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The DiSC assessment tool revealed information about me I most likely would not have

recognized. The DiSC assessment tool measured my personality and behavior styles. This tool

has the ability to improve productivity, teamwork, leadership, and communication.

The DiSC assessment focuses on self-awareness and personal effectiveness. My highest

DiSC assessment is Conscientiousness. According to the assessment, I most likely work steadily

within existing circumstances to ensure quality and accuracy. Those with “high C’s” like to be

precise and keep their focus on key details while working in an environment that values quality

and accuracy. My Classical Profile Pattern is the Objective Thinker Pattern. I have a tendency to

display a great ability to think logically. I am adamant about finding the right answer and doing

so using facts and data. It is imperative, to me, to have clear and accurate answers. The ultimate

goal of an objective thinker is correctness. We influence others by the use of facts, data, and

logical arguments. Also, we find ourselves judged others by their ability to think logically. I am

very discreet with expressing my feelings and get very worrisome of publicly failures. So, I

spend a lot of time and effort with preparing and being sure I have the correct answers.

The DiSC assessment made me realize how much self-awareness I have and where I must

improve to reach my desired goal of emotional and social intelligence as well as self-awareness. .

The typical goal for a high C is to achieve superior results. This is true for myself. However, I

believe this can affect my ability to be self-assured and my self-awareness. This is because if I do

not reach my standards for achieving goals, I tend to get discouraged and frustrated. the DiSC

assessment gave me the realization that I need to work on my weakness of sensitivity and not

allow myself to get flustered over petty difficulties or obstacles. Another weakness this

assessment brought to my attention that I certainly have is worrying. I over analyze always. Due

to my excessive worrying, I get bogged down with over analyzing everything. This ends up
leading to frustrations that consume my emotions, time, and motivation. To overcome my

weaknesses as a leader, I need to get a an even better handle on my emotions and not allowing

myself to get flustered or fixated on being “right” so easily as this will hinder my performance,

social awareness, my self-management, my influence, and my steadiness.

At the end of the MAOL program, I retook the DiSC assessment and I was high in the

consciousness dimension again but I was also high in the Dominance dimension. The skills and

knowledge I obtained from this program changed my style for the better. The Dominance and

consciousness dimensions work together. Those who are strong in the Dominance dimension

likes to take action to achieve the results desired. I like to be accurate but I also have the ability

to make quick decisions. I used to absolutely hate change and try to avoid change. At the end of

this program, the DiSC assessment revealed that I now seek unique accomplishments and

innovative solutions. The weaknesses that the DiSC assessment made me realize is that I get

frustrated too easily when I don't meet my high standards and can possibly take it out on my

colleagues. I expect everyone to live up to MY high personal standards and when they don't, I

can become so irritated that I may be painfully blunt and condescending towards my colleagues

that I feel are not pulling their weight.

In conclusion, I believe my DiSC assessment changed slightly from the beginning of this

program to the end because of the knowledge and leadership skills I obtained throughout this

program. The program brought me to the realization that change is inevitable and necessary for

an organization to be successful. I now look forward to finding new innovative ways or solutions

because I find it interesting and the program motivated me to be embrace change a little bit more

than I otherwise would have.

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