before nodding his head.

"We kissed that night," I say with a tiny smile but I don't allow it to fully form.
"But, after it happened I got scared. I've never had a boyfriend or girlfriend and now I have a
superpower that makes it dangerous for me to touch things so I started avoiding him because I
didn't want to face the fact that I could hurt someone who could, in the future, love me."

"Koo-" Taehyung starts to speak but I shake my head and continue.

"I thought he'd give me the chance to explain but the words wouldn't come out and he got so mad.
He got so mad that he left and I.."

"You cracked." He finishes for me and I nod my head.

"I cracked." I repeat his words, looking down at my fingers as I fiddle with my blanket.

I head Taehyung sigh before he suddenly sits on the bed beside me.
"Jimin once told me about this boy he liked in highschool, a total sweetheart according to him."
Taehyung starts and I look up at his face.

"The boy tried to kiss him at a party one time, when Jimin didn't want it and since then he never let
anybody kiss him." he finishes and my jaw drops slightly.

"You mean.." I start and he nods his head, "you were his first kiss." Taehyung finishes.

I turn my head straight and stare wide eyed at the wall as I allow myself to comprehend that
"Why didn't he say anything to me about it?" I question and I see him shrug in my peripheral.
"You didn't ask."

"I didn't think I had to! Jimin is 17, nearly 18 years old! i'm the baby here!" I say in an offended
tone, face scrunching up slightly.

"I know Kook, you're our baby." Taehyung replies with a laugh.
"Do you want me to bring him over so you's can talk? He's been jumping out of his skin a little."

I nod my head and Tae places a hand on my knee over the blanket, giving me a warm smile before
picking up his phone and keys then leaving.

When the door closes behind him I carefully get out of bed and pull out a large oversized jumper
and bring it with me to the bathroom where I change before brushing my teeth.

I quickly use the toilet before moving back to my bed, picking up my bundle of blankets before
diving beneath them.

I cuddle against my pillow and drift into a nap before I can decide otherwise. I hadn't slept much
from the stress and anxiety so it was easy to let myself fall when my body felt tired.

I awaken to the sound of the door opening and sluggishly pull my head out of my pillow, now laid
on my stomach with my head facing the wall.

I sit up and turn over and catch sight of Jimin. His hair is now dyed a pastel pink, hair covering his

"Hi." he shyly murmurs and I blink owlishly at him, unsure how to breach our future conversation.
Silence settles between us, neither of us knowing what to say or how to say it.

"I uh," He starts; coming forward to the edge of my bed before sitting carefully. "I tried to come
see you a few times but nobody would let me in."

I nod lightly, looking at my lap. "Yeah, I heard." I tell him before looking up to his eyes.
"I like the new hair." I tell him, gesturing towards his cotton candy pink head.

He grin tugs at his lips as we meet eyes again, his shining brightly. "Yeah, I usually dye my hair if
i'm stressed or just feel like a change. Hadn't done pink yet so I thought i'd give it a go." He

I nod slowly with a tiny smile. "Why were you avoiding me after the kiss?" He asks bluntly after a
few moments of silence.

The smile drops off my face and I go back to looking at my lap, wringing my hands together
slowly. "I just, I was scared." I admit to him quietly.

"I've never been in a relationship before and the last boy I had a crush on didn't take it well. I really
like you and now I have these crazy powers that I can't control and i'm scared i'll hurt you, even by
accident." I explain before looking up to his face.

His expression morphs from confusion to shock, eyes widening slightly as his mouth opens and
shuts like a fish.

I look back down at my twitching hands before one of his comes into view and lands on top of
mine, stopping them.

"Kookie, you could have just talked to me." he tells me. I shrug at him and look back up to his
eyes, "I thought it would be easier for us both if I just avoided the problem, kept you safe." I reply
and he gives me a kind smile.

"You're so adorable, you do realise that i'm probably more dangerous than you right?" He asks
with a chuckle and I give him a toothy grin.

"You were my first kiss yknow?" He shyly tells me, a blush rising on his cheeks. I turn my hand
over so our palms are together before linking our fingers.

"I'm sorry you don't quite have the same honour, Seokmin and I kissed a few times when we were
younger and figuring ourselves out." I giggle in reply.

He lifts his empty hand to his chest in mock offense, "I expect a formal apology from him along
with a whole batch of those cookies he brought to movie night once." he says in a peculiar accent
before we fall into giggles.

"We could always clean the drawing board and try again?" I whisper to him shyly and he gives me
what can only be describes as an eye smile.

"I like the sound of that." he whispers out before slowly leaning into my space. When our lips are
just a cm from touching I whisper to him, "You are the most adorable thing i've ever seen." before
pressing our lips together softly.

The kiss is short and sweet, difficult to keep going through both of our smiles but perfect none the
less. "I hope you know I wont let you get away with that shit all the time." He whispers to me
before pressing forwards so i'm laying down and he's sat on the edge of the bed kneeling on his

He moves his head forwards and presses our lips together again, this time opening his mouth and
sliding his tongue along my lower lip.

I moan quietly and open my mouth, letting our tongues slide together before he pulls away again
and gets off the bed.

He moves over to my closet and pulls out a large white t-shirt, stripping down before putting it on
and climbing onto my bed and under my sheets.

He tucks himself under my armpit and lays his head on my bicep. "So what are we?" he asks into
the quiet room and i answer carefully, "We're Jimin and Jungkook. We're figuring it out."

This pleases him as I feel him snuggle firmly against me. "As long as you're aware that you're
mine." he whispers and I giggle lightly before wrapping myself around him and allowing myself to

I always have been a cuddler.

1.5k words.
No More Dream

"But I need to save the fish!" I yell to the strange man i'd met at the edge of the volcano.

"Dear warrier, there's no time for the fish. You must milk the beavers and sell it for extra cash."
The man tells me.

"The fish!" I cry out.

I slowly wake to light kisses on my face, fluttering my eyes open to a fluff of pink hair. "Good
morning Kookie." Jimin whispers against my cheek before leaning back and giving me a smile.

"Morning Minnie. I just had the strangest dream." I tell him with a groggy giggle before sitting up
to check the time on the fancy clock Tae hung above our door.

The time reads 8:15am, 20 minutes until we need to get to our first lesson.

"What was your dream about?" He asks with a kind smile and I take a moment to think before
replying that I can't remember.

"We need to leave soon." I mutter into his mouth as he leans down to kiss me.

Jimin hums in agreement but makes no move to get ready.

"You two better be dressed! I need clothes!" Taehyungs voice yells from outside and we jump apart
when the door opens abruptly.

"Hi guys! I'm happy you two made up but we need to get ready to go. Joon texted me before, Jin is
waiting for us." Taehyung greets us before moving to his closet and pulling out a baggy striped
shirt and a pair of black trousers.

"I still don't understand why we need to wear uniforms for some classes but not others." Jimin says
whistfully as I get up and move to my own cupboard.

"Dunno." I reply in a confused tone before pulling out my own clothes, a baggy black jumper and
brown trousers.
"Jimin you need to get dressed! Which means going back to your dorm because we have nothing
here that's your size." Taehyung grumbles as he pulls the blanket off my bed, uncovering Jimin.

"What has you in such a foul mood?" Jimin whines before moving to his feet. I watch him trudge
through the bathroom door before I quickly begin changing.

When I'm done, I turn to see Tae with his hands pressed against the wall between our cabinets. His
body is shaking slightly and his breathing is harsh and ragged.

"Tae?" I ask before taking a small step towards him. I hear a deep rumble, almost a growl come out
of him before he mutters that he's fine and storms out of the room.

I stare at the door he left through in shock until the bathroom door opens and Jimin asks what

"I have.. no idea." I reply so he shrugs it off.

"Can I please borrow some of your clothes? I can't be bothered making the trip and i'm pretty sure
i'd be late." Jimin asks.

"Yeah sure, dunno if they'll fit through." I tell him with a chuckle but he pays no mind, simply
reaching into my closet and pulling out a large green jumper and the smallest pair of black jeans I

He wanders into the bathroom to change as I gather all my things into my bag and pick up our
phones. I turn around and pull my shoes on before sitting on my bed and waiting for Jimin.

The bathroom door opens moments later and Jimin wanders out. My clothes are extremely big on
him, pants rolled at the ankle and jumper running past his waist to his mid thigh.

"Wow you really are tiny." I joke as he pulls his shoes on, resulting in one being lobbed at my
head. I laugh loudly and carefully toss it back.

"What class do we even have today?" Jimin asks as we exit the dorm and I shrug slightly.

"Im guessing we have music, seeing as how Tae put on casual clothes."
We arrive to the music room within a few minutes and see most of our class is already here,
including Jin Seokmin and Tae who are sitting in the corner by a powerpoint.

"Forgot to charge your phone again I see?" I tease to Jin as we approach.

He huffs slightly and hits my arm lightly when i'm within reach. "Why do you think Joon texted?"

"Tell me again why the other three are in a seperate music class?" I ask Jin as I sit on the floor
between Jimins legs who's just gotten comfortable on the couch behind me.

"Their music class is for producing, writing and composing lyrics. Plus Joon is running a sub class
for those who want to learn rapping." Jin relays word for word like a script as he explains it for the
4th time.

"Our music class is for people who want to learn singing and performance. There's also a third
music class for people who want to learn instruments."

I nod along as I listen carefully to what they say, wanting to remember this time so I don't have to
ask again.

Our teacher wanders into class a few moments later and everyone pulls out their books to take
notes from various spots in the room.

"Today for the first time we will be preparing songs for a public practise. I have been doing your
lessons privately for now because I wanted to give you all a chance to hone your abilities but I
think you're all ready for a public performance." Our teacher tells us partway through class.

"Alright everybody, one by one I want everyone to come out and pick a song out of this hat. I want
everyone to practise whatever song they pick and perform it in 2 weeks. You can spend the rest of
this lesson practising." She informs.

One by one, people go up and reach a hand in to pick up a song.

"Jungkook." the teacher calls next and I push myself up from between Jimins legs to walk towards
her and shove my hand into the hat.
"So Miss, how did you decide on the songs?" I ask as I swish my hand around at the bottom of the

"Some were suggestions from my kids, others were songs I listen to and there's a few surprises."
She replies and I nod in understanding before pinching my fingers around a folded piece of paper.

I pull it out and move to sit down, deciding that i'll open it after all my group has pulled their
papers. I tell them such and they agree to do the same, Tae only nodding his head with a grunt.

I look at him for a few moments in worry before the teacher calls his name and he stomps away.

"Is he okay?" I ask Jin quietly once he's out of earshot.

"He gets like this one day out of every month but only talks about it with Yoongi, is very private
about it." Jin starts explaining slowly before tilting his head, "I'm pretty sure he got into a fight
with Yoongi last night too though. Their fights usually don't last long but can get really extreme at
times because of both their lack of control for their powers."

I nod along and keep quiet about it when Taehyung comes to sit down again, although I can see his
hands shaking slightly.

Jimin and Jin both go up to get their papers and we decide to open them in the order of :

Jungkook >Jin>Jimin>Seokmin>Taehyung.

I open mine and read the words carefully before repeating them aloud, "Charlie Puth, we don't talk

"Oo! You guys got lucky, i've heard Jungkook sing this song more times than I can count and he's
amazing." Seokmin brags to our friends before I kick him in the shin.

"Shut up Seokmin!" I whine in embarrassment. "You know I don't like singing in front of people,
you just got lucky."
Jimins hand falls onto my head and his fingers thread through my hair, calming me. I push back
into his hand and allow myself to relax against him.

I hear a slight rustle of paper before my eyes flit open, not realising i'd closed them in the first

I watch Jins face carefully as he reads over his paper.

Jin's brows furrow slightly as he reads, "Write your own song, you may get help from another
person in any of the three music classes?"

"That must be one of the surprises." I say in an astonished tone, expression reading part confusion
part excitement for Jin.

"That's so lucky though! You get to create a song distinctly for yourself and then sing it! I bet she'll
let you use it for our 'make your own song' end of year assignment." Jimin says happily as he
bounces slightly on the spot.

Jimin opens his paper next and a large grin joins his face as he read out, "Pick a classmate from
class one (produce and composition class) and sing a song they've already created, as long as you
get their permission."

"You got so lucky! All three of our friends have already written and composed songs and will
definitely give one to you." I whine childishly as I swivel my head between his thighs to look up at

"Kook is right, I've heard some of the songs composed by Jihoon and Jooheon who are also in that
class and they're really good. Plus Jihoon is doubling up and doing private lessons with our teacher
to learn vocal so you got lucky." Seokmin explains to us and we all groan in slight jealousy.

"Quit your whining and read your paper." I jokingly say to Seokmin who sticks his tongue out at

"Lets see," he mutters as he reads his paper. "Yang Da Il, she didn't love me."
We all oo and ah at him before turning our attention over to Taehyung who has stayed quiet the
entire time. His hands are formed into fists and his jaw is clenched slightly.

"Tae?" I say quietly trying to capture his attention. He jolts slightly before taking out his paper and
reading off it, "Adele, someone like you."

He rolls his shoulders when he finishes speaking and mutters something about getting a tissue
before stepping away to the front of the room where no-one is stood.

"Maybe someone should talk to him, or call Yoongi to find out what would help." I say as I turn my
attention away from him.

"I don't know, he is very private about it. Usually he and Yoongi lock themselves up in their room
for the next day or two and don't come out for anything." Jimin says and I sigh slightly.

"Where did he stay last night? I would've thought he'd have been with Yoongi but if they really did
fight I doubt he was with him." I ask next.

Jin shrugs his shoulders and I sigh again, no closer to understanding. I sit up slightly from between
Jimin's legs and pull off my jacket, placing it on the floor beside my bag.

I turn to look at Taehyung again and see he has his hands firmly planted against a table, body rising
and falling quickly.

"I'm gonna talk to him, something isn't right." I utter aloud to everyone, pressing a kiss to Jimins
knee before sitting up.

I move to my feet and take a few steps toward him, "Taehyung are you okay?"

The moment the words leave my mouth, a deep growl fills the room and quietens it, catching
everyone's attention.

I feel a hand grip my arm and when I turn I see Jimins small form tightly holding me.
"Call Yoongi." I whisper to Jimin before stepping towards Taehyungs growling form. He releases
me as I move forwards, stepping lightly.

"Taehyung you need to calm down okay? You're safe here." I state carefully. A floorboard beneath
my foot creaks when I place it down and before I can even take a breath he's turned into a large

"Oh no." I mutter to myself as his eyes turn on me, growling never ceasing.

"Tae, Taehyung listen to me. You need to calm down before someone gets hurt." I state as I take
another small step towards him, even though I hear everyone behind me whispering to step back.

His head whips around and he bares his teeth at me, eyes leering as he turns around and gets into a
postion as if about to leap.

"Fuck." I whisper to myself taking a step back. The door to the classroom opens just as Taehyungs
form pounces from the floor.

I throw my arms up to cover my face and topple backwards as his weight lands on top of me. The
pain in both my arms is excruciating but I dont miss all the screams and cries from around me.

"Taehyung what the fuck are you doing!" An angry voice calls before Taehyungs grip loosens until
he is drooped heavily on my body.

"Oh god, someone get something we need to stop the bleeding." A voice that I know to be
Namjoons orders as people surround me on the floor.

Taehyungs weight is lifted off of me and both of my arms are wrapped up and grabbed. I open my
eyes and tears flood down my cheeks. Deep sobs wrack my body as pain rushes through my arms,
whines and cries leaving my mouth.

When my vision clears slightly I see Jimin knelt above me, panic in his eyes as he holds my jumper
around my arm tightly.

On my other side is Seokmin, tears running down his face as he wraps his t-shirt around my left
Hands wrap around my face and lift my head to place something soft beneath it.

When my eyes flit up, I see Hoseok's face. Unlike the usual smile placed on his features he has a
panicked expression.

"Is Taehyung okay?" I hiccup out as sobs begin to slowly rack my chest.

"Shh Kookie, he's fine. It's you we need to worry about." He soothes in a choked tone as I open my
eyes again to look at him.

"Jungkook, you're going to be okay. I'm getting Taehyung out of here before he wakes up, I
promise i'll come make sure you're okay whenever I have the chance." Yoongi's voice calls from
somewhere in the room but I can't see him.

"Yoongi, so help me god if Kook somehow isn't okay.. Taehyung better run." Seokmin grinds out
as he looks in a vague direction.

"Seok?" I say quietly and he replies a small 'yes', eyes turning on me. I give him an up down look
before telling him, "Your abs are lacking compared to last time I saw them, what happened?" the
joke causes a small smile to crack on his face for a few seconds before he goes back to
concentrating on my arm.

I let my eyes drift to the ceiling, blocking out all the people crying and talking around me.

"The fish.. milking beavers.." I mutter to myself as I stare blankly at the ceiling.

"Is that code for something? or is he delusional from blood loss?" Jin asks but I pay no mind,
turning my eyes to Jimin who holds a fragile, fearful look on his face.

"My dream.. the fish." I tell him sternly and his lips turn up slightly.

Moments later, the door crashes open again and feet pound on the floor towards me.

"Fuck, how did this happen?" A gentle voice asks before a very pretty blonde boy, Jeonghan,
comes into my line of sight.
"Jeonghan! Helloo!" I greet when he takes Hoseoks place by my head. He smiles down at me and
replies, "Hello Jungkook, how are you feeling?"

"I feel like I really need to pee, i've needed to pee since class started but I got to sit with my head
between Jimin's thighs and that was basically a heaven send." I babble as he shifts to where
Seokmin is and looks at my arm, shoulders shaking as he attempts to hold in laughter.

"Yknow Jeonghan, you should be my school dad." I tell him.

"Why is that?" He asks as he puts his hands on my left arm, Lay magically appearing at my right
and doing the same.

"Cause! You're so cool and you look after me just like Jin and Joon. They're like my friend dads
because they look after me but they're also more and I don't call them dad. Cheolie can be my
other, other dad." I explain to him, feeling a little woozy.

"I do love big families. I think I'm talking alot to distract from the fact that one of my best friends
just turned into a tiger and attacked me."

"Jungkook calm down, everything is going to be okay." Jeonghan mutters as he continues what he's

"Jimin?" I call out quietly as I distract myself from the lessening pain.

"Yeah Kookie?" He asks as he sits by my head and leans over me.

"Kiss me. I need a distraction."

He huffs a laugh and smiles slightly before leaning down and pressing our lips together like that
one scene in spiderman.

"That was weird maybe don't kiss me yet." I joke and he laughs before lightly hitting my chest.

After a few minutes of laying on my back talking to Jimin, the school nurse and principal both
come into the choir room.

"Can someone please explain to me, why and how a student got injured as was not immediately
taken to the nurses station." Principal Bang asks as the nurse approaches me on the floor and
bandages both my arms.

The teacher, along with Namjoon goes to speak with him whilst Jeonghan quietly tells me, "We did
all we can for now to stop the bleeding. You're gonna have some pretty prominent scars after that
but it should be smooth sailing from here. When you're feeling better you can sit up."

"Thank you, I really appreciate the help. Both of you." I reply as I give them both big smiles.

I sit up within a few minutes and eventually get told to leave class with the escort of Jimin.

We go back to his dorm, not knowing if Tae and Yoongi had gone back to mine. When we enter, I
take a moment to look around his room for the first time.

He shares a dorm with Hoseok, one bed pushed into each corner with a desk in the opposite
corners. The floor is very clean and everything seems to have its own place.

"Go take a shower, towels are under the sink. Grab some clothes from the cupboard and then we
can cuddle." he tells me as he ushers me in the direction of the bathroom. I barely even spare a look
to the room as I move through it.

I look myself over in the mirror and see that my once white t-shirt is now stained red with my own
blood, a haunting sight.

I wash myself as quickly as possible and dress up in just a baggy shirt that looks to be one of mine
and a pair of black underwear.

Jimin is already in bed by the time I get there and pulls me under the covers carefully, before
manoeuvring me into the little spoon position.

After many nights being little spoon to Seokmin, i'm used to the position and have no trouble
drifting to sleep, dreaming of a monk on a mountain telling me to save the fish.


3.2k words.
Converse High

Standing in the corridor was always one of my favourite tasks. Silently watching people pass by,
wondering where they came from and what their life is like.

Occasionally you find someone whom you know all the answers to all your questions. But
sometimes, you see someone and it's like they appeared out of air.

I feel a presence looming beside me and turn to find a very pretty, petite girl stood to my left. She
has rib length orange hair with a fringe.

We make eye contact for a few silent seconds before she gives me a sweet smile.

"You know you can get detention for wearing the wrong shoes to this class, right?" The girl says as
she points down at my feet where I know I have a pair of timberlands.

I take a fleeting glance down and a small smirk reaches my lips.

"Says you." I fire back in an amused tone pointing to where she is wearing a pair of high top black

"Touché." She replies before turning so we're both facing outwards towards the corridor.

"So what are you doing here so early?" She asks after a few moments.

"People watching." I reply before turning to face her.

"What about you?"

"Our math teacher told me if I was late again then I was suspended again." She simply answers and
I raise an eyebrow.

"Again?" I question and she gives me a cheeky smile.

"What can I say, math isn't my strong point." She replies and I nod in agreement.
"Yeah, I was never any good at it either." I tell her before we start to talk about random things.

Our teacher shows up a few minutes later and lets us inside. We decide to pick seats next to each
other and try to help each other out through the lesson, which actually ended in us getting kicked
out for talking and laughing too much.

"Hey I'm really sorry we got kicked out." She apologises after we've slumped on the flood outside
the class.

"It's okay, my friends will probably be disappointed though, the two of them are like my school
parents sometimes." I tell her in amusement and she laughs along.

"Are you the youngest of your friends?" She asks and I nod my head. "Me too."

"How about you come have lunch with my friends and I after this class? I don't have any others
today so we could go back to change then meet somewhere?" She asks and I think as to whether I
have any other classes today.

"Yeah I should be free, where do you want to meet?" I ask and she rattles off to meet at the
campus's cafe that I usually eat at.

"Alright i'll meet you's there at 12." I tell her with a smile.

The bell eventually rings and we part ways to go home and change before we meet again.

