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Antonio Losciale started studying piano as self-taught at the age of eight until he

enrolled at “U.Giordano” Conservatorie of Foggia (Italy), attending the traditional

course for eight years. Subsequently he enrolled at “L. D'Annunzio” Conservatoire
of Pescara (Italy), obtaining the bachelor’s degree with honours. During his studies
he attended several yearly high improvement courses such as those held by pianists
Lorenzo Di Bella, Giuliano Mazzoccante and Nazzareno Carusi. He also took part as
effective student in numerous masterclasses held by international pianists such as
Enrico Pace, Orazio Maione, Lorenzo Di Bella, Elżbieta Tarnawska, Siavush Gadjiev,
Fanny Solter and Milena Mollova.
In 2012 selected by “L.D'Annunzio” Conservatoire of Pescara, he held the evening
solo concert “Feux d'artifice”, playing pieces of Ravel, Chopin and Debussy, on the
occasion of the 150 years of C. Debussy's birth, in range of the “Pomeriggi
Musicali” in Teramo (Italy), where every years the most representative students of
all Italian Conservatories are invited to perform.
Habitually selected into the academic environment, he performed both as a soloist
and in chamber music ensembles, also taking part in orchestral projects in various
cities and foundations. In July 2014 he settled in the UK, after joining the Trinity
Labian Conservatoire of Music and Dance in London, supported by Trinity Laban
Hardship Fund and Music Students Hostel Trust, where is currently completing a
MMus under the tutelage of Gabriele Baldocci.
In September of the same year he held a lunchtime concert at Old Royal Naval
College Chapel in London, playing music by Liszt, Rachmaninoff and Ravel.
Besides studying and performing, he works as a piano teacher at WKMT Academy
in West Kensington, London.

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