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Who inspires you?

Why heroes, role models, and mentors matter by Dyan deNapoli

Dyan deNapoli‘s speech about heroes, role models and mentors discussed how they helped her,

motivated her and inspired her to overcome her insecurities and her struggles. Further along her speech,

she explained how without her role models and mentors she wouldn‘t have been able to make it and

would‘ve had a very difficult time trying to achieve her goals. In my opinion, I really enjoyed her speech

and appreciated the fact that, she managed to make it interesting and stick to the subject. Personally, I

don‘t believe that I have a role model, but the speech given by Dyan deNapoli and her story about how

much she was inspired by the people she mentioned made me consider what type of impact a role

model would have on my life and my decisions. In general , i thought the speaker‘s presentation skills

were great, as well as her manner of speaking and the visuals she presented. For me, it doesn‘t really

matter how a presenter acts, just as long as they make it interesting and attention-worthy.

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