When I enter my dorm a few minutes later, the lights are off and there's a mass under the covers of
Taes bed. In an attempt to not wake up, who I assume to be Yoongi, I feel my way around the room
and blindly pull clothes out of my cupboard before moving to the bathroom to change.

I end up leaving in my timberlands, a pair of black skinny jeans and a large black t-shirt. Just
before I go out the door I pull a black beanie off a side table and pull it over my hair.

I enter the cafe at exactly 12 and look around until I see a mop of orange hair.
"Lisa!" I say whilst approaching and catch the attention of all 4 girls at the table.

All four stand up as I approach and move to greet me. Wow these girls are all incredibly stunning.

Lisa has now changed into a pair of high waisted blue shorts and a black, blue and white stripped
crop top. Along with this is a pair of knee high pink socks.

"Hey Jungkook! Let me introduce you all. This is Chae Young but most people call her Rosé." She
says before pointing to the girl furthest from her on the right.

The girl has long red hair and kind eyes. She's wearing a short dress with vertical rainbow stripes. a
chain running intricately over parts of her chest.

"Nice to meet you." She greets and I greet her warmly.

"Next is Jisoo." Lisa says whilst pointing to the girl between herself and Rosé.

This girl has chest length hair dyed a vibrant purple. She's dressed in a black t-shirt with a cartoon
cat head, tucked into a short black denim skirt with ties down both sides.

We greet each other politely but she seems uninterested in speaking.

"Last but certainly not least is my beautiful girlfriend Jennie." Lisa finishes, throwing an arm
around the girl to her left.

She definitely isn't wrong on the 'beautiful description. The girl is dressed in a simple long sleeved
black sparkly dress, long brown hair tied into a high ponytail.

She smiles warmly when we catch eyes and I greet her kindly. We all sit down and decide to order
food before we talk.

Once everyone has decided on their food I go up to order for us all (after many declined offers).
When I come back to my seat Jisoo is giving me an odd look and eventually asks, "So which one of
us are you here to seduce?"

I choke on my spit slightly at her abruptness and end up coughing with a blush on my face as her
friends tell her off.

"You should know before you try, that Rosé and I are together so all the cards are off the table."
She finishes with a satisfied smirk.

"Uhh.. I'm actually um, seeing someone." I tell her quietly and Lisa giggles behind her hand.

Jisoo gives me a shocked look before immediately apologising.

"So who's this special someone?" Jennie asks after we've all laughed it off.

"His name's Jimin." I say with a smile whilst pulling out my phone and pulling up an adorable
photo of Jimin that i'd taken whilst he was attempting to kindly turn someone down after they
asked him out in the middle of our coffee date. At the time I was getting the coffee.

I slide the phone across the table to them and they all look at the picture before cooing slightly.
"He's adorable, I met him once when I was trying to get homework off his roomemate." Lisa says
and I smile slightly bigger.

"How'd you's meet?" Rosé asks and I explain the short but complicated story to them in the least
confusing way possible.

"I see, well if it makes you feel better; the first time I met Rosé was when I was in a public
bathroom out of toilet paper and yelling out for help." Jisoo tells me and I snort loudly before
falling into laughter, everyone else following shortly after.

"Yeah Jimin and I definitely had it easier when meeting but we've also had alot of hardships." I
explain to them and they nod in understanding.

"You'll get through it, it wouldn't be worth it if you didn't work for it." Jennie says with a smile
that shows she gets it more than is let off.

We end up sat in the cafe talking for the next 4 hours, talking and laughing and exchanging stories.
They don't ask about the ugly red scratch marks that run down my right arm, or the ragged red bite
mark on my left, but i do notice the occasional stare.

"So what are you here for? What powers?" Rosé asks as Lisa comes back with another round of
drinks for everybody.

"I have enhanced senses along with super strength and speed. I'm still quite wary of my powers to
be honest. I can't really control them at times." I explain, telling them about all the distorted door
knobs and other issues.

"What about you guys?" I ask in reply.

Rose gives a small smile before lifting her hand palm up, I stare at it and watch in amazement as a
lily flower blooms in the centre.

"Wow." I mutter in happiness as she passes the flower to me with a pleased grin.

Jennie does a similar thing to Rosé, but instead of a flower; a small flame in the shape of a girl
dances like a ballerina across her palm.

"That is so cool!" I tell her excitedly, large grin on display. I see her cheeks flush slightly red but
she grins largely in reply.

"I can't really show mine here but I cant talk to animals, and in turn get them to do things for me."
Jisoo explains to me and I nod with a smile.

"Like Jisoo I cant really show mine now but I have have the power of adaptability and in turn am
also omnilingual." Lisa says last.

"I wish I had all your powers, they're all so cool." I whine faux jealously. They all giggle at my
childlike whining and I join shortly after.

"Jungkook!" A voice calls and I turn to see Seokmin stamping over to where I'm sat.

"I've been texting your phone for like half an hour! we have class in 5 minutes!" He yells in a
slightly angry tone and I shrink back slightly.
"Shit, I'm sorry Seokmin!" I whine out as he throws my uniform at me and ushers me towards the
bathrooms to change.

I make the switch quickly and rush out of the bathroom to apologise and say my goodbyes to the

I see that Seokmin is smiling and chatting quietly with the girls but stops speaking when I

"I'm so sorry, it was lovely talking with you all. I hope to see you again soon. Lisa, i'll see you in
class." I say to them, giving them all small hugs as I pass.

We only just manage to get to class on time, Seokmin punching me in the shoulder as we move to
our desks but he's smiling minutes later.

"Have you spoken to Taehyung yet?" Seokmin asks when class quietens down. It's been nearly a
week since the incident occurred and I havent seen Yoongi OR Taehyung since then.

I've been told that they've both been locked up for the better part of a week so I haven't interfered,
knowing that it was their space before I arrived.

I shake my head in reply, telling him that he's still MIA before getting told off by the teacher.

We both remain silent after that, only speaking of our work and the one time he tells me he's
surprised I've never had detention for the wrong shoes.

Nobody needs to know that I got a detention after class ended for the wrong shoes.


1.8k words.
Chapter 9. For You
Chapter Notes

recently i’ve gotten alot of commenta asking if this story is abandoned/ discontinued. I
just want you all to know that although my updates are irregular, I have the next 12
chapters planned and 3 of them are already finished.
If the story does become discontinued for whatever reason, I will post the remaining
chapters and write that it is discontinued.
So please dont stress!
-kim xx

"Jimin you're a life saver." I moan out as he places an iced americano on the table in front of me.
He smiles widely before kissing my forehead, moving to sit beside me.

"I know." I he replies, taking his books out and opening them to write in.
We're currently sitting in our math class waiting for the teacher to come and start the lesson.

We don't have to wait long before the teacher arrives and moves straight into the lesson. After 20
minutes of trig my mind starts to wander.

"We should go out tonight, on a date." I randomly announce to Jimin and he chokes out a cough,
face going a light pink.

"Are you okay Jimin?" the teacher asks from the front and after a few more smaller coughs he
yelps out a short 'yes'.

Jimin says nothing about my statement but rips a page out of his book and scribbles something on
it before sliding it onto my desk.

I open the paper and scrawled in his messy writing reads:

kook you can't just spring something like that on me in the middle of class.

My cheeks flush a light pink as I scribble my reply :

sorry, it was a random thought. you just look really pretty today and you make me happy and we
havent gone out on a proper date before but we dont have to if you don't want.

I pass it back and bite on the edge of my finger nail, watching as a small smile sits upon his face as
he carefully writes something and passes it back.

Do you want to go on a date with me Jungkook?


After all my classes finish for the day, I rush back to my room and slam through the door.

Much to my horror, Tae and Yoongi jump apart and pull the blanket up when the door hits the
"Oh god, i'm sorry!" I yelp as I cover my eyes with my hands.
"No Kook it's okay, we knew you'd be back eventually." Yoongi replies as I put all my things
down and look in my closet.

Almost two weeks after the 'incident', a sulky Taehyung had been pulled to the common room by
Yoongi. Jimin and I had been cuddling prior to their arrival, but I was quickly left to talk with Tae.

Taehyung had been extremely apologetic, even to the point of crying when he caught sight of the
still red scars on both my arms.
It was easy to forgive him, myself having never been mad at him in the first place.

It hadn't been the same for a few of the others; those being Jimin, Seokmin, Hoseok and Jin. But
everything was in the past now.

"I asked Jimin on a date," I randomly announce after nobody speaks. "Well I told him we should
go out and he choked on air so i told him he looked pretty and we didn't have to if he didn't want
and then he asked me out on a date."

"You're going on a date? Oh my god kook congrats! Do you know where you're going?" Taehyung
asks, rapid fire questions leaving his mouth.

His words get cut off when Yoongi places a hand over his mouth and tells him to not speak, which
he instantly complies to.

"Taehyung is going to go make sure Jimin is dressed appropriately so you have to tell us what you
plan to do on this date." Yoongi states and I fish mouth in reply.

"Honestly I thought he'd plan it since he asked me. and he's.." I say but don't finish my sentence.
Taehyung pulls out his phone and sends a text before telling me to close my eyes again.

I hear rustling before the door to our room opens and shuts. When I uncover my eyes, Yoongi is
still lounging in bed covered by the blankets with a dissatisfied look on his face.

His phone goes off with a notification and he checks it before pulling himself to a seated position.
"Alright, Jimin and Taehyung have made a plan for your date. Time to get dressed." Yoongi states.

I turn around again and give him a chance to get dressed before he's suddenly stood beside me
rifling through my wardrobe.

Only moments later, loud banging sound on the door to my room. Yoongi opens the door and a
panting, sweating Seokmin tumbles in.

"What happened? You texted 'Jungkook 911'." Seokmin pants out and he leans forward on his
knees and tries to breathe.

"He's got a date with Jimin tonight, thought you'd wanna help get him ready." Yoongi answers and
Seokmin looks up with a large grin.

"As much as I love you, i'm slightly offended you didn't tell me first." Seokmin states between
gulping breaths as he pulls me into a hug.

I laugh at him gently and we take a few minutes to let him catch his breath before i'm forcibly sat
on my bed.

My view of my cupboard is skewed as the two of them pull things out before putting them back in,
occasionally holding them to my body.
They argue mildly, some things being pulled out multiple times before they're finally left hanging.

"Are you going to tell me where we're actually going?" I ask after 10 minutes of watching them
argue in silence.

They both turn to me for a few seconds before going back to arguing and moving around clothes. I
groan loudly and flop onto my back on my bed.

I close my eyes to think about where we could possibly be going when a lump of material lands
heavily on my face. A second thump comes seconds latter and makes the mound heavier on my

A third thump shortly after and I sit up, allowing the mound of material to flop onto my lap.
"Seriously?" I grunt when Seokmin hits me in the face with a pair of socks.

"Shut up and get dressed." Yoongi murmurs as he places a belt on top of the pile.

I huff petulantly before standing and moving to the bathroom.

I undress quickly before putting each new item on one after another.

When I look in the mirror after redressing, I assess my outfit.

I'm in a pair of black jeans, a simple black t-shirt tucked in with a thin cammo jacket overtop.

I put the belt through the loops and let myself back into the main room where two sets of peeping
eyes immediately move to my figure.

"Ah! Perfect." Seokmin says with a clap of his hands, large grin settled on his face.
"Yeah, time to go to the flower shop and buy flowers before you meet Jimin at the park." Yoongi
tells me as I lace up the black boots Seokmin had thrown my way.

"What type should I get?" I ask as I grab my phone, wallet and keys.
"Iris', Tae says he likes them." Yoongi replies, Seokmin then telling me the address of both the
florist and the park so I thank them both before exiting the dorm.

I take the fastest possible route to the florist before doubling back to get to the park that i'd been
told to go to.

I've never been here before so I have no idea where to go or where to wait. After a few minutes of
looking back and forth from my left to my right, I pull out my phone and text Jimin asking where to
meet him.

The reply doesn't come till several minutes later, simply giving directions through the park until I
reach a section that turns to forest beside a lake.

"Wow," I murmer to myself as I look around. "This place is gorgeous."

Movement from the corner of the eye catches my attention and prompts to to turn towards a large
weeping willow tree thats so large part of it dangles over the water.

My jaw drops when my attention lands on Jimin, who's stood in front of a picnic blanket covered
with food and surrounded by lanterns.

Jimin looks EXTREMELY attractive, dressed in light blue jeans and a black knitted sweater
covered in coloured writing.
For the first time ever, Jimin's hair is styled so part of his forehead is visible. A factor I never
thought i'd find so attractive.

"Minnie.." I mutter quietly as I begin walking towards him. A large smile settles on his face as I
get closer before he pulls me into a hug.

"Hey Kookie, you look nice." Jimin tells me and I give him a shy smile.
"So do you. Did you do all this yourself?" I ask as I gesture towards the picnic setting.

"Yeah, I brought one of the school cameras too. I thought you might like to take some pictures
whist we're here." Jimin replies before pointing to the camera set beside some bags.

"You really are the best person ever created." I tell him before pulling him into a light kiss. His
mouth turns into a smile when I pull away and he ushers me to sit down with him and eat.

"So what made you decide on a picnic at the park?" I ask him as I take another picture of his
beautiful face looking out at the lake.

"Well, I knew that it would've taken alot of courage to have asked me out so you wouldn't have
thought about the where." Jimin explains with a grin.

I continue to take pictures of him as he explains the scenario and the decision making, smile never
leaving his face.

"This place is quite private, nobody but me ever comes here so it's my spot to hide from the
world." He states.

I look around all the beautiful features around us. "It's beautiful." I tell him as I lay on my back and
close my eyes.

"Yeah it is." Jimins voice airily replies.

Little did I know that he wasn't looking out at the view, but rather at me; eyes running from my
head to my toes.
I don't see the whistful smile on his face as he brings a hand forward to run through my hair.

1.7k words.
Chapter 10. Serendipity
Chapter Notes

guys it’s my birthday tomorrow!

Recently a lot of stuff has gone down in my personal life that has made it difficult for
me to write, but i hope things will start evening out soon! Enjoy!
-kim x

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"You want me to what?" I ask as I stand in the doorway to Jimins dorm room.
He's walking back and forth between the bedroom and the bathroom.

"I want you to help me dye my hair." He states again, holding out a pair of black rubber gloves to
me. "As much as I love the pink, I really want a change."

"But I like the pink." I whine childishly as I follow him into the bathroom, where my jaw quickly
drops open in shock.

His bathroom is set up completely different to mine, the whole section above his counter is full of
hair dyes and colour removers.
When he opens one section of cupboards below the counter it just shows even more hair dye.
"Jimin, what the fuck." I plainly say as I look over all the dye colours. He turns to look at me
before explaining that he very often dyes his own, along with other peoples hair.

"It's how I get my money, gotta pay for food somehow." He tells me and I blink blankly at him.

"If you do your hair so often, why do I have to do it now?" I ask him as he goes back to finding the
dye he wants and the tub to mix it in, which is in the other cupboard along with the usual bathroom

"I thought it would be a fun bonding experience." He shyly tells me and my hard exterior cracks.

"I'm going to miss the pink." I tell him with a pout and he kisses me lightly.
"I can always do it again."

He grabs a stool from beside the counter and brings it in front, sitting on it before mixing the dye
together is the tub with a dye brush.

"So what colour are you going?" I ask, leaning against the counter beside him; arms crossed over
my chest.

"Black." He answers simply and I nod in understanding.

"Have you ever gone black before?" I ask next, to which he shakes his head.

"The closest to black i've been is my natural hair." He informs me and from there the conversation
"All the other guys are coming over later so I can redye all their hair for them."

"Where's Hoseok? I thought he'd be here first since its his room too." I question. Jimin waves a
hand before answering, "He works as a dance teacher for other students, he'll probably be the last
one back."

"They're all going new colours so I'm excited." Jimin says after a few moments with a little excited
body wiggle.

"Are you gonna tell me what colour they're going or is it a surprise?" I ask in a teasing tone to
which he giggles and replies it's a surprise.
He gets everything ready and turns to face me with grin, eyes sparkling with happiness.
"So how exactly do I do this?" I ask as I pull on the rubber gloves and pick up the tub of dye.

"Use your hands to put the dye in bit by bit, go from root to tip." Jimin tells me, pointing to the
different parts of his hair.
"Theres a dye brush on the counter if you'd prefer to do that but it'll probably be easier for you to
use your hands."

"That's what she said." I whisper back before dipping my fingers into the dye.
"Goodbye pink hair, i'll miss you while you're gone." I say to his head before kissing it.

He giggles at my silliness, so I just go for it and put my dye covered fingers in the part of his hair.

"What happens if I mess it up?" I ask Jimin as I take his advice and start running it from root to tip.
"You won't ." Jimin replies simply and I roll my eyes out of his view.

We talk about everything and nothing as I put the dye throughout all his hair, massaging his head
along the way to get all the roots.

He's right about it being a good bonding experience, as he uses the time to point to all the dyes he's
ever used on his own hair.
He tells me about which ones have suited him and which haven't.

We talk about all the people who come to see him for help with their hair, and the number is alot
higher than I expected.

Eventually I tell him i'm done, and he stands up to check his hair and make sure I got it all. After a
quick look in the mirror, he turns to me with a bright smile and tells me I did well.

"Now! Can I pleaseee do your hair?" Jimin asks as he cleans the dye bowl.
I give him a side eyed glance. I've never dyed my hair before, liking the natural colour of it.

"Is that why you invited me here?" I ask skeptically and he laughs haughtily.
"Babe, no. I wanted you to do my hair but wouldn't it be fun if I did your hair too?" He states and I

"I guess," I admit. "What colour would you do it?"

He takes a moment to think, looking over all the different dyes he owns before pointing to a dark
brown colour that is lighter than my natural hair.

"Baby steps." He says with a small grin, and I can't help but agree to let him do it.
"Okay." I say and he wiggles in excitement before pulling the colour out and getting a new bowl.

He gets everything ready before pulling my shirt off, making my cheeks blush.
"What are you doing!" I shyly ask, using my arms to cover my body.

"I don't want to ruin your shirt, and I don't have one you can wear." He explains before sitting me
on the stool.
He pulls out a pair of gloves and puts them on before dipping his fingers in the bowl and running
them through my hair, not giving me a chance to back out.

"What if I hate the colour?" I ask and I hear him giggle behind me.
"You won't, you'll look handsome. I promise." He says and I calm down, resigning to my fate.

I pull out my phone and open snapchat, takin a picture of Jimin dying my hair and putting the
caption, 'what have I gotten myself into'.

I post the picture on my story and put my phone onto the counter in front of me, going back to
conversing with Jimin.

It buzzes a few times after a few minutes and I pick it up to see notifications from my groupchat.

From 97 Line groupchat (Yugyeom) : I think Kook lost his shirt.

From 97 Line groupchat (Bam) : my baby, he's growing up.

From 97 Line groupchat (DK) : He's with Jimin, what do you expect?

From 97 Line groupchat (Bam) : He's deflowering my baby!

From 97 Line groupchat (Mingyu) : BamBam, go find Mark. Kook isn't a baby, he can get
undressed for whoever he wants

From 97 Line groupchat (Minghao) : I could live without hearing about who Kook is gonna get
undressed for tbh.

I blush as I read through the messages my friends sent before looking back at the picture I put on
my story.
Seeing it now, I notice that my bare shoulders and upper chest are in frame.

I go back into the chat and send a message before turning my phone off and putting it down.

To 97 Line groupchat (Kook) : Shut up guys, it's all innocent

"Nearly done!" Jimin says from behind me, before small footsteps come around me and he stands
in front.
"I need to do the front parts." He states before putting one leg either side of me and sitting in my
lap, chest to chest.

My hands reflexively land on his waist to stop him from falling backwards and my cheeks flush

"Do you usually do this when you dye peoples hair?" I ask shyly as his hands go back in my hair,
"Cause if you do I might have to be a little jealous."

He laughs loudly and tilts backwards, making me glad I grabbed his waist as he very nearly tipped
backwards off my lap.

When he regains the ability to talk he says, "No, I don't usually do this with clients."

"That's good, because the method is questionable." I tell him and he smiles before kissing my lips
"I'm done." He says before sliding off my lap and pulling me towards his bedroom.

We sit in his room playing video games for around 20 minutes until he pauses the game and pulls
me into the bathroom again.

He moves to his shower and opens the door, turning it on before turning to face me.
"We need to wash the dye out now." He states, pulling his shirt off.
I go pink again and avert my eyes but I don't miss the sound of several clothing items hitting the

I feel a hand on my bare chest and look down into Jimins eyes.
"Come." He says, coaxing me towards the shower before stepping inside and turning away.

My eyes glide across his back, following his spine to a pair of back dimples and lower to his bum. I
blush and look up only to catch his eyes and blush more.

"Join me? I promise I wont look." Jimin states before turning away again. I take a second before
unbuttoning my jeans and sliding them down along with my boxers.

I shyly step out of them before stepping into the shower and closing the door behind me. I lift my
hands and place them on Jimin's hips and he turns to face me.

He smiles before leaning forward to kiss me, hands settling on my chest. When he pulls away he
pulls me under the water and runs his hands through my hair, carefully washing the dye out.

A content smile sits on my face as he shampoos and conditions my hair, gently massaging my
scalp each time.

When he's done with my hair we switch sides and he quickly does his own hair before looking at
me again. He pulls me into another kiss, this one more passionate with more feelings behind it.

I let myself fall into the feeling, kissing back and pulling him closer to my own body.
All this does is make our body's press together, giving friction to one another.

He moans into the kiss and places his hands on top of mine, guiding them down onto his ass. I can
feel my cheeks heat up, nervous and embarrassed for having never been with someone before.

"Jimin." I mutter as I feel one of him hands slide down my body, getting closer and closer to my

"It's okay, i've got you." He mutters back and pulls me into another kiss. I moan when his hand
wraps around my cock, pumbping lightly.

"Jimin.." I mutter again, moaning after as he begins to properly pump, moving to kiss and bite my
neck and my head tips back.

"The guys will be here soon." I breathily say between moans. He hums against my neck and starts
moving his hand faster.

I lean against the wall harshly when my legs feel like they'll give way. "Shit Jimin." I whine out
when his grip gets incredibly tight as he bites down hard on my neck.

