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NURS 478 Self Care Journal

Your Name: Leila Bouanani Your Buddy: Allie Gaither-Banchoff

Select any evidence-based intervention/recommendation to follow (do this over 8 weeks):

 Sleep at least 7 hours per night before and after a work or school day
 Practice mindfulness meditation for at least 10 minutes everyday
 Complete at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week, such as biking under 9
mph, dancing, jogging, or playing tennis; or complete 60 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week,
such as running, kickboxing, or jumping rope.
 Participate in two professionally led yoga classes for one hour or longer per week
 Spend up to 2 hrs in Nature or longer per week
 Other (Must get your Clinical Faculty approval first, and activity should be up to 2 hrs or longer
per week)

Complete Weekly journal entries:

Week Description of intervention implemented this week (include frequency/length of time):
- Sleep at least 7 hours per night each night of the week

Comments on Activity:

I really need 9 hours of sleep per night to feel great the next day, but can work off of 7hrs if I must. Last
semester I was bad about getting enough sleep (I usually only got 4-6.5hrs) and I became burnt out very
quickly. I want to prevent burnout this semester, so it is my goal to get at least 7 hours, if not more this
whole semester! This was the first week I really implemented the goal and it was a success. I was able
to get about 8hrs of sleep most nights, but there were one or two I only got 7. Unfortunately, those
tended to be the nights before my preceptorship, but I will continue to work on this goal throughout the

Week Description of intervention implemented this week (include frequency/length of time):

- Complete at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week:
- - - One 45min Pilates with mom
- - - Two 60 min yoga sessions

Comments on Activity:

- I am really bad about working out during the school semesters, so my goal this week (and hopefully
continuing throughout the semester) is to make sure I workout at least 2-3 times during the week
ensuring I get the 150 minutes of activity. I enjoy doing Pilates with my mom (it’s a killer leg workout)
and strength-building yoga at home. I felt that I had a lot more energy this week after working out and
know this will help me focus during school and preceptor work. It was really hard to motivate myself to
workout on days I have off because preceptorship is so tiring, but it’s good for me! It helps me relax and
stay more fit. I also find that when I exercise and stick to a good routine with it, I feel a lot more awake
and alert throughout the entire week. I hope to add some Zumba courses in the future because I enjoy
that as well.
M O’C Fall 2018
Buddy Check-In Comments: (Note Key Comments from Conversation)

Leila – I remember how challenging last semester was for you and how it was difficult to make time for
sleep and exercise. Given this, I am really happy that you’ve chosen to focus on these EB
recommendations for your self-care journal! Even if you didn’t get 8 hours of sleep every night of the
week, I think it’s great that you managed to get at least 8 hours five nights and noticed a difference in
how you felt. Maybe it’s even a better starting point to set a goal of getting 8 hours of sleep 5/7 days of
the week; sometimes we set really high standards for ourselves and it can be difficult to achieve them.
I’m also glad to hear that you’re feeling/seeing a difference in your energy levels after doing Zumba and
Pilates. These are great ways to incorporate exercise in a fun, relaxing way and I look forward to seeing
what other physical and mental health benefits you notice as you continue to integrate these practices
into your week!

Week Description of intervention implemented this week (include frequency/length of time):

- Mindfulness/De-stressing Meditation (20min/day) during the week.
- - - 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes before bed.
- Daily practice of 4 sets of 4,7,8 breathing

Comments on Activity:

I did fairly well keeping up on sleep this week, but not so great on the exercise. I did exercise a couple
times this week, but not as much as last week or as much as I wanted. I was able to practice some
mindfulness meditation this week, though! I got a cold this week, which may have explained my not
being motivated to work out, but it also made me exhausted and stressed all week. Besides my cold, I
often carry more stress with me than I should so I was interested in finding a way to reduce my stress
levels every day. I started trying meditation this week and while it has not been easy, I think it has been
good for me! It is hard for me to clear my mind during sessions and to truly let go of tension/stress, but
the meditation has been helping. A friend of mine suggested a certain set of YouTube videos that I use
to help guide my meditation and they have helped! I am also exploring some other videos on my own to
see what works best. Pairing these mediation videos with daily 4,7,8 breathing we have learned has so
far been helping. By the end of this week I have felt a lot clearer-minded and focused as well as less
tense. I hope to keep practicing this more every week as I can.

