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Businesses play the most important role in our economy because it is the main
source of the economy's income because of the taxes where the government gets its
budget to sustain all of its inhabitants. But we all know that as we come up to a bigger
business, we must know first if the business is making profit or not by the use of
accounting. Accounting was already practiced long time ago where its main purpose is
for the transactions but as usual we're still using it in the same way but there are some
changes or added purpose of the accounting and let's say that the concrete example of
the other uses of accounting is for the taxes, controlling the costs of the products, and
as well as in making decisions and from these examples of the other uses of accounting
we can now conclude that accounting is very important for a business because it is not
just for transactions but it also helps the firms to make decisions.

We can now conclude that accounting really plays a big role in the success of the
businesses and it not just help the businesses but also it helps in terms of education, by
studying of different strategies to make the accounting easier. But as we adopt the new
curriculum where one specific track offers accounting is that some students don’t have
any background knowledge with regards to accounting. The main reason why the
researchers choose this topic because not all the students know what are the basic of
the accounting subject where it may cause them to have difficulties in the accounting I
cause it is an applied subject where we can imagine that if they know what are the basic
of the accounting subject, they are now able to deal with the difficulties that they may
encounter when they are in grade 12. Also the researchers experienced those
difficulties before and that’s why the researchers want to fulfill those missing links so
that they can really comprehend and they will understand the subject with ease.
Statement of the problem

1. What are the basic accounting knowledge that the students need to know?

2. What is the importance of learning the basic of accounting subject for grade 11

3. What are the possible ways to teach the basic of accounting to the students?

4. How effective is the mentioned ways to understand the basic accounting


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