I can feel him laughing against my throat before he grinds against my hip.

I snap to attention when I hear Jimins dorm room door open and Taehyungs voice calling through
the door.

Jimin moves away from my neck and meets my panicked eyes before flipping us and pushing me
to my knees in the section of the shower invisible from the bathroom door.
Cabinets at opposite end of bath, bathroom door across from covered side of shower.

I begin to quietly mutter in panic to Jimin and he shuts me up by shoving his cock in my mouth
seconds before I hear the bathroom door open.

"Jimin! Your hair is black!" I hear Taehyungs voice say and Jimin turns his head in his direction
with a smile.

Unbeknownst to Taehyung, Jimin is beginning to thrust lightly into my mouth. I let my hands form
fists against my thighs as I feel my own cock twitch.

I bring a hand up to fist my own cock, bobbing my head along to Jimins thrusts.

"Yeah, Jungkook helped me do it." Jimin replies, bringing one hand down to grip my hair and pull
me forwards.
"Oh really? Where is he now?" Taehyung asks and Jimin quickly answers, "He just popped back
home for a shower, he'll be back soon."

"Did you two remember to bring a dye shirt this time?" Jimin asks in an incredulous tone, his tight
grip in my hair is used to pull me onto his cock to a point where I can't breathe.

"Uhh, Yoongs?" Taehyung calls and Yoongi 'humphs' in reply.

"Did we remember to bring dye shirts?" Taheyung asks next no reply comes.

Just when I think i'm going to asphyxiate on my not-yet boyfriends cock, I hear his door slam and
he pulls out.

I cough and sputter for a few moments and Jimin puts his hand on my cheek.
"You did good baby, I'm sorry for giving you no warning. Are you okay?" Jimin asks and I look up
at him through teary eyes.

"I'm okay." I choke out and nuzzle into his hand. He smiles
"Hands off." He says before kicking my arm and I whine as I let go, which makes him smirk.

"I say we have probably 5 minutes before they get back." Jimin states with a smirk and I grin back.

When the boys are getting back minutes later, I'm dressed and sitting on the stool as Jimin, who is
only wearing a towel, dries my hair.

"Hey Kook, we must've missed you on your way back." Taehyung says as Jimin turns the drier off
and lets me stand up.

"Yeah must've." I mutter back and turn my eyes to Yoongi who has a knowing look in his eyes.

"I'm gonna start with Taehyung since it'll be quicker, you two can sit down somewhere." Jimin
states as Yoongi and I head into the bedroom and sit on his bed.

"So you had a shower in your room yeah?" Yoongi mutters after a few moments and I nod with a
"Funny, seeing as the shower was dry." He says next and I shoot his wide eyes.

"And yknow, how Jimin had two pairs of pants on his bathroom floor when he was showering."
Yoongi utters with a mischievous glint in his eye and a smirk on his face.

My cheeks flush slightly and he chuckles at me. He continues to tease me until Taehyung and
Jimin come back into the room.

Taehyungs hair is slicked back with a purple grey dye and Jimins hair is now dry.

"What are you two giggling about in here?" Jimin asks as he moves towards his closet.
"Oh, just pants." Yoongi says before chuckling. I take this as my queue and get up to enter the
bathroom, needing a moment to let my blush fade.

Yoongi follows me in moments later and sits on the stool in front of me. "Don't worry kid, your
secrets safe with me." He states and I nod slightly before sliding down to sit against the wall beside
the door.

Taehyung comes to sit beside me moments later and then Jimin enters and stands behind Yoongi.
"So what're we doing today?" Jimin asks as he runs his fingers theough Yoongis hair.
"Well, i'm kinda sick of the dark hair, so I'm thinking something light. Maybe mint green if
possible?" Yoongi replies and I see Jimin do his excited butt wiggle.

"Okay! That's so fun, i've never done mint before." Jimin states before going through his dyes and
pulling out a bottle of bleach.

He pours it into a bowl and applies it to Yoongi's hair soon after.

By the time it has all gone in his hair, Jin and Namjoon have both arrived wearing baggy shirts
covered in paint stains.

"Okay, i'm gonna let this sit to lighten all your hair. Jin, you're next." Jimin states, ushering Yoongi
off the stool and Jin on.

"I see you've let the pink fade out, are we staying blonde?" Jimin asks and Jin nods his head before
Jimin starts putting the unused bleach on his roots.

"Done and dusted, Joonie!" Jimin says after going through Jins roots and colouring them all.

"Now, what are we doing for you?" Jimin asks.

"I wanna go pink, switch it up a bit." Namjoon says as he pulls on his lilac hair.

"Easy, i'm gonna bleach all your hair and then pink it up." Jimin explains as he puts even more
bleach in the bowl.

Once he's covered Namjoons hair with the bleach, He ushers Yoongi over to the shower and
washes the bleach out, shampooing it before bringing him back to the stool.

"Yeees, it's lifted well as always. Let's put the green in." He says before pulling out an unopened
mint dye pack and applying it directly to Yoongi's head.

"You look kinda like a lettuce." I say when Yoongi's hair is covered in green and slicked back
against his head.
"Kid, you're secret wont be so safe with me if you dont sh." Yoongi says and I quickly shut my

This of course means that everyone wants to know what the secret is but Yoongi keeps his mouth
shut with a smirk on his lips.

Hoseok arrives and distracts from Yoongi's statement by coming in fast and loud. He sits down and
pulls out different dyes as he tries to decide what he wants.

"Let's go for a nice chestnut brown." Hobi says with a sunshine grin. Jimin gives an equally as
bright smile back before getting a new pair of gloves.

Jimin applies the dye all over Hoseoks head with ease and massages the roots.
"Done! Yoongi come to the shower." Jimin calls, moving to the shower.

He washes Yoongi's hair out again before giving him a towel and ushering Namjoon over. He
washes his hair out before sending him to the stool again.

Taehyung comes over next and gets his hair washed, staying for a longer head massage that leaves
him moaning in happiness.

Jin comes next and gets his hair washed quickly before Jimin covers his hair in toner and leaves to
put pink dye in Namjoons hair.
Jimin hums as he covers Joons hair in pink dye, massaging it in happily.

"Okay, Yoongs cmere and lemme dry it." Jimin says as he plugs in the dryer. Yoongi sits down
and Jimin picks up a brush before drying his hair and styling it roughly.

"Ahh! I love it!" Jimin says when he's done and lets him go look in a mirror.
"It looks good, thank you." Yoongi says with a gracious smile.

Taehyung is next, sitting down and allowing Jimin to dry his hair and style it with a slight middle
part. Jimin grins when he's finished and lets him go look too.
He comes back moments later with a grin and gives Jimin a big bear hug.

Jimin sets the brush and dryer down and goes back to the shower to wash out both Joon and Hobi's

He quickly dries Jins hair with a side part before moving onto Joon, whome he gives a slight quiff
and cuts the sides off.

He ushers Hobi over next and dries it straight in a bowl cut.

"You're really good at this." I say when Jimin lets Hobi up and he grins at me.
"Yeah, i've been doing it for a while now so i'd say so." Jimin agrees.

God he's adorable. So fucking adorable.

3.3k words.
Chapter End Notes

this chapter is the calm before the storm, im excited knowing where things will go
from here. hehe, time to put a little pain in the mix.
Chapter 11. N.O

"Kid get up. We're going shopping." Yoongi calls as he pulls my blankets off me and hits me with
a pillow.

"I know, I know." I mutter as I tiredly sit up and rub my eyes. "Who's coming?" I ask when I pull
my hands away to look at him through squinted eyes.

"Everyone, now get dressed. We need to go or we'll be late." Yoongi states, throwing clothes at me
before sitting down on Taes bed.

I can hear the shower running in the bathroom which helps me figure out where Tae himself is.

"Do you know why everyone is coming today, like what they're getting from the shops." I ask him
as i pull my shirt over my head and throw it towards my clothes basket.

Yoongi huffs a sigh before replying, "Joon wants a new pillow, Jin wants to get some new pans
cause Tae and Joon burnt all theirs in 'the incident'."

'The Incident' occurred a few days ago when Joon, Tae and I thought it'd be a nice surprise to make
food for Jin. It didn't exactly end well.

"Hobi wants to buy some new clothes, Min wants to help you pick out stuff and get new clothes,
Tae wants to get some random knick knacks as well as some clothes." He finishes speaking
without explaining his reason.

"And you?" I ask as I jump ungracefully in an attempt to get my jeans up my thighs, a sight I can
imagine isn't that great.

"Anywhere Tae goes, I follow." He answers simply with a shrug. I smile slightly at his answer
before moving to put on my shoes.

It takes another 20 minutes before Tae is ready to go, meaning we're 30 minutes later than
everyone else at arriving at the shopping centre.
"God this place is huge, I can't believe i've never been here before." I mutter to myself in disbelief.

"So do you two know where it is that we're meeting everyone?" I ask ask we wander aimlessly on
the first floor for a few minutes.

"Not a clue." Taehyung replies and Yoongi rolls his eyes before pulling out his phone, tapping a
few times before holding it to his ear.

In the end, everyone came to us; as Tae proved to be especially bad at directions and led us in the
same circle 4 times.

"Kookie!" Jimin squeals before running up and jumping into my arms, legs wrapped tightly around
my waist.

Jimin has slowly but surely began getting more open with his affection, loving cuddles and praise
just as much as food and dance.

"Hi Minnie." I whisper in his ear before giving him a quick peck, cheeks heating up.

Unlike Jimin, I still am not used to giving anything but platonic affection. I still get extremely shy
and self conscious about myself in our relationship but i'm working on it.

"Well let's get started then!" Jin says before dragging us all towards a home style store. After going
in and put of several stores, we recognise that we'll need to put our bags in the car before coming
back for round two.

"Who would've thought that clothes could weigh this much." Jimin huffs as he carries one bag on
each arm, both full to the brim with clothes.

"Who would've thought you'd want to buy so many clothes." I tease in reply, and he sticks his
tongue out at me.

"Hurry up guys, I want to go to that one clothes store on the other end of the building." Taehyung
calls as he rushes us to shove our bags in the boot of the car.

"Well I need to head to the bed store so you guys can go without me, i'll catch up." Namjoon states
as he slams the boot of Jin's car.

"I'll come with you, I need to buy some pillows and sheets." I reply, following behind him as we
split the group in two.

"Wait!" Jimins voice calls before he pulls my arm back and slides a finger onto my ring finger.

"Now we can match!" Jimin says with a grin that must make it impossible to see, as he lifts his
own left hand to show a matching ring.

I give him a soft smile before kissing him lightly and sending him off to the others as I walk with

"The pillows are at the back of the store, let's go."

Joon guides us to the back of the store, occasionally stopping to look over the patterns of some bed

"What kind of pillow are you looking for? a hard one or a soft one?" He asks before we decide to
just test them all.

"Ooo, Kook test this one." Joon says before shoving a pillow in my direction.

I put it onto our 'testing shelf' and lay my head onto it. "Oh my god it's perfect." I tell him before
following him to grab as many as our hands can hold.

Just as i'm about to rearrange to pick up another, a collection of screams sound from around the
store. Both our heads dart in the direction of the screams before looking back at each other.

"Put your hands up, NOW!" A voice says behind me and when I turn, I see a guy in a ski mask
pointing his hands at me, both engulfed in flames.

Joon and I both carefully put down the pillows before lifting our hands up with our palms

"Now, I want you to walk with your hands up. We're moving to the middle of the store."

He then proceeds to lead the both of us to the middle of the store where there's another 4 people in
ski masks.

On of them is short with a feminine figure, she's using her power to twine vines around the arms of
the civilians in the store.

The second is a short male with a bandana around his face and glasses. "Make sure the brunette is
tied up tight, we may have a use for him."

"Right on boss." The girls says before making her way towards us.

"Hey no, stay away from me." I say before backing up.

My movements stop when heat radiates against my back, the original guy has his fiery hands held
close to me.

Rather than complying like they probably expected me to, Joons voice jumpstarts my movement.

"Do it Kook." Joon says quietly as the girl ties him up, so I do. Within seconds, I spin around to
face the first guy and punch him hard in the stomach; which sends him flying to the back of the
store with a shout, and a loud resounding crash.

"Seriously kid?" comes the voice of their 'boss', "Jinyoung get in there, he's coming with us when
we leave."

The guy he calls Jinyoung is around 6 feet tall with a wicked grin, he’s got staples holding parts if
his flesh together.. He lifts his arm and I barely have the time to recognise he has a gun before he
shoots twice.

Both shots hit me straight on the shoulder and send me off my feet and onto my back. I can
vaguely hear Joon yelling my name in the background past the excruciating pain in my head.

I bring both hands to my head and can do nothing but scream, feeling as though someone is trying
to crack my head open.

"That's enough, go tie him up." And the pain is gone, hands force my arms behind me and leave
me layed on my stomach.
"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Joon asks once things quiet down. "And what do you
want with him."

"Simple science! We're here for the money, you'd be shocked to know that this store has one of the
biggest and fullest vaults out back, we have a few people there at the moment getting the money."

"As for him, Kook was it?" He asks looking at Namjoon. "Well you've seen his quirk, and he is
going to do alot of bad for us. Better prepare for him to disappear from your life forever." He
finishes with a loud laugh.

"What makes you think i'll let you take him?" Namjoon asks when the room goes silent again.

"Well, you see. I have a quirk that allows me to see peoples power and therefore use it to my
advantage, sometimes even using it for them."

"I know what your quirk is, and I know you can't stop me. He could've if he wasn't lost in his own
mind. He's more powerful than he knows, and that scares him, he could kill someone with ease."

"That scares him, but i'm going to give him his power back. When i'm done with him, he wont
remember his name, but he will remember that I am the one in control."

This is my end, I can't escape from this.

"Well, as lovely as it was to chat; we're done here so we'll be taking your boy and leaving." The
guy says, followed by two more gun shots.

I can't see what's happening, but Joon doesn't speak again. Tears stream down my face as choked
sobs leave my mouth, my body is picked up and carried over Jinyoungs shoulder.

I only just manage to catch a glimpse of Joon, just able to see that he isn't bleeding but has two
holes in his shirt.
I look down at my own shoulder and through my tears notice that I'm not bleeding either. Using my
teeth, I rip my shirt open and see that instead of bullet wounds, I have two metal disks imbedded in
my shoulder.

"Alright kid, time to go night night." A new man says before putting a bag over my head and
throwing me into what I assume is the back of a van.

Oh god, what am I going to do?


1.6k words.
Chapter 11.5 - N.O
Chapter Summary

merry christmas to you all! i hope you enjoy your holidays.

feel free to leave feedback, i love hearing from you all

"Cmon Jimin hurry up, we need to get the other two before we go out for lunch." Hoseoks voice
calls to me and I turn from where I was looking into another clothing store.

"There's no rush, they aren't going anywhere." I reply with a giggle, following after them slowly.

Hello shoppers, there is an incident currently occurring at Best Beds on the west side of level
If you can please leave this area in a slow and orderly fashion, we will be setting a police
Your assistance is appreciated.

The words coming through the overhead speaker freeze our whole group in its tracks.
"That isn't.." Taehyungs voice mutters quietly as people walk in the opposite direction of the west
side of the store.

"Oh my god." Jins panicked voice says before he takes off running in the direction of the store, us
all following close behind.

My blood is practically crawling out of my skin as we run through crowds of people who are trying
to get as far away from the store as possible.

By the time we arrive, a police perimeter has been set; and many officers are milling around trying
to get more information about what's happening on the inside.

"What the fuck is happening! Our friends are in there!" Yoongi yells at one of the cops who passes
us, who gives the same spiel they give when they're oblivious.

"Who is in charge here, I want to speak to them." Yoongi continues as I stare blankly into the store,
nobody is visible from this position.

As Yoongi proceeds to yell at the police captain who was directed in his direction.

In my peripheral, I see Jin get his ringing phone out of his pocket before quickly bringing it to his

"Joon? Are you there? What's happening!" Jin shouts beside me, catching the attention of both
Yoongi and the Police Captain.

Jin gets a confused look of his face before he puts it on speaker for us to hear.

"-p. We're moving to the centre of the store." A muffled voice says.

"Oh my god you've got a voice on the inside, come with me." The policeman says before guiding
the 5 of us forwards to an area with two guys sat at computers.

They take the phone and connect it to a computer to bring up the sound for us to hear easier.

"Make sure the brunette is tied up tight, we may have a use for him." A new voice said, closely
followed by a female voice saying, "Right on boss."

"Hey no, stay away from me." Jungkooks voice says through the speaker and I start to cry from
happiness, he's okay.

There's alot of random static sounds from the phone before Joons voice barely picks up in a
whisper. A shout and a loud crash follow seconds later and I can only imagine Jungkook has done

"Seriously kid?" comes the voice of their 'boss', "Jinyoung get in there, he's coming with us when
we leave."

The resounding silence comes as a stark shock to the sound of two gunshots going off. My blood
runs cold, and the seconds that follow are full of silence and stillness.

It's short lived though when Namjoons panicked yells of Jungkooks name comes through the
reviever, only solidifying my panic and make my tears come back for a second time.

"Oh my god.." Tae's voice comes through and he sounds choked as well, unbeknownst to us he has
had his phone pressed to his ear the whole time, Seokmin on the phone and now screaming into the
phone after hearing the shots.

"Oh, oh no." Yoongi says, who happens to be in the same position as Tae; but instead has
Jungkooks older brother on the phone.

The next thing to come through the receiver is heart wrenching screams, screams of unimaginable
pain. My heart breaks listening to them, as it's clearly coming from Jungkook.

"You need to go in there, you need to get them out." I cry out as I push the policeman back, tears
continuing to stream as the situation continues to get worse.

"We still don't fully know the situation, going in there now could be the difference between life
and death." He replies as Jin pulls me back, wrapping his arms around me.

"That's enough, go tie him up." Is barely decipherable through the speaker before the screaming
stops completely.

"One of them must have a quirk that causes pain, otherwise he wouldn't have stopped screaming
straight away." A new policeman says as he stands stock still beside us.

"Either that or he passed out." Hoseok says grimly.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Joons voice asks once things quiet down. "And what do
you want with him."

It takes a few seconds, but not forever for the 'boss' to start replying.

"Simple science! We're here for the money, you'd be shocked to know that this store has one of the
biggest and fullest vaults out back, we have a few people there at the moment getting the money."

"At least we know more about the situation now." the cop says quietly.
"As for him, Kook; Jungkook was it?" He asks next and my breath hitches. "Well you've seen his
quirk, and he is going to do alot of bad for us. Better prepare for him to disappear from your life
forever." He finishes with a loud laugh.

I can feel my body bubbling with panic as his laughter continues. This can't be happening.

"What makes you think i'll let you take him?" Namjoon asks when the room goes silent again.

"Well, you see. I have a quirk that allows me to see peoples power and therefore use it to my
advantage, sometimes even using it for them."

"I know what your quirk is, and I know you can't stop me." He replies in a heavily mocking tone

"He could've if he wasn't lost in his own mind. He's more powerful than he knows, and that scares
him, he could kill someone with ease."

I grab Taehyungs hand when he holds it out to me, gripping it tightly as if hoping this was all a

"That scares him, but i'm going to give him his power back. When i'm done with him, he wont
remember his name, but he will remember that I am the one in control."

What does that mean?

"What the fuck does he mean? Why would he not remember his name?" Yoongi states harshly into
the quiet and the policeman beside us sighs heavily.

"This is classified information. The man running everything is known as 'The Boss'. All the people
in his crew are people that he's kidnapped for their quirks and brainwashed to forget everything of
their lives."

His voice seems to wittle away the more he speaks as there are several angry men looking at him.

"Why the fuck are you sitting around if you know his plan and that he plans to kidnap someone!"
Yoongi's enraged voice shouts at him before silencing as the phone crackles again.

"Well, as lovely as it was to chat; we're done here so we'll be taking your boy and leaving." The
boss says petulantly, followed closely by two more gunshots.

Dread fills my body as I rip myself away and run to the store, followed by shouts of my name and

I run into the store and through the isles until I reach the centre where the registers are. The area is
scattered with people tied up and crying.

I scan the area with my eyes until I land on Namjoon, who is laying sideways on the floor staring
towards the back of the store.

"Oh my god baby." Jins voice chokes out as he drops to his knees beside Joon. and wraps his arms
around him.

"Where is he." I say, looking around at all the civilians sitting tied up. They all have fear written on
their faces.

"Where is Jungkook?!" I scream through my tears until one guy nods his head towards the back of
the store where Namjoon was looking.
I run behind two cops as we find the emergency exit door and slam through it.

A van only just manages to pass by as we get out, I lift my hands and try to use my power to lift it
in the air but it's nit trained enough and only rocks slightly as it drives away.

"No.." I mutter as I start to run for it. "NOO!" I screech as I drop to my knees, never standing a
chance against a speeding van.

Screams rip from my throat as my body curls up, how could this happen? How could I lose him?

1.4k words.
Chapter 12. Boy Meets Evil

Trigger Warning - Abuse, Brainwashing, Beatings, Mutilation

I can't see, my eyes are covered with some kind of bag and I can feel that my arms are being held in
place somehow.
My wrists and ankles feel as though they're bolted down to the chair i'm sitting on, no amount of
pulling moves them away from their position.

Oh god.

Panic bubbles in my chest as the predicament dawns on me. I just got kidnapped, and I'm trapped
somewhere without anybody knowing where I am.

What are they going to do to me? Are they going to kill me? I don't want to die, but I don't want to
live to see myself become a villain.

Am I the only person they took? I assume I am seeing as they left the store with only me but they
knocked me out seconds after throwing me into the van.

I hear a door slide open somewhere in front of me, followed closely by footsteps of varying
degrees of lightness.

I struggle more as the footsteps gets closer, the distance shortening between myself and whoever's
just entered the room.

Suddenly the cloth is ripped off my head and i'm fighting to see anything through the blinding
lights shined directly in my eyes.

All the people in the room are shrouded in shadows, hidden behind the lights pointed in my
direction. I flit my eyes around the parts I can see, and notice I am bolted down to a chair you'd
find in a dentists office, machines all around me.
I also take in that my shirt is no longer on my body, but rather sitting on a tray a few feet away.

