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Nama : Shinta Selvia

Prodi : S1 Keperawatan

1. Ache
 My sister cried because of a headache
 Today I didn’t go to school because of a headache

2. Blood Pressure
 My father has high blood pressure
 Blood pressure that is too high can cause a stroke

3. Operation
 Riko operation tomorrow
 Tomorrow my mom will give birth to my sister with a operation Caesar

4. Patient
 The patient in room 305 had internal medichine
 The patient in the rose room will be home soon

5. Symptom
 The doctor said I had the symptoms of DBD
 Heat is a symptom of fever

6. Temperature
 The temperature of my brother is very high
 The nurse was checking the temperature of my sister

7. Flu
 My brother and I are having flu
 Flu makes me hard to breathe
8. Infection
 Dadang died because of an infection
 Infection make my child have to be treated in a hospital

9. Illness
 The illness that I suffered was very seriouse
 This illness made me suffer

10. Wound
 This wound is very painful
 The wound on my father’s leg was very serious

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