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Movie “22 July”

"July 22" is a film based on real life events that took place in Norway in 2011.
This film tells of an attack that took place in the government district of Oslo (the
capital of Norway), also talks about shooting on the island of Utøya, which is
located a few kilometers from Oslo. This attack left 77 dead balies and among
them teenagers, since this island many teenagers camped.
Anders Behring Breivik is an extreme right Norwegian protagonist of this attack.
This man was sentenced to 30 years in prison for an attack to humanity, because
in Norway the maximum penalty for terrorist attacks is 21 years, however, many
people demanded the death penalty of Anders Behring Breivik.
Viljar Hanssen was camping with his younger brother, in the place where Breivik
did a shooting and where many young people died, Viljar, was one of those who
survived, since Breivik gave him 5 shots and thought he had died; leaving him blind
in one eye.
Viljar's parents realized what was happening in the camp because Viljar and his
brother managed to call them to tell him what was happening, and the police came
to save them.

This attack time frame much people because die much people innocently. Much
people remember this date with a long time sadness, because this day lose family,
friends, acquaintance, etc… Much family when is this date implore and not
understand why happen.

I’m my opinion think them this attack went too much sad, because one not debits
finish off with the life nobody.

Netflix for this film is based on the book: "One of us: The story of a massacre in
Norway and its consequences of Åsne Seierstad". This film was directed by Paul
Greengrass, a director who has a Norwegian cast and crew. Its premiere was on
September 5, 2018, but on Netflix it was October 10, 2018.

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