"So, Jungkook was it?" A male voice says, although I pay him no attention as I try to pull at my
restraints again, hoping to get free.

"From now on you're going to be referred to as either bunny, or rabbit." I pull harder as his words
flow out, feeling anger and fear bubble beneath my skin.

"Settle down kit," The voice says again, "we're your family now."

"No." I growl out, stopping my movement to glare down the silhouettes of the people stood before
me. "I will never be like you."

The shortest figure steps forwards and I see it's the guy who was calling all the shots in the store.
"Now little bunny, we are going to make you forget all those pesky memories of your past, but
"Is there anybody you know that would do us any good to recruit on our team? Maybe someone
who's got time control? or maybe even someone who can plant images in your mind?"

Two people instantly come to mind when he says this, but I shake my head. "I'll never help you,
you're pathetic."

"Oh but you will kit, you'll tell me exactly what I want to know." He says before ushering over a
guy covered in gun and knife holsters.

He pulls out a knife from his right thigh holster and flips it around in his hand before walking
towards me.

Using the knife, he cuts a line across my chest in a quick clean movement. Curses loudly fly out of
my mouth, just shy of screaming at the sensation.

"Let's try again. Do you know anybody, with time control or mind manipulation quirks?" The boss
asks with a gesture of his hands, as if my lack of co-operation was an inconvenience to him.

"Why would I ever tell you." I grunt back, only to scream when the knife runs across my chest in
the same spot, just cutting deeper.

The man makes a tutting sound at me as he steps towards me, "You only make things harder for
yourself by resisting," he says in a condescending tone.

"I will never help you," I grind out after swallowing a groan, "I don't care what you do to me; I
won't give you what you want."

I stare into his eyes, his face a mask if displeasure before he turns his back to me and walks back to
where he came from.

"Do your worst soldier, have fun with it." The man says before disappearing out of sight, followed
closely by all the other people in the room. Except the man with the knives.

For hours, the man diligently slices into my skin. Asking the same question again and again and
always getting the same answer.
He's determined, i'll give him that. But I refuse to let anyone be brought here.

After a while I lose track of time, nausea and dizziness hitting me as the blood spilling from my
body increases.

Eventually it all stops, the man backs away and puts the knife away. Immediately i'm swarmed by
multiple people in white coats with needles and thread, towels and bottles of unknown liquid.

I can barely tell they're sewing and cleaning me up, barely able to find a thought that makes sense
in my mind. I'm vaguely aware that they've put a needle in my arm thats giving me blood, but it
hardly seems important in this moment.

Eventually I decide to just close my eyes and try to forget that any of this is actually happening.
When I open my eyes again, the doctors are gone and my wounds are covered; almost my entire
chest is wrapped in bandage.

I look up and find that all the people from earlier are back in the room and staring at me.
"Welcome back to consciousness Kit," The boss states as I glare at him.

"Ready to tell us who you're clearly keeping secret?" He questions as he takes a step closer and gets
in my face. In answer I lean forward slightly and spit in his face.

The man gives me an unimpressed look before lifting an arm and using two fingers to gesture
someone forward.

A new figure steps out of the shadows, this one probably nearly 7 feet tall and built like a tank. I
watch through narrowed eyes as his left arm turns to metal, moving from the tips of his fingers up
underneath his shirt.

Using that same fist, he slams a punch to my face; the chair i'm strapped to tilting to the right and
just barely staying upright.

Blood and saliva drips from my mouth were my teeth collided with my lip and tongue.
"This here is Juggernaut, Jug for short." The short man says in an amused tone as the guy I now
know to be 'Jug' continues raining down punches on me.

"When we finally finish the process of complete wipe, he will be training you and your powers."
One he finishes speaking, he ushers the man back into the shadows before commanding a girl to
come forth to the machines.

"Open your mouth little rabbit." he mutters in a condescending tone as he attempts to push a mouth
plate between my teeth, giving me something to bite down on.

I begin to struggle again when something comes down onto my head and puts pressure on my
forehead and upper left cheek.

The panic bubbles and I start to scream, crying out for help in some kind of attempt to stop what I
know will inevitably happen.

"Hush little rabbit. It's time for the fun part." the man says before whispering to the girl stood in
front of the machines.

I try to turn my head and look at her, managing to catch her eyes with my own. She looks afraid,
sorry even if I dare think it.

I watch her look away before pulling down a lever and after that all I can feel is unimaginable pain.

1.2k words.
Chapter 13. Stigma
Chapter Notes

enjoy my babies!
im really excited for the upcoming chapters to be posted so watch out for them ♡

Trigger Warning - Abuse

My cell isn't too bad. Is it a cell? I don't really remember anymore.

It's got a bed in the corner, with a pillow and a blanket.
There's a toilet on the other side of the room, with a sink across from it.

Every few hours they bring me food. Although, I dont really know how far apart the time is.

I spend most of my time sitting on my bed, trying to remember what it was like before I was here.

Sometimes a name will come to me. Jimin. I dont know who this is but I think he was mine.

Other times it's a face, beautiful tanned skin surrounding chocolate brown eyes. The hair is never
the same, sometimes pink, sometimes black, sometimes silver. But one time it was blonde, and it
was beautiful.

Occasionally it's a sound, laughter, coming from plump lips.

One time it was a feeling, my heart beating faster and my stomach feeling as if butterflies were
trying to escape.

But none of them are at the same time.

Sometimes I remember other things, my brother, my best friend, a boy who got hurt, and a guy
with pink hair calling out the name 'Jungkook' as he looked at me helplessly.

The people never speak to me, only about me and around me.
Sometimes they take me to the chair, the one that hurts alot.

They call me Bunny, sometimes Rabbit. One calls me Kit. But I know those aren't my real name.

I think it's Jungkook, have heard that name falling from the lips of the pretty boy with the sparkling
I've seen it written on books and pieces of paper. Read it on a card.
Saw it on a banner.

I try to hold onto these memories.

My clothes haven't changed since I got here, they're dirty, but they're mine. My shirt was lost,
sometimes I get cold.
I spend alot of time looking at the ring on the 3rd finger of my left hand. It's special. I don't know
why, but it is.

Sometimes a really tall man will come to my room, turn his arm to metal and beat me up.
Sometimes it's a man covered in kevlar who uses knives to slice into the skin of my stomach and
back. Other times a woman in a lab coat will bring me tablets as she does stitches. She always
looks sad.

When my door opens for the first time in who knows how long, the small man comes in. The one
who calls me kit.

"Hello little Kit," he says with a smile that looks wrong, too big for the sentence he's said. "It's time
to get you out for a test run." He states as the tall man pulls me to my feet and pushes me out the

The hallway is dirty, moss growing in the corners. I turn back and see that it goes backwards too.
We turn left, but a look to the right shows a phone sitting on the receiver.

They take me up a flight of stairs and pull me through multiple minding hallways that go in many
different directions.

I don't speak as they pull me into a dark room. When they flick a light on, I see lots of cars and

They continue pushing me to a grey van, before forcing me into the back whilst they all find
seating in other cars.

Darkness again, will I ever escape it? the only thing that stops my panic is that After the car starts
to move, I can see light through the inbetween area of the doors.

I get jostled alot as the car moves, side to side i'm shaken before up and down over bumps in the
road. There are other items in the back with me, but I cant make them out in the darkness, although
I can see bags and sacks.

Metal grates against metal as some of the objects slide across the bottom of the car.

Someone sharing the space forces a piece of material over my head and I register that it's probably
a shirt.

Finally the car jerks to a stop and the doors in front of me open. I get pulled out and see that there
are 8 people with us.

The leader, the tall metal man, a girl twining tree roots between her fingers, a guy wearing thick
goggles, a girl with what looks to be needles strapped to her back, a boy with diamonds stuck to his
canine teeth, a man with his skin stapled together in multiple places and a man flipping a coin
between his fingers.

"Now kit, we need to do this fast. Not like when we recruited you." The short man says whilst
walking to the door and pulling it open, everyone following behind him.

I'm last in the single file line, following the only people who seem to know me through a hallway.

I can hear commotion up ahead, and when I step through the door my eyes widen in shock.

They've got everyone down on their knees, whilst they yell loudly.
Two of the eight split off and walk to the back of the store and the rest are pushing people down
and hitting them if they dont cooperate.

"What are you doing?" I question in confusion. "Stop!"

I push some of the people behind me as I catch Jug's fist, using my grip to push him to his knees
before kicking him away.

"Kit, what are you doing." The short man growls out angrily as I push a woman and a child out of
the doors, out of the reach of the girl with the vines.

"No! Don't hurt them!" I cry as I speed around the store pulling people out of harms way to safety.

I can see the confusion sprouting on the faces of those who brought me to the store. But I can also
feel the palpable anger radiating from the small man.

"Dixon, stop him NOW!" The small man shouts, and suddenly pain is radiating in my head,
forcing me to drop to my knees as screams of pain leave my body. I can also feel a pulsing
sensation coming from my shoulder and when I scratch at it, something pulls out painfully but the
hurting in my head stops.

I pant heavily for a few moments before getting back to moving people to safety.

"What the fuck?" Dixon says before noticing the small patch of red where i'd ripped the trackers
out of my skin that he uses to aim his powers.

"Oh for fuck sake." He groans before shooting at me again.

This time they hit me in the back of my left shoulder, and stop me in my tracks where i'm ushering
a man and his two kids through the door.

Pain radiates through me again and I drop onto my stomach, writhing in intense pain.

I open my eyes and look up to see that a woman outside, with beautiful brown skin and waist length
braids, has her phone out and is recording everything thats going on.

She quickly becomes a blur though when tears start to fill my eyes from the pain.
When he finally stops, he comes to where i'm laid on the ground before kicking me multiple times
all over my body.

I can't even stop the assault, body too exhausted from the pain. I can hear people around me
crying, whether it be fear, or sadness about what they're witnessing I may never know.

One harsh kick to my head has me seeing double, before i'm being lifted off the ground and
brought out the back door. Whatever they'd gone there to do, they'd finished doing it.

I know whats coming when they bring me back to wherever they were keeping me, especially
when they bypass my cell and taking me to the chair.

Guess it's too late to say I miss my cell.

1.3k words.
Chapter 14, Not Today

Trigger Warning - Abuse

"Try again," seem to be the only words I hear these days. Well, other than "take him to the chair,"
which is my least favourite thing to hear.

For hours everyday, I get locked in a room with Juggernaut and some weights as they force me to
train my quirk.

Over and over again, they beat me down in attempts to build me up. Over and over again, they
force me to punch boxing bags, walls and Juggernaut until my fists are bleeding.

I've had to have my wrists and shoulders reset multiple times from them being popped out of place
after hitting too hard.

The concrete walls in the practise room have been chipped and worn down from day in and day out

"Try. Again." Juggernaut demands as he watches me lay knelt on the ground, tension running
through my body from the strain of having spent who known how long lifting heavy item after
heavy item.

My body is on fire by this point. Not long ago they moved me to an outdoors area where they had
me lifting cars and metal crates.

Sometimes they force me to do push ups and pull ups with the extra weight of Juggernauts metal
form making it difficult.

Day in and day out i'm forced to do these exercises in order to build my strength and show them
what I have, and although they know I can give them more; I never show the full extent of my

It might be a subconscious decision, a part of me that's lost still trying to surface. It may be a
conscious one, a part of me knowing that if they know the full extent of what I can do; they will
use it against me.

And yet sometimes I slip up. Sometimes I send Juggernaut flying backwards from a hit, or throw a
train car like its a sack of flour.

I grunt when he lands a kick to my stomach, nearly knocking me from my knelt position to lay on
my side.

"You're starting to get on my nerves kid. Boss says you'll be getting new handlers if you don't start
listening," Juggernaut growls and he steps down on my back with all his weight, trying to push me
on my stomach.
"And they won't be as nice as I am."

I roll away from his foot and push to my own, listening as he instructs me on my next task.

I let my eyes roam around the area we're in, seeing large building and smaller ones. Some with
rounded roofs and some with square.
The whole area is fenced in, wire surrounding the top and people with guns walking around every
few moments.
Some of the rooftops are guarded by men as well, guns aimed for quick release if necessary.

I lose focus in the moment, looking around, and am unprepared when a fist lands on my face and
knocks me to the ground.

The barrage of fists and feet don't stop, leaving bruises on bruises and leaving pain to run through
my every bodypart.

How could I let myself lose focus.

When it all finally stops, Juggernaut grabs me by the back of my neck as if I were a kitten and
walks me in front of a cement wall.

"You aren't eating until this whole thing is rubble," Juggernaut says as he gestures to the wall.

I stare at him momentarily, watching as he moves towards a chair as a man brings it out. He sits
down and looks at me, taking a bite out of an apple the man hands him.

He does another small hand moment that brings my eyes back to the wall and I let the tension build
in my arms.

Best to get started whilst it's still light out.

0.6k words.
a.n - this is the same day as the last chapter
Chapter 15. Save Me

Trigger Warning - Abuse

"Hey Bun." The blonde woman says as she enters my cell, she's got on her lab coat like always and
is carrying a first aid kit.

She sits down on the edge of my bunk, keeping a small distance between us as she opens the kit
and finds what she was looking for.

"I noticed that you have some scars on your arms, you had them before you got here. Do you know
where they are from?" She asks me whens she takes one of my hands into her own in order to wrap
my bruised fist and sprained wrist.

I look down to the jagged scars taking up both my arms when she brings attention to them.


I shrug my shoulders, not remembering. No surprise.

I stay quiet as she begins to dab a damp cotton ball onto a cut on my forehead. My body registers
that there is pain in the area but no actual pain is felt.

I'm missing something. I'm meant to be with someone. who is it. who is it. who is it.

My fingers twiddle my ring as she cleans up the cuts on my face, some needing a few stitches to
keep them closed.

"Did someone give that to you?" She asks as she puts some cream onto my face.

"Mine.." I mutter to myself. "He was mine.." She stops moving as she looks at me, staring into my
eyes with an unreadable expression.

"Who was yours?" she asks in a whisper.

"The boy with the plump lips.. and the pretty eyes.. J, his name has a J." I reply, feeling a headache
come on from how hard i'm trying to push through the haze of my memories.

"I need him." I say with a sniffle, not even realising that i'd started to cry.
She gives me a look that reads pure sadness and jumps to her feet, opening the door and looking to
both sides.

After a moment she comes to my side again, pulling me to my feet and towards the door. She turns
to me at the last second and says, "Get back to him. Get out of here."

I look at her wide eyed for a second before running out the door and down the hallway. I stop at
the end and look both ways, at one end is another turn, and the other is a hallway with a phone sat
on a table outside it.

I run to the right and grab the phone before bolting down the hallway and super speed. I run down
a flight of stairs before dipping into a cupboard.
I barricade the door with a broom before staring down at the phone. I know I wont be able to get
past everyone to escape, but I can call someone and get help.

After a few moments of aimless staring I hear people yelling and feet hitting the ground a few
floors above me. A number pops into my head at that moment and I just dial it in.

I dont know whos number it is, all I know is that this person can help.

I pant heavily as I listen to it ring, hoping to everyone that someone will answer.

"Hello?" a rough voice says through the phone, they sound tired.

"I need help." I whisper into the phone, hoping that none of the people I can hear stomping around
in search of me will hear me and be lead in my direction.

"Who is this?" the person asks in a tired tone and I panic for a moment.
"I.. I'm not sure." I mutter into the phone, distress rising every second. "I think my name is
Jungkook but I don't know.. everyone here calls me bunny."

"Holy shit." A new voice says before lots of slams and shuffles can be heard. "Jimin! Jimin come
here now and bring everyone!" The voice shouts loudly and I whine as I look to the underneath of
the door, checking for shadows.

"What is it Joon?" A new voice says and before anyone can answer I speak, "Jimin.. I know

"Oh my god." Someone says before clatters come through the phone.

"Jungkook? Baby oh my god it's you!" Jimins voice says through the phone but he sounds choked

"Baby where are you?" He asks and I panic as I hear footsteps come down the hallway. I plant my
hand over my mouth and stop breathing as two sets of footsteps pass me as they yell loudly in
search of me.

"Jungkook who was that? Are you okay?" The first guys voice asks and I shake my head even
though I know he can't see it.

"I'm not safe here." I whisper as quietly as I can into the phone.

"Son, this is Captain Reyner with the FBI, I need you to tell me anything you can about where you
are and who has got you."

"I don't know, they only let me go in my cell, the training room and the room with the chair." I
whisper, biting down on my lip to stifle a whine when the footsteps pass again.

"What is the room with the chair?" A new voice says, it sounds familiar but i can't place who it is.

"It's where they take me to forget.. i can't remember.. it hurts." I whimper as I place my hand on my
forehead where I know a bruise is constantly blooming.

"It's okay Jungkook, can you tell me anything about the people there." The captain asks after a
moment, in the background I can hear sobbing coming from multiple people and muttering as if
someone is talking on the phone.

"I think everyone has nicknames.. but I only know three of them," I reply, "Dixon, he shoots you
with metal plates than imbed in your skin and he uses them to control his powers."

"Second is the soldier. I don't know his quirk but he has knives, and he knows how to use them."

"The other is Jug.. Juggernaut. He can make himself metal, he beats me up alot in between visits to
the chair."

I can hear someones crying get louder and I whine at the sorrow full sound.
"What about the leader?" The captain asks and I reply, "I don't know his name, but he calls me kit.
he has control of everyone here."

"There's also a woman here with blonde hair and glasses, she sews me up alot but she also controls
the chair." I say as I think back to the woman who let me out of my cell.

"Other than them I saw a few more around, a girl twining tree roots between her fingers, a guy
wearing thick goggles, a girl with what looks to be needles strapped to her back, a boy with
diamonds on his canines and a man flipping a coin between his fingers." I quietly explain.

"Jungkook do you know where you are?" The first man questions and I try to think.
"I don't know, it seems like a big place. I saw the garage once and I think it was really big."

"You think?" Someone questions and I curl up into a ball.

"I- I can't remember." I whisper.

"What can you remember?" The first guy asks and I close my eyes as I think.

"I remember a boy with silver hair and pretty brown eyes. I- I don't know who it is but I think he's
mine," A whine sounds on the other end.

"I remember a tiger, in a big room growling alot. But I don't think he wanted to hurt me."

"I remember a studio, and a boy with brown hair dancing in silly ways to make me laugh." A
huffed chuckle comes through the phone, but it's choked up.

"I remember a guy with pink hair laying on the floor, calling out for someone named Jungkook. I
think he was calling out for me."

"I remember a guy with blonde hair buying me food even though he's complaining the whole time.
I think he saw me as someone special."

"I remember someone with mint hair putting a blanket over me when he thought I was asleep."

"I remember feeling loved."

A smile blooms on my face as I speak.

"Found you, you little bitch." A deep male voice says before something slams into the door in front
of me.

"No.. no, no, no get away!" I scream as the door cracks and breaks opened. I try to back as far into
the corner as possible as Jug comes through the doorway.

I drop the phone as he pulls my ankle, only just managing to block my face before he starts
punching. The breath gets pulled out of me when he lands a hit to my stomach, groaning loudly at
the pain.

I start to cry and hit after hit comes down on me, "Please stop." I cry, screaming as the pain gets
worse over time.

When he finally stops I can barely see as my eye is swollen shut. I can feel myself starting to choke
on blood thats going back down my throat, only just able to turn my head to let it pour out.

"Oh Kit. If only you would just listen." the short guy says in a condescending tone. "Now i'm
gonna have to take you back to the chair."

"Noo." I moan out through the pain, fear rushing through my body. "I don't want to forget."

"Well that's too bad Kit. You couldn't listen so now you're going back to the chair again." he states
coldly and I cry as my body is dragged out of the closet and pulled over Jugs shoulder.

"No, Jimin." I cry loudly as they pull me back up the stairs.

I dont want to forget.

1.4k words.
Chapter 15.5 - Save Me

Trigger Warning - Abuse

"During a bank robbery this afternoon in seoul, a man who appears to have entered with the
robbers risked his life to save those who were trapped inside the building."

"A video has surfaced that shows the man using his quirk to run back and forth to save people who
were under dangerous circumstances due to the people who were holding them hostage."

"The man was identified as Jeon Jungkook, a 15 year old student who was kidnapped during a
store heist almost 6 months ago in early June."

"It is unclear what Jungkook was doing there, as he clearly was against letting anyone get hurt.
But police have stated that the people involved in the crime are the same who kidnapped him all
those months ago."

"But we can say, that the people searching for him have found hope in this recording. As it means
there is hope he is alive to bring home."

"Officials say they will now work even harder in their attempts to find Jungkook and bring him

"After today, he is seen as a hero to many."

"He's alive." Jin states into the silence, currently we're all sitting around a table in a meeting
section of the FBI allocated room for everything to do with this case, listening to the news report.

"He tried to save them." Taehyungs rough voice says next. All of us have spent alot of time crying
over the past 6 months. But none more than Jimin.

I look over to him but he just looks like a hollow shell, staring through the table as he listens to the
news report taper to a close.

"Jimin.." I say his name but he shakes his head and gets up from his chair before leaving the room,
Taehyung, Hoseok and Jin following behind him.

Jimin has been taking everything especially hard. He met Jungkooks family for the first time 2
days after the kidnapping occurred.

They stayed in Seoul for 2 months, spending everyday with us at the police headquarters until
finally they had to leave for home.
The case became a federal investigation the following month.

Jimin has barely spoken since the day they left, a piece of himself lost somewhere with Jungkook.
Jungkooks brother stayed back here until last month, spending restless nights sleeping in Seokmins
dorm room.

He would've taken Jungkooks bed, but nobody could tell Jimin no when he dove under Jungkooks
bed covers and didn't move until he was changing into Jungkooks clothes to leave for the precinct.

We all know he blames himself, can tell just by looking at him every day. But it was further proven
by Hoseok, who spends alot of time everyday in his mind. Even using his powers to put Jimin to
sleep every night with help from Taehyung.

I lean forward in my chair, rubbing my temples as I think back over all the evidence that they've let
us read through in an attempt to help.

Seokmin had left moments before the news report began, wanting to call Jungkooks parents to
update before buying all of us coffee. Who knows when he'll be back.

