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[MUSIC] User stories are meant to be written by

your client because your client usually knows what they want in the product.
However, the software product manager
often ends up writing user stories. This isn't because clients aren't
interested in specifying what their products should do. It's usually due to a lack
of experience,
or training, in creating user stories. This doesn't mean you shouldn't ask
your client to create user stories. It means that you and your development
team may be required to help them express their needs in user story form. That's
all well and good, but
when it comes down to it, you have to know how to write user stories
in such a way that they're useful. You could take a poorly conceived
requirement and put it into user story form, but that doesn't all of
a sudden make it a good requirement. So what makes a good user story? Well Morgan
is going to tell you all
about what makes a good requirement in the next module. So I'll just briefly touch
on what
makes a good User Story here. A good User Story is one which clearly outlines a
specific software
requirement in the product. We've established that much, but how? There's a
mnemonic first
thought of by Bill Wake, which is used in the industry a lot. Which can help you
what makes a good requirement. INVEST. I'll go through what each letter stands
for first, then explain it afterwards. The I stands for independent. The N stands
for negotiable. The V stands for valuable. The E stands for estimatable. The S
stands for small. And, the T stands for testable. What does the S in invest stand
for? A. Simple. B. Smart. C. Stable, or D. Small. The answer is D, small.
Requirements should certainly be simple,
but that's not the word we're looking for
here. Let's start with I for independent. When a user story is independent. It
means that it can be developed
separately from any other user story regardless of when it's implemented. This is
important because it allows
you to rearrange the development of your user stories. If two user stories are
related and dependent, you could combine them into
a single independent one. However, you'll need to balance this
against making two big a User Story. The N is for negotiable. This means that they
should be
general enough for your team and your client to work around
the implementation. Since it's possible that there is no
right implementation, don't focus on the specific, technical details of how
the requirement is to be satisfied. Instead, focus on the main,
important aspects of the requirement. Things could change, and that's okay. The V
for valuable means that each story should bring some sort of value to
the client, don't make fluffy, busy work. The E is estimatable. You should be able
to estimate how
long it will take to design and implement their requirement. If you can't estimate
long it takes to develop, you probably specified
what is called an Epic. I'll talk about what an Epic is
a little later in this lesson. S for small is related to the idea
that requirements should be estimated. However, even if you can estimate
how long something will take, that doesn't make it a good
requirement on its own. If you estimate needing three
months to develop a User Story. You're going to want to break
it down into smaller stories. User stories are meant to be small, because each user
story is meant to
be developed in a short time period. Besides, estimates should be more
certain with smaller stories. If you find yourself with a large story,
try to break it down as much as possible, or else you'll risk
wrestling with an Epic. Finally, T is for testable. Basically you need to verify
that every user story meets a certain set of criteria
before it can be considered done. This is usually achieved by defining and using
acceptance tests, which I'll
outline more in the next lesson. And that's INVEST. Independent, negotiable,
valuable, estimatable, small and testable. Now, I've mentioned a few times already
that we want to avoid creating EPICs. So, just what is an EPIC? As you might have
from the context, an Epic is a User Story that
is nearly insurmountable. An Epic certainly can't be
accomplished in a short time period. Epics are vague,
broad descriptions of a requirement. Epics make their way
into requirement backlogs even on the most mature
software development teams. How? Well, Epics are usually introduced
into projects at the very beginning when describing functionality
which is to be developed later on. When a client wants functionality
completed down the road. It can be difficult to know exactly
what that might look like or how it should be done. What usually happens is
a User Story is built, that outlines a general idea of
the functionality that the client wants. If you have taken the software process and
agile practices course,
think back on phases of development. Which phase, common to most processes, is the
one in
which an Epic would be first created? A. Specification phase. B. Architecture
design phase. C. Construction phase. Or D. Transition phase. The correct answer is
A. Specification phase. This is the phase in which requirements
are created and discussed with a client. The other phases constitute
work to be done later on. If you didn't take
the software processes and agile practices course, this is
something you'll learn more about there.

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