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The 'CAN' project is a simple program for the STM32F103RBT6

using Keil 'MCBSTM32' Evaluation Board and demonstrates

the use of the CAN peripheral.

Example functionality:
- Clock Settings:
- XTAL = 8.00 MHz
- SYSCLK = 72.00 MHz
- HCLK = SYSCLK = 72.00 MHz
- PCLK1 = HCLK/2 = 36.00 MHz
- PCLK2 = HCLK = 72.00 MHz
- ADCLK = PCLK2/6 = 12.00 MHz
- SYSTICK = HCLK/8 = 9.00 MHz

- CAN controller speed: 500 kbits

- send converted analog value in first byte in CAN message
- display received and transmitted byte values on LCD display

This example shows how to use CAN peripheral and how to

simulate analog input in uVision.

You may change the value of analog input with potentiometer

The CAN example is available in different targets:

Simulator: - configured for software Simulator
MCBSTM32: - runs from Internal Flash located on chip
(used for production or target debugging)

- to use this example on real CAN network remove
CAN_testmode line from CanDemo.c file

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