Every now and then we see people searching for their own loved ones who've gone missing.
Occasionally a parent, sometimes a brother or sister.

The ones who come most often are 8 boys looking for their friend who went missing a month after
The two who come most often are a boy named Chan, who is the brother of the missing boy, and
Changbin, the missing boys boyfriend.

They spend time with us trying to figure out how they could be hidden for so long.
Chan has the ability to pick up and master every skill on the first try.
Changbin has a dragon shadow that follows him around and can transform him into multiple sizes
of dragons. Everytime i've seen him he's been half morphed, stuck between states as grief runs
rampant through him.

"We've got to be missing something." I mutter as I look up at Yoongi, who's giving me a sad look.

"We've looked at everything Joon, we just have to wait and see what else comes up." Yoongi tells
me and I huff in anger.

Not necessarily in anger at him, but at myself. I need to be able to fix this, I should be able to fix

Silence falls upon us as we listen to the news report on the radio taper off into the sports segment.
They've set a rule that as long as we're in this room, any phone calls we receive needs to be on
loudspeaker. Just in case it's anything important.

My phone buzzes where it's in my pocket before my ringtone sounds in the room. I sigh before
pulling it out of my pocket, the number is unknown.

I answer it, putting it onto loudspeaker before saying, "Hello?"

The reply isn't immediate, but I can hear panting over the line.

"I need help." A whisper of a voice replies. It's male, but there's no way of telling who it is.

"Who is this?" I question tiredly, this not being the first time we've received a prank call like this.

"I.. I'm not sure." He mutters into the phone, voice becoming more familiar. "I think my name is
Jungkook but I don't know.. everyone here calls me bunny."

"Holy shit." Yoongi utters and I jump to my feet immediately before running to the doorway.
"Jimin! Jimin come here now and bring everyone!" I shout into the hallway where I can see all of
them standing idley.

"What is it Joon?" Jimin asks as he enters the room, not understanding what could be so
"Jimin.. i know Jimin." Jungkooks voice says through the phone and I see all 4 of their eyes widen
immediately. Jimins as if seeing a ghost.
"Oh my god." Jin says, shocking Jimin into moving towards where I was originally sitting. He
pulls the phone into his hands, cradling it like it was going to save him from death.

"Jungkook? Baby oh my god it's you!" Jimin states as if in disbelief, but he knows what he heard,
and he knows that was his boy.

"Baby where are you?" He asks but instead of a reply, we hear feet hitting the floor and people
yelling loudly, slamming things.

"Jungkook who was that? Are you okay?" I ask when the voices become more distant.

"I'm not safe here." he whispers into the phone, barely able to be picked up over the receiver.
Yoongi comes back seconds later with Captain Reyner, the man who was lead on the investigation,
and two other officers.

He gestures for Jimin to hand over the phone, which he does quickly. Anything to save his boy.

"Son, this is Captain Reyner with the FBI. I need you to tell me anything you can about where you
are and who has got you." He says into the phone as he leans against the table, getting someone to
connect the phone to a machine that would both amplify the sound coming through the other end,
and make an attempt to track the signal.

"I don't know, they only let me go in my cell, the training room and the room with the chair."
Jungkook whispers, bringing confusion upon us all.

"What is the room with the chair?" Taehyung asks, it's the question we were all thinking.

"It's where they take me to forget.. i can't remember.. it hurts." Jungkook whimpers over the phone.
I hear Jimin suck in a sharp breath beside me before covering his mouth with his hand. Sobs begin
to spill from his mouth as he struggles to breathe.

Taehyung comes forward and wraps himself around Jimins shoulders, hugging him even though he
is crying too.

Hoseok comes to stand beside him next as his eyes become glassy. He grips Jimins free hand as he
sits on the table beside him.

"It's okay Jungkook, can you tell me anything about the people there?" The captain asks after a
moment. Jimin tries to quiet his sobs in order to hear the conversation but ends up taking in a
gasping breath.

"I think everyone has nicknames.. but I only know three of them," Jungkook replies after a few
seconds, "Dixon, he shoots you with metal plates than imbed in your skin and he uses them to
control his powers."

"Second is the soldier. I don't know his quirk but he has knives, and he knows how to use them."

He takes a deep breath before continuing, "The other is Jug.. Juggernaut. He can make himself
metal, he beats me up alot in between visits to the chair."

Jimins crying only gets louder upon hearing this information, so I place a hand on his shoulder to
give him some comfort. I can vaguely hear Jungkook whine through the phone, and I assume it's in
reply to the heavy sobbing.

"What about the leader?" The captain asks and he replies, "I don't know his name, but he calls me
kit. He has control of everyone here."

"There's also a woman here with blonde hair and glasses, she sews me up alot but she also controls
the chair."

"Other than them I saw a few more around, a girl twining tree roots between her fingers, a guy
wearing thick goggles, a girl with what looks to be needles strapped to her back, a boy with
diamonds on his canines and a man flipping a coin between his fingers."
The captain nods at the information, sending a look to one of his men who nods before walking to
a computer that's connected to the main tv.

"Jungkook do you know where you are?" I question after a moments silence, hoping to try and jog
his memory.
"I don't know, it seems like a big place. I saw the garage once and I think it was really big."

"You think?" Yoongi asks upon hearing his reply.

"I- I can't remember." he whispers back.

"What can you remember?" I ask, giving him a moment to think in the hopes that something in his
mind will connect the dots.

"I remember a boy with silver hair and pretty brown eyes. I- I don't know who it is but I think he's
Jimin whines at this, fiddling with the ring on his finger.

"I remember a tiger, in a big room growling alot. But I don't think he wanted to hurt me."
I flit my eyes to Taehyung, noticing he has his head down as silent tears fall down his face.

"I remember a studio, and a boy with brown hair dancing in silly ways to make me laugh."
I see Hoseok smile, huffing out a short laugh, as if also reliving the memory.

"I remember a guy with pink hair laying on the floor, calling out for someone named Jungkook. I
think he was calling out for me."
I shiver at the memory, wrapping an arm around Jin where he comes to lean against me.

"I remember a guy with blonde hair buying me food even though he's complaining the whole time.
I think He saw me as someone special."
Jins body shakes against me, a silent chuckle wracking his body.

"I remember someone with mint hair putting a blanket over me when he thought I was asleep."
A smirk lifts at the corner of Yoongi's mouth, as if knowing he'd been caught but not being
bothered by it.

"I remember feeling loved." Jungkook finishes with a sigh.

I hear Jungkooks breathing hitch before a new voice comes through the receiver.
"Found you, you little bitch."
A loud slamming noise sounds through the phone and I feel Jin jump in surprise.

Jimins head shoots up when Jungkooks voice comes through the phone again, "No.. no, no, no get
away!" Jungkook screams as a loud crashing sound echoes down the line.

We're helpless to do anything but listen, not knowing what's going on on the other side of the
phone. We start to get the idea when it sounds like Jungkook has the breath pushed out of him,
followed closely by muted thud sounds.
Jimin starts to breakdown when he hears Jungkook sob through the phone, voice broken and pain
filled as he begs for the other person to stop whatever they're doing.

There's silence for a few moments before a familiar voice echoes down the line. A voice that has
my body freezing in fear, muscles tightening.
"Oh Kit. If only you would just listen." the boss says through the phone, tone condescending .
"Now i'm gonna have to take you back to the chair."

"Noo." Jungkook groans out as if battling through immense pain. "I don't want to forget."

"Well that's too bad Kit. You couldn't listen so now you're going back to the chair again." he states
coldly and Jungkook starts to cry loudly as the sound of fabric dragged against the ground comes
through the phone.

"No, Jimin." he calls out but his voice is quiet, getting further and further away from the phone.

"Kookie?" Jimin whines as he takes the phone into his hands again. He drops to his knees when he
gets no reply, sobs wracking through him and causing his body to shake harshly.

Taehyung crouched to his level and wraps him up in his arms as we all stare silently. Tears have
been pulled from all of us.

It's at that moment that Chan, Changbin and their friends walk in. They seem confused and
shocked, it written across their faces in bold.

It's no suprise, we must make a confusing and surprising scene.

I drop a peck against Jins temple before wiping my eyes and heading towards the confused boys
who are slowly becoming more concerned as they look between us.

"Hey guys," I greet them as I approach. All eyes turn to Chan as they wait for him to speak,
knowing that they all have the same question but all too afraid to ask.

"What's happening?" Chan eventually asks, knowing that they'll all be restless if they're kept
I sigh as I turn to look over my friends again.

In the past months we've had bad days, days where we've all yelled at each other till our throats are
raw. Days where we havent slept until we're forced to go home. Days where we become so
frustrated we just cry.

But none of those days compare to the feeling that rushes through me as I look over the people I
love, all crying and heartbroken at what they now know.

I turn back to Chan with teary eyes, "We got a call from Jungkook. He must've gotten out of his
cell somehow and found a phone but he called us."

All their eyes visibly widen at the words, shock evident in them. "He called? Well what did he say?
Where is he?" Woojin asks.

I give him a bitter smile before placing my hands on my hips and looking down at my feet. "He
doesn't remember where he is."

"What do you mean he doesn't remember?" Jeongin asks. I only barely hold back my tears by
holding my breath.
My silence must speak works to Chan because I hear a hushed 'oh' before a hand lands on my

"Chan why doesn't he remember where he is?" Jeongin asks innocently. God he's so young, he
shouldn't be dealing with things like this.

"He's been put into a chair, that over time has wiped his memory through electrocution," I answer
as I look up at them. "He doesn't remember where he is, he doesn't remember us. He doesn't even
remember his own name."

The words sit with them for a moment before Jisung pipes up, "Does that mean Felix wont
remember either?"

Even thinking about it wells the tears up again, with Felix being just a year younger than Jungkook
it hits close to home.

"There's no way of knowing. But we know for sure that he hasn't seen Felix, so i'm guessing
they're all being kept apart from each other." I say when I regain my composure.

"How do you know they havent met?" Hyunjin asks, his hands anxiously wringing together. I tilt
my head slightly to the right before answering, "He gave a list of the people he remembers seeing,
including their quirk, and Felix wasn't one of them."

I can tell they aren't sure whether they should be relieved or more anxious.

"You're right about that, but his information has proven more important than originally thought."
Captain Reyner states, directing our attention towards him; and incidentally towards the tv screen.

"We cross referenced the quirks and codenames he gave us with the list of known missing persons
and the police records and they all came up." He informs us.

He gives a nod to the lab tech on the computer and a photo pops up.

The woman in the photo has blonde hair pulled into a ponytail and deep brown eyes, she is wearing
a pair of glasses and grinning widely.

"This is Felicity Smith, she has degrees in medicine, science and engineering."

"Who is she?" Chan asks as we all look carefully over the photo.

"She is a surgeon from Icheon who went missing little over 5 years ago. We believe she is the one
who is running medical and tech services for the group." He explains as he brings up files and
reports from when she first went missing.

"She was reported missing by her husband whos a CEO in the area, every lead we had on her
reached a dead end.

He flicks his hand and the photo on the screen changes.

The man in the photo is tall and stocky, covered in alot of muscle. "This is George Campbell, code
name Juggernaut. His quirk gives him the ability to turn every part of his body to metal."

"That's the guy Kook said was beating him, not surprising looking at him." Yoongi says dully from
his seat at the table, but it's obvious his voice is hiding pain.

"Yes, Campbell has a record of assault charges and robbery. We lost track of him a few years ago
after he lost his wife to cancer." Captain Reyner says.

The photo changes, it shows a girl with wide green eyes and long brown hair.
"Hannah Shaw, codename Nature Nova. Her quirk allows her to create vines and tree roots that she
can mainpulate."

Whilst Captain Reyner speaks, Jin walks up to where i'm stood and grabs hold of my hand; leaning
his head against my shoulder.

"She was there," I mumble. Jin looks at me confused, "What was that babe?"

"She was there," I say louder, "The day Kook was taken, she was there. She tied us up."

"Miss Shaw was reported missing by her parents 2 years ago, after her 18th birthday resulted in a
brawl." Captain Reyner informs us after a quick look through her file.

"This is the first news of her since her disappearance in 2016." He says next, and the sadness of the
statements meaning thrums through us all.

The next photo displays a tall boy with dark hair pushed into a fringe. His face displays a wide grin,
small diamonds are shining on his canine teeth.

"Dean Collins, codename Medicine Man. Quirk that allows him to put people in different states of
unawareness, varying from dizziness to unconscious"

"He used to work at a hospital a few streets away as an anaesthetist. His wife reposted him missing
11 months ago after he never arrived home from work."

"Another innocent bystander." Taehyung says from his spot on the floor wrapped around a still
shaking Jimin, who's still clutching my phone in his hands.

How many innocent people have been kidnapped and held captive by these people? do they all

"Captain what happens to these people when they get found? They may be committing crimes but
they aren't in their right mind." I question when the thought enters my mind.

"Depending on how deep their brainwashing is, they'll be entered into mental institutions short
term in order to get constant help to rehabilitate them."

"Those who have more recollection of their life will be released to their families with mandatory
psychological rehabilitation sessions."

"Some may have be placed into centers long term to help rehabilitate them and give them back
their free will, but only those we see to be responsible will be arrested." Captain Reyner informs us
and I feel a weight lift from my shoulders that I wasn't aware of previously.

Next picture displays a man with thick goggles strapped over his eyes and an off look in his eyes.
"Ronald Strangelove, codename Molerat. His quirk allows him to easily burrow through any
ground surface which has helped him on many heists and robberies."

"Yeah I remember seeing him on the news a few years ago." Seungmin states as we look over his
long list of arrests.

The next photo shows a guy wearing a top hat, a sly grin on his face and a coin flipped into the air
beside him.
"Erin Krueger, codename Illusion. His quirk is like hypsotism, look directly in his eyes whilst he
flips the coin and you're under his control."

"So kinda like my quirk, except if you answer my question you're under my control." Woojin says
and we nod in agreement.

When the photo switches again it shows a military photograph of a guy with neat brown hair and
big baby blues that shine with happiness. He has a dashing smile on his face. Beside it is a picture
of a man with shoulder lenght brown hair thats messy, he has the same baby blues. The most
startling difference between the two pictures is the lack of anything in the eyes of the second
picture. Almost like a doll.

"This is Sergeant Sebastian Rogers, codename Winter Soldier. He's an american veteran who was
listed MIA after becoming a russian captive. He is highly trained in fighting and has a kill list
longer than any other assassin in the world.

"His quirk is location tracking, once he learns a persons name he is able to track and locate a
person in seconds almost like having a giant map with every single person placed on it."

"He's been flying under the radar since a year and a half ago after he was targeted at his husband
Captain Chris Rogers, we believed he had gone into hiding but it's clear now that he went from one
handler to another."

"His husband has been alerted and will be immediately making his way here to help, as he is the
only person matched in skill to him."

Looking into those bright eyes after hearing such a story breaks my heart, it's almost as if he's been
betrayed by every possible force there is.

"When did he get captured." I ask as I continue staring into they eyes of his picture.

"Almost eight years ago, he was 19 at the time of capture." Captain Reyner informs and I feel sick
to my stomach. He really was failed by everyone.

The photo changes again, showing a guy who's skin is disturbingly stapled together in multiple
places. It's a haunting sight, and in my peripheral I see Woojin rushing to cover Jeongins eyes.

"Colin Dixon, codename Sharp Shooter. He shoots people with devices that inbed in their skin and
connect to nerves, once they connect he is able to inflict immense pain on them using his mental

"We had to retrieve some of his plates from Namjoon when he was taken to hospital, which was a
tricky situation." Captain Reyner informs us.

"That is one scary looking dude," Changbin states into the silence as we all stare at the photo in
mystified horror.

"Did he do that do himself?" Hoseok asks, a fair question if I must say so myself.

"No, which leads us to the next person." Captain Reyner replies before directing our attention to
the screen that now shows a short girl with white blonde hair pulled into two buns at the top of her
hair, a front fringe left untouched.

"Eleanor Nelson, codename Blood Baby. Her quirk allows her to transform herself into someone if
she collects a vile of their blood."

"She's a child." Jin says, hand squeezing mine tighter.

"She is 17, but none the less is convicted of mutilation, murder and sexual assault. She's the one
who dissected and re-sewed the skin of Mr Torres."

"Wait, I know her," Jeongin exclaims as if having been thinking about it for a while but not having
been entirely sure until he heard her age.

"You know her?" Minho says incredulously as he looks back at him.

"Wait I know her too," Hyunjin says. "Oh my god." At this point everyone's attention is diverted to

"Felix's first day of school, she came up to us when we were having lunch and was asking a bunch
of questions about his quirk!" Hyunjin stammered out as he looks at Jeongin, whose eyes open in
recognition of the memory.

"Yeah I remember! He seemed really uncomfortable because it seemed like she already knew stuff
about him even though it was the first time they met." Jeongin tells us.

"Why didn't any of you tell someone about this on the day it happened?" Chan asked, sounding
both angry and frustrated at once.

"We didn't think anything of it at the time, she came and left within a few minutes so it didn't seem
that important." Jeongin replies, shrinking back a little at Chans harsh tone.

Chan seems to go slightly slack at the sight of Jeongin shrinking away, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to
snap." He says to Jeongin before slowly pulling him into a hug.

"Boss," The lab tech from the phone station says moments later, speaking over the chatter and
catching everyones attention.

"We've got em."

4.1k words.
Chapter 16. I'm Fine

Trigger Warning - Abuse

All I know is pain.

Pain in my head, pain in my stomach, pain in my chest. Pain running throughout my whole body as
I lay staring at the wall.

I twirl the ring on my finger as I lay as still as I possibly can, any possible move causing pain to run
through my body.

This ring is the only thing I know is mine. But nothing else is sure in my mind.
Well, that and my handlers. I dont know their names but I know that I am their weapon.

Slowly and painfully I manage to turn over on my bed, facing outwards to the door. They only take
me out of my cell for a few reasons; to take me to the chair, to go train my quirk with Jug and when
they take me out on missions.

Usually they put me into the boot or back of the car and take me out, but they never let me out
during whatever they're doing.

The door opens after who knows how long and two people enter.

I dont know who they are, but I know they're my handlers, and fear spreads through my body as
my eyes land on them.

"Hello Kit, ready to go?" the short man says as he steps into the room, coming to a stop beside me.
I flit my eyes between the two men before finally stopping on the short one.

"Go where?" I question quietly. He smiles and kneels down so our faces are level.
"We're going for a little trip, we found you a friend," he says, before ushering the big guy in the
doorway to come forward.

He grips my wrist before pulling me to my feet, a wince leaving my mouth as my body aches.
"Let's leave this ring here, you don't need it," The short guy says as the ring is ripped from my
finger before I can say anything.

"No, that's mine." I whine as he drops the ring onto my bed and ushers us out of the bunk.
"It wont matter to you in a few more sessions with the chair. We're going to head there first, seeing
as you wont be compliant." he says as he leads up down the hall to the dreadful room.

"No, i'm sorry i'll be good! don't take me there please!" I whine as I try to pull out of the tall guys
grip, fighting through the pain.

I never stood a chance against him though.

By the time i'm being dragged from the room, I can barely stand on my own. The pain even more
radiant in my head than before. At least I think so.

They drop me off in a room i've never seen before, it's fully covered in a white cushion surface.
Some sections are covered in black soot, burnt but not burnt through.
The tall guy drops me heavily on the floor of the room in the centre. "We'll be back in a minute
with your new friend." The short guys says before they both leave the room, closing the door
behind them.

I roll onto my side after a few moments, tears of pain rolling down my face. I almost feel numb
now, no emotions bubbling to the surface as I pull myself towards the furthest corner of the room.

I dont know how much time passes before the door opens again, a young boy with dyed orange
hair, a black jumper with white lettering on it and a pair of blue denim shorts comes stumbling into
the room, as if pushed.

He barely manages to catch himself before falling over, catching himself with hands against the
wall. He turns to look at me with wide eyes and I respond in turn with a similar expression.

A crackle sound shuttered through the room and I jump bodily, looking around. Seconds later a
loud voice echoes through the room, coming from a speaker in the corner above the door.

"Kit, i've brought you a friend. Meet glitch, he will be staying in here with you for a while." The
voice says, the short mans voice.

He says a few more unimportant words before the crackle sounds again and it becomes silent.
I look back towards the boy and see he is already staring at me, eyes wide and fearful.

"Who.. who are you?" I ask quietly when he makes no movement or sound. His body jolts as if not
expecting to hear me speak, before he slides to the floor and crawls to the wall next to me.

"They call me Glitch, but my name is Felix." He tells me in a voice much deeper than I was
expecting it to be.
"How do you know your name?" I ask in confusion.

"I've only been to the room with the chair once, once I figured out that was how they make you
forget I started pretending that I didn't remember anything."
He explains quietly, obviously aware that they could be listening.

"How many times have you been there?" he asks and I bring a hand up to my face where the head
piece pressed against my head.
"I don't know." I reply blandly.

"They say I am almost ready to go on missions, but I need a few more obedience lessons," I tell
him and he gives me a sad look. Looking at him closer helps me see the freckles littered across his

"Where is your shirt?" Felix asks as he tries to keep his eyes from straying away from my face.
"I never got it back, they liked the easy access." I explain as I unfurl from my ball and allow him to
see the damage inflicted on my chest and stomach. Lots of scars.

"How did these happen?" He asks next as he looks over them. I shrug my shoulders in reply, not
fully remembering how.

"Your voice has a funny accent." I tell him and he chuckles slightly, smile blooming on his
"Yeah, my family and I grew up in Australia. My brother Chan moved out here a few years ago
with my parents but I only moved here a few weeks before they brought me here." He explains.

"I know who you are," He tells me with an expression I can't read.
I side eye him at this, "You know me? Am I not just Kit?" I ask as I lean into his personal space. "I
don't recall ever meeting you"

A sad smile forms on his face at my second question and he pulls one of my hands into his.
"I saw the news report from the day you went missing, your name is Jeon Jungkook, and there are
alot of people at home waiting for you," he tells me softly. "There's your parents, a brother, a
bunch of your friends and even your boyfriend."

"I have a boyfriend?" I ask in surprise, and his smile becomes even sadder.
"Yeah, and he's missing you alot." he tells me.

