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490 SOCIETY PROCEEDINGS establishment of transference, underlining the significance of the analytic situation, even exaggerating it deliberately. Fortunately, men of this class are mostly intelligent and imaginative. They experience a re- unfolding of their life and a comprehension of the infantile situation. The patient grasps the greater importance of the intrapsychic reality in comparison with the actual reality, He experiences a strengthening of the Ego, which has seen through the criminal tendencies of the Id and the shams of the Super-Ego. ‘The patient becomes freer, more cheerful and self-assured. There is a progressive emancipation. And most con- clusive of all is the fact that pollutions and pollution dreams cease and the patient awakes with powerful erections. In line with Abraham's interpretation of ejaculatio praecox, Dr. Steiner considers the many pollutions with relaxed member which occur at the beginning of the analysis as the organic correlate of feminine identifica- tion, Erections, on the other hand, are organic counterparts of pro- gressive masculine identification. The patient also regards this as signifi- cant, inasmuch as he has an opportunity of observing the genesis of the organic symptom from psychic material. In conclusion, it is emphasized that modification of the analytic treat- ment is, by no means, recommended for severe cases of neurosis ® Fantcuzr, Orro (Berlin). The Psychology of Transvestitism, According to Freud the fetishist does not accept the lack of the penis in women, while the homosexual substitutes identification with her for his love for his mother. These two formulze are both applicable to the male transvestitist. He has not abandoned his belief in the phallic woman and he has identified himself with her. Accordingly, the act of trans- vestitism has a two-fold significance. 1. It is an erotic act having refer- ence to an object (fetishistic). ‘The patient has sexual relations not with a woman but with her clothes. 2. Tt is narcissistic (homosexual). The patient is himself representing a phallic woman. ‘The penis is represented twice over: (a) im the form of the actual organ beneath the feminine dress; (b) im the dress itself, which symbolizes the penis and, like the real penis in exhibitionism, is displayed with narcissistic pride in refuta- tion of the idea of castration. It is true that the narcissistic regression expressed in this identification goes far further than that of the homo- sexual. In this identification with the phallic woman the patient is, more- over, secking for new objects. (1) the homosexual, seeking the father, to whom he says something like this: “Love me; I am just as phallic as my mother,” or more correctly, “Love me, as you do my mother. It is not true that by this desire of mine I place my penis in jeopardy.” But he also seeks (2) the mother. For the most important accidental factor in the situation is that the identification with the woman generally takes the form of identification with a little girl, the mother ® Full paper in Int. Zeit. f. Psa, 16, 35, 1930. Aegrocnd wh amino lt opt oe, Fetter elven ped wipro

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