Tech Job Certifications in Demand

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Tech Job Certifications in Demand

It is no secret that possessing tech-related certifications significantly up your chances of

landing a tech job in the IT industry. According to an online survey conducted by IT Salary
Survey 2020, IDG Insider PRO, and Computer World, Professionals responded positively,
stating that their ROI increased because of their IT certifications.

There is also the fact that tech job certifications are independent endorsements which suggest
that, as an employee, you possess the necessary skills to take on a particular job or task. Since
numerous IT positions require a specific set of skills, knowledge of technical software and
procedure along with earning a credential in a specified area convinces employers of your
suitability for a role.
As such, deliberating on the most sought-after tech job certifications is crucial to landing the
desired position. Here’s a look at the ones topping the list.

1. Artificial Intelligence Certificate

The future of the IT industry rests on Artificial Intelligence and its constant development. An AI
certification would, therefore, guarantee a much-avowed salary package and the chance to
partake in the development of complex AI solutions to meet client needs. As an employee,
you would be expected to possess hands-on knowledge of AI-related automation, such as
Deep Learning and Machine Learning.
2. Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
The CCNA is a fairly easy, low-level certification that professionals can undergo to earn job
titles such as a Network Engineer, Network Administrator, or Systems Administrator. It
requires the understanding of installation procedures, the operating and configuration of
routers, etc. Cisco Certified Network Associates (CCNA) must be specialized in security,
voice, and wireless networking.

3. Project Management Professional (PMP)

Another bankable tech job certification is that of a Project Management Professional. Being
internationally recognized, this credential ensures that, as an employee, you understand the
universal language that is project management. Your expertise is hard-earned as it develops
after a series of simulation exams, practice tests, case studies, etc. related to the IT industry
and mentorship from influential leaders.
4. Cloud Computing Certification
Another fast-burgeoning technology – cloud computing with its unique features is taking the
IT industry by storm. Professionals with this certification are in high demand as companies
are constantly on the lookout for qualified employees. The AWS Certified Solutions
Architect or Associate is one that professionals could consider taking up in this regard.

5. Database Administrator (DBA)

This database certification involves installing, configuring, and maintaining of a Database
Management System linked to software platforms such as Oracle, MySQL, or SQL Server.
Database technology has matured much in terms of its integration in commercial, scientific,
and academic computing, and therefore, requires more administrators and developers than
ever before.
These tech job certifications are quite advantageous in the fact that both professionals, who
want to advance their career and upskill, as well as aspiring students, can take it up.

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