"What about you?" I ask next and his face both lights up and becomes distressed.
"My parents and brother. And probably all of my friends," he answers. "My boyfriend Changbin
too, I really miss him."
He tells me a story about his boyfriend and I chuckle with him before groaning in pain.

"I need to lay down, everything is really sore." I tell him and he helps to usher me down so my
head is in his lap.

"Let me see," he asks before turning me so he can see my back that I imagine is covered in bruises
upon bruises. Not including all the fresh scars on my front and back.

He presses down lightly against one of my ribs and I hiss in pain. He moves his hand away and
whispers an apology before placing his hands on my head and running his hands through my hair.

"Tell me about your life, please." I ask as I close my eyes.

So he does, he talks and talks until I drift to sleep, him continuing to run his hands through my hair
as he speaks.

When I awaken who knows how long later, it's because Felix shakes me awake and pulls me to a
sitting position.

It takes a few moments for all my senses to come back to me but when they do I can hear lots of
yelling and crashing. Followed closely by gunshots that have both of us jolting.

Felix whimpers in fear as the sounds get louder, and I pull him behind me; his hands gripping my
shoulders tightly and painfully.

"What's your quirk?" I ask him, and he replies shortly after, "Glitching, I can glitch through time
and space as well as positioning like someone who can teleport."

"Okay.. okay then you need to get yourself out of here, it probably isn't safe anymore." I say as I
turn to look at his tear stained face.

"I-I cant just leave you here! You're hurt!" he replies frantically but I just huff in frustration.
"I can't leave, they're my handlers. You need to leave now whilst you still can. That way you can
get help, who knows how many other people are trapped here."

"No, I won't leave you here," He states. "They sent me in here to get to know me so I can be your
new handler, you have to listen to me," He says but his voice is shaky as if unsure.
I give him a once over before giving a small nod; saying, "Fine! But if you're going to stay here
then you need to stay behind me, i'll get you out."

"But how will you get me out when you're so injured! What even is your quirk?" Felix asks from
behind me but rather than answer, I show him when the door flies open and Dixon wanders in.
I run to the door and tackle him to the floor before punching him once in the face. He groans in
pain before pain radiates through my mind, his quirk clearly acting up.

I punch him twice more before he is fully knocked out and yet the pain still radiates through my
"Gah!" I grunt loudly as I drop to the floor and writhe.

"Jungkook! Are you okay?" Felix's panicked voice asked as he comes to kneel beside me.
"You need to get it out, the disks in my shoulder." I grunt out before rolling to my stomach and
trying to point to them.

He follows my flailing and looks down at the disks. "I can't pull them out, they're imbedded." He
tells me and I groan in anger before slamming a fist harshly on the ground.

I can tell it's cracked beneath my fist and clearly Felix can too as his body jolts at the impact. "I
would do it myself but I can't reach, please just pull them out! His quirk is still active and it's
hurting me."

I can tell that he is hesitant but the tips of his fingers dig into the edge where the disk meets my
skin before pulling back harshly.
Pain radiates from the spot briefly before a popping sensation occurs and I drop limply from the
lack of pain.

"Thank you." I mutter into the floor before pushing to my knees.

"Clearly something is happening on the upper levels so we need to get you out before I can't fight
anymore." I tell him as he helps lift me to my feet, one of my arms slung around his shoulder.

"We need to get to my cell, I know where to go from there." I tell him and he nods before we begin
the trek to my cell.

Along the way we run into many people who are taken down both with ease and with difficulty.
Some cause more trouble than others, and by the time we get to my cell I definitely have a few
broken bones.

"Okay this is it, from here I have a vague idea where to go." I tell him before leaning heavily
against the wall. "But first, I need you to go in and look for a ring on my bunk."

He nods quickly before dipping into the room, it takes a few seconds before he comes out empty
"I'm sorry but there's no ring in there, I found this shirt though." He tells me and I close my eyes
tightly before nodding. He helps me pull the shirt on, apologising at every grunt and groan.

"Alright, time to complete the home stretch and get you out." I tell him as I push off the wall and
lead him down the hall to the left.

We take a few more hallways before we get to the final corridor that leads to a door with light
coming from beneath it. The doctor told me about it after the first escape attempt went so wrong.

Just as we round the final corner, the exit door comes into view. As well as Juggernaut.

I lean against the wall when we come to a stop, huffing out a deep breath.
"Felix." I whisper as he comes to stand close beside me.

"Yes?" He whispers back and I grip his hand in my own, giving it a squeeze before saying, "I'm
going to distract him, you need to glitch out of here and find help. Good luck."

I dont give him a chance to reply before speeding towards Juggernaut and launching a fist forward.
I punch him once in the chest and knock him off his feet before a crackling static sound comes
from behind me.

I turn around in time to see an electric crackle before the spot Felix was stood in is empty. A small
smile grows on my face before my feet are knocked out from beneath me. I groan in pain but make
no attempt to move.

Felix got out, he's free.

I close my eyes as the smile continues blooming, not faltering even as Juggernaut continues to beat
me up until the pain just stops registering.

"Boss says we will be sending you off to a new handler after this. You're in trouble kid,"
Juggernaut growls out and he continues raining down fists on me.

The ache I once felt has disappeared by this point, the pain is gone.

"Stop it please." I hear a tearful voice say, one that has my eyes opening quickly. I look over and
dread fills my chest at the sight.

A little girl no older than 5 is stood in a bright red dress, brunette hair pulled into pigtails and
bright blue eyes glistening with tears.
She's tightly gripping a white stuffed animal between her small hands as she cries.

Juggernaut moves to bring another punch down on me but I roll from beneath him. I jump to my
feet and kick his from beneath him to drop him on his stomach.

I grip his head and slam it multiple times into the floor before he catches himself and elbows me

It makes me winded, giving him the opportunity to come back around on me and hit me in the jaw.
I fall to my knees from the blow, coughing and spitting blood onto the floor.

Pitter patters of feet hitting the floor comes towards me and stops in front of me. Small hands
touch my cheeks and lifts my face.

I look into the little girls face, reading fear and hope at the same time. It feels like time stops at I
look into her innocent eyes, scarred by fear and the things she's seen.

It's difficult to fully see her face through the swelling in my eyes caused by forming bruises, I know
that most of my bones are probably broken at this point and I know that I'm probably bleeding out
But I need to get her out.

"Stand back." I utter to her, although it sounds slightly slurred. I wait for her to step back before
rounding on Juggernaut again.

I give him everything i've got, not stopping until he stops moving.
I land one last hit to his face before his body turns from metal to flesh. And then one last time to
make sure he stays down.

I push myself to my feet one last time, feeling the adrenaline leave my system by the second. I call
the girl over and pick her up before launching through the doors.

For a few seconds I feel as though i've passed out, being unable to see through the sunlight shining
into my eyes.

When they become clear I see people with guns, multiple of them, with them all pointed at me.
I can see that there are people behind the line of armed men but none are familiar.

None other than Felix, who is wrapped up in the arms of two boys, one who is short with black
hair and one that is tall and blonde.

"Release the girl." One of the men says and I do so immediately. I lower her to the ground but she
doesn't move from where I leave her.

"Thank you for saving me." She says before a womans voice calls out a name, "Willow!"

I watch the woman come forward before I usher the girl towards her. She immediately runs into
her arms and they disappear behind the men quickly.

"Jungkook?" Felix's voice says when he notices me, bringing the attention of all the surrounding
men to my lone figure.

"You got out." I say back, a smile blossoming on my face as the adrenaline fully wears off and I
drop to my knees.

"Oh my god Jungkook!" A different voice says before 7 guys of varying heights come running
towards me.

Nothing matters though as I let myself drop to lay face down on the floor, because all the pain is

All I know is nothing.

2.7k words
Chapter 16.5 - I'm Fine

It's all a waiting game, sitting outside the building on a secluded army base where you know your
boyfriend has been trapped for months, just beyond your grasp.

Staying outside when you can hear yelling and gunshots, and not knowing what is really
happening? It may as well be hell.

I bring my pinky nail to my mouth and bite down on it as anxiety riddles my body. How am I
supposed to wait here when he could already be dead inside.

"Jimin, calm down." Taehyung says beside me as he places a hand on my shoulder. It does little to
tone down the anxiety and fear coursing through my body but I know it's in good heart.

"I feel like I'm going to be sick." Hoseok states from behind me.

"I second that," Yoongi agrees immediately after.

"What happens if they aren't there?" Chan asks, anxiety basically radiating off him at the idea that
his brother is still lost.

"He's here. I know it." Changbin says, determined but hopeful expression written on his features.

"How do you know they're here?" Jin asks confusion evident in his voice.

"I don't know if they all are, but Felix definitely is. It's the dragon side of me, they mate for life
and can sense when their partner is near," He explains carefully to make sure there's no confusion.

"My body is basically fine tuned to know where he is and make sure he's safe."

"In saying that, I can tell that there's definitely multiple people in there who were already inside
when we arrived." Minho says from his spot knelt on the floor, hand pressed flat against the
"Okay, well that tells us that there were definitely people inside. We can stay hopeful." Namjoon
says in hopes to calm us all, but I still feel like im crawling out of my skin.

The men were sent down to each level in groups, told to scour each level before coming back up
again to report on it.

They sent down groups starting from the bottom floor and going upwards, in hopes that by the time
the first group reached the bottom, most other threats would be neutralised.

One of the armed groups comes from the back of the building and heads towards the police and
ambulance station. They have a couple people with them, some in handcuffs and others in tattered
clothes; but none of them Jungkook or Felix.

Patience has never been one of my strong suits, for years i've had people telling me of the fact but
never once has my ability to wait patiently gotten better.

I begin to tap one foot as i bite my pinky again, anything to try and distract my mind from the
worst case scenario.

I notice two of the men who came out of the building staring at us after I finally escape my own
mind. They seem to be chatting amongst themselves, almost arguing.

Finally they begin the trek towards us and I turn my body to face them, the others around me doing
so when they notice the men.

"Is one of you Jimin?" The one on the left asks in a gruff voice and I nod my head before stepping

"Whilst going through our level we picked up belongings from the cell blocks, some of which were

"When we came out we checked over the missing persons list and came to the conclusion that
nobody named Jimin was missing."

As he speaks, I continue to whirl further into confusion. What could they have possibly found that
would make them believe I was in there?
The man on the right seems as though fretting. "I believe this belongs to you," he says before he
lifts up his right hand with his palm open.

Sitting idly in the middle of his palm is a thin silver ring with a darker silver down the centre with
a black stone adorning it. On the inside is my engraved name, the one i'd had put there in June on
the day I gave it to Jungkook.

"No.." I mutter as I use my quirk to float it into my hands, hoping that I was seeing things wrong.

"No this should be on him, where is he." I cry as I close my fist and bury my face in Taehyungs

"Where was it found?" Namjoon asks, being the only one to actually think of that in this moment.

"We found it in an empty cell of section b, there were no other items in the room and it was the
only empty one in that section," The gruff one explains.

"The only other empty cell was in section c, but that one housed nothing but the essentials placed in
every room."

"Did you find the two who were missing? The two from the empty cells?" Yoongi asks next but
the silence speaks for itself.

Namjoon thanks them quietly and they take their leave, but it doesn't stop the fact that we have no
idea if Jungkook is even in the building.

"He could be dead by now." I whisper into Taehyungs chest and I feel him sigh heavily. His hand
moves into my hair and massages gently as he whispers reassurances.

"Somethings changed." Changbin says suddenly and all eyes turn to him.

"Yeah I feel it too." Jisung says, small electrical sparks zipping from his fingertips. "I know this
An electric crackle sounds in the air and Changbin immediately starts moving forwards until he
stops a few steps infront of the armed men.

Within a few seconds, the crackle sounds again and a taller boy with bright orange hair appears out
of thin air with a slightly glitched surrounding before all goes back to normal.

A look at his face helps me recognise it as Felix, the boy that our new friends have been searching
for alongside us.

"Felix," I hear Changbin whisper before rushing forwards to pull him into his arms, gripping him
tightly before pushing to his tip toes to kiss him.

It only lasts a few seconds before he's pulling Felix in our direction and directly into the arms of his
now crying brother.

Although in saying that, we are all crying at the sight of him. Glad to see him safe after hearing so
many stories about him.

"God we thought we wouldn't find you." Jeongin says. Jeongin himself is the youngest of us all, at
the tender age of 13, and I cant imagine the pain and fear that will scar him after this.

"How could you scare us like that!" Woojin says with a punch to the arm, but the tears streaming
down his face and the fact he immediately pulls him into a hug kind of takes away from the fact.

Jin, having never had any shame, lines up next and pulls him into a hug. "I'm glad you're okay, we
heard alot about you these past months." he says.

Felix smiles gently before turning to look at us all.

"He's here." He says vaguely to us, reading the confusion on our faces he quickly clarifies.

"Jungkook, he's here. I saw him."

"You saw him?" I ask, pushing away from Taehyung and walking towards him. "Is he okay?
Where is he?"

"He was already really badly injured when I first met him, it only got worse as we got closer to the
exit." He tells us, a pained expression on his face.

"No matter how many times he got hit, he just kept getting up. Kept telling me that he was going to
get me out so I could find help. He got me out safe"

"Well where is he now?" I ask, getting more frantic.

He allows himself to be wrapped up in Changbins arms again as he continues to speak, "Last I saw,
he was going up against the really bad guy, the one who gives beatings."

"But.." he says before halting. A baited breath passes as I ask, "But what?"

"When I found him he was already injured to the point of needing a hospital. By the time we
reached the end door he couldn't walk by himself, was barely there."

"What are you trying to say?" Seokmin asks, coming from the police table and surprising us all

"I'm saying, that I don't know if he will be able to physically handle being in his current condition
once the adrenaline burns out of his system." Felix says, and we all understand what he means.

Sensing his brothers distress, Chan joins Changbin in hugging his brother. I turn away at that, not
being able to hide my tears as they start up again.

Vaguely I hear the doors of the facility open, but it's probably just another group of men.

I then hear some of the Army men and a woman talking. They probably brought out one of her
loved ones.

Only do I turn around when I hear Felix say, "Jungkook?"

Immediately I whip around to face the building, and my eyes land on Jungkooks figure.

He's in the same clothes as the day he was taken, but they're ripped and bloodied. Dirt and blood is
caked on all his visible skin and more than one of his limbs in noticeably broken.

"You got out." He says in reply as a smile blooms on his features. Still as beautiful as ever. He
drops to his knees suddenly, like a doll cut from its strings.

"Oh my god, Jungkook!" I shout before running towards him full speed. By the time I reach his
body he's laid face down on the floor, having lost all the incentive to keep upright. His mission was

I can hear Namjoon calling for help as I flip him to his side and open his mouth, allowing pooled
up blood to spill out onto the ground.

"You're gonna be okay, everything is going to be okay." I mutter to myself as a mantra as the
paramedics come and put him on a stretcher.

They allow Seokmin and I into the ambulance on the way to the hospital and each of us hold one of
his hands during the trip.

That is until he starts seizing and going into cardiac arrest.

By the time they get him into surgery, he's been clinically dead three times and they are doubtful
he will survive the one operation he will need first to keep him alive.

Its whilst waiting in the waiting room that I let my thoughts catch up to me.

"He didn't recognise us." I announce into the silence, speaking the words we'd all dreaded most
since the call. Alongside those that he's dead.

"He will." Yoongi says with finality, tightening his grip on Taehyung.

Will he?

1.8k words.
Chapter 17. DNA

Black, all I see is black.

Surrounding me in every direction, gripping me tight and choking me.

Then there's white. A small ball of it in front of me, lighting up the darkness and coaxing me
towards it. Then another ball appears, white in colour but an almost opalescent shine to it.

Even though the plain white is shining brighter and coaxing me to it, I feel a pull to the other one.
Something like a teather pulling me back, like a rubber band stretched out but wanting to come
back together.

I take a step towards it, one foot in front of the other until it's within arms reach. I lift a hand
slowly and touch it, and it brightens and blooms before enveloping me.

My eyes open sluggishly, dropping closed again for several moments before opening again. My
surroundings are unfamiliar, white and plain and nothing like anything I know or remember.

Panic floods my veins at my lack of knowledge as to where I am, and the fact that my body is
numb and unable to move.

I can hear a machine beside me beeping and I turn to see it's a heart rate monitor, beeping away to
the pace of my rapid heartbeat.

I hear footsteps approaching my position and the panic bubbles up until I can't breathe. I try to
choke down breaths as I try to do anything to get away from where I am.

The footsteps come closer and become faster as the monitor beside me becomes more frantic,
before a woman in a white coat, one girl and two men in colourful scrubs round the corner and
enter the room.

They're all speaking but I can't make out what any of them are saying, senses dulling from the lack
of air i'm getting in.

One of them pulls out a needle and puts it into my IV line and in seconds I begin to calm down
until i'm able to take in deep gulping breaths.

"Jungkook? My name is Dr Wang, can you tell me the last thing you remember?" The woman in
the white coat says, but I just stare at her blankly.

I dont know you. I don't trust you. I don't belong to you

"That's okay, we will be having some people work with you on getting your memory back so you
have nothing to worry about." she says with a pleasant grin.

I'm not worried.

"There are some people waiting to see you, would you like me yo send them in?" She asks and I
perk up a little.

There are people here to see me?

I give her a hesitant nod and she smiles back kindly before leaving the room. The two men follow
her out of the room but the girl in pastel yellow scrubs stays.

"We had to give you some anti anxiety medication just then, and we previously had you on some
medication to numb your body in order to make sure you didn't injure yourself more but we have
stopped that one so you should regain feeling in a couple of minutes." She explains as I silently
stare at her.

She stays quiet for a moment before picking up one of my hands and holding it carefully.
"I know you wont remember this but you saved my husband and daughters at a bank a few weeks
ago." She says quietly.

"I dont think i'll ever be able to properly repay you? but I will try my best to help you get better,"
and with that she lets go of my hand and leaves the room. Leaving me in the silence once again.

When she leaves I allow my eyes to look over my body, bandages covering majority of what I can
see out of the blankets.
I close my eyes as I allow the quiet to envelop me, breathing deeply as I listen out for movement
outside the door.

I flit my eyes around the room, casing every inch before landing on the tv; switched on but playing
on mute.

The screen shows what appears to be a show about singing with your face covered in a mask
before the show cuts off and displays a breaking news story.
Missing teen found. Is that me? The picture definitely isn't of Felix so I would imagine so.

People were looking for me, I was missing.

I'm so lost in thought as I watch the silent news story that I jump in surprise when the door flies
open with a racket as several bodies stumble ungracefully into the room.

Only one of the multiple faces brings familiarity, it's Felix.

He's wearing hospital robes and has an IV needle in his arm connected to a metal contraption that
he is holding onto.

"Felix." I say out loud as the flow of people stops and the door closes. My teeth bite into my tongue
harshly when I realise I spoke without being spoken to. I look to his left and right and see a short
boy with his hand wrapped around Felix's hip.

"Changbin," I say as I point to the boy, who's eyes widen in surprise.

On his other side is a blonde boy who's hand is placed on his shoulder in a tight grip. "And Chan?"
I continue as I point to the other.
"Yeah Jungkook. Do you recognise anybody else?" Felix asks with a hopeful glint in his eyes.

First on my right is a tall boy with brown hair and a thin face, lips pulled into a hopeful smile.


Directly next to him is another boy, he's tall with light blonde hair and a dimpled smile.


Beside him is a brunette boy around the same height with broad shoulders and a hopeful look on
his face.


Next is another brunette boy who's slightly shorter than the first two but has a big beaming smile.


I skip over Changbin, Felix and Chan and move onto a boy with black hair and a very stoney
expression. Not angry, more concerned.


Beside him stands another tall boy with silver hair held back by a bandana, his arm wrapped
around the boy before him.


Last but not least, directly to my left is a short boy with black hair and round cheeks. His lips are
pushed out in a slight pout and his eyes are teary but he's beautiful.


I turn my eyes to Felix again and his hopeful look dies when his eyes reach mine and I haven't
spoken out.

"That's okay. We can introduce you again." Felix says with a smile but it looks more forced than
before. He points to the boys in the order I looked at them and he says all their names, none of
them ringing a bell.

"How did you know our names?" Chan asks once i've been reintroduced to the sad faces of the
surrounding boys.

I shrug my shoulders and dart my eyes back to Felix for a moment before replying, "Felix told me
about you guys. And I assumed his brother wouldn't have an arm wrapped around his waist."

Chan snorts lightly with a smile. I look around at everyone again before asking, "So who are all of
you to me?"

Their smiles are sad but they all go around and explain who they are to me.

"We've been best friends since we were little, we go to school together and we've always been
inseparable." The one named Seokmin says from right beside me and I nod, taking in the
"We go to school together, but I also teach some of the classes you're in." Namjoon says.

"We're in school together, I usually help you with homework." Jin says next with a comforting

"We have school, and you join my dance lessons sometimes." Hoseok tells me with a little body

"School, and I usually buy you food." Yoongi explains bluntly, but his mouth pulls into a gummy

"You're my roommate, I give you alot of advice." Taehyung says and smiles in a big heart shaped

Finally I look to Jimin, and his face looks slightly sad as he comes forward and takes my hand. He
slides a ring onto my finger and I notice it's the one that got taken off me before I was left with

"Where did you get this? I thought i'd lost it." I ask him and he brightens up slightly.

"When you got out someone found it and gave it to me, cause it has my name inscribed in it." He
explains, "I'm the one who gave it to you in the first place."

"Why did you give it to me?" I ask, wide eyed as I stare into his twinkling eyes.
"Cause it matches mine, I'm your boyfriend." He says, this time looking sad that I don't remember.

"Oh," I say as I look at his hand and see a matching ring.

A moment passes in silence before someone says, "Maybe we should give them some time to talk
in private," before everyone but Jimin files out of the room.

He stands quietly for a second before pulling over a chair and sitting in it beside me. I look over
him once more and take in his ruffled appearance.

His eyes have large bags under them, as if having not slept for a long time. His clothes are
oversized, hanging loosely on his body as if they don't belong to him.

