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vam> Pasadena ISD: Grade 3 Science 3.10B Plant Life Cycles Quick Check 1. What is a life cycle? A bike you ride to school How living things move locations Orderly stages of development of an organism When living things defend themselves vam> 2. Which stage of a plant life cycle are seeds produced? During a seed's germination in the ground When the plant grows a flower When the fruit is growing After the fruit falls to the ground 3. Which picture is NOT part of a plant's life cycle? 4, What happens during germination? A The plant starts to grow from a seed. B The young plant gets bigger. C The plant makes seeds D The flower grows and produces fruit. 5. What happens when the life cycle is complete? A The plant makes new flowers B Nothing C Fruit drops to the ground and the seeds make new plants D The same seed continues to make new plants: 6. Complete the graphic organizer with the best response below, Parts of the Seed Seed Coat Embryo. a The outer layer The young plant Supplies what the protecting the seed seed needs to begin to grow or germinate A Water B Soil C Food D Sunlight 7. Choose the correct order of a plant life cycle. (Use the space below to sketch it out if needed) Seed, mature plant, plant with fruit Seed, mature plant, young plant, plant with flowers, plant with fruit C. Seed, young plant, plant with fruit, plant with flowers D. Seed, young plant, mature plant, plant with flowers, plant with fruit o>

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