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To: Professor Marchesseault

From: Diego Bustamante

Subject: Professional Brand Narrative

Date: 3/19/2020


As requested, this document contains the analysis from the OLCE evaluation from earlier this semester.
This document contains my own personal results in comparison to the thoughts of my peers in the
following areas: PeopleStyles, Cultural Map, Core values, and areas I can improve. The results showed
me that my personal image of myself translates well to others, but that I also need to work on being
engaged in all work-oriented activities, and to further strive to be my authentic self to everyone.


First, my self-assessment and peer responses both labeled me as an Amiable. In addition, both of my
composite responsiveness and composite assertiveness scores were low for both my self-assessment
and my peer responses, showing that I am flexible in the way I work and how I engage with teammates.
This all means that the way I communicate, lead, persuade, and other facets of the Cultural Maps can
flex depending on my work environment and what I feel is best for the team.

Cultural Maps

Overall, my scores for the cultural maps were consistent with my self-assessment. The only significant
difference was my score for the evaluating category. The average of my peers was a point and a half
above what I scored on my self-assessment; Therefore, my peers say that I prefer to give indirect
negative feedback in order to minimize hurt feelings, which is something I am well aware about myself.

This variance likely occurred because I only give direct negative feedback as a near last resort. This
means those situations do not occur often, leading my peers to say that I prefer an indirect form, since I
am not an advocate for confrontation. This also shows in how my peers described my core values.

Core Values

One of my biggest core values is how I want to treat everyone with respect, and that reflected strongly
in what my peers had to say about me. A few of the common themes from the responses were
positivity, integrity, and respectfulness. The comments that resonated with me that I didn’t have on my
self-evaluation were the comments about how I try to make sure everyone feels included. It is an innate
trait of mine that I tend to overlook, which explains why it was not on my self-evaluation. Though I am
happy with what my peers had to say about my core values, there are still areas in which I can improve.
Areas for Improvement

Generally, my peers say that people perceive me as professional, caring, and hard working. One
response mentioned that it is evident when I am not interested in something, and another said that I
sometimes may behave differently with different people and groups. The best way I can develop those
traits is by making a conscious effort to stay engaged in situations that I find nonimportant or unfulfilling
because it may be very important to my teammates, or anyone I’m working with.

Those two responses above are the ones I found surprising, not because they aren’t true, but because I
am somewhat aware of them. I did not think that others were able to pick up on those specific qualities
and showed me the areas where I can improve moving forward. This leads me to address the lessons I
learned from the assignment: To be engaged and respectful at all times, and to continue to strive to be
as authentic as possible with every person I interact with.

The information in this document contains the analysis of my self-assessment in comparison to the
answers given from my peers. This paper compared my results for PeopleStyles, Cultural Maps, Core
Values, and the areas I can improve. I learned that I must always be aware of my level of engagement,
and to make sure I display the same level of my personality to everyone. If you have any questions, feel
free to contact me at

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