"Are you really my boyfriend?" I ask him quietly as I stare into his eyes. He nods his head and
before looking down at his hands.
"We weren't officially dating when you were taken but everyone knew we were together."

"Well," I mutter, bringing his eyes back to mine. "I picked well then, you're pretty."

His cheeks pinken slightly but he looks the happiest i've seen him since he walked into the room.
"I'm sorry I don't remember you. Or anybody for that matter."

"No, it's not your fault." He tells me as he places his hands onto mine, causing me to flinch slightly.
He takes his hands away for a moment, watching me carefully before placing them on mine again.

"Why is my family not here?" I ask next and Jimin explains, "They were unable yo contact your
parents for two weeks after they brought you in and your family has to get out of commitments
before they come and then they have to go to the police station but they should be here in a couple

I nod along as he speaks to show i'm listening, thinking carefully in the silence that follows.
"How do I know you're telling the truth? That any of you are telling the truth?" I ask him. "How do
I know that you guys dont work for the little man? That you won't take me back to the chair?"

"How do I know I can trust you?"

His face darkens the more I speak, and I begin to worry that i'd found him out and he was going to
do all the things i'd said.

Instead, his eyes teared up and his lip became clasped between his teeth tightly. "Im sorry that
you're scared of something like that."

"You don't have to trust us yet, we will always be here for you but you don't have to be around us if
you don't want to." He tell me in a sad tone.

"I understand that all this has to be really scary, because we all know you and have memories of
times that don't currently exist in your mind,"

"I promise you, that if you want me; ill be there. If you want me to leave then i'll go. We all want
the best for you but we wont push you."

He gives me one last watery smile before pushing to his feet and reaching for his back pocket. He
pulls out a black phone with no case on it and holds it out to me.

I look between him and it before taking it carefully from his grasp and holding it in confusion.
"It's your phone, it was in the car on the day you got taken so they didn't get their hands on it." He
explains as he points at it.

"Oh.. thank you." I reply as I look at it.

"I thought maybe you'd like to look through it and see all the things you used to like, maybe it'd
help you remember."

I smile and thank him as I sit up and turn it on, "The password is 131095."
I put in said numbers and it unlocks so thats a win.

"Well I guess i'll give you a chance to look over everything in peace," He says with a smile as he
steps towards me before pressing a kiss against my forehead.
"I love you, if you need me or any of the guys our numbers are in your contacts and we'll be
staying at the hospital until you get discharged."

I nod as I watch him step towards the door, just before he steps through the door I softly call out,
"Thank you."

He flashes me a grin before stepping out and pulling the door closed behind him, leaving me in the
quiet again.

Almost all the apps have hundreds if not thousands of notifications, the only two apps that don't are
an editing app and the camera app.
I look down at the phone and try to decide what I want to do first, eventually deciding to check the
contacts to see if their numbers really were in there.

Their names all appear to be there, all but Jimins. Although I am under the impression he is
probably 'minie'.

I click on the contact and let the phone ring as I hold it to my ear, wanting to see if it really was his
number or if it was a lie.
It barely rings twice before a small click sounds occurs and Jimins voice comes through the
"Jungkook are you okay?" He asks confused but alert.

"Yes, I was checking that you were telling the truth." I tell him and its quiet for a tick before I hear
him breathe out raggedly.

"Okay, well it's me." He says and I nod before remembering he wont see.

"I know, ill go now." I tell him and he quickly says goodbye before I hang up.

Next I go into instagram, scrolling down and seeing all the recent posts. Eventually I come across
one by a girl named Lisa, a picture of a pretty girl and who I think is me.

The caption helps with my assumption, I don't have any memory of her but i'm glad to see there are
people put there who waited for me to get back.
Continuing scrolling, I come across a post from a girl named Jennie, who's also stunning. Its
another picture with me, another post explaining her happiness that i've been found.
A post from a girl named Rosé is next, it's a picture of me asleep on a girls shoulder as she looks
through her phone.
Next comes a post from Seokmin, one of the boys who was in the room with me just moments ago,
we're hugging in the picture; showing that at least he wasn't lying about knowing me.
I scroll through a few posts of pictures taken in a desert and come to one posted by a tall boy with
brown hair. He's not familiar but he also has me in an embrace of sorts so I imagine we were close.
The next post comes from a boy named Bambam, but rather than it being just two of us its a
picture of a group of people.
Amongst them is Seokmin and the boy Mingyu from the last post.
I scroll a few more times until I come across one of myself and Taehyung, the tall boy from the
room earlier.
He's sitting on my lap in the picture, making it easier to believe we have a history.
Yoongi's post is next, a picture of him and myself sleeping on a couch. It's unknown what we were
doing before the picture but it's nice.
Down a few posts is a picture of me sitting on the lap of Jin, beside Namjoon and Taehyung. It
kind of reminds me of how i'd picture a stereotypical family photo.
Next is a post from Namjoon, one of us wrestling on a bed whilst he pinches my cheek. It's a cute
photo, almost brotherly in nature.
I come across a post made by Jimin a picture of two hands held on a blanket. I look down at my
left hand and see that it is mine, the drip being in the same place.
Looking at the picture gives me the idea to click onto his profile to look at it and get to know him
more. He has very few photos but they vary at each post.
I click on the very first post on the account, a picture of Jimin with silver toned hair. He looks
pretty in it.
Clicking onto the next one brings up a photo of Jimin and I facing each other whilst I grin widely
at him, his own face covered by his hands.
The caption makes me smile slightly.
The next picture is a full body shot of Jimin taken from behind him whilst he turns to look at the
camera, he's standing on the beach; and a look at the caption shows it's me who took it.
The next picture is more photogenic in a sensual way, if thats how you'd explain it. Jimin and I are
draped over each other in it, clothes matching in colour.
Next is a picture of Jimin and I cuddling in the back of a ute, with Taehyung laying beside us
looking at his phone.
The more posts of his I look at, the more the captions seem to scream of our relationship becoming
The final picture before the most recent one is of only myself, and reading the caption makes my
blood run cold in my veins.
Clearly the post is from the day I was kidnapped, and its scary to see how much time has passed
since that moment.

How long were they waiting for me to come back, how long were they hoping i'd be perfectly
normal when I came home.

I lock my phone after reading the caption, placing it down and closing my eyes as I think.

God, they really went through a lot whilst I was missing. And I can't even remember them? How
could they even want to be my friend after this?

All I need to do is remember.

please just remember.

3k words.
Chapter 18. Base Line

The amount of visitors to my room in the past 2 days has been phenomenal. I didn't think a person
could know this many people, let alone have them all care enough to see you in hospital.

Girls and boys of varying ages and relations spending time out of their day sitting with me and
asking the same questions over and over.

"How are you?"

"Are you okay?"

"Do you remember..?"

"What was it like?"

It's almost as if they think if they ask it then a new answer will unlock and pop up like a side quest.

The worst time is after my family finally arrived. I know I love them, can feel the pain and longing
and love deep in my chest

But the person they know, that they remember, is gone. I don't share their memories, I don't know
who they speak of in their stories, or recognise their faces in photographs.

If Seokmin and Jimin hadn't been there when I was reintroduced to them, I would've thought they
were someone elses parents.

I know they're trying, trying to remind me of who I was, trying to win back the time that was lost,
trying to make me better.

"Jungkook! Stop playing with your drip or you're going to lose it." My mum lightly scolds as I push
the needle further into the flesh of my hand, longing for the pain to help me feel something.

Jimin lightly places his hand on my arm to try and gather my attention but I stay primitive to the
"It may just be in an uncomfortable position and he is trying to fix it," Jin says from where he is sat
in the corner with Namjoon

I only stop when a light knock sounds on the door, bringing me out of my self destructive mindset.

The door opens and Felix's head pops through the gap, followed closely by his body.

"Hi everyone, hope i'm not intruding," He says as he takes a step towards my bed, hands carrying a

I stay silent as I watch him.

speak only when spoken to

"Seokmin said he'll come past later with Hoseok, if that's okay?" Felix says as he puts the box
down on the counter and turns to me, looking me directly in the eyes when he asks.

I give him a small nod, who am I to say no when they're in charge?

A smile forms on his face as he takes the empty seat beside Jimin.

"So what were you talking about before I came?" Felix asks my mum who looks at me with sad

"I was telling him to stop playing with his drip, I keep catching him playing with it," She explains
as I look to him to see his response.

He nods slightly and looks at me. He seems as though he wants to ask me something but stops
himself from actually doing it.

My father and brother enter the room on the heels of my main doctor, since I woke up two days
ago they haven't given a full diagnosis of everything that was wrong because they're legally only
allowed to tell family.

My family only arrived last night but my doctor wasn't in until now, which means they'll finally
know everything that's wrong with me.

"Hello Mr and Mrs Jeon, it's good to finally meet you and be able to go over your sons injuries with
you." Doctor Wang says when she comes to a stop at the end of my bed, a couple if other girls and
boys in white coats stood behind her.

"Would you like me to relay information about your sons case in front of his friends?" Doctor
Wang asks as she points towards the boys sitting around the room.

"Yes, it's okay for them to hear," My mum says with a smile as she comes to stand beside my bed.

"Okay well, my name is Doctor Wang, i'm Jungkooks primary surgeon and doctor; these are a few
of my associates, Doctor Sheppard, Doctor Nanyo and Doctor Yang as well as a few surgical
residents who will be assisting in going over your sons case."

"Hello my name is Doctor Yang, I am the director of cardiothoracic surgery at this hospital."
Doctor Yang introduces with a nod.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Doctor Sheppard and I'm the director of Neurosurgery." Doctor Sheppard
greets with a smile

"My name is Doctor Nanyo and i'm the head of Psychology." Doctor Nanyo tells us plainly.

Doctor Wang picks up my chart from the end of my bed, it being thick with paper.

"Firstly I will go over what we had to do when he was in surgery, then we will go over his other
injuries and issues." She explains before opening the chart.

"When we first opened him up your son was still going into cardiac arrest so the three of us had to
work together to try and fix everything we could as quickly as possible."

"He suffered from a ruptured appendix and spleen, as well as some of the lining of his stomach
tearing causing internal hemorrhaging."
"He also had a perforation in his right lung caused by a broken rib that was causing him air to leak
into the space between his lung and chest lining causing difficulties with breathing."

"The left lung had a Hemothorax, which means that blood was collecting in the space of the lung
where fluid collects which limited the space in which the lung can expand."

"We had to give him a full pancreas transplant, a donor at the hospital was lucky to be a match so
we were able to do that immediately."

"His liver and kidneys were also severely damaged, and he has been placed on the donor list in the
case that they don't improve before discharge."

Everyone is quiet as they soak up this information, all sitting around me as I stare blankly at the
doctors before me.

"Now, whilst Doctor Wang focused on those injuries, I completed surgery on his heart. Your son
suffered from what we call a traumatic cardiac arrest, and we had to do a thoracotomy in order to
fix the issue." Doctor Yang explains.

"The issue being that the heart attack caused one of his heart valves to fail meaning we had to
replace it using a different donor to the one which gave him the liver."

"Now my part will sound pretty scary so I want you to stay with me when I explain this okay?"
Doctor Sheppard tells us.

He gives us a few moments before beginning to explain, "Your son suffered from a cerebral
contusion, which basically means bruising on the brain, which is what caused him to suffer
seizures on the ambulance ride to the hospital. It caused his intracranial pressure to rise meaning
we had to perform a craniotomy to release the pressure."

"This type of injury can cause decreased mental capacity but his quirk may allow him to heal
enough to have no long term effects, but we wont know for a few weeks if any long term damage
has occured."
"Which leads to me, due to the damage caused by the electroshock therapy and brain bruising, we
have diagnosed your son with a severe case of amnesia and memory loss." Doctor Nanyo informs
them whilst looking over the pieces of paper in his hand.

"We have written up a plan to try and assist in the process of him regaining his memories as well as
ways that may assist him but we have to make sure we dont push him too quickly as it may make
things worse."

You'd be able to hear a pin drop with how quiet the room currently is. Maybe even the sound of a
cotton pad hitting the ground.

I don't look to anybody but the doctors in front of me, them all seeming slightly put off by my
unblinking stare.

The information they're giving means nothing to me anyway.

"He also has had extremely low blood pressure during his time here," One of the students says
during the silence.

"Yeah, he's had a history of low blood pressure." My mum tells them and they nod before taking
down some notes.

"Now to get onto the more superficial injuries, Jungkook suffered from multiple broken bones,
most of which are partially healed and look to be from multiple seperate occasions as well as
bruising and scrapes."

"He also has extensive scarring on his body that we were unable to identify the cause of." One of
the random med students says from behind the doctors.

"Knifes," Felix mutters to them as he looks down at his fiddling fingers.

"What was that?" Doctor Wang asks him and he breathes out a long sigh before replying, "The
scarring was made by knives."
"How do you know this?" She asks next and only then does Felix look up.

"I was trapped in a room with Jungkook for hours, I saw all the scarring and i'm telling you now
they were done with knifes, he didn't have a shirt until a few minutes before we got out," Felix tells
them, seeming as though he REALLY doesn't want to talk about it.

"Why did he not have a shirt?" Jimin asks in confusion.

"Jungkook said they liked the easy access."

when did i say that? is he lying?

"When can he leave?" My brother asks and Doctor Wang immediately replies, "He will need to
stay for further observation but if no other immediate issues occur he will be able to leave by the
end of the month."

"So only like 2 weeks?" My dad asks and the doctors all nod in answer.

"Before we leave I want to also explain the side effects that may occur due to having given him
organ transplants."

"The most common side effect is rejection, which luckily didn't happen in his case. We were even
able to take him off his rejection medication because his quirk accepted and healed them without
their aid."

"There are a few other common side effects that i've written down for you but I want you to be
aware that another side effect is that the person acquires a manifestation of the quirk of the person
who donated the organs."

"That's possible?" Felix asks with a small confused frown on his face.

Doctor Wang nods before continuing, "It isn't very common, and in Jungkooks case we weren't
informed of the quirks his donors had but its highly unlikely he will acquire them, let alone both."
"We'll be back to check up on you in an hour, try to stay calm until then," Doctor Wang addresses
me with a smile before leaving the room.

"If you dont mind, i'd like to speak to the three of you in my office to go over the details of what we
know and will impliment for Jungkook," Doctor Nanyo says to my mum.

She nods before standing, "We'll be back soon okay?" she says so I give her a single nod to show I
heard her before the three of them leave with the doctor.

That leaves just the boys in the room with me, still quiet as they contemplate what was said.

"I never realised how much they did in that one surgery, even if it was really long," Jimin mutters
as he rubs the spot on my wrist that his hand is draped on.

"Although i guess they did do a couple of them so we can't be too surprised,"

"I didn't realise you could survive whilst having that many things wrong with you to be honest,"
Felix replies.

I look between them both in silence, hand moving back to my IV and pushing on it again.

"Have you ever heard of people getting quirks from organ donations, that's pretty cool." Taehyung
pitches as he rubs a hand over Yoongis hair rhythmically, massaging his scalp.

"It isn't very common but she was right when she says it causes a manifestation, they wont get
exactly the same quirk but rather something similar or only a part of it," Namjoon says as he leans
back further in his seat, settling Jin more comfortably across his chest.

"What does that mean?" Felix asks in wonder, since first meeting Namjoon he was always
interested in his intellect.

"Well for example, if he were to get an organ from someone who has a morphing quirk; he may be
able to morph into specific creatures or morph particular parts of himself but he may never have
the quirk to the same extent as the original user," Namjoon explains as simply as he can.
"How long would it take before we'd know if he got someones quirk?" Jimin asks quietly as he
moves to hold my hand thats fiddling with the drip line.

I go still when his hand grasps mine.

i did wrong. i'm bad. i will be punished.

"It could take anywhere from a few days to a few years, thats if he even got them at all." He
answers, closing his eyes and relaxing against the chair more.

A muted grumbling of a stomach sounds throughout the room and all eyes land on its location, Jin.

"You guys should all go eat, i'll stay with him," Felix says vaguely to everyone in the room and
one by one they stand up and exit in a single file line.

"Jungkook do you want anything?" Jimin asks as he stands beside me, still holding my hand.

I direct my eyes to Felix and he gives a small nod, which I return to Jimin who smiles widely and
exits with a skip in his step.

Felix stares at me as the silence stretches, almost waiting for me to speak first. Hoping for me to
speak first.

"Jungkook I understand that you're in pain, I understand that you're scared but you aren't alone,"
Felix tells me as he shuffles his chair closer.

I look him directly in the eyes before looking away.

These days I rarely speak, I know my place, I learned my lesson. I only speak these days if its an
order to from Felix.

"You need to talk to us at some point. We want to help," He continues as he catches my eyes again,
leaning into my view.
"What are you scared of? We're safe, they can't hurt us anymore," He continues but his voice fades
from my ears when pure unrelenting fear rushes through my body like ice.

Through the window of my room I see a short man and above average tall guy walking side by side
past my room.

I can't see their faces.

oh god they're coming for me.

My breathing picks up the longer I stare at them and the closer they get to the door of my room.

My panic fades out all my senses of my surroundings, so when a hand reaches out and touches my
arm, I can't help but scream in fear.

I roll away from the touch, landing harshly on the ground as I continue to scream, until a feeling of
air being pushed out of my chest occurs and I close my eyes.

When I open them again, my face feels wet, but all I can see is a dark smokey figure, a similar
coloured rope tethering it to me by my wrist.

I pull my hands up to cover my head.

they cant take me. i want to stay with my new people.

Panic continues to rush through my body as yelling and weird growling noises echo through the
room, ricocheting off the walls.

The door slams opens in a slam, and more yelling occurs before nothing.


2.4k words.
Chapter 18.5 - Base Line

Hearing about all the injuries Jungkook received in the time he was taken leaves me heavy hearted.

Whilst I was in my cell, left alone and thinking i'd been forgotten about, he was being put through

I look to his blank face, and can only feel apologetic and sad for what was done to him.

He's become a shell, he has no life in his eyes and rarely has an expression. He's like a lifeless doll
that was battered around by an evil sibling and their friends.

I'm not surprised we can rarely get him to talk. Doing that probably caused punishments so he's
probably terrified to be a human.

"I never realised how much they did in that one surgery, even if it was really long," Jimin mutters
as he rubs his thumb over Jungkooks wrist that is held loosely in his grip.

"Although i guess they did do a couple of them so we can't be too surprised,"

I nod silently, thoughts running wildly trying to piece things together.

"I didn't realise you could survive whilst having that many things wrong with you to be honest," I
state into the quiet, images of Jungkooks bloodied and beaten body dropping like a doll cut from its
strings the only thing I can see in that moment.

I see Jungkooks eyes drift between Jimin and I from the side of my eye, but by the time my eyes
wander to him they're already staring at the window to the hallway.

"Have you ever heard of people getting quirks from organ donations, that's pretty cool." Taehyung
pitches as he rubs a hand over Yoongis hair rhythmically, massaging his scalp.

"It isn't very common but she was right when she says it causes a manifestation, they wont get
exactly the same quirk but rather something similar or only a part of it," Namjoon says as he leans
back further in his seat, settling Jin more comfortably across his chest.
"What does that mean?" I question aloud, finding Namjoons quirk to be fascinating in all the
knowledge he stores.

"Well for example, if he were to get an organ from someone who has a morphing quirk; he may be
able to morph into specific creatures or morph particular parts of himself but he may never have
the quirk to the same extent as the original user," Namjoon explains as simply as he can.

My brain still feels slightly like it will explode.

"How long would it take before we'd know if he got someones quirk?" Jimin asks quietly as he
moves to hold Jungkooks hand thats fiddling with his drip line again, pressing it slightly.

Jungkooks movement stills when Jimin catches his hand, but his gaze remains unwavering.

"It could take anywhere from a few days to a few years, thats if he even got them at all." He
answers, closing his eyes and relaxing against the chair more.

In that moment of silence following his words, Jins stomach takes its chance to grumble loudly and

His face pinkens when all eyes turn to him, including Jungkooks unreadable ones.

"You guys should all go eat, i'll stay with him," I tell the boys and they seem grateful as they
slowly push to their feet and move to exit.

"Jungkook do you want anything?" Jimin asks Jungkook as he stands beside the bed, hand still
gripping Jungkooks.

Jungkooks eyes flash to me and are unmoving. I give him a small nod and only then does he look
away, only to return it to Jimin who exits the room soon after.

I stare silently at Jungkook once everyone else has left the room, hoping for something; anything.
"Jungkook I understand that you're in pain, I understand that you're scared but you aren't alone," I
tell him with a sigh as I shuffle my seat closer to him, within arms reach.

He stares me directly in the eyes for a fraction of a second before looking away.

Nobody wants to force him to speak, but I can tell that everyone worries he may never do it again
after the first day, especially after the doctors listed his injuries and told us it could hinder him.

He may have spoken on that first day, but something changed in the time between us leaving and
coming back.

Nobody knows what, and the doctors refused to speak to us about it because we aren't immediate
family but they too seemed worried.

"You need to talk to us at some point. We want to help," I continue as I catch his eyes again,
leaning forwards until i'm in his line of sight on the bed.

"What are you scared of? We're safe, they can't hurt us anymore," I say but as my sentence tapers to
a finish something in his eyes changes.

They become fearful, his body tensing up and shaking lightly as he stares at a point outside the

I look to the same spot he is out the window and see a tall man walking alongside a much shorter
one, coming towards the door.

A quick glance at their faces shows its two of the nurses i've seen around the halls.

Jungkooks breathing begins to pick up as he continues looking at them through the window and I
begin to worry.

"Jungkook?" I whisper as I reach out and touch his arm.

Clearly this was the wrong decision as the moment my hand makes contact with his thin wrist, he
begins to scream and move; pushing himself off the bed and onto the floor away from me.

I jump to my feet in a panic, scared that he has just hurt himself by falling as the screaming ceases
to stop.

His breathing seems to hitch for a moment and then suddenly i'm pushing myself backwards as a
large shadowed figure appears, teathered to Jungkooks wrist and pushing the bed Jungkook was
laying on merely seconds ago; in my direction.

I barely manage to glitch out of the way, the bed hitting my wrist painfully.

A look at Jungkooks face shows tears streaming down it.

