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First of all, the author wish to thank in respect to Dr. Khin Htike Htike Lwin,
Recto, Technological University (Kyaukse) for her permission and management.
The author would like to thank Dr. Hnin Thae Mon, Professor and Head,
Department of Electronic Engineering, Technological University (Kyaukse), for all
her effort, suggestion, time and patience in helping me to complete this study.
The author would also like to thank Dr. Saw Kay Thwe Moe, Professor,
Department of Electronic Engineering Technological University (Kyaukse) for her
kindness and encouragement to submission of this study, close supervision, invaluable
advice, guidance and excellent co-operation. She patiently guided me the valuable
ideas for my thesis. This thesis would not be possible without her guidance and
The author is grateful to his co-supervisor, Daw Than Than Min, Lecture
Department of Electronic Engineering, Technological Univeresity (Kyaukse) for her
helpful device, management and encouragement.
The author wishes to express his acknowledgement to Daw Su Su Than,
Assistant Lecture, Department of Electronic Engineering, Technological Univeresity
(Kyaukse) for her suggestions, management and encouragement.
Finally, the author would like to take the opportunity to thank my parents and
family for having supported me through the whole period.

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