Buddy Check-In Comments: (Note Key Comments from Conversation)

Hi Leila! I’m sorry to hear that you felt extra stressed this week. I wouldn’t worry about not getting
exercise – when you’re sick you don’t want to over-tax the body. If you’re feeling up to it this week,
maybe you could try out a 15-30 minute stroll around your neighborhood. Keep it slow though.
Researchers have some interesting studies that show moderate aerobic exercise can boost immune
activity and improve recovery from illness! I’m glad to hear that you’re trying some meditation.
Although I haven’t been successful with meditation myself, I have many friends and family members
who use it almost daily to help maintain their mental health. The YouTube videos sound like a great
place to start! If you’re interested in trying another platform too, I would recommend the mobile app
Headspace. I look forward to hearing about the progression of your meditation practice!

Week Description of intervention implemented this week (include frequency/length of time):

- 2, 45-minute Pilates sessions

M O’C Fall 2018

- 20 minute neighborhood walk with dog
- 20-minute mindfulness mediation sessions at least three days of the week
- - - 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening

Comments on Activity:

I am feeling much better this week after getting over my cold! I was still tried and stressed from
preceptorship this last week in addition to my 8-hour shadowing experience, but I don’t feel as gross as
last week. I took a little walk like Allie suggested earlier in the week and then later in the week I was
able to get workouts and meditation in, which was a big goal of mine. I was not as good at getting
enough sleep in each night this week, so I should work on that more for next week. Overall, I really felt
that getting some physical activity in as well as some meditation helped. It helped balance my personal
life as well because my boyfriend both worked out with me and did some meditations with me. It was
nice and also convenient to be able to get those things done while also spending time with him. So while
the sleep front was not as accomplished, the mental and physical health parts of my life looked a little
better. I downloaded Headspace like Allie suggested and I liked it a lot better than YouTube! This is a
really handy tool for me to use and I plan to explore it more – thank you!

Buddy Check-In Comments: (Note Key Comments from Conversation)

Hi Leila! It sounds like even with the challenge of recovering from your cold and being extra busy you
did a great job of prioritizing some self-care activities this week! I was excited to hear that you got your
boyfriend to workout with you – I think this is such a great way to make exercise enjoyable. I know for
me I am always more motivated to work out when I have someone to do it with me. I’m glad you are
enjoying Headspace so far too; I think if you continue to use it, even once a week, you might gain some
skills to help clear and calm your mind. Overall it sounds like you’re on track with your self-care
activities. I look forward to hearing how it goes now that you have more time after finishing
preceptorship. Hopefully it’ll be easier to achieve better sleep. If you want to try getting your of your
neighborhood, the Rillito River path is an especially beautiful place to walk this time of year!

Week Description of intervention implemented this week (include frequency/length of time):

- 1, 45-minute Pilates session
- 3, 20 minute neighborhood walks with dog
- 2, 45-minute yoga sessions

Comments on Activity:

This week was busy! I managed to get a bit of exercise in, which is good, but I didn’t do any
mindfulness meditation, which was a bit of a bummer. I wanted to keep it up as a more regular part of
my schedule, but it kind of fell by the wayside this week. I’m hoping to incorporate more next week
because I really felt that it had been helping! Life is just so busy and my mind can feel so scattered with
everything going on. Meditation helped ground me a bit and be a little more in the moment. If anything,
this week showed me how much I valued having the meditation be part of my schedule, so that is good!
I think I want to try mixing spending time in nature with my meditation, though. The weather has been
so nice! I was thinking I could try meditation when I go on walks with my dog. It would be really nice
to get more time out in the sun before it hits 100. Otherwise, I am still glad that I got better physical
activity in. I feel that I have so much more energy during the week when I workout!