The creature growls loudly when it sees my eyes are locked on Jungkook and grabs the closest
thing to throw at me.

This time I dont escape in time and a vase hits me full force in the chest and breaks leaving
scratches and pieces of clay imbedded in my arms; which had come up to try and stop it.

At that moment I do the only thing I can, I yell and scream for help.

Clearly this thing came out of Jungkook, which is impossible seeing as it has nothing to do with his

I freeze in the middle of yelling when the realization hits me.

this is a quirk manifestation.

My stop in movement leaves me open again and I get hit full force by a wooden shelf that it ripped
straight out of the wall.

The door busts open right as the shelf hits me, and i take a step back at the pain, it having hit my
already injured body parts.
A nurse takes a step into the room and promptly steps back out and calls for security, asking
specifically for a guard named Kevin; as well as a nurse named Tily.

The announcement reads over the speaker system loudly, and I hope and pray that the rest of the
guys arrive soon.

The guard arrives just moments after everyone else, there's a crowd gathered by this point;
watching as I try to call Jungkooks name only to be attacked by the thing.

Everyone pushes through the crowd until they're able to step through the door.

They each look horrified by what they see before them, and Jimin takes a step forward as he calls
Jungkooks name.

Jimin wouldn't stand a chance against the shelf hurtling towards him full force, so when I glitch in
front of him I can tell he is surprised.

Especially when I fall into him with the force of the shelf and drop us both to the floor.

Its that moment that a man in a security uniform steps through the door, closely followed by a short
girl with long dark blue hair.

He's wearing a pair of red reflective glasses with black frames, and when he steps throught the
door, the creature disappears.

The girl steps forwards and places a hand fowards that realeases a light blue mist that leaves
Jungkooks body limp upon inhalation.

"Felix what the fuck happened! We were gone for like 5 minutes?" Yoongi questions as he steps
forwards and pulls me off of Jimin by my shirt.

"There were some nurses that walked past, Remy and Joan? I remembered thinking they looked
familiar when I saw them but I only recognised why when they walked past." I explain before
coughing, that last plank really winded me.
"They have the same heights and body types as two of the guys that held us captive and Jungkook
freaked out when he saw them,"

"I tried to touch his arm and he started screaming before falling off the bed, and suddenly this
creature was there," I tell them.

Namjoon steps forwards and helps me to my feet and Yoongi continues to kneel quietly.

"Clearly he got a manifestation of someones quirk from the organ donation. It must be activated by
a trigger, which in this instance is fear," Namjoon tells us as he helps me sit in a chair in the corner
of the room.

"I thought they said it was rare to get quirk transfers from organ transplants?" Taehyung states
questioningly as he looks over at Jungkook, who they've placed into his fixed up bed.

"It is rare, but with all the things Jungkook has gone through i'm not surprised that his body would
be more susceptible to less likely side effects," Namjoon tells us and I huff out a breath I didn't
realise i'd been holding.

"Well, there's no way hell get one from a different donor organ." Jin says.



1.6k words.
Chapter 19. Life

"Kid get up, it's time to go," I hear a voice say from behind me, when I hear it I turn from where
i'm sat on the end of the bed and my eyes land on Yoongi.

He's standing in the doorway with my bag in his arms as he watches me. I nod and pick up the
stuffed puppy that Jimin brought me a few days into my stay.

By this point it's been a little over 3 months since I woke up.
Even though I was meant to be released weeks later, my kidneys and liver both went into full organ
failure meaning I was rushed to the top of the donor list and given full organ transplants from 3
different donors; which just slowed my leaving.

Two of those donors were Taehyung and Yoongi, who both gave me a kidney, at first I was only
supposed to receive the one but the doctors felt that I wouldn't be able to fully heal without two.

Jimin was my liver donor, doing a partial donation as livers are able to regrow on their own.

Pushing to my feet, I follow him out the door and through the halls of the hospital.

"I know this is going to be alot for you, but we're here with you every step of the way." Yoongi
says as we walk towards the elevator.

He pushes the button and we wait quietly for it to come, "Thank you."

I bring the puppy closer to my chest, cuddling it as I enter the elevator. The doors close just after a
woman enters and steps in beside us.

"Oh, you're that kid Jungkook who was missing," She says into the silence and I look at her with
wide weary eyes, taking a step away from her.

"Jungkook, is there anything you want to do when we go home?" Yoongi asks, taking my attention
to him. He seems to understand that I didn't know what to say or do.

I shrug my shoulders and lean back against the edge of the elevator, hugging the puppy toy closer
to me.

"So far the plan is to show you around the school again and get you reacquainted. There might be
some people who want to see you." He continues into the baited silence.

I nod and follow him when he steps out of the elevator, we head through the lobby and out to the
car park outside.

Finally we get to the car, a black one, and he unlocks it.

Jin is standing beside it waiting for us and smiles as we approach.

He walks around to the boot and puts my stuff in, but when I attempt to get into the boot as well; he
seems confused.

"Kook what are you doing?" He asks as he grabs my upper arm.

Jin steps around the car at the question and gives me the same confused look.
"This is where i'm supposed to ride..?" I say as if i'm answering the dumbest question in the planet.

"What do you mean Jungkook? This is the boot," Jin says as he points to the area where I have one
of my legs positioned.

"This is where I ride, they always put me here." I answer and push my way in until i'm sat cross
legged in the boot staring up at them.

I stare back and forth between them and am able to see the moment both their faces switch from
confusion to what I would assume is understanding mixed with sadness.

"No Kook," Jin says as they both move to help me out of the boot, careful to make sure I dont trip.
"You don't go in the boot, the boot is for storage."

Jin carefully holds my arm and pulls me along and Yoongi leans against the car and looks down at
his feet.

"You sit here, in the back seat. Or in the front seat if you want."

I let him guide me into a seat in the back, explaining along the way when he puts me seatbelt on
after I panic and push him away.

Eventually he gives me a smile and walks around the back of the car where he slams the boot door
and talks quietly to Yoongi.

I give up trying to listen to whatever they're talking about, deciding instead to tuck my face into the
stuffed bunny and wait for them to take me wherever they plan to.

It doesn't take them long to finish speaking and come around to the front where they get into their
seats and begin the journey.

I stay silent through the trip, listening to their questions and choosing to not answer. I notice them
both continuing to look at me where I sit in the back seat, but they don't tell me why so I dont ask.

After a little while, the car finally comes to a longstanding stop and is turned off. "We're here,"
Yoongi says as he opens his door and slides out of his seat, slamming the door closed behind him.

Jin does the same before coming around to my door and opening it. He helps me to undo my
seatbelt and gestures for me to exit the car.

I do so, stopping beside him when he helps Yoongi to take things out of the boot.

"This is where we go to school, the Seoul Highschool for Talented Teens," Jin tells me as we come
to a stop at an entryway that leads a path tp multiple large buildings.

"Who's we?" I quietly question as I allow myself to be lead down the path and towards one of the
closer buildings.

"You, us, Namjoon, Hoseok, Taehyung, Jin and Jimin. As well as Felix along with his brother,
boyrfriend and friends, plus all the people you've become friends with since being here." Yoongi

He pulls out a key card and taps it on a sensor before pushing into the building with us following
close behind.

"We're going to your dorm room now, you share it with Taehyung." Jin explains as we go up three
flights of stairs. "Sorry about the walk but the lift is broken."

Silently I follow them through the building, not recognising any of my surroundings and just
hoping that I wont accidentally get lost and left behind.

Eventually they come to a stop outside a door with the number 330 labelled on metal plates.
Yoongi pulls out a key set from his pocket and swings it around a few times before coming to a
stop on one and using it to open the door.

He pushes open the door and waiting inside is the rest of the guys who visited in me in hospital.

Throughout the few months I spent in the hospital, I had many visitors. Boys and girls, family and
friends, all people who know me when I dont know them.

Jimin, Seokmin and Felix were the three who spent the most time with me. Jimin would only leave
if he was forced to, spending every waking moment trying to help me get better and making sure
that I was okay.

Seokmin usually came with my family, joining in on the stories and trying to make me laugh. On
the days that he came alone, he would show me pictures from the past and tell me the stories that
came along with them.
He's the one who convinced my parents to let me go back to school rather than bring me home and
never go back.

Felix came less often then Jimin and Seokmin, but still more often than everyone else. Unlike
Jimin, who tried to help me to remember more things about my life before the incident; Felix
focused more on trying to make me forget the pain of what i'd been through whilst there, or at least
the things I vaguely remember.

Sometimes when he'd visit we'd sit in silence, him knowing that what I needed in that moment was
the comfort of presence rather than speech. Other days he holds my hands whilst I cry, not knowing
why, but being aware that it was in pain of what had happened.

Sometimes I remember things, never good things from before, but rather things that make me
scream for hours, lashing out at anyone near and trying to protect myself from things I don't know,
memories of knives and metal that only stop when they drug me up and tie me down.

I can tell that the people around me are still scared of me, can see it when they look at my wrists;
rubbed raw from the ropes they had to use to tie me down. Can see it when they flinch away at any
sudden movement I make.

Sometimes I wish I could remember, wish I understood the inside jokes my friends laughed at
when they came to visit, wish I knew the meaning behind the words they use when they talk about
'Jungkook', wish I remembered the things I felt when they tell me stories about what we've been
through together.

Oh how I wish I remember those things.

I know that everyone wishes they know what happened to me. From what I know, Felix was kept
in his 'cell' constantly, never forced to practise with his quirk, never made to go out on missions,
never visited by the tall guy or the soldier.

I know he wishes he could understand what I went though, but he knows that he doesn't, knows
that he doesn't understand not being able to remember anything about who he used to be, knows
that he doesnt understand the pain I was put through whenever I was put in the chair.
Knows that he doesn't understand the pain I felt when the soldiers knives went through and across
my body, or when the big guys fists beat me through the ground until bones are broken and bruises
form on top of each other.

"Hey Kook," Taehyung greets with a wide grin as he welcomes me into the room full of boys. A
quick sweep of the room shows the 7 males from the hospital sat in multiple places acrosss the
room, in the far left corner sits Felix and Changbin with Chan stood beside them.

Beside them sits another 6 boys of varying heights and hair colours that i've never seen before.

At the sight of the unknown boys I stop in my tracks and take a step back, Taehyung getting jerked
backwards because of his hold on my arm.

Sensing my anxiety at the sight of the unknown boys, Jimin comes to stand beside me with a soft
smile on his face.

"It's okay Jungkook, they're friends." He tells me as he ushers me to sit on the bed on the right side.

"Hey Jungkook, these are my friends; they helped to look for us when we were gone," Felix tells
me as he slides off the edge of the bed and out of Changbins arms.

"This is Woojin, his quirk makes it so that if you answer his question he is able to mind control
you. But only if he wants to," Felix says whilst waving at a boy with charcoal coloured hair and a
close mouthed smile.

The boy gives a small wave and says hello but I just tuck my face into my stuffed puppy.

"This is Minho, he is able to use sound waves to echo locate people and objects through floors and
walls," Feliix points at a boy with black hair and a cute squinted grin.

"Hey Jungkook, we actually have math class together," Minho tells me and I perk up a little.

"You know me?" I ask and he smiles with a nod. I don't really know what to say in reply, do I
apologise for not knowing him? Do I hay hello? Do I say nothing?

apologise for speaking without being spoken to.

Felix takes the choice away when he introduces the next person, "This is Hyunjin, he is able to do
item creation. He has to know roughly the shape and size but they pop out through his skin."

Hyunjin is the same height as Jin, with honey blonde hair and a dimpled smile. "It's nice to meet
you Jungkook," He greets and sends a small wave my direction.

"This is Jisung, he can make fire and fireballs that explode," He directs the intoduction at a boy
with blue hair, full cheeks and wide eyes.

He sends me a sunshine smile and a wave.

I give him a small smile back, and his smile gets even bigger.

"This is Seungmin, he can manipulate matter. Basically anything with molecules and atoms," Felix
says and points at a boy with brown hair and a round face. The boy greets me with a small smile
and a small hello.

"And finally is Jeongin, his power is mood control and projection," He says and brings my
attention to a boy with brown hair and a brace filled smile.
"You're so young," I say quietly as I look him over, he takes it in stride and sends me a dimpled

I look over to the doorway and see Jin, Yoongi and Namjoon talking quietly amongst themselves.
Their expressions read sadness as they look at me between their quiet whispers.

I turn my eyes away from them quickly, knowing better than to stare for too long.

Instead I turn my head to Jimin, who is holding a conversation with a few of the boys in the room. I
let my eyes flit around his features.

Everytime I look at him I understand why I would have dated him, his beauty is unimaginable.
And yet, everytime I look at him I feel nothing of before, remember none of the things he does.

"Alright everyone, i'm gonna get food what does everyone want?" Yoongi asks, body wrapped
around Taehyung but clearly ready to leave if needed.

"Jungkook are you hungry?" Jimin asks me as people take a moment to decide what they want.

"I'm operational," I reply absently, as I take in my surroundings.

On the table beside the bed i'm sat on is a picture of myself and the boy named Seokmin. We're
hugging, large grins plastered on our faces. We look happy.

"What does that mean?" Jimin asks, taking my hand to bring my attention back to him. I flinch at
the touch, but don't try to move away.
"It's means that i'm operational and wont need maintenance for the next few days at most." I reply
plainly before going back to my surveillance of the room.

I know that these people are supposedly my friends, but they all have quirks which means they're

Everyone in the room seems oblivious to my internal dilemma. They're innocent, but they could
lash out at any moment.

"Jungkook," Jimin says my name again, louder this time and I finally look at him. "What does that

"You'd have to know, you're one of my new handlers," I reply, "The best handlers i've ever had,
from what I remember," and the silence of the room becomes deafening. I take a look around the
room to find all eyes on me, a mix of shock and horror.

Flitting my eyes back to Jimin shows he has a similar look.

"What.. what does that mean?" Taehyung asks hesitantly from across the room.

"Well, the big man said that I was getting new handlers because of bad behaviour," I say as I look
at him.
"And Felix told me that he was my new handler," I continue as I turn my eyes to Felix.
"These are my new handlers? Are they not?" I ask Felix in confusion.

No one speaks, no one breathes. I look at all of them one by one as no reply comes, their faces a
mix of grim sadness and pure horror.

When I look at Jimin, something inside me shrivels. Not only is he looking at me horrified, but his
eyes are tearing up.
"Felix?" I say as I turn back to him and he gets off the bed and kneels down in front of me.
"Are they not my new handlers?" I ask him in a quieter voice, feeling insecure in the question.

Panic runs through me at the idea of my handlers being someone else, that these people were just
the ones I was stuck waiting with until my REAL handlers came.

At the idea that maybe these people weren't really my friends, that Jimin wasn't really my

"Jungkook.." Felix mutters but doesn't finish because Yoongi is calling out to him.

"Felix what the fuck does he mean? You told him you were his handler?" Yoongi yells and takes a
step forwards.

My body starts to sweat as he continues to yell, stress runs through my body.

i said the wrong thing. i'm so stupid.

"I can explain okay, there was a reason!" Felix defends himself as he moves to his feet and steps
closer to me.

Yoongi continues to advance as he yells louder. Changbin and Chan are both frowning and
shifting, as if going to intervene at any second.

"There is no possible reason you could have told him something like this! Did you tell him we are
his handlers too?" Yoongi shouts, about 5 steps away from being directly in front of Felix.

I drop my puppy toy onto the bed beside me as my hands begin to sweat, and push to my feet,
standing in front of Felix.

A crackling sound echoes through the room, similar to when Felix glitches, but less static.
Yoongi takes a step back in shock as he stares down at my hands.

I do the same and am surprised to find small explosions bursting from my palms.

I pull my hands up in front of my face, not sure if they're actually real.

"Jungkook you need to calm down, and they'll stop," Namjoons voice tells me and I take a breath
before sitting back down, and they stop.

"That makes two, he got two new quirks." Jin says aloud.

"What do you mean?" Hoseok asks, a look of confusion clouding his face. Taehyung rushes to
explain to him and Felix's friends what he means.

"Felix?" I utter once the room is quiet again.

He comes to kneel before me again as I once again ask, "Are they not my new handlers?"

Felix looks conflicted about how he should answer.

"No Jungkook, we don't have handlers anymore; we're free," He chooses to say.

"But you.." I let my sentence fade before finishing it.

Felix's face looks distressed as he tries to explain, "I only told you that to get you out of there
Jungkook, I couldn't just leave you there."

"You lied."

3.0k words.

it’s my birthday!!!
Chapter 20. Blood Sweat and Tears
Chapter Notes

Hi everybody! Im sorry that it took so long for this chapter to be realeased, ive had a
lot of mental health related issues in the past few months that ive been trying to deal
with, thank you all for your patience ❤️

Trigger Warning - suicidal thoughts, self destructive actions/ self harm.

When I left the dorm that night, it was with the plan to disappear and never come back.

The only person I thought I could trust had lied to me. I had nothing.

None of them ever had a chance of catching me when I ran. No matter how hard they tried or how
loud they yelled.

I didn't stop until I was standing on a bridge, on the very edge staring down at the water. It feels
almost as though it is coaxing me in, telling me to take one step and fall in.

At this height it would be an almost fatal drop. But what's the difference? I have nothing.

The only thing I thought I knee turned out to be a lie.

What am I if not a weapon? What am I if not a follower of my handler?

what am i.

I tilt forwards on my feet as I tempt fate.

Would it hurt? If I just let myself fall off balance and drop. Would it hurt when my body hits the

Would they ever find my body?

I tempt fate one last time before jumping back onto the pavement and running back to the school. I
never enter though, finding myself a spot on a fire escape on a building across the road.

Thats how I stayed for the night, returning to the building in the morning but never going back to
the room they first took me to.

Instead I made my way to the roof, where I stayed for days on end.

Anytime I shut my eyes I jolted awake to the memory of pain and fear.

Sometimes when I awoke it was to a flash of silver glinting in the light.

Sometimes when I awoke I screamed my throat raw.

By the third night up there I stopped sleeping all together. Days and nights blending together as I
sat on the rooftop staring at the sky.

Eventually I leave the rooftop, heading to the room they took me to and entering quietly.

All of them are there, puppy piled on the beds and floor and they snuggle in their sleep.

I take a moment to look over them all silently, a feeling burning deep in my chest, warmth and pain
at the same time.

I step over them all and take a black hoodie and black skinny jeans from my closet before leaving
again in a hurry, not even closing the door behind me.

I find myself standing outside a different dorm room, where I break the door knob and enter. I
enter the bathroom, seeing alot of boxes on shelves that say 'hair dye' on them.

I take a quick shower and steal a pair of underwear before changing into the clothes I brought with

I exit the room, leaving the broken door open and walk to the other building where I assume they
hold classes.
I wander aimlessly through the halls until someone recognises me and guides me to my class. I get
an extensive welcome back but stay silent the whole time.

Everyone seems to want to talk to me but I keep quiet, sitting in the only empty chair and
remaining still even when someone places a piece of paper and a pen in front of me.

As the teacher continues to drone on about whatever it is she's teaching, I look down at the pen in
front of me.

It's a black pen, with a sharp tip to it.

I pick it up with my right hand, and barely flinch as I use little strength to stab myself in the left
hand with it.

I vaguely hear someone scream beside me, but pay no mind.

No pain radiates from the area, I feel nothing but a little bit of pressure. A boy with white blonde
hair helps me out of my chair and leads me down to a room with a bed in it where im sat as an
older woman removes the pen, before the aforementioned boy places a hand on mine and heals the

They both speak amongst themselves as they go through the process, as if having done something
like this multiple times before.

They let me leave with looks of worry, but I pay them no mind, wandering through the halls until
the next person guides me and I go through the same process.

Many people pull me into hugs, mouths moving as they tell me things; but I don't hear any of it.
Only watch blankly as they pull me along and smile happily.

At one point I see a girl I recognise from a picture, but her hair is wrong so I assume i'm wrong.
During the third class I get pulled into that day, I run into some of the boys. Jin, Taehyung,
Seokmin, Seungmin, Woojin and Jimin all stare gobsmacked at me as a girl drags me into the
room by my sleeve.

They all approach me immediately, and I stare through them as they coddle me and call the others,
dragging me out of the room and into the hall.

One by one, the people i'd left behind that day approach and hug me, mouths flapping away and
they speak in rushed words.

Part way through the last person speaking, Felix, I turn and walk away. I stay silent as they all
follow me around like shadows. They follow me as I walk in circles, up and down floors and in and
out of buildings.

Until finally I end up on top of the dorm building, teetering on the ledge and I hold my arms out
and close my eyes.

I feel almost free as the air runs through my arms and past my body, threatening to knock me off
balance and hurtling down the building.

That feeling is lost when a shadow figure, a dragon, comes around and pushes me back onto the
roof of the building before returning to Changbins body.

I stare through him as Taehyung and Jimin pull me to my feet and drag me back into the building,
all whilst Seokmin hugs Changbin tightly.


They drag me back to my dorm where they let me lay on my bed.

When sleep finally takes over me, all I see is glinting metal. In the form of fists and knifes. Both
coming down on me without relent.

When I wake, everyone is still asleep, sweat runs down my body as my dream replays in my mind.
I exit for the bathroom and stare myself down in the mirror silently.

My expression doesn't change as I put my fist through the glass, shattering it into pieces as it breaks
apart and leaves cuts along my knuckles.

I pull my fist back and look down at the blood coming from my knuckles. Pieces of glass are
imbedded deeply.

I look to the shards of glass in the sink and think about picking one up when I look back to the
unbroken parts still in the mirror frame.

My eyes catch sight of Taehyung nearing the bathroom and dont fight him when he pulls me from
the shard filled sink and towards my bed.

He wakes up everyone as I stare blankly at the wall in front of me, fingers pressing the mirror
shards further into my knuckles.

Every time I close my eyes all I see is metal.

Jimin finally manages to get my fingers to stop pushing for enough time to get the shards out, not
that I felt it anyway.

He gets a wet cloth and runs it over my bloody knuckles before cleaning up my blood stained

They let me leave the dorm in the same clothes as yesterday, leading us to the class we have first.

Only upon arriving and realising its a quirk training session do they regret their decision, but its too
late by that point.

It's always too late.


1.3k words.

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