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Cloud computing environments can run on existing hardware infrastructures. Businesses can make the
switch from traditional to cloud computing without any costly upgrades or additions to existing


Cloud computing environments enable businesses to scale their compute and storage needs up on an
as-needed basis, which can keep costs low. Additionally, the cloud architecture moves IT spending
from capital to operating expenditures, which makes it easier on the books and simpler to justify.
Costs are directly aligned with a business’ usage, so they’re also easy to predict.


An agile business is a successful business, and agility is gained from high levels of automation. Cloud
computing services are designed to be heavily automated and self-provisioning, giving end-users the
ability to quickly scale their needs up and down without any manual intervention. Businesses have the
ability to more quickly respond to customer demands, which improves service and responsiveness.


When designed properly, cloud computing offers the benefit of portable applications. Business
applications and data can be moved from traditional computing infrastructure to the cloud and back
again without any difficulty, giving businesses flexibility in how they use and manage applications
and data. They can get the best of both traditional and cloud environments.


Cloud computing gives businesses the ability to enable employees to gain access to data and
applications from anywhere, making them more productive when on the go.


The automation built into cloud computing requires less work on the part of IT, so resources and
budgets can be freed up to focus on core competencies. A business runs on IT, but managing IT
should be as easy and streamlined as possible. Cloud computing offers such flexibility.”


Following are the benefits of using intelligent techniques for knowledge management;
 The data will be stored more efficiently ad coherently for future reference purposes.
 It can help establishing newer markets.
 New demands can be introduced and market analysis can be done efficiently.
 The  knowledge is handled well and can be rotated among employees fr motivation and data
transfer for achievement of goals purposes.”


Here are some essential tools:-

 Data warehouse: a database that stores current and historical data from core operational
transactional systems for use in management analysis, but this data cannot be altered.

 Data mart: A subset of a data warehouse in which a summarized or highly focused portion of
the organization's data is placed in a separate database for a specific population of users.

 -Business intelligence (BI) tools: Data analysis tools used for consolidating, analyzing, and
accessing vast stores of data to help in decision making, such as software for database query
and reporting, tools for multidimensional data analysis (online analytical processing), and
data mining.”


BI(Business Intelligence) is a set of processes, architectures, and technologies that convert raw data
into meaningful information that drives profitable business actions.It is a suite of software and
services to transform data into actionable intelligence and knowledge.

BI has a direct impact on organization's strategic, tactical and operational business decisions. BI
supports fact-based decision making using historical data rather than assumptions and gut feeling.

BI tools perform data analysis and create reports, summaries, dashboards, maps, graphs, and charts to
provide users with detailed intelligence about the nature of the business.”

A hotel owner uses BI analytical applications to gather statistical information regarding average
occupancy and room rate. It helps to find aggregate revenue generated per room.

It also collects statistics on market share and data from customer surveys from each hotel to decides
its competitive position in various markets.

By analyzing these trends year by year, month by month and day by day helps management to offer
discounts on room rentals.”

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