M O’C Fall 2018

Buddy Check-In Comments: (Note Key Comments from Conversation)

Hi Leila! I think it’s great that this week’s experience helped you realize how beneficial meditation has
been for you; it’s important to come to this realization in your own time because it will be more
motivating than having someone else tell you how good it is for you! I also love the idea of blending
time outdoors with mindfulness meditation. Part of why I love running so much is that it gives me time
away from social media, communication, and all my responsibilities. The ability to just be in the
moment and think about what I am feeling and what I am experiencing outside is really grounding and
definitely helps me maintain my physical AND mental health. I think your idea for walking with your
dog is great – I look forward to hearing about how it goes 

Week Description of intervention implemented this week (include frequency/length of time):

- 2, 45-minute yoga sessions
- 2, 30-minute walks with the dog through the neighborhood including 10-minute mindfulness
meditation sessions during each

Comments on Activity:

This week I was able to work in my goal of including mindfulness meditation in with my walks! It was
nice and my dog, Meeko, really appreciated getting out of the house as well. Due to this, I felt a lot
more grounded despite it being a rather busy week. I am really looking forward to Spring Break next
week, though, as I think this will be a good opportunity to get some relaxing and self-care in. I have a
trip planned with some girls from the cohort and I think we are all really excited to finally have a bit of
time off! My goal is to include some mindfulness mediation next week too, despite it being a vacation
week. These last two weeks showed me how important it is to include mediation in my schedule even if
some weeks it can only be fit in a couple times rather than every day.

Buddy Check-In Comments: (Note Key Comments from Conversation)

Hi Leila – it sounds like you had a good week and were able to incorporate some great self-care
techniques. I am really awed by your intention to continue meditation over break. I personally find it
difficult to maintain my self-care practices when I’m on any sort of vacation. You make a great point
though that when we observe something having a noticeable impact on our health and wellbeing, we
should prioritize it and ensure we maintain it in our schedules. I’ve noticed a huge maturation in your
self-care “toolbox” over the past 6 weeks and am sure these skills will continue to benefit you
throughout your life. Keep up the great work!

Week Description of intervention implemented this week (include frequency/length of time):

- 5.4 mile uphill and strenuous hike of Angel’s Landing (3-4 hrs?)
- 1 hour walk through Antelope Canyon
- 5 days of a good friend vacation :)
- Two, 10-minute mindfulness meditation sets

Comments on Activity:

M O’C Fall 2018

This last week was Spring Break and a much-needed self-care week. Things have been hectic with
COVID, University rescheduling, class work, and general stress, but this last week’s break was so
beneficial. As well as some relaxing, we were able to get a lot of good physical activity in during our
vacation and it was really nice! Not only was it a workout, but we were spending time together and in
nature. I came back from the trip a little tired, but internally refreshed! I feel that half of the self-care
this week was just letting my stress go and having a good time with my friends, a self-care activity I had
not really thought of before. Including exercise and mediation should help with my stress as well as
making sure that I not only make time for myself to see my friends but give myself unapologetic
permission to do so. I often feel guilty spending time relaxing and seeing friends because it feels
indulgent, but I’ve come to the realization that socializing is an important part of my self-care. I enjoy
seeing my friends and feel reenergized after it. I am an extroverted person and letting myself be that
way is part of taking care of myself.

Buddy Check-In Comments: (Note Key Comments from Conversation)

Leila, I am so glad you had a wonderful week! Taking the time to relax with friends & family is
something I personally value very much in my own life. I find that it helps me decompress and reminds
me of the things I love/motivates me to keep working hard to reach my goals. I understand the feeling of
guilt, or rather, the feeling that you should be working instead of having fun. However, I hope you
remember that it is important to balance our lives. This includes all the things we normally talk about
such as exercise, diet, sleep, work, etc., but as my mom likes to remind me, it’s also important to
incorporate “play” no matter your age. I hope you continue to include fun activities and time to
socialize, because in the long run I think it will help you maintain your individuality, happiness, drive,
and love for life that you always seem to radiate!

