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Dear Amanda,

For the past few months, I have been working on a project during this project I have been

studying wolverines. The last time we talked we were discussing how we know God created

everything, so I decided to use this project to help me explain how we know God created

everything. On the sixth day of creation God created animals, and among these animals are

wolverines. Not many people know or care about wolverines, but they are here on earth.

From my studies I have learned that wolverines live in snow filled areas. Wolverines

were created to live in snow. When God created wolverines, He made them with very large paws

that help them move quickly across snow, and sharp teeth that helps them when fighting or

consuming prey. Without these paws’ wolverines wouldn’t be able to catch animals for food, due

to them sinking in the snow. Sometimes wolverines have lean years which affects the meat they

find, but because of their sharp teeth they can find bones and get nutrients from eating the bones.

Without these teeth wolverines would starve. It would be hard for wolverines to live and

flourish. If God did not create them with these features’ wolverines could possibly have gone

extinct years before. God carefully made wolverines so they could thrive on their own.

In Psalms 8:6-9 it says” You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put

everything under their feet: all flocks and herds, and the animals of the wild, the birds in the sky,

and the fish in the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas. Lord, our Lord how majestic is your

name in all the earth!” This tells us that God created everything under us, and that he sent

animals to rule over the land he created. It also says that his name is in all the earth, meaning

there is no other who could create the earth, and in everything we can see God’s creation.
Wolverines have delayed implantation in their genes. This allows the females to delay

their pregnancy if there is any stress of the baby surviving. This cannot just appear out of a big

bang, someone had to create wolverines this way. If female wolverines didn’t have delayed

implantation babies would be born and then would die, due to the lack of food. This would cause

the population to slowly decline and possibly go extinct, therefor God created them with this trait

in their genes.

God’s omnipotence, all powerful, shows in wolverines because he created them in his

image and perfectly. We are not perfect because we sin, but we were created perfectly by the all-

powerful King. Without God’s power there would be nothing, only darkness. God’s power is

shown in everything around us.

Because I am a Christian, I believe that God created everything from nothing, and

that he spoke everything into existence. Wolverines were specially created for the way of life

God wanted them to live. Wolverines are not like any other animal, and God created them

specifically and perfectly. In Genesis 1:27 it says,” So God created mankind in his own image, in

the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Everything God created

was for a purpose, and he had a plan for it.

I hope this helps explain how we know God was the creator. I hope all is well

with you and your family. Maybe we can talk about this another time, I would love to go deeper

into this topic.

Your Friend,

Kennedy Cooper

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