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Patented Nov. 23, 1926. UNITED STATES 1,608,359 PATENT OFFICE. SERGIO M. BIASON, OF STA. BARBARA, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, SOUNTAIN PEN AND ATTACHMENT. Application fled January 30, 1926, Serial No, 85,008. ‘The object of this invention is to provide, in connection with the barrel of a fountain pen, a tubular element constituting a barrel through which a missile may be fired. 5A further object is to provide a device which may be readily carried by the owner, and which will not attract attention, but which shall effectively serve double purpose intended. ‘A further object js to provide a trigger and hammer which will also serve as a clip by means of which the device may be carried. A further object isto provide a particular firing pin, and a safety Tock therefor, With the foregoing and other objects in view, the invention consists in the novel con- struction and arrangement of elements de- scribed, illustrated and claimed, it being un- + derstood that modifications may be made 20 within the scope of the claims, without de- parting from the spirit of tho invention. In the drawings forming part of this ap- plication, a Figure‘ shows the.construetion in 25 tudinal section Figute 2 is a transverse section on line 2-2 of Figure 1. . Figure 3,is a view in elevation, a portion of the construction of Figure 1 being broken away. Figure 4 is a detail view showing the ear- tridge ehells. . . In carrying out my invention, I provide a pen and holder of usual commercial type, 3 these elements being shown conventionally, and the pen being

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