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In recent times there has been a lot of talk about the COVID19.

With multiple countries infected

and being declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The United Kingdom’s officials
decided that schools should not be closed as of 26th of february.
As the situation already advanced we can see in retrospect that such a decision was not
necesarly beneficial, with a current of 1372 infected and 35 dead. In my opinion all major infection-
spreading media should be closed (with the obvious exception of hospitals) in order to prevent further
infections and stop the diseas a.s.a.p..
First of all, the disease can easly spread between pupils via secretions. Due to the kids
unreliable hygiene such secretions can be sure to stick arund for enough time to infect others. As such
keeping the children in close proximity to one another(like in a classroom) would only accentuate the
Furthermore the teachers are perfect vectors for the desease due to the high amount of students
they come in contact with. One sick kid can only infect his classmates but a sick teacher can spread the
disease to up to 6 more classes(not to talk about other teachers).
In conclusion I think the best decision for now is for the schools to stay closed until the danger

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