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Nama : Puji Astutik

NIM : P1337420319024
Kelas : 1 Reguler A

Resume About Novel Coronavirus

Coronavirus is a family of viruses that ranges from the common cold to
MERS coronavirus. Which is the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome and SARS,
the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome . Coronavirus circulates in animals and
some of these coronaviruses have the ability to transmit between animals and
humans. We call it the spillover event. There is no specific treatment for
coronavirus, but the symptoms can be treated
Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new corona virus which was
introduced to humans for the first time from person to person mainly through
droplets produced when an infected person talks, coughs or sneezes. These drops
can land on the mouths or noses of people nearby. these droplets are too heavy to
travel far in the air they only travel about one meter and quickly settle on the
surface. This is the reason for person to person spread mainly between close
The new corona virus can spread through respiratory drops, which are
fluids that may come out when we cough or sneeze. For this reason, it is very
important to avoid close contact with anyone who has a coughing fever or other
respiratory symptoms. Practically, we recommend keeping a distance of at least
one meter from the sick person. In addition, you should avoid shaking hands,
hugging or kissing people with these symptoms.
The way to protect yourself against potential animal sources is to avoid
unnecessary contact with animals and make sure that you wash your hands with
thoroughly after contact with animals and also to ensure that your meat is cooked
thoroughly before consumption. And I recommend to frequently clean your hands
by using alcohol-based hand sanitizing products, such as gel or washing your
hands with soap and water. When coughing and sneezing, cover your mouth and
nose with your elbows bent, like this, or use a tissue if you are using a tissue,
throw it immediately into a closed trash can. Avoid close contact with anyone
who has a fever and cough if you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing,
seek medical treatment early, and share information about your last trip with your
health care provider. If you only have mild respiratory symptoms and a certain
travel history, carefully follow the precautions that I just described; and make
sure you stay home until recovery. The exact time that the virus can survive on the
surface is unknown, so it's best to clean the surface regularly, especially around
people infected with COVID-19. Hands touch many surfaces that can be
contaminated by viruses. Therefore you should avoid touching your eyes, nose or
mouth because contaminated hands can move the virus from the surface to
yourself. This will get rid of the virus if you keep it healthy and prevent the spread
of COVID-19.
If you don't have respiratory symptoms such as fever, cough or runny
nose, you don't need to wear a medical mask like this, just a mask can give you a
feeling of protection that is wrong and can even be a source of infection when not
using a mask properly can only be used by health workers , nurses and sick
people, with symptoms such as fever and cough. Why? Because health care
workers and care workers are closely related to sick individuals, so they are at
higher risk for COVID-19. And sick people must wear masks to protect others
from small droplets that can come out when they cough or sneeze. So, for health
workers, nurses or individuals who have a fever and cough, here's how you use a
mask: before touching the mask, clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub
or soap and water. Check the mask for holes or holes. Verify which side is top.
Here comes the scrap metal. Identify the inside of the mask, which is usually the
white side. Put a mask on your face. Pinch a metal strip or rigid edge so that it
forms the shape of your nose, adjust the mask on your face that covers your mouth
and chin to make sure there is no gap between your face and the mask. Do not
touch the front of the mask when using it to avoid contamination if you
accidentally touch it, clean your hands. To remove the mask: remove the elastic
from the back, without touching the front, away from your face. Dispose of the
mask immediately in a closed place; and clean your hands. It is important not to
reuse masks. Change to a new one as soon as it is moist. And remember: the best
way to protect yourself from new coronavirus is to frequently clean your hands
with alcohol and rub or soap and water.
I have seen on social media that the new coronavirus outbreak has
triggered a lot of social stigma and discrimination. This is dangerous not only for
those who suffer, but for everyone. Stigma can isolate people. This can
encourage people to hide their illnesses to avoid discrimination and can even
prevent them from lifelong medical care. So, it is very important to avoid
stigmatization of people.
7 steps to prevent the spread of the virus
1. Wash your hands frequently
2. Avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose
3. Cover your cough with the bend of your elbow or tissue
4. Avoid crowded places
5. Stay at home if you feel unwell – even with a slight fever and cough
6. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early
– but call by phone first
7. Stay aware of the latest information from WHO

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