Week Description of intervention implemented this week (include frequency/length of time):

- 1, 45-minute Pilates session
- 20-minute neighborhood walk with dog
- 20-minute mindfulness mediation sessions at least three days of the week
- - - 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening
- 1, 45-minute yoga session
- 1-hour baking session **I made banana bread :)

Comments on Activity:

All in all, this quarantine experience may be stressful and very disruptive, but it certainly has allowed
me more time for self-care! I find that being home all the time motivates me to find ways to take breaks
and take care of myself! I do not feel that I am as efficient in school work as I should be (it’s so easy to
get distracted…), but I do feel that I am better about finding time to take for myself whether that be
leaving the house for a walk or doing yoga or baking. I am trying to enjoy the time at home as much as I
can to make the best out of everything. I think I just need to find ways to make sure that I am also
productive about doing my schoolwork. So far, I have been getting everything done, but I just feel that it
takes me extra long to do it because I am not focusing. Luckily the CON has sent out some tips to help
with that and I have tried Googling some to see if any of the suggested things can help me focus better
while at home. I don’t have an office or anywhere where I can shelter myself from distractions, but if I
can try learning some stronger self-discipline that may help 😊 This time presents new challenges for
everyone, but if we can make the best of it, we can learn, grow, and come out stronger than when we
went in.
M O’C Fall 2018
Complete Survey Below
(Once Completed submit entire document to D2L Assignment Drop box by Due date and add to Your

Reflection on Panopto presentation and 8-week intervention:

What did these activities teach you?

These activities have taught me so much! I feel that “self-care” was just a phrase tossed around at me
before doing this activity, but now I have learned to take it more seriously and appreciate it. I have
learned to make taking care of myself a more permanent regular of my life and it has helped me be a
healthier person. I have learned that self-care activities ARE helpful and that things I would have never
considered trying before, such as meditation, are actually things that I find peaceful and grounding.

Have you noticed any changes in your life since you began this intervention?

I have noticed a lot of change in my life since beginning this intervention. I have found that I am overall
less stressed and that I feel clearer minded during the days. I feel that I usually have more energy and I
actually take pride in myself for taking care of myself. Before the assignment, taking care of myself
filled me with guilt which was so toxic. I was tired and burnt out, but whenever I tried to take care of
myself, I felt badly about it as though I was indulging and being unproductive. Now I understand that
self-care is a priority and is never something to feel guilt about. In fact, it is something to take pride in. I
have found that my life is so much happier now that I have learned to give myself the time I need to be

Will you do anything differently now? Please explain.

I think that now I just plan to incorporate more self-care into my life as a permanent thing. I also plan to
share what I have learned with others and hopefully inspire them to take care of themselves too. I never
want to feel guilty for taking care of myself again. Ever. That is a strong life goal of mine now. I never
realized how toxic the way I was living my life was before and I don’t plan on ever going back to that
Leila. This new Leila who prioritizes herself, and by doing so prioritizes others (you can’t care for
others if you do not care for yourself), is a stronger, more confident, and more caring person. Caring for
myself has also giving me greater empathy for those who don’t care for themselves now. I know so
many people who overwork themselves and feel guilty for taking time off. My goal is to recognize those
people and help them realize that taking care of themselves is necessary, not an indulgence


Maybe give more ideas for self-care items in the above instructions section of this document? I feel that
when I was getting started with this journal, I needed more of a push to look for new and creative ideas
for self-care. Having more ideas already listed as examples might be helpful 😊

Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with these statements:
M O’C Fall 2018
Following an evidence-based recommendation to reduce burnout was valuable to me.

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
5 4 3 2 1

This 8-week intervention will help me implement preventative strategies for burnout in my career.

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
5 4 3 2 1

This Panopto presentation titled: “Nurse Burnout: What this is and how you can minimize it in your careers”
effectively taught me how I can reduce and address nurse burnout in my career.

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
5 4 3 2 1

Completing the Big Five Personality Test was helpful for exploring my risk of nurse burnout.

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
1 2 3 4 5

M O’C Fall 2018

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