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Pre-Reading Tactics (page 84)

A. Look at the title:

I think the author tells of ambivalent feelings that we can see in the text, he is confused
whether he should be jealous of his siblings and think of him as a competitor/ rival or feel
proud of the achievements of his siblings.

B. Understand the author’s point of view:

C. Vocabulary Awareness
In most families brothers and sisters compete for thing such as attention and
parents’ love. If this competition among sibling becomes real rivalry then life at home is
not very pleasant for the competing sibling. Yet in most cases sibling have an ambivalent
feeling on one hand they love their brother or sister and on the other hand they feel
jealous of him/her. Sometimes later in life, when they are adults, the ambivalent feeling
produce both envy and pride in the success of the other sibling.

Post Reading Activities (page 86)

A. Understand the relationships.

1. What is the reader told about the brother?
- He work in a quiet office
- He is 38 years old
2. What is the reader told about the writer of the article?
- The writer feel the rivalry is more than other sibling.
- They enjoying personal and intellectual pursuit of their own.
3. What is the reader told about their parents?
- They really outrageous and bias when their children achieved something
- They can really outrage at their failings sins
4. What is the reader told about other sibling in the family?
- The sibling rivalry is not define anything for him and he is love family.
B. Evaluate (page 87)
1. The writer mention in paragraph two that he can feel his brother enthusiasm through
the phone. Because when the writer brothers tell him if he will release his book the
writers feel that his hairs on his arms stood and he also want to scream, cheer, jump
and tell the world about his brother success.
2. Because a dog when their owner start to petting another dogs because he can do
something they will get very jealousy. In this case the writer also feel jealous because
they know that his brother book will be published.
3. He suggests himself that the rivalry will be two sided. And he try to persuade himself
that his brother will read his book like he do to him.
4. He considers that envy and jealousy will ruin the relationship not competition.
5. He will try his best to free of sibling rivalry by make himself wonder if he is different
from his brother.

6. Talk About (page 87)

I only have one brother, he is named Habibi. The age of my older brother is 7
years older than me, he always cares about me, in the past when my brother was in high
school and I was in elementary school, every day my brother had to take me to school
first. In the past I was always bullied by my classmates because I was fat and has dark
skin, suddenly my brother realized that if I always cried after school, my brother always
asked why but I never answered because I was afraid. My brother asked to my close
friend in class, since then my sister always drove me and clapped me in front of class and
always brought lollipop to all my friends in class. And as soon as that moment no one
bullied me again.
My parents are people who really understand me; they always give me everything
I need that sometimes I never realized before. I'm very close to my parents, because I'm
the last child I'm always (manja) with my parents, but my parents never (memanjakan)
me at all. My parents are parents who I respect very much and also my best friend when